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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year!

     Happy New Year to all of you who read these words! I thank you for taking time to read these words and want you to know that I pray for each of you and speak blessings over you. Be blessed and prospered and healthy. I hope you hear how much your Father loves you in the words of each of these posts.

As I was praying for you today I was given the following words from our Father:

     My children. Lean into my grace. Don’t be dismayed by what you see but trust in my loving kindness. Though a thousand fall away from the light, you will not fail! I will uphold you because you have set your heart to know the truth. Love truth above all and know that those who love my truth will not be ashamed.

     I will comfort you and be with you when all others abandon you. I will be your light when others try to blow out your candle. Don’t be angry at those who can’t see and those who aren’t willing to walk out of the wilderness called religion.

     Think about it. The last forty years have been like a wilderness for my church. It’s time for a new generation to arise that knows that I am with you and for you, and just like the land of promise I have prepared a place for the new generation For all those who will leave the camp called religion and follow me outside the camp.

     Think about how my son Jesus went out into the wilderness. All who followed him away from the religion of the day were healed. Those who stayed in their synagogues and religious places missed out. They could no longer see that I was not in their worship services but had moved. They didn’t realize that it was a new day and time and I was moving in a different direction.

     It’s the same way with the generation today. They keep looking back at a day that was, and the last thing I did in the move of my Spirit. They are missing what is coming while they try to re-create the past.

     The day has come to advance my kingdom.Those who keep clinging to their three fast songs and three slow songs and their twenty eight minute message will miss out on what is coming. I am pouring out my Spirit in this day on all flesh. Not just those who call themselves Christians. The so called church will miss it because they can’t see me moving among the nations. They can’t believe the word they hear of me being in the streets and in countries they don’t consider civilized. Pride makes them think that if I were going to do something I would surely do it in their building. My salvation is coming to the nations.

     Those who understand will know that I am the God who leads you out of the wilderness, and you will follow me into the land of promise in the next generation. Those who insist on living in the religion of performance that is in most churches will miss it. They have learned a slave mentality like those whom I brought out of Egypt and don’t believe that I will give them the kingdom without works and will deliver them victory while they rest.

     I will be found by those who seek me with their whole hearts and not with their religious ceremonies. I would rather hear one chorus sung out of tune from a grateful heart than a concert in perfect pitch sung out of habit or for the lights and cameras.

     So I am asking you my children. Are you following tradition or following the voice of your shepherd who is calling you away from religious habits and into a loving relationship of the heart? So many of my children make melody when they are in the church and then sing woe is me in their hearts when alone.

     This is what I want from you my beloved in this New Year. I want you to build a place of worship in your hearts and meet me there. I want you to get to know the God who lives in you. Don’t look for me in the place you call the church. Look for me inside you and then come to church to share with others what I told you in the secret chambers of your heart. It’s time for each of my children to know me as I know you.

     It’s time to take responsibility for your relationship with me and not look to a preacher or a prophet to do your praying for you. You are all kings and priests and it’s time to take your place. I have no grand children or step children. You are all my children by faith in my son and each has a responsibility to learn my voice.

     It’s time to take responsibility for the things around you. I gave you the same power as I have to speak into the world and to create. It’s time for your mind to be single and not double. 

     If you speak faith one moment and doubt the next then you will always have what you have now. You will have miracles one day and failures the next. But if you make your eye single and focus on what you see me doing you will have great success. You must learn to bless only and curse not. I am the God of the positive and there is no dark negative in me. I am not hot one day and cold the next. I am always the fire that burns and the light that shines. 

     Most of my children blame me for their surroundings and don’t realize that they are in charge of their own garden and have cultivated the weeds that grow there that were planted by speaking unbelief. Life and death are in the power of the tongue and you are eating what you speak into existence. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. What you believe in your heart will make it's way through your words and into your garden. You will eat the good fruit you plant and will fight the weeds you plant.

     It’s time to understand the day that you are in. The kingdom will advance and all the doom and gloom that you see is not sent by me. It’s caused by my children using the power in their words to create chaos. They hear the plans of the enemy and speak them into existence because they thought they heard it from me. They don’t believe in good news and are always looking for bad news. I have a plan for this world and you can see my plan in the words of my prophet Isaiah.

I will greatly rejoice in the LORD;
my soul shall exult in my God,
for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation;
he has covered me with the robe of righteousness,
as a bridegroom decks himself 
like a priest with a beautiful headdress,
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
For as the earth brings forth its sprouts,
and as a garden causes what is sown in it to sprout up,
so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise
to sprout up before all the nations.

