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Monday, July 14, 2014

Encouragement From Father

     I was preparing for a meeting last weekend at  Holy Reign Ministries  While I was in prayer Father's voice came to me and spoke to me some things to share with them. He also told me to post these things to encourage all who read them. 

     Thanks to all of you who take time to read this blog.I pray for you daily. I am honored and humbled that you would take time to do so. Thanks again and now to Father's words.

     My son, speak to my loved ones and tell them these words:

     My beloved, my precious ones: Do you feel the joy in my heart because you are mine? Do you know why I purchased you with the blood of my son Jesus? It’s because you are a treasure to me beyond words that you could understand even if I spoke them to you. It will take an unending eternity just to begin to show you what things I have for you. I will lavish my love upon you for the ages and ages and you will be forever learning of the love I have for you.

     Don’t judge my love for you by the troubles you have in this life. Don’t let circumstances tell you that my love for you is small because you have troubles. In the ages to come the troubles you have here will be rewarded for eternity. I know you suffer many things that are not right and those things you will learn to overcome.

     I told you in scripture that in this life you would have tribulation but be of good cheer. You will overcome by the blood of the lamb; by the word of your testimony and learning not to love your own lives but learning to love being mine.

     This word of your testimony is not what you testify to: It is the testimony written of you in the book of heaven. It’s what was written about you in the book of life before the world existed. Your life is the story I wrote long before you found yourself on this place called earth.

     Yes I knew you before you were framed in your mother’s womb. You were my plan for the ages past. I knew when you would be here and what you would accomplish while you were here and I wrote your story in the books of heaven before you were born here. You are my precious treasure and you were called and chosen in Christ before there was an earth.

     The reason I am saying this is so you can learn to rest in me. What I have written for you will be accomplished if you will surrender to my plan and let me write upon your heart what is written in the books about you in heaven. Most of my children today don’t understand their destiny and they get off course by not coming to me and letting my will be done. Many resist my will and try to find comfort in this world instead of finding comfort in fulfilling their destiny.

     When you come to me to worship me in the quiet time I reconcile what is written on the scrolls of heaven with what is happening in your life. Think of it this way, Jonah could have just gone to Nineveh but instead by resisting my plan he wound up going through many unnecessary troubles. But remember, even though he resisted I still rescued him.

     You are mine and even if you find yourself off course you can call and I will rescue you. Don’t wait another day: Call me and watch what I do for you. This is why many of my children feel out of place is because they have resisted my plan and set out to copy someone else’s plan.

     Come to me and let me write my will and my plan upon your hearts and upon your minds. Soften your hearts for me and let me write upon your heart with my soft words and not have to use my finger. The reason I wrote the commandments to Israel upon the tables of stone is because the stone was softer than their hard hearts. I tried to speak to them in love but they refused to hear my soft kind words so I had to write upon the earth instead of upon their hearts.

     It was the same when Jesus walked the earth in flesh. There were Pharisees whose hard hearts would not be written upon and then there were the men on the road to Emmaus whose hearts burned within them while Jesus spoke to them. The condition of your heart will make it much easier for you to receive my words.

     Once your hearts are completely surrendered to me then you will find out that you love my kingdom and love what is in the heavenly realm much more than you do the world. Jesus said “my kingdom is not of this world.” He was able to take the earth by force had he chosen to, and others were willing to make him king by force, but he chose my plan over the pleasures of this world.

     You will find as you set your hearts upon me and upon heaven then heaven will become more real to you than the ground you stand on and you will be changed. You will not be in love with the things you see on earth but will become part of the church that is in heaven and earth and you will be shown plainly what is happening in the heavenly realm.

     You will be like Jesus only doing what you see me doing. You will see me doing great and mighty wonders and will bring them from the heavenly realm into the earthly realm and will begin to change the earth into what it should be. You will fill the earth with the worship you see and hear in heaven and the earth will submit and bow to my kingdom. You will never take the world using worldly ways. You can only conquer it using heavenly means.

