While in worship and prayer I heard the voice of my Father and he said the following:
My son; share these words with my beloved. Tell them to relax and don’t try so hard to do what is natural to them. I told you that it’s not by might or power but by my Spirit. It’s the time you spend in fellowship with my Spirit that will change things. It’s about our time together.
I don’t want prayer to be hard and wearisome. I want it to be a fellowship between friends. Yes you are my children but you are also my friends. It’s when you come to me as a friend that you will find the answers you need. Do you remember Jesus told the disciples that a servant doesn't know what the master is doing but it is revealed to his friends? He told the disciples they had graduated from being servants to being friends.
I told you in the book of Hebrews that he that believes has entered into my rest. That’s why prayer is a secret place we share. We can rest together and visit as friends. We can share each other’s thoughts and plans and can come to an agreement on what shall be done. We can share heart to heart.
Many of my people come to me in prayer like an employee coming to a boss for a raise. They expect to have to fight and tell their side of the story and present a case for why they need what they need and how much they deserve it. Friends don’t communicate like that. If any one of you asked your best friend to borrow something you wouldn't give ten reasons why you needed to borrow it. A good friend would even ask if you needed help using what you asked to borrow.
We are friends and I know what you need before you need it. I know when you are coming to ask and what you are going to say before you say it. I know all things and I don’t want you to think you have to convince me to answer your prayer. I put you where you are so that you would ask just so I could say yes. I always wanted to say yes and I just needed you to ask me.
Why did I make it this way? It’s not because I’m on an ego trip and want you to feel small in my presence. It’s just the opposite. I created this system called prayer just so you would come visit me in the secret place. I want to spend personal time with each of my children. I want you all to know me and I want to share many things with you in this secret place.
If you look through the eyes of love it will make perfect sense. When a child is born why aren't they capable of tending to themselves? Why did I create it so that children are born this way? I could have made it so that people are born into this life fully capable of taking care of themselves.
I made it this way to create a bond between the generations. It teaches the parent to love and care for the child and it teaches the child that they have a loving parent that they can come to when they need something or don’t understand something. My nature is revealed as a loving parent. Those of you with children understand that it’s not a burden to provide for your children: It’s the joy of your life. To give them gifts brings you much more joy than it does the children to receive.
It’s really a simple concept. I love you so much that I want you to come to me so I can give you what I already want you to have. I have really already given it to you because I told you in scripture that I have given you all things that pertain to life and godliness. So when you come in prayer and ask for anything according to my will it will be done. It’s already yours, I just want you to come close to me and open your hand so that I can give it to you as a gift of my love.
Just like a good parent I won’t give you anything that will hurt you or destroy you. Sometimes you see far off and ask for things that are scheduled to be delivered in your future and want these things now. These things will be given you if you are mature enough to handle them. It’s a great thing for a Father to give his son a truck when he’s eighteen years old but that is not a good gift if he’s ten. Even though it’s the same gift to the same person the maturity makes the difference.
When you come in prayer to receive what I already have given to you a fellowship takes place and I get to spend time with each of you one on one. It’s really that simple. I want you to pray because I love you and I enjoy our fellowship.
I want to become your source for all things because I love you and I don’t want the world giving gifts to my children. You are my children and I want to be your Father and give you all things. I know what you need before you need it and I want you to have it because I love you.
I want you to bring me your problems because I love you. I want you to bring me your bad habits not in guilt but as an act of worship because you are secure in my love. This security makes you free to run to me and not from me. I want everything from hangnails to heart attacks because you are mine and I want the honor of caring for you. I really am thrilled that you are mine.
Can’t you see my beloved how much I am in love with you? You know you are the reason I created heaven and earth don’t you? Do you know that I created eternity so that we would have unlimited time together?
It’s all about my love for you and as you begin to understand this love I have for you then you will learn to love each other the same way. Soon you will be the answers to the prayers of others just as I am to your prayers. Love is contagious and eternal. Spread it everywhere you go.
Come to me and let me love you and care for you and let me teach you my ways. As you come to pray in the secret place windows will open and you will see into the eternal realm. You will learn how heaven works and then you will know what my will on earth is. When you see how great heaven is then your prayer becomes simple. It will sound like this. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
It’s simple my beloved. This is prayer: You sitting in my lap in the secret place looking into the realm of heaven and asking me to give others what you see there. Do you remember in scripture it says whatever you ask in prayer it will be given you? This is how it works. You come to pray and sit in my secret place and it will be revealed to you what to ask for. You will ask and it will be given you.
Where most people miss it is they don’t spend enough time in my presence to let me give them the desire I want in their heart. It’s this desire that I want to answer. I told you that whatsoever you desire when you pray, believe that you receive and you will have it.
Prayer is coming into the secret place and resting. Prayer is not the asking: It’s the resting. You come to pray and I give you a desire and you ask for that and it will be granted. As you sit in my presence and meditate on my great love for you then you will be given something to ask for. It will be something I want released in the earth but we are partners and I need you to ask so I can answer. Yes I could just pour it into the earth but that’s not my plan. We are working together and I want you to do your part and let me do mine. I want you to come and sit in my presence and let me give you a desire to ask. I will hear your request and gladly bring it to pass.
So please my beloved, come to me in the secret place and let me hold you and hug you and bless you and tell you of my great love for you. Let me show you the riches of heaven and let me put a desire in your heart that I can answer.
I need your help with these things. I created a system that only works when we work together. Will you work with me? My yoke is easy, my burden is light. You won’t break a sweat in the secret place. You will however learn to abide in this secret place in my shadow and in my protection and in the center of my will. Will you start today my beloved? Will you come into my secret place and let me hug you while you pray?
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I Love you all,
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