     Those who sell you doom and gloom don’t know my plan is to fill the earth with my glory and for my will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. I didn’t pour out the blood of my son to condemn the world but to save it. 

     I sent the King of Heaven to the earth to bring heaven to the earth. Authority over the earth was once again put into the hands of man when Jesus told the disciples to heal the sick, and raise the dead, and cleanse the leper and to preach the good news to every creature. This means that even the creatures were put back under the authority of man. 

    Soon, my son's and daughters will awaken and realize that my plan is to change earth back into the beautiful garden it was made to be and they will realize that it's their garden to tend until all is restored.

     I have a plan that will offer salvation to all inhabitants of the world. Will you help me spread the good news of the gospel or will you keep cursing the nations with your words of doom and gloom? Wasn’t the cross enough to save the world? If I was in Christ reconciling the world unto myself and not counting men’s sins against them then why are my children pronouncing judgement on the world because of sin? I am not angry at the world I am offering salvation to all who call upon me.

     It’s time to wake up and preach the good news that the cross was enough and that condemnation is not the cure for sin. Accepting the sacrifice that was made for sin is the cure for sin. Oh if only my children could see how much I love the lost and stop pronouncing judgment on them. If only my children would offer them a hand and not a fist.

     Will you do that this year my beloved? Would you reach out to the lost in a heart of love and not of judgment? Would you only speak words of salvation and not of condemnation? 

     Once my church believes the gospel then the world will believe. This is the gospel: That I so loved the sinners of the world that I sent my only son to save them. That I still love the people in the world and I am offering them salvation and not judgment. I don't call them sinners but children in need of adoption.

     Do you believe in the cross my children? Do you believe the blood was enough to save the world? The preaching of the cross is the power of my salvation. There is no power to save in condemnation or gloom and doom. Perfect love casts out fear and all those who preach fear are trying to cast out my love? Over and over in scripture I tell you to fear not and so many are telling you to fear? Whom will you believe?

     In this New Year would you please go back to preaching about my love and my grace and how the power of the cross is still enough to save? It’s time to come to me outside the angry, religious, judgmental camp and follow me into the Promised Land where my love flows like milk and honey. The milk is for the babes in Christ and the honey is for the mature who have tasted and have seen that I am good. It’s my goodness that leads men to repentance and not fear.

     Put aside all fear my beloved and go into this New Year with peace and know that is is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom and it is my good pleasure that all the kingdoms of this world will become mine. 

     I am leading you into glory and victory and not into fear and wrath. It is time for the age of my glory to cover the earth as the water covers the sea. My kindness is my glory and I want you to tell the world that I am kind and good and full of love and mercy. Please separate yourselves from all teaching of fear and wrath. These things scatter the sheep and do not gather them into the green pastures of my grace.

     I love you so much my beloved. Please don’t forget that you are my temple, so worship me in the holy place in your heart. Get to know the God who dwells within you. You will find me when you search for me with your heart because I dwell in your heart. I love you so much that I choose to dwell within you because you are my heaven.

     Rejoice my beloved and again I say rejoice because I am so much in love with you. My abounding grace and loving-kindness is about to overtake your world. Will you love me by loving each other? Will you let me love others through you?  Never fear my beloved for I am with you always.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click on one of the links below:

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Fight For The Light With All Your Might

Habakkuk Chapter Three

Though the fig tree should not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
and the fields yield no food,
the flock be cut off from the fold
and there be no herd in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the LORD;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
GOD, the Lord, is my strength;
he makes my feet like the deer’s;
he makes me tread on my high places.

     Sometimes in life we face obstacles that seem to be too great for us. Sometimes others tell us there is no use and that surely God is not in our efforts because of the troubles we face. One thing we should never do is blame God. No matter what happens in our lives or in the world, GOD IS GOOD!

     We can never say that because we have difficulties that God isn’t good and isn’t in love with us. There are many reasons for difficulties in this word. For one, we have an enemy that never sleeps who is constantly trying to destroy us. 

     Another is that we don’t see the whole picture sometimes so we don’t understand that a temporary difficulty is bringing and eternal strength that we need to fulfill our eternal destiny. 

     When training and army you put them through struggles to strengthen them and to prepare them for what comes next. And let’s not forget that sometimes we get into trouble just because we are still learning and we are forced to make decisions based on limited knowledge.