     Remember in your hearts that mercy triumphs over judgment. Most of my church wants me to judge the world when they should be on their faces begging for my mercy for the earth. It’s a heart change that is needed.

     My heart has never been to judge but has been set on saving. Isn't it amazing the church wants me to judge everyone’s wayward children except their own? They expect me to pour out wrath upon the world but protect them even though they are completely attached to and fully rely on the system they are asking me to destroy. Please my beloved; learn to pray for mercy and not judgment. This is my heart. I want all to be saved and I am grieved when even one is lost.

     Now for some personal instructions: Some of you are weary and thinking of just giving up. You wonder “what’s the use?” Nothing seems to change. All things remain the same. This is because you are still looking at the world and not at heaven.

     Each time you pray things change in the heavenly realm. Angels are dispatched, mercy is released and my name receives glory. Each time you worship it is recorded and played over and over in heaven. You don’t realize that you are part of something bigger than your world. You must learn to see the church in heaven and the church on earth as one. I told you in the book of Ephesians through my beloved Paul that I am gathering all things together into one. Things on earth, things in heaven all into one and that one is Christ.

     Are you tired of the church services on earth? Come to heaven and worship here. I told you that when you give thanksgiving you enter my gates and when you praise you are brought right into my very court. The door is open just as it was to John. He was in the Spirit and the door was open. Anytime you are in the Spirit the door is open. Worship brings you into my realm. Come through the open door.

     Start seeing where your spirit really is when you do these things. In your spirit you are already in the heavenly realm with me and if you will watch while you pray and worship it will be revealed to you. This is why Jesus said to watch and pray. When you pray there is always something to watch. Things are happening. Your eyes will begin to open and you will hear the saints of heaven singing with you and will watch the angels dance as you give thanks.

     This really happens and just because you have never seen it doesn't mean it’s not real. As you begin to see in these realms your excitement will return and you will be like children playing in a new playground. This will bring me much joy to see you excited and full of the joy of my presence.

     You know that feeling you get when you give your children a gift and they can’t put it down but are so excited they are overcome with joy? It’s the same way I feel when you rejoice in the gifts of my Spirit. Humble yourselves as little children and learn of me all over again. This will take away the weariness and will change your mind about giving up.

     For others of you it’s time to let go of some things. You will never have a future in me if you can’t let go of your past in the world. Yes you made some mistakes. So what? When you fail one test in school does that mean you will fail all tests in the future? No, absolutely not. Remember tests and trials are not for your punishment but are a measure of where you are spiritually. Just as in school a test tells you what level you are on and what areas need to be strengthened.

     Tests and trials are part of your basic training for the next age. I told you that you will rule and reign with me and it takes training to be one who rules in love. To rule and reign means there is something that needs ruling and reigning over. Many of the things about the world to come have been hidden but will be revealed in their time. Just trust me when I tell you that your life and all the things you go through have to do with training you for your eternal purpose.

     When you look at your life on earth as boot camp it will make perfect sense to you. You will no longer be discouraged by troubles but will look for solutions and not for problems. You will go from a mindset that says “why is this happening to me?” and will go to a mindset of OK we have a problem, what is the solution and how to I apply it? Everything will change as you learn to see things differently.

     There are others of you who will feel this resonate in your hearts when you hear it. You know you are exactly where I put you doing exactly what I gave you to do. Don’t change a thing. Keep the vision I gave you before you every day and don’t go left or right but keep moving forward. Just because you are taking baby steps doesn't mean you are not moving forward. A small step in the right direction is better than no step at all.

     Remember that I bring people together for purposes and just because something is taking longer than you thought doesn't mean you are doing wrong. It could be the others I have called to help you are running late for their assignment. You know who you are so keep moving and rejoice because the vision I gave you will come to pass.

