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Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ruling From Peace

     As I was praying today and having an amazing time in Father's presence He began to speak to me and told me the following:

     My son, speak unto my children the following words and listen carefully as you write them down. This is very important for you and them to know.

     My children, my beloved: How I long to gather you. Not to take you out of the world but to gather you unto myself and rule with you. I long to show you the goodness of my kingdom and the light of my glory; I long for you to know the exceeding greatness of my love toward you and for you to know my unending passion for you and all whom you love.

     I see my children, I see, I see. I know many of you are weary. Many are weak and tired and ready to give in. You have said in your hearts “What is the use? Why not just quit and give up? Why must we endure all these things?” I know every hurt, every discomfort, I know because I bore them for you.

     The reason that you are weary and worn is because you have labored for labor’s sake and not labored to enter into my rest. Most of you are trying to do the work and have not surrendered to being the work. You are my workmanship created to be the work and not do the work. You are trying to build a kingdom when you are the kingdom. You think you will enter in because of much labor when the way in is to rest in the work that was accomplished in you and to become intimate with me in this rest so that you may bear my fruit.

     Oh my beloved, don’t you know how I long for you sit with me in my throne and watch your problems disappear, lost in the glow of my love for you? Take a moment and take a deep breath and breathe in my presence. Can’t you feel me? Can’t you see me? Don’t you know I am always with you?

     I am changing you from a church that does into a church that is. You will go from feeding the hungry to being food for the hungry. You will become rest for the weary and health for the unhealthy. My kingdom is my presence. I live in you so wherever you are my kingdom is. You are the portals of heaven where sinners can look into your face and see me. You are the light of the world and I have placed you in this dark world to shine as lights.

     Don’t be afraid of the darkness. Keep your eyes on me. If your eye is single your whole body will be full of light. Focus on the light and look away from the darkness. Become the light and let those in darkness look upon you and be delivered.

     Many of you have gone here and there searching for the power to heal and deliver and have not realized that that power is inside you. Like it or not you are a river that flows. If you look at the light you will overflow with light. If you look at the darkness your banks will overflow with darkness. Look at the light my children. Look at the light.

     Do you want peace in your world? Look into the eyes of the Prince of Peace and stop looking at the destruction in the world caused by the Prince of darkness. There is more power in you than you could ever need but you can’t see it because you are looking for it outwardly instead of inwardly.

     In your heart is my secret dwelling place and I love meeting you there. Did I not say to sing and make melody in your heart unto the Lord? I live in your heart and when you make melody in your heart you make melody in my home. Fill our meeting place with love songs and we shall dance together there.

     Now you are asking what shall we do? I’m so delighted that you asked. It’s time to cast your cares upon me. It’s time to take my yoke and my burden. When I purchased you I didn't just buy your good days and your worship. I bought your problems, your dilemmas, your anxiety, your fears, your broken dreams and destructive habits. Did I know you had all of these? Yes I did, that’s why I bought you so that I could free you from these things. I counted the cost for you and gladly paid it with a price above and beyond the asking price. You are so worth it and this will be revealed to you in the eternity to come. So lay aside all these cares and worries. I am here to reveal myself to you as your Father. Yes I am your King and your Champion. Yes I am the Lord of the hosts of heaven and I am your commander in battle but I am also your Father, and you are my children.

     Listen closely. The Kingdom is a family. The Kingdom is a family. The Kingdom is a family. I planted a family in the earth to rule over it. The first family planted here failed. The last Adam brought forth a family of winners who will take over this world from East to West and from North to South.

     Don’t you see who you are my beloved? You are the family I sent into the world to overcome it and subdue it and to rule over it. I will rule with you and through you but you will only walk in the kingdom power when you understand the purpose of the kingdom. I rule from the throne inside you. Look no further than the Spirit that dwells within you for all you need. I am not in heaven that you should bring me down or down below that you should bring me up. I am inside you and ready to rule through and in you. You can rule the outside by surrendering to me inside. Give me the throne of your heart and I will establish my kingdom in you and then will begin to rule the things around you. Out of your heart flow the issues of life. When I take the throne of your heart I will assume the throne of your life. Sickness, disease, poverty and any other thing that troubles you will fall away from your life from inside out. The kingdom will advance from the throne inside you and fill the world around you.

     Understand my plan my children. Rest on the inside equals power on the outside. The force of my peace will be established in your hearts and then it will flow into all areas of your life. I planted a Garden of Eden in your hearts. It’s up to you to watch over it and let it grow. The tree of life is planted in the middle of the garden of your heart. Eat from it every day and live forever.

     The other tree still brings forth death. If you think you can be more like me through knowledge it will still bring forth darkness. You don’t need knowledge to be like me. I created you in my likeness and image. It’s not what you know. It’s who you know. A little child who knows me is more powerful than a scholar who only knows about me. Learn of me for I am meek and lowly. You don’t need great knowledge to know me.

     A child who can’t even read or write or speak is cared for by his Father who holds him in his arms and loves him. From the minute the child is born all the Father has belongs to the child. A Father doesn't hold his child and think of what can this child do for me? He holds him and says in his heart. “How can I build an inheritance for my child?” See how simple the kingdom is my children? It’s a Father in love with his children and children in love with their Father who wants to go adopt other children into his family to share his love with the world and to establish the family of God in the earth.

     Cast off your worries my beloved. Let me comfort you with my Spirit. Let me carry the load you are bearing. Let me show you of my goodness and give you bread to eat that you didn't labor for and water to drink from the well of life. Let me lead you to green pastures and cause you rest beside the cool waters all provided by my love for you. Let my peace rule your heart and my kingdom will rule the world. Labor only to enter into my rest, that is your work. When cares come to your mind resist them and return your heart to a peaceful state. Cast down every imagination that brings failure to your mind. You are victorious and defeat should never enter your thoughts.

     Come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Did I not say that I rested on the seventh day? What day is it my children? We are beginning the time of rest. The great harvest will come soon and my glory will cover this earth. The peace of the kingdom will begin to flow from each of you and many will be brought into the family by your testimony. Those who know their God will do mighty exploits. Knowing is the key. Not knowing about but knowing through relationship and fellowship. They will say of you as they did of the early disciples. These men and women and children have been with Jesus.

     Once again: Rest my children. Don’t do the work. Be the work. Be the finished work of your Father. You are the sons and daughters of my love. Be not afraid my beloved. I am with you and in you and will never, ever, ever leave you. Love one another as I love each of you. Pray for one another and lift each other up. You are one body. Take care of your wounded members. Restore those who fall. Walk in peace my children. Walk in peace and rule from that peace. I love you my beloved. Rest in my Love.

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