     Our Father loves us in good times and in bad times. He is good when it’s sunny and he is good when it’s storming. He understands our weakness and he knows what it’s like to have troubles and trials. Does he allow these things? Yes sometimes he does.

     When I was young my earthly dad didn’t let me get by with what I was comfortable doing. I can remember groaning and grunting trying to keep up with my older, much stronger brothers cutting firewood and hauling it up the hill to put it in the truck. He didn’t let me get by with picking up the light pieces just because I was young. He knew that in the days to come I would need the muscles from that workout to handle the obstacles that would come my way. I wonder where my earthly dad got that wisdom from?

     Our Heavenly Father knows our eternal purpose. He knows the challenges that lay ahead and how much faith and spiritual muscle we will need to accomplish all he has for us to do. He understands that sometimes the challenges are stronger than we are and we will occasionally fail. He doesn’t mind if we fail sometimes as long as we keep getting up and continuing the fight no matter what. We must fight for the light with all our might in day and night.

     Jesus told us that in this world we would have tribulations. Once we begin to see our lives here as “boot camp” for the next age it makes perfect sense. We are being trained to rule and reign with him upon this earth and he allows our faith to be challenged so our faith will get stronger and stronger until there is nothing that can stand in our way.

     In James chapter one it says it this way:

Count it all joy, my brothers, 
when you meet trials of various kinds, 
 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, 
that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

     We must learn to rejoice in troubles and not run from them. Every believer I know at this time if facing some trial or hardship. It is so easy to give up and say that God doesn’t care and that he isn’t helping me. But he is for us and will always be for us.

     Jesus didn’t quit on us. He was beaten and battered and covered in our guilt and our sin and our sickness and diseases and yet still found the strength to climb Calvary’s hill just to be put to death for our mistakes. Can’t we dig a little deeper and find strength to keep going for him?

     As I was writing these words he spoke to me and asked me to share these words with you all:

     My children, don’t give up. I know it looks impossible. Many of you are facing situations that seem hopeless, but dig a little deeper. Faith, hope and love always remain. You can never totally run out of them. Yes you are struggling but there is victory on the way.

     You will overcome today’s struggles and then I will give you a refreshing of my presence like cool water on a hot day. I will nurture and heal your wounds and give you strength and then I will put you right back into the fight for faith. 

     My purpose for you is still the same: To subdue the earth and rule it. Once you realize that trials and fights are part of my plan and you embrace it then you become the champions I called you to be. I will fight with you and through you and you will overcome. The kingdoms of this world will fall into the hands of my sons and daughters and you will rejoice because you have overcome the world.

     I am with you and will never forsake you and you will learn that every fight is winnable if you won’t give up. I am your victory and all my power is available to you. You don’t even have to fight in your own strength. You can fight in mine. Remember that you are not wrestling with flesh and blood people but with spiritual powers that don’t want to give up control of the territory they are holding. You must learn to fight in the spirit and not in your own strength.

     So strengthen yourselves in me by worship and praying and build up your faith by praying in my Spirit and get up off the ground and draw your swords and take it to them. You are my champions, you are destined to rule with me. There will be a day when the fighting is done and we can rejoice together in triumphant joy. There will be a day when you are rewarded for every struggle you fought in this age. Whether you win or lose, As long as you are willing to fight I am willing to reward you.

     I love you so much my dear ones and my love is enough. I am your strength, I am your victory! Be bold and courageous!

     Read the words of my prophet one more time and realize that even if the whole world fails, I will not fail you.

Though the fig tree should not blossom,
nor fruit be on the vines,
the produce of the olive fail
and the fields yield no food,
the flock be cut off from the fold
and there be no herd in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the LORD;
I will take joy in the God of my salvation.
GOD, the Lord, is my strength;
he makes my feet like the deer’s;
he makes me tread on my high places.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click on any of the three links below.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Hiding Place

Isaiah 32

Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, 
and princes shall rule in judgment.

And a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, 
and a covert from the tempest; 
as rivers of water in a dry place, 
as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.

     I love these scriptures in Isaiah. It paints such a pretty picture of who our Lord is and who we are becoming. As I usually do, I read these verses I look for questions and for a prayer that I can pray from them. I do this with all scriptures for I believe the scriptures are not just words but they are doorways into the realm of heaven. I believe if you pray the scriptures you will become the picture that they are painting.

