My son, my beloved write down the following words and deliver them to my people:
My children, my lovely ones: You are my called and my chosen and my beloved. I have purposed you in my heart before the foundation of the world. You are the living examples of my glory. You are the lights I set in the darkness and the cities I set on the hill. My glory resides within you and is about to arise upon you. It will shine brighter than the sun and everyone who sees you will know that you are mine and your lives will reflect the light of the dawn of heaven. There are things that are about to take place in your lives that you have never imagined.
Many of you are setting out to do the works of the early church. This is not what I want done. Did I not say that the church was built on the foundation of the apostles and all these are built on the foundation which is Christ? When you build a house does the roof look like the foundation? Are you building a foundation when it's time to put the roof on?
It’s time for my children to understand that you are being transformed into the image of the risen Lord and not the earthly Jesus who walked in flesh. You are being transformed into the image of the Lord of Glory who sits on the throne and rules from rest. I told you that as He is so are you in this world. Not as he was.
It’s time to look into the heavenly realm to see who you are. Don’t look back you won’t find yourself in the past. Don’t look at the present for your state is changing constantly. Instead I want you to look into the face of your savior and be changed into the image of glory that resides in his face and then you will be changed into who I want you to be.
Remember in scripture I told you that the purpose of the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists were for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry? It’s time for the day of perfection when all of my children reflect the glory of the age to come and not the glory of the earthly age. You are seated with me in heavenly places far above all principality and dominion. As you concentrate on who you are in Christ, in heaven, then you will be changed into that image.
Some of you I've spoken these things to before but I say them again until you understand just who you really are. You were saved by my grace and adopted into my family and are being trained by my Spirit to be rulers. You are Kings and Priests unto me. You rule from your throne in heaven and act as a priest upon the earth helping others and serving them until they come through the adoption process.
You must learn of your position as a king in heaven to be effective as a priest on earth. Is Jesus the King of Kings? He has the power and the ability to rule without any help but he chose each of you to have a part in the kingdom because of the love we have for you. You are our delight and to see you take your place and begin to rule over the darkness of the world brings us great joy.
The church must begin to see salvation as adoption and not just as a rescue from hell. I adopted you because I love you and have loved you from eternity and throughout eternity. There will be no end to my goodness towards you and my mercy to you is everlasting. It has always been my plan for you to be in our family and to rule and reign with us.
Many of you have fallen into the snare of the enemy who has told you that your past failures have disqualified you from being my sons and daughters and kings and priests. Why would you believe such a silly thing? Is not the blood of Jesus stronger than sin? Has sin become so powerful that it can cancel the sacrifice? Was not the blood of my son enough? I am not encouraging you to sin. I am encouraging you to wake to righteousness and never sin again. You will learn who you are and you will reign over sin and not fall to it.
What I am saying is this: The only reason the enemy tempts you is so he can accuse you later of misconduct and make you think that because you fell you were cut out of the family. He tries to make you feel unworthy so that you will separate yourself from me. Think about your family. If you have a good child and a bad child which child is yours? Both are. There are consequences for misconduct but being cut out of the family is not one of them.
Nothing can separate you from my love and only you can terminate yourself from the family. I will never leave you or forsake you. Even when you are unfaithful I remain faithful because I can’t deny that you are mine. You are flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone and washed in the blood of my son and you are born again into my image and my likeness and are filled with my Spirit. You are mine.
Remember in scripture I told you that the purpose of the apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists were for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry? It’s time for the day of perfection when all of my children reflect the glory of the age to come and not the glory of the earthly age. You are seated with me in heavenly places far above all principality and dominion. As you concentrate on who you are in Christ, in heaven, then you will be changed into that image.
Some of you I've spoken these things to before but I say them again until you understand just who you really are. You were saved by my grace and adopted into my family and are being trained by my Spirit to be rulers. You are Kings and Priests unto me. You rule from your throne in heaven and act as a priest upon the earth helping others and serving them until they come through the adoption process.
You must learn of your position as a king in heaven to be effective as a priest on earth. Is Jesus the King of Kings? He has the power and the ability to rule without any help but he chose each of you to have a part in the kingdom because of the love we have for you. You are our delight and to see you take your place and begin to rule over the darkness of the world brings us great joy.
The church must begin to see salvation as adoption and not just as a rescue from hell. I adopted you because I love you and have loved you from eternity and throughout eternity. There will be no end to my goodness towards you and my mercy to you is everlasting. It has always been my plan for you to be in our family and to rule and reign with us.