     To just a few of you: It’s time to give me those cares and worries and let me be the Lord of your life. You can’t fix all that is broken and you are broken up inside because you struggle to help those you love. Give them to me. Put them into my hands by prayer and leave them in my hands. I have great plans for them and I love them more than you do. My promise to you is for you and your entire house and I will not break my word to you. Heaven and earth will go up in smoke before I allow my promise to you to be broken. Nothing is difficult for me. No matter what you see just trust me and I will get them where they need to be. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am into saving generations of families and not just you.

     I am your exceeding great reward. And you are the reward that Jesus bought for me. You give him glory because he saved you and made you my children. I give him glory because he saved you and made you my children. That’s why I spoke of him and told him “Your throne O God is forever established in heaven!” I am so pleased that he brought you into my family. How I rejoice to know that you are mine. I love you throughout all eternity and how I wish that your hearts could feel what I feel when I see you. Rejoice and again I say rejoice! You are my beloved and I am yours.

     Love one another as I have loved you my children. Rejoice over each other as I rejoice over you. Fret not over this world or the problems of it. Keep your eyes toward me and know that I am your deliverer!

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Friday, July 4, 2014

Be of Good Cheer

John 16:33

These things I have spoken unto you, 

that in me ye might have peace. 

In the world ye shall have tribulation: 

but be of good cheer;

I have overcome the world.

     I talk to many Christians and one thing they all have in common is problems. Over the past years those who say they carry the faith message have put down those who have problems and portrayed them as having little faith. Just the opposite is true. Those who have problems have great faith and those who tell you they don’t have problems are not telling the truth.

     I get the honor of helping many Christians who think they are deserted because they have problems and think that maybe they are being punished by God for their mistakes. Many are about to give up because they don’t understand the real truth of the gospel. Many who should be helping them are condemning them for not having the faith to solve their problems. We all have problems and there is one answer for all of us: His name is Jesus.

     Jesus said in the verse above that we would have tribulation in this world but to be of good cheer for he has overcome the world. There is confusion and chaos in the world and that is where the problem lies. Jesus said that “in me” you might have peace. There is only one place in this world to find peace and that is in the arms of your savior. So while the world continues in darkness we have a sure shelter: A hiding place from the storm. We have an eternal place of safety and that place is Jesus.

     Proverbs 18:10 says: The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

     Now if the righteous never have problems why would they need to seek safety in a strong tower?

Psalm 34: 17-19 says it this way:

The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

     Yes we have problems but we have a God who delivers us. There is another thing to consider. It’s time we understand that our kingdom is not of this world. We have an everlasting kingdom that is coming and being established on this planet and when it’s in its fullness then all things will change. Until then we will face problems and persecution and difficulties but we can be of good cheer for Jesus overcame the world. We can overcome too as long as we stay in him and not in the world. We can cheer up even when things are dark because we know that we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken.

     We do not look for peace in the world but in the eyes of the Prince of Peace. It’s in him that we find our hope and peace and comfort. Why would Jesus tell us that he was sending the Holy Spirit and called him the comforter? Why would his name be Comforter if we didn't need comforting?

     So relax my brothers and sisters and rest in him. Father knows we are in a dark world. He put us here to be the light in the darkness. A candle has but one job and that is to burn brightly. Light does not stare into darkness and worry. Light shines and darkness flees. All the darkness in the world cannot put out the smallest candle. The smallest candle can bring light into the darkest hell. So let’s find our peace in him and stop looking at the darkness. Start looking into the eyes of the one who loved you so much that he gave his life for you.

     If you are in tribulation and despair please call on your savior. He will deliver you if you will just ask him to. There is only one name in all of heaven and earth by which your salvation will come. His name is Jesus.

     Don’t forget: Problems are temporary: Jesus is eternal!

     I hope you are encouraged by these words. If you need prayer or if we can help in any way please contact us by the web address listed below.

Until next time,

Grow Rich in His Grace,

I love you all,


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