     So I had to ask myself the questions from these verses:

     1: Jesus is the King who rules in righteousness, so have I given him every part of my life to rule over? Is there any area in my life that I have not given him complete Lordship over? Is he the Lord over my thoughts and actions and dreams? Is he Lord over every decision I make?

     2: Princes will rule in judgment. Jesus is King of Kings, and we are God’s children who are being trained to be kings. We are princes in his kingdom but he only allows us to rule if we rule with just judgment. The more like Jesus we become the more authority we are given. We must learn to judge the way he does and not as the world does. We must look at Jesus and judge things the way he exampled for us. We have these examples in the New Testament. For example: Jesus judgment against those in sin was not condemnation. It was be whole and sin no more. He is always looking to save and not to destroy.

     The next part of these verses is my favorite. Let these words paint a picture in your mind.

And a man shall be as a hiding place from the wind, 
and a covert from the tempest; 
as rivers of water in a dry place, 
as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.

     As we learn to let our King rule over us in righteousness and then we learn to judge the way he does, it is then when we become a hiding place from the wind. Just as Jesus is our hiding place. He is our covert in the tempest, our water in the dry place and the shade from the scorching sun.

     So my last question must be:

     3: Am I a hiding place for someone else? When the storms of life rage against them can they count on me for shelter? Am I someone who people run to and not from? When others are thirsty can they come to me for encouragement and a cool drink of peace? When the troubles of life are so hot that others are scorching am I willing to be their shade where they can hide until things get better?

     The only way to become the hiding place for others is to become hidden ourselves. Psalm 27 verse five says it this way:

For he will hide me in his shelter
in the day of trouble;
he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;
he will lift me high upon a rock.

     And in Colossians chapter three the scriptures say:

If then you have been raised with Christ, 
seek the things that are above, 
where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 
Set your minds on things that are above, 
not on things that are on earth. 
 For you have died, and your life 
is hidden with Christ in God. 

     So my prayer today is one I hope you will pray also:

Lord Jesus, please rule over all of my life.
Be King over all that I am.

Teach me to rule over the darkness in the world with righteousness and true judgment. 

Let me not judge others unjustly but let me judge all things according to your instruction.

Please my Lord, help me stay hidden in you.
Let others not see me at all, but let them see you in me.

Teach me to be a hiding place for other who are facing raging storms.

Help me be the place where those who are thirsty can find your living water flowing from me.

Help me be to deflect the heat from others so they can rest.

Help me dear Lord to be just as you are. Amen and Amen!

     I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click on one of the links below.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Abide in my love. Rest in my Joy

John 15

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. 
Abide in my love. 
If you keep my commandments, 
you will abide in my love, 
just as I have kept my Father’s commandments
 and abide in his love. 
These things I have spoken to you, 
that my joy may be in you, 
and that your joy may be full.
This is my commandment: 
That you love one another as I have loved you. 

     As I was praying for each of you today Father spoke the following words to you and asked me to share them with you.

     My little children. I know many of you are full of doubt and fear and you see things that make you afraid of the times to come. Don’t be afraid my dear little ones. Storms will come and they will go but your Rock remains forever. Set your anchor deep in me and don’t be afraid of the storms that you see coming. There have always been storms and there will always be storms until all things are restored but I am your God and your deliverer and I remain faithful forever.

     Please take your eyes off of the television news and put them back on me. Set your minds on things above and not on things below. Keep your eyes on what I’m doing on not what the pre-programmed news wants you to see. Remember the news agencies are companies who profit from ratings and people do love to look at death and destruction. If they can’t find bad news then they will create bad news. It’s just a distraction to keep you from looking above and seeing that my kingdom is advancing.

     There are many things I long to tell you about the future but many of you are not ready to hear them. So many of you have put on blinders and have looked through the eyes of incorrect doctrine for so long that you have become blinded. 

     Many assume things must get worse and worse until the world falls apart. This idea did not come from me. While staring at the world falling they fail to see the kingdom rising. They twist my word to try to fit into their latest doomsday scenario and mislead many. How many times do they have to be wrong before my children will stop being led astray by them?

     What about Y2K? What about 12-12-12? What about the great asteroid that was supposed to destroy the world in September? What about the colored moons that signaled the end of time? Will you please set your hearts and minds on me and trust me to take care of you? Have I not brought you through many storms and have I not brought you safely out the other side? How about taking all the books they sold you about all these calamities that never happened and go and demand your money back?

     Let’s look at a few examples from my scripture about what is coming.