Many of you have fallen into the snare of the enemy who has told you that your past failures have disqualified you from being my sons and daughters and kings and priests. Why would you believe such a silly thing? Is not the blood of Jesus stronger than sin? Has sin become so powerful that it can cancel the sacrifice? Was not the blood of my son enough? I am not encouraging you to sin. I am encouraging you to wake to righteousness and never sin again. You will learn who you are and you will reign over sin and not fall to it.
What I am saying is this: The only reason the enemy tempts you is so he can accuse you later of misconduct and make you think that because you fell you were cut out of the family. He tries to make you feel unworthy so that you will separate yourself from me. Think about your family. If you have a good child and a bad child which child is yours? Both are. There are consequences for misconduct but being cut out of the family is not one of them.
Nothing can separate you from my love and only you can terminate yourself from the family. I will never leave you or forsake you. Even when you are unfaithful I remain faithful because I can’t deny that you are mine. You are flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone and washed in the blood of my son and you are born again into my image and my likeness and are filled with my Spirit. You are mine.
I know many of you struggle but you will overcome these things and learn to reign. Don’t let your struggles make you forget who you are and how much you are loved. The reason I gave examples in scriptures of those who fell and were restored was to show you my love and my grace. Only Jesus walked blameless in the earth.
I am not giving you license to sin. I’m giving you freedom from sin. I’m telling you that if you have sinned repent and get over it and don’t let the enemy stop you from being transformed into the image of Jesus. So you made some mistakes. So did Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, and Solomon, all the prophets, all the apostles and everyone who ever wore flesh with the exception of Jesus.
If everyone who ever made a mistake was disqualified then there would be no church. Those of you who have made mistakes dust yourself off and get up and get back on track. Don’t let your adversary keep you pinned to the mat. Get up and loot his kingdom. Religion keeps telling you that you are sinners and you keep believing it and keep sinning. What if they taught you that you are righteous and holy and blameless in my sight and you began to believe that? What would happen to sin then?
You are my glorious ones on whom the end of an age is coming. Not the end of the world but the end of the age. As I have told some of you before there is a change of time upon the earth. You are transforming from the age of grace into the age of glory. The age of glory will be to grace as grace was to the age of the law and much more. It will be greater than the Promised Land was to the slavery of Egypt. Open your eyes my children and see my glory being poured out into the earth.
Many of you are about to learn how to tap into the limitless supply of my Spirit. You will learn how to release great signs and wonders into the earth because I promised that it would be the sons and daughters who prophesy and do all these great things. Each of you is qualified if you are my son or daughter.
If you are born again into my family then you are qualified to pour glory out of my Spirit within you into the realm of the physical world. The reason it hasn't worked in the past is because the church keeps trying to build a foundation when they should be putting on the roof.
Even the natural world teaches you that things change. There was a time when crops were picked by hand and loads were hauled by beasts but those days are gone. There were rules in the age of the law and there are rules that govern the age of grace but the rules of the age of glory are different.
Here are a few examples. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of my glory as the water covers the sea. This is not a maybe. It will be so. It is a written rule and it shall come to pass. Here is another rule: The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death. You don’t have to sin and you don’t have to die.
You will come to an understanding of running your race and not dying until you win. A good sportsman will wait around after he has run his race and cheer for those still running. Maybe even greet them at the finish line?
Think about this. Did not even the apostle Paul say it was better for him to stay than go? He stayed until he was ready to go. If there were legions of angels waiting to rescue Jesus then do you not think in this age of glory there is even more power available? My people will stop hiding from the world and start ruling over the darkness in it. They will no longer be held in bondage to the fear of death.
Think about when my beloved Stephen was martyred. He looked into heaven and saw Jesus standing at my right hand. Why was Jesus standing? He was waiting on Stephen to tell him what he wanted. If Stephen had asked for rescue then Jesus was on the way. He instead chose to be martyred. He knew the reward for laying down his life was greater than the reward of staying.
Think about when my beloved Stephen was martyred. He looked into heaven and saw Jesus standing at my right hand. Why was Jesus standing? He was waiting on Stephen to tell him what he wanted. If Stephen had asked for rescue then Jesus was on the way. He instead chose to be martyred. He knew the reward for laying down his life was greater than the reward of staying.
So don’t be afraid of the world. It’s time to awake unto who you are and not be affected by the world. It’s time to rule over sin and death as a king and serve the people as a priest. This is who you are.
When I said they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the word of their testimony and loved not their lives to the death this is what I meant. There will come a time in each of your lives when the heavenly realm will become so real that your life in this heavenly realm will be more valuable to you than the life you life on earth. Your heart will be set on heaven and you will no longer love your life on earth. This is another rule of the age of glory. There are many more rules to this age and they are not laws against you but rules that are written in your favor.
