I am so honored that you stopped by to read these words. It is such a blessing when I hear that this message is reaching others and encouraging them. As I was praying today for each of you I was given the following message to share with you from our Father:
Oh my beloved, why are you worried? Don’t you know that I am with you and I will always be with you? I know for many of you this is a time of waiting and wondering. Don’t worry my children. All that I promised you will come. I know it seems like forever but it is not. There are great days of glory ahead and all things will happen in my time and according to my purpose.
Remember that the kingdom is like sowing and reaping. I give you a plan and I sow that plan into your hearts and it takes a few days before it grows up out of your hearts and into the world where you can see it. Pay attention to the seasons my children. The harvest is always ripe but specific plans and purposes that I put into your hearts are according to my schedule.
This is why so many of you have been under attack of depression and doubt and unbelief. Jesus told you that the enemy comes to try to dig up the word in your heart. Persecution comes for the word’s sake. Do any of you feel persecuted? This persecution is proof that you heard the word from heaven. Rejoice when these things come because it lets you know that you heard from heaven.
Many of you were given a plan and you made plans and you prepared and now you are waiting. Don’t let the enemy dig up your seeds. Keep your plans in your hearts and in your imagination. Learn from the farmer. He plants his seed in faith and in his heart daily he imagines what the crop will look like. He is no longer looking at a seed but is looking at the end result of his labor. This is how you get through the hard times between the time I give you a plan that you prepare and sow into your hearts and the time when the plan springs into action.
There are so many that think you missed me and think that you didn't hear the right message and the enemy has told you that you were wrong. How could you have heard from God? Do you see any proof? Yes you heard from me and you received your plan from me and worked it out and planted it in your hearts and now it’s just time to rejoice and be patient.
Don’t let your enemy stead the promise from your hearts. Rejoice and stand firm and speak about the great harvest that is coming because of the promise you received. As you learn this principle and start rejoicing as soon as you plant the word in your heart then the season between planting and harvest will be shortened.
So don’t fret my beloved. Each of you was given a plan for the age that you are in. I have given you visions and dreams and promises and you will accomplish all I have called you to do. Please remember my children your value to me is not in what you accomplish but in who you are. I am so pleased that we are working together to preach this glorious gospel but my greatest joy is the joy that remains because you are mine.
Rejoice with me my beloved for your calling is certain and your dreams and visions will be accomplished if you don’t let weeds like doubt and depression, anger, impatience and unbelief creep in. Keep these things out of your mind and stand with me in faith and know that the plans I have for you are good and you will fulfill your calling.
There is a glory about to be revealed in the years to come that exceeds anything you have ever dreamed. These things will happen on my schedule as heaven joins in to help you preach this gospel. Do you remember what John saw in the revelation chapter 14 verse 6?
And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
Help is coming from heaven and things will change. Nations will be born in a day. Diseases that plagued mankind for centuries will be erased in moments. The great cloud of witnesses will begin to give witness and people will be perplexed as heaven and earth are gathered together in one in Christ as I told you through my beloved Paul. Remember after the resurrection that the dead rose and walked the streets and preached. What if it happens again? what if those who the world thought was long gone reappear to preach again?
For many of you this is hard. Take off your religious clothes and let me clothe you in my glory. The age of glory is beyond anything you have ever seen and there is nothing in history to compare it to. You must break out of your box and let me show you things to come. As you tear down the walls in your minds that keep you imprisoned you will see the impossible become the usual. This is my doing my beloved and you were chosen to be a part of it. Don’t be dismayed. Why not you?
As these things begin to unfold my children will walk away from darkness and will put on light. My church will be glorious and will shine brighter than the sun. What do you think the world will think when the Jesus that John saw and fell as a dead man is fully revealed in each of you? When Christ in you the hope of glory becomes a reality and people don’t see you any longer but see the risen glorified Christ beaming from your faces; what will happen to the world? These things are closer than you think my beloved and my people will be willing in the day of my power. I am already in the future and my church is glorious in this next age.
So put aside your worrying and rejoice in me my beloved. I have not left you and will never leave you. I am your reward and you are mine. So you have to wait a few days to see glory? Am I worth the wait? I waited for many of you for years and I am so glad you are mine.
Help is coming from heaven and things will change. Nations will be born in a day. Diseases that plagued mankind for centuries will be erased in moments. The great cloud of witnesses will begin to give witness and people will be perplexed as heaven and earth are gathered together in one in Christ as I told you through my beloved Paul. Remember after the resurrection that the dead rose and walked the streets and preached. What if it happens again? what if those who the world thought was long gone reappear to preach again?
For many of you this is hard. Take off your religious clothes and let me clothe you in my glory. The age of glory is beyond anything you have ever seen and there is nothing in history to compare it to. You must break out of your box and let me show you things to come. As you tear down the walls in your minds that keep you imprisoned you will see the impossible become the usual. This is my doing my beloved and you were chosen to be a part of it. Don’t be dismayed. Why not you?
As these things begin to unfold my children will walk away from darkness and will put on light. My church will be glorious and will shine brighter than the sun. What do you think the world will think when the Jesus that John saw and fell as a dead man is fully revealed in each of you? When Christ in you the hope of glory becomes a reality and people don’t see you any longer but see the risen glorified Christ beaming from your faces; what will happen to the world? These things are closer than you think my beloved and my people will be willing in the day of my power. I am already in the future and my church is glorious in this next age.
So put aside your worrying and rejoice in me my beloved. I have not left you and will never leave you. I am your reward and you are mine. So you have to wait a few days to see glory? Am I worth the wait? I waited for many of you for years and I am so glad you are mine.
Be patient my beloved and rest in my love for you while these things come together. I am not building just another program or denomination. I am filling the earth with my glory and you are the ones I will pour it through. It’s worth the extra time of preparation.
I am so happy with you and I am so glad you answered when I called. I love you my children so love each other as I love you and be kind to each other and encourage each other. Sing to each other a new song as my Spirit sings it to you. I rejoice over you with singing and you should rejoice over each other the same way. Peace unto you treasure of my heart.
I am so happy with you and I am so glad you answered when I called. I love you my children so love each other as I love you and be kind to each other and encourage each other. Sing to each other a new song as my Spirit sings it to you. I rejoice over you with singing and you should rejoice over each other the same way. Peace unto you treasure of my heart.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
PS: Thanks again for all the kind emails. I am so blessed when I read them.
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