Isaiah Chapter 9

1: But there will be *no gloom for her who was in anguish.*
In the former time he brought into contempt the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, 
but in the latter time he has made glorious the way of the sea, 
the land beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations.

2: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;

those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, 
on them has light shone.

3: You have multiplied the nation; you have increased its joy;

they rejoice before you as with joy at the harvest, 
as they are glad when they divide the spoil.

4: For the yoke of his burden, and the staff for his shoulder, 
the rod of his oppressor, 
you have broken as on the day of Midian.

5: *For every boot of the tramping warrior in battle tumult and every garment rolled in blood will be burned as fuel for the fire.*

6: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given;

*and the government shall be upon his shoulder,*

and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, 
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

7: Of the increase of his government and of peace

there will be no end, 

on the throne of David and over his kingdom,

to establish it and to uphold it with justice
 and with righteousness

from this time forth and forevermore.

The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

     I have a great plan for these days that you call the end times. I didn’t call them the end times but the latter times. There is no end for those who trust in me. There is only and eternity of love and bliss for all who are born again into my kingdom. My plan is simple. It is called VICTORY!

     I will conquer this world through my beloved ones and when all things have been put under the feet of the church I will send my beloved son to reign with you and we will make our home with you and when the time is right I will re-create the heavens and earth and all marks of sin will no longer exists and the earth and the heaven will not have anything in them that is stained by blood and tears.

     The unrest you see in the earth today is because the evil spirits and those who host them see the rising church and the rising kingdom. They know their days of ruling are almost over and their kingdom is falling.

     The light of my truth will reveal who they are and the people who have been blind will see plainly and will begin to unite as one body, one church, one bride and will make themselves ready and fit to rule with their king.

     All of creation will rejoice as I told you in Romans chapter 8:

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time 
are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 
For the creation waits with eager longing 
for the revealing of the sons of God.

     This glorious day is upon you. When it is revealed to you who you really are my beloved. You are not subject to the affairs of this world but you are chosen ones that I chose from the beginning of creation to be born at this time and to usher in the kingdom of my dear son. This kingdom has been in the earth since Jesus was born and is now about to take over the earth. Jesus told you that the seed was like the mustard and it was small but it would grow up to be the biggest tree in the garden.

     Stop believing all the doom and gloom. Start asking me to reveal to you who I am in you and who you are in me. We are not two but one. As you see these things you will begin to awaken and will shake off the chains of fear and torment and will put on my glory as I told you in Isaiah chapter 60.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, 
and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.

For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, 
and thick darkness the peoples;

*but the LORD will arise upon you, 
and his glory will be seen upon you.*

And nations shall come to your light, 
and kings to the brightness of your rising.

     Darkness has covered the people. Their eyes are dark continually. Never looking for light or hope only looking for fear and dread. It shall not be like this for you my beloved. My light is arising from in you and will soon rest upon you. Pentecost was only a preview. Soon my fire will rest upon all my people and my glory will be seen in all the earth. The righteous will shine and those who love to walk in darkness will be terrified of you. Consider carefully what I said through my beloved David in Psalm 37:

*Fret not yourself because of evildoers; 
be not envious of wrongdoers!*

For they will soon fade like the grass 
and wither like the green herb.

Trust in the LORD, and do good; 
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.

Delight yourself in the LORD, 
and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the LORD; 
trust in him, and he will act.

He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, 
and your justice as the noonday.

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; 
fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, 
over the man who carries out evil devices!

Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!
 Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.

For the evildoers shall be cut off, 

but those who wait for the LORD shall inherit the land.

In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; 

Though you look carefully at his place, 
he will not be there.

But the meek shall inherit the land
and delight themselves in abundant peace.

    Do you see it my beloved ones? See how you have been like sheep that were following shepherds of fear? Turn to me and look into my glorious love and liberty for you. It has always been my plan to destroy evil with good. To destroy darkness with light and to destroy hate with love. I am your loving Father and I will never forsake you. I am with you and I am raising you up to be the mighty ones that will subdue the earth. Not with bows and arrows or guns or spears but you will conquer with love and praise.

     You will overcome with the blood of my lamb and the word of your testimony. Just rest in me and be at peace. Pray for those who are out of the way. Become the light that I made you to be and many will run to your light and will inquire about me. You will lead them into the kingdom for it is my will to save and not destroy. 

     The kingdoms of this world will be destroyed because so many that blindly followed them will come to my light and repent and be saved. They will forsake the earthly kingdom and become part of my eternal kingdom.

