Sometimes I like to write a letter to Father and just try to put in words how I feel in my heart. It's such a joy because every time I do this He speaks words to me and has me write them and share them. This is one of the greatest joys of my life to get to communicate with heaven. How awesome it is that we are so loved by our Father that He would take time to share his love with us. I am so blessed by his love.
As I was writing to him a couple of days ago we had the following conversation:
Father, I love you and I want to bless you in worship and praise and want you to know how much you are appreciated. Thank you for the greatest job on earth. It’s not really a job but a love and a joy to speak to your loved ones
Who is like unto your people my Father? They are washed in the blood of your son Jesus. They are sanctified and glorified and filled with your Spirit and full of your wonder.
How awesome it is that I get to fellowship with them and share your words with them. Thank you for this great joy in my life. Please my father, never let my take this privilege or your people for granted. I love you and now I ask you for words to share from your heart to ours. Reign forever my King! Forever and ever and ever!
My son. You are writing the words you see in my heart about my children. They are so loved and so adored and all of heaven rejoices over them. My children are my reward and the reward of my son. When he looked through the cross he saw all of you on the other side and he worshiped and found joy inexpressible. You know how much joy one child brought you? Now multiply that times infinity and you will know how I feel.
You are all my great joy and I find great satisfaction knowing that I will spend eternity with each of you. So speak to my beloved ones my son and say the following:
Hey, my delight, my joy, my heart! Don’t you see who you are? You are not the old person who was crucified on the cross with and in my son Jesus. You are the resurrected full of life being that was born of my Spirit right out of heaven above. You are the inheritors of eternal life and light and blessing. You are sanctified and set apart to behold my glory by looking into my face and seeing your reflection in my eyes.
Some of you feel as if I am disappointed with you. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am delighted by your growth in the kingdom and the only thing you need to change is the confidence level you have in my love for you. You may think you know how much you are loved but you have only begun to know the depths of my love.
Do you remember that I told you that you would come to understand my love that is beyond knowing and be filled with my fullness? Do you know what that fullness is? It’s the indwelling presence of me in you. It’s discovering that you are in Christ and He is in you. There is no separation of you and him. You are one and we are one so it’s time to put aside all your fears and worries and tune into what is going on in heaven where you are seated with him, and in him, and in the same authority that he has.
This authority is already yours but it only works when you look at the world through the eyes of love and not through the eyes of condemnation. Remember I said in John 3:17 that Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it? When you look for people to save through his eyes then the authority works. Authority is only given for the purpose of loving others and saving others. Authority is not something to be used for any other purpose.
As your sole purpose becomes sharing my love then the authority you have been given will begin to take effect. When it’s about delivering the oppressed and not about casting out the devil. When it’s about healing the sick out of compassion and not to prove your gifting. When it’s about feeding the hungry even if they are your enemy because you know what hunger feels like and you don't want anyone else to experience that feeling, then it will flow.
Most people want power and miracles for the sake of validating their ministry or their position. This is not how heaven works. In heaven power us used to serve others and not self. Jesus was full of power and used that power to serve others and his power is still serving you. Even though he has been exalted to his rightful place and is God he is not using his voice to create more worlds and create more wealth. The voice of God is praying and interceding for you. Think on this just a moment. "He ever lives to make intercession for you."
What happens when Jesus prays for you? Do you know he prays constantly, and even though he is my equal he honors me by asking me things for you? Do you know that Holy Spirit is just as much God as I or my son and yet he serves you and prays for you with groaning so deep that your ears can’t hear it and your voices can’t even give speech to it? He teaches you and takes all the gifts of heaven and pours them into your lives.
Do you see the pattern here my children? If heaven prays for each of you shouldn't praying for each other be a priority? I am looking forward to shaking the earth when you pray just as I did when the early church prayed and remember I said “Once more I will shake heaven and earth.”
Authority comes to those who will never use it for their own good but will use it to rescue others. This is the good news. People loving each other so much that they will spend hours if needed praying and asking me for favor upon even their enemies. Anyone can love their friends; imagine a love so great that you would give your life for one who hates you.
That is where you are going my beloved. I told you that I was going to reestablish prayer and love in the church and I am starting with you. You have shown love to strangers. Twice this week some of you showed kindness to angels and didn't know it. I am so excited for you. You really are understanding me and are learning who I am and who you are.
So rejoice my beloved. I am so proud of you and your good deeds and your meetings are broadcast all over heaven. Angels are dancing and singing and great delight is filling the streets of heaven for the awakening that is being birthed in you.
It’s only the beginning. As the way of love is established among you great signs will follow. I told you signs and wonders would follow those who believe. Believe in what? Believe that I so loved the world that I gave my only son to save it. Those who believe I am still in love with the lost and know that no one is beyond saving. No matter how wretched they are still loved. You will know this soon and will walk in the power of the age to come where love rules.
Keep in peace with each other and don’t look at your circumstances. Don’t look at your provision. Look into the eyes of your provider. Don’t count the fishes just bless the baskets. Feed them because you love them. Yes, some will take advantage of you but that was calculated into your provision before you were born. Feed them my love and my mercy. Give them grace to drink and love them like they are your only child and then you will love like I love.
I am so much in love with you my children. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t let condemnation come to you. Drive it away. Listen to my heart my beloved. Don’t let anyone else determine how much love you walk in. Fall in love with me and with each other daily.