Many of you have recently begun to have dreams and visions and this is the awakening that is happening to you. Don’t worry if you don’t understand them all at once. When you first started learning to read and write you didn't understand every word you read but you kept reading. It’s the same in the age of glory. You will learn in time as you experience these things how to interpret them.
Some of you are having experiences that seem to be more than dreams. This is your mind becoming conscious of what happens in the spirit realm. Your minds have been set on the earthly realm and have lost focus on the spirit. Your spirit is always in the heavenly realm and there is where the real you resides. Your minds are starting to see what your spirit sees at all times. Don’t be alarmed, you are awakening into a different realm than that which you have known.
Think of it this way. When Jesus healed the blind man who had never seen before, did he know how to see or did he have to learn? Did he immediately understand everything he saw? If you had been deaf your whole life and suddenly you were healed would you instantly understand all that you heard? Would you run to music or away from it because it was loud?
This is what some of you are experiencing but many of you are afraid because you have never been this way before. Religion tells you to run from it because it’s different from the past. I’m telling you to embrace what I am showing you until you understand it. The Pharisees told the people to ignore Jesus because they didn't understand his teaching. It was different than anything they knew. Religion blinds peoples minds and they can't see truth.
Don’t be afraid my children you are awakening into the realm of heaven where you already sit with me in heavenly places and rule over principalities and powers.The only reason you have had to wrestle with them is because you were blind. They could see you but you could not see them. As your mind is renewed and you can see what your spirit sees then you will no longer be afraid of these things and will rule over them.
For example: Any creature is more fearful in the dark than the light. Once the light is on many of them are just bugs and small creatures that use the power of darkness to frighten you. They are no match for you my children. You are filled with my might and power and glory and you will walk in these things when you are fully awake.
So be prepared to learn to see. I will teach you what all these things mean and it is my great pleasure to give you the kingdom. Do you remember what Jesus told you to pray? Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory? The kingdom comes with the power and glory and the age of the kingdom is the age of the glory.
The kingdom was and is and is to come. The kingdom rules in the heavenly realm and soon it will consume the earthly realm like fire consumes stubble. You are my fires and my lights and the portals that I will pour my glory through. I told you that I would pour out of my Spirit on all flesh and you are the portals that I will pour through, for you are the containers of my glory.
Most important: Don’t forget my children: Love one another as I have loved you. Be patient and kind with each other considering your own weaknesses, and remember each of you has days that you struggle through. This will change shortly when you are all fully awake.
Rest in my love and my peace my beloved. Let the peace in your heart destroy the storm that rages outside. My peace I give unto you. Just take your eyes off the world and look at me. I am the truth and all that you see in the world is just a distraction to make you take your eyes off me.
I love you my children with an everlasting love and know that I have an eternity of kindness awaiting each of you. Be bold and courageous and don’t let anything divide you from me or each other. I am with you always and forever.
Don’t be afraid my children you are awakening into the realm of heaven where you already sit with me in heavenly places and rule over principalities and powers.The only reason you have had to wrestle with them is because you were blind. They could see you but you could not see them. As your mind is renewed and you can see what your spirit sees then you will no longer be afraid of these things and will rule over them.
For example: Any creature is more fearful in the dark than the light. Once the light is on many of them are just bugs and small creatures that use the power of darkness to frighten you. They are no match for you my children. You are filled with my might and power and glory and you will walk in these things when you are fully awake.
So be prepared to learn to see. I will teach you what all these things mean and it is my great pleasure to give you the kingdom. Do you remember what Jesus told you to pray? Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory? The kingdom comes with the power and glory and the age of the kingdom is the age of the glory.
The kingdom was and is and is to come. The kingdom rules in the heavenly realm and soon it will consume the earthly realm like fire consumes stubble. You are my fires and my lights and the portals that I will pour my glory through. I told you that I would pour out of my Spirit on all flesh and you are the portals that I will pour through, for you are the containers of my glory.
Most important: Don’t forget my children: Love one another as I have loved you. Be patient and kind with each other considering your own weaknesses, and remember each of you has days that you struggle through. This will change shortly when you are all fully awake.
Rest in my love and my peace my beloved. Let the peace in your heart destroy the storm that rages outside. My peace I give unto you. Just take your eyes off the world and look at me. I am the truth and all that you see in the world is just a distraction to make you take your eyes off me.
I love you my children with an everlasting love and know that I have an eternity of kindness awaiting each of you. Be bold and courageous and don’t let anything divide you from me or each other. I am with you always and forever.
Awake my children and behold the glory of your Father is being revealed in you. Arise and shine for your light has come. Be not afraid my beloved. I hold you in my hand and my heart.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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