     So what about my plan for you? I spoke it through my prophet Isaiah long before you were born into the earth. Think about it my beloved and let these words settle your hearts and minds once and for all.

Isaiah 55

For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace;

the mountains and the hills before you 
shall break forth into singing,

and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress;

instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle;

and it shall make a name for the LORD,

an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off.”

     This is my will for you my beloved. Be at peace my children.

I hope you are encouraged by these words.

Until next time,

Grow Rich in His Grace,

I love you all,


For more information please click on the links below:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

With God All Things Are Possible

Mark 10: 27

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.”

     I know many of you who read these words are facing many things that seem impossible. Some are facing health problems and some family problems and some financial problems. So I want you to take a moment and read the verse above. With God all things are possible! So now the question is not can your situation be solved? The question is; Are you with God?

     Don’t let the enemy try to get you involved in all the troublesome details. You don’t have to look at the situation you are facing. You just have to look into the face of the one who is handling your situation. We must constantly ask ourselves if we are with God in our situation. If the answer is yes then we enter into the realm of the impossibility becoming the reality. We know that we who believe are in Christ and he is in us. If you are in Christ then you are with God and now all things are possible.

Isaiah 26 verses 3 and 4 say it this way:

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.
Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.

     The way to find peace in every situation is to keep our hearts and minds set on God within us. He is with us and will not forsake us. Let’s not look at our problems but stare lovingly in the face of our answer.

     As I was writing these words to you our Father’s voice came to me and asked me to share the following words with you:

     My beloved. I am your rest. I am your answer. I am all you need. I am the answer to all your problems and fears. Rest in my love for you my beloved. I am not dismayed by the magnitude of your problem. Your problems only look big in your eyes. In my eyes they are but a small thing.

     I chose you and ordained you from before the creation of the universe. I was well aware of your problems long ago and I am not afraid. If you are in me then all your problems are in me also.

     I am the God who created all things. I am the deliverer who brought Israel out of Egypt with a mighty hand. I sustained them in the wilderness even though they walked in unbelief. I brought them through the sea on dry ground. I delivered the Hebrew children from the fiery furnace. I delivered Daniel from the lions. I even delivered my son from death and hell and the grave.

     Have I not brought you through many problems before? I have not changed and I am with you and in you and it is my delight to deliver you again. It is my joy to turn your impossibilities into reality. I will never leave you. I live inside you so how could I leave? I go where you go. I am for you and not against you.

     So now that you know that I am with you will you be with me? Will you take your eyes off the waves and the wind and set them on my Son and step out of the boat of unbelief and walk with me on the top of your raging sea? You are in me and I am your ark. You will not drown. I will uphold you with my mighty hand and will deliver you from all your troubles as you learn to trust me.

     Don’t you know how much you are loved? Don’t you know how valuable you are to me? Would you please consider for just a moment what it cost me to purchase you? Do you think I would have paid the price I did if I didn’t think you were a treasure? You are the treasure I saw hidden in the field called earth and it cost me all I had but I got you. You were the treasure that came from heaven and was hidden in the world. That’s why I sent my son to redeem you back to where you came from.

     You have been washed in the blood of my son and you are holy and righteous. You are my delight and the reason for the song in my heart. You are not a poor wanderer in the earth. You are in the world but not of the world. You are a citizen of the New Jerusalem which is above and you are sent into the world to shine like the treasure that you are.

     You are my representative and your well-being does not come from the world but is part of your inheritance as a citizen of heaven and a child of the king. You are not subject to the natural laws of the world but are subject to the supernatural laws of the Spirit of life in Christ.

     This is why I told you that my kingdom is within you. It’s not far away in heaven. It is right inside you where I sit enthroned on your heart. So see me on the throne inside you and suddenly your problems will seem much smaller.

     See yourself hidden in me. I am your hiding place. I am your secret place. You are in Christ and Christ is in you and Christ is in me and I am in Christ and Holy Spirit is in us all and we are one. Not many but one. Isn’t this what Jesus prayed in John chapter 17? Do you think I answered his prayer? This is what Pentecost was about. Not about signs and wonders and miracles although those things come with my presence. It was about me living inside you.

     It’s simple my beloved. When the veil was torn in two my presence left the temple made with hands. I never really wanted to live with a veil separating me from my people but they chose the division. I didn’t chose it that way. When you accept my Son and believe in him then the veil in your heart is torn in two and I move into the temple made without hands. You are my holy place and I dwell in you because you invited me and there is nowhere else I’d rather be. I stood at the door of your heart and knocked and you opened so I came in. I am so glad you opened the door my beloved. It is such a joy to dwell inside you.