My son. You are writing the words you see in my heart about my children. They are so loved and so adored and all of heaven rejoices over them. My children are my reward and the reward of my son. When he looked through the cross he saw all of you on the other side and he worshiped and found joy inexpressible. You know how much joy one child brought you? Now multiply that times infinity and you will know how I feel.
You are all my great joy and I find great satisfaction knowing that I will spend eternity with each of you. So speak to my beloved ones my son and say the following:
Hey, my delight, my joy, my heart! Don’t you see who you are? You are not the old person who was crucified on the cross with and in my son Jesus. You are the resurrected full of life being that was born of my Spirit right out of heaven above. You are the inheritors of eternal life and light and blessing. You are sanctified and set apart to behold my glory by looking into my face and seeing your reflection in my eyes.
Some of you feel as if I am disappointed with you. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am delighted by your growth in the kingdom and the only thing you need to change is the confidence level you have in my love for you. You may think you know how much you are loved but you have only begun to know the depths of my love.
Do you remember that I told you that you would come to understand my love that is beyond knowing and be filled with my fullness? Do you know what that fullness is? It’s the indwelling presence of me in you. It’s discovering that you are in Christ and He is in you. There is no separation of you and him. You are one and we are one so it’s time to put aside all your fears and worries and tune into what is going on in heaven where you are seated with him, and in him, and in the same authority that he has.
This authority is already yours but it only works when you look at the world through the eyes of love and not through the eyes of condemnation. Remember I said in John 3:17 that Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it? When you look for people to save through his eyes then the authority works. Authority is only given for the purpose of loving others and saving others. Authority is not something to be used for any other purpose.
As your sole purpose becomes sharing my love then the authority you have been given will begin to take effect. When it’s about delivering the oppressed and not about casting out the devil. When it’s about healing the sick out of compassion and not to prove your gifting. When it’s about feeding the hungry even if they are your enemy because you know what hunger feels like and you don't want anyone else to experience that feeling, then it will flow.
Most people want power and miracles for the sake of validating their ministry or their position. This is not how heaven works. In heaven power us used to serve others and not self. Jesus was full of power and used that power to serve others and his power is still serving you. Even though he has been exalted to his rightful place and is God he is not using his voice to create more worlds and create more wealth. The voice of God is praying and interceding for you. Think on this just a moment. "He ever lives to make intercession for you."
What happens when Jesus prays for you? Do you know he prays constantly, and even though he is my equal he honors me by asking me things for you? Do you know that Holy Spirit is just as much God as I or my son and yet he serves you and prays for you with groaning so deep that your ears can’t hear it and your voices can’t even give speech to it? He teaches you and takes all the gifts of heaven and pours them into your lives.
Do you see the pattern here my children? If heaven prays for each of you shouldn't praying for each other be a priority? I am looking forward to shaking the earth when you pray just as I did when the early church prayed and remember I said “Once more I will shake heaven and earth.”
Authority comes to those who will never use it for their own good but will use it to rescue others. This is the good news. People loving each other so much that they will spend hours if needed praying and asking me for favor upon even their enemies. Anyone can love their friends; imagine a love so great that you would give your life for one who hates you.
That is where you are going my beloved. I told you that I was going to reestablish prayer and love in the church and I am starting with you. You have shown love to strangers. Twice this week some of you showed kindness to angels and didn't know it. I am so excited for you. You really are understanding me and are learning who I am and who you are.
So rejoice my beloved. I am so proud of you and your good deeds and your meetings are broadcast all over heaven. Angels are dancing and singing and great delight is filling the streets of heaven for the awakening that is being birthed in you.
It’s only the beginning. As the way of love is established among you great signs will follow. I told you signs and wonders would follow those who believe. Believe in what? Believe that I so loved the world that I gave my only son to save it. Those who believe I am still in love with the lost and know that no one is beyond saving. No matter how wretched they are still loved. You will know this soon and will walk in the power of the age to come where love rules.
Keep in peace with each other and don’t look at your circumstances. Don’t look at your provision. Look into the eyes of your provider. Don’t count the fishes just bless the baskets. Feed them because you love them. Yes, some will take advantage of you but that was calculated into your provision before you were born. Feed them my love and my mercy. Give them grace to drink and love them like they are your only child and then you will love like I love.
I am so much in love with you my children. Don’t ever forget that. Don’t let condemnation come to you. Drive it away. Listen to my heart my beloved. Don’t let anyone else determine how much love you walk in. Fall in love with me and with each other daily.
Do all you do in love whether great works or small chores. Sing of my love as you wash the dishes and take out the trash. Sing of my love as you end hunger and heal the sick. Sing of my love as you raise the dead. Anything done in love is an act of heaven. Just remember to do all you do as an act of love and compassion and you will have great success.
I am with you always. Presently in the future we are all gathered to talk about the days that the awakening started with a handful of people who dared to believe that I still loved the world. Your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren are here and we are having the best time.
I am with you always. Presently in the future we are all gathered to talk about the days that the awakening started with a handful of people who dared to believe that I still loved the world. Your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren are here and we are having the best time.
See you when you get here and I see you now. I love the “you” that is living on the earth now and the “you” that is living with me in the age of glory and you are awesome in both ages. You are surely the beat of my heart.
Love one another my children as I love you and rejoice because your names and the names of all your house are written in heaven. Peace unto you my beloved.
Love one another my children as I love you and rejoice because your names and the names of all your house are written in heaven. Peace unto you my beloved.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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