     Jesus told you that in my house are many mansions. You are my mansion. He came and brought his blood into heaven to prepare a place for you in heaven and you received his blood into the temple called your spirit and you made a place for us to dwell in you. Would you please consider these things and stop seeing me as a faraway God who isn’t in touch with you?

     You have forgotten many of the tears you cried and why you cried them but I didn’t forget. I numbered them and saved them and placed a reward for them in safe keeping for you. You may not remember every time you laughed with joy but I recorded it in my book of remembrance just so we could re-live it over and over for eternity. I am that much in touch with you and I know all your problems and I am your answer.

     So please my beloved stop letting your problems be bigger in your eyes than I am. Please see me as your deliverer and your exceeding great reward. See me as I am: The God of all creation, all powerful and all loving and living inside you because I am in love with you. I have always been and always will be in love with you so rejoice and rest in me. Give me all your cares, worries and fears. Rest in my arms and be my child and let me be your Father. 

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please visit the following websites:


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Be Still and Know

Psalm 46

New Living Translation

 God is our refuge and strength,

always ready to help in times of trouble.

So we will not fear when earthquakes come 

and the mountains crumble into the sea.

Let the oceans roar and foam. 

Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!


A river brings joy to the city of our God, 

the sacred home of the Most High. 

*God dwells in that city; 

it cannot be destroyed.

From the very break of day, 

God will protect it.* 

The nations are in chaos,

and their kingdoms crumble! 

God’s voice thunders, 

and the earth melts!

*The LORD of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; 

the God of Israel is our fortress.*


Come, see the glorious works of the LORD:

See how he brings destruction upon the world.

*He causes wars to end throughout the earth.

He breaks the bow and snaps the spear;

he burns the shields with fire.*

“Be still, and know that I am God!

I will be honored by every nation.

I will be honored throughout the world.”

*The LORD of Heaven’s Armies is here among us;

the God of Israel is our fortress.*

     I was awakened this morning with the words "Be still and know that I am God" dancing through my heart and mind. I got up and opened my bible and found this chapter in Psalms and began to study it. Some amazing things jumped right off the page at me.
The first thing was the "be still and know" part but the other thing was when he said " He causes wars to end throughout the earth, He breaks the bow and snaps the spear and burns the shields with fire."

     So what does this mean? It means God is declaring war on war. He will bring peace by ending war. He will destroy the ability of the armies of the world to make war. 

    So I began to meditate on these verses for a few moments and as always his loving voice came to me and he asked me to write these things down and share them with you. I hope they bless you and encourage you.

     My children, my beloved, don’t you know that you are my city. You are my dwelling places. Didn’t Jesus tell you that in my house are many mansions? You are my mansions that I dwell in in great joy. I dwell in you and you are my home. You are my home individually and corporately. I am with you in times of trouble.

     I told you that you would have trouble but I will always be with you. Trouble is a fire and you are the water. You are the light of the world. You are my candles that I lit and sent into this dark world to bring light into it. You are my hiding place and I am yours. Once you begin to see me dwelling in you and not in a faraway heaven, then things will work better for you.

     I live in you in Spirit form and I will never leave you. You opened your heart and let me in and I will never leave. I have called you and anointed you and I will never change my mind about you.

     Here is what I think about you:

     I think you are like my beloved who sits on the throne beside me. You are my beloved and adopted into my family. You are holy and righteous ones, and full of glory and might. You are the blessed ones for whom I created eternity and reward to share with you. You are my plan and my hope and my future also.

     I didn’t just send Jesus to save you but to reveal to you who I am and to show you who you are. This is who you are to me. You are created in our image and after our likeness. That means we like what we created you to be. We took all the things we like and put them in you when you were created.

     This is the good news that has been lost and is being restored to the church. Do you ever wonder why the early church was so thrilled when they heard the good news? They understood what it meant for me to be living inside them. The reality of me inside them was greater than you understand today because you have been taught that I’m hiding in a faraway heaven and untouched by your daily troubles and lives. The truth is I am inside you and I know every scratch and scar and every sigh. I know every hurt and pain and save every tear you cry so that I may give you an eternal reward for every thing that ever troubled you.

     You must learn to be still and know that I am God. You must take several moments throughout your day and refocus on Christ in you. I’m not a million miles away in heaven I am inside you so take a moment and see me in you and see yourself in me.

     Now look at all your problems and worries and cares. Take them into your hands and give them to me. I’m not far away. I am in you.
Reach inside yourself and hand them to me. I purchased your problems and cares when I purchased you with the blood of my son. Your cares do not belong to you. They are mine so give them to me.

     You must learn to see me in yourselves. Stop looking faraway into a heaven that you can’t reach and look inside and see me smiling at you because I am in love with you and I have always been in love with you and I will always be in love with you. I have never or will I ever be angry with you. I am forever patient with you and could never cast you away because you live in me.

     This is why David said that even if he made his bed in hell I would still be with him. He understood that I don’t turn away when my children go the wrong way. I chase them even into hell to bring them out into my glory. 

     Until you understand this kind of love you will not understand the kingdom. This is why the kingdom is like little children. If you saw your child run into a busy street would you leave them there or go after them? If you saw your child going down the wrong path would you let them walk away or would you pursue them?

     I am your loving Father and my name has been tarnished by fables and by those who don’t know me. When you understand my ways then you will know my name. My ways and my name are one. Soon my good name will be restored. I am not the destroyer of good. I only destroy evil. I destroy this evil with good not with anger. Good destroys evil. Light destroys darkness, love destroys hate. Think on these things and understand who I am.

     Look at the scriptures again through the eyes of love and see who I am. Many read them and see a god of war and full of meanness and wrath. I have only been mean toward the evil that destroys my children. You must learn my true character and put away all the negative things you have heard about me.

     Would an angry mean God send his only son to bleed and die for people if I didn’t love them? It’s time for the church to wake up and realize I am in love with each person in the world, and want to save and adopt each and every one into my family.

     You must learn to separate the sin from the sinner. You must see sin as a sickness that people are born with and my son’s blood as the cure. I was in Christ not counting the sins of the world against the people of the world. It’s time the church started loving those who are trapped in the world. They should love them enough to go into the world and save them from the evil that is in the world. This is why Jesus told the disciples to go and preach the “good news” to every creature.

     What is good news to a person who thinks I am angry with them? The good news is that I am not angry and I love those that are running and if they will stop or turn around they will find me chasing them. The good news is that their sins are forgiven and if they will accept the forgiveness they can have new life, just like you accepted and were born again.

     Many of my children don’t understand this and they preach anger and hate and destruction and fear. It doesn’t help. It just makes those who are running from me run faster. They feel condemned and helpless and hopeless and assume they are destined for hell so they just keep running. There is only condemnation in their message and there is no power to deliver those they preach to.

     So you wonder, why would I let people preach such a message? It’s simple, I love the person who is preaching error just as much as the person living in sin. I am chasing these preachers with the message of my love but they are running also because they know me through traditions they have learned in religion and not from having a loving relationship with me. It’s my goodness towards people that brings true repentance and any repentance that is not because of a revelation of my kindness is short lived.

     So will you help me my beloved? Will you help restore my name? Will you show my kindness and goodness to everyone you meet and tell them I am in love with them and will not stop chasing them until they surrender?

     Will you awaken to the fact that I live inside you and that I am always with you and that there is a river of life running through you that always fills you with my glory? 

     Will you please consider such a thing? Will you take time to meditate on these messages I am sending you and not just let them go in and out? Why is it that you will listen to a song a thousand times but a message only once? Please my beloved, don’t you hear me shouting my love for you? Don’t you know that I am a God of peace that only uses war to make peace?

     Arise and shine my beloved for my glory has arisen within you and upon you and when you awaken to this truth the world will fall at your feet and ask you to introduce them to your God.

     Please love each other and be patient with each other. Don’t be divided as the world likes to divide. Don’t look for differences, look for me in each other and fellowship and share the truth of my love with each other and encourage each other. There is enough discouragement in the world. There should be none in the church. I love you with everything I am my beloved. Will your love each other the same? Let my peace settle into your hearts. Be still and know that I am God.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please visit the following websites:


Monday, October 26, 2015

Two Things

Matthew Chapter 3

13: Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan
 to John, to be baptized by him. 
 John would have prevented him, saying, 
“I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” 
But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now, 
for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” 
Then he consented. And when Jesus was baptized,
 immediately he went up from the water, 
and behold, the heavens were opened to him, 
and he saw the Spirit of God 
descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; 
and behold, a voice from heaven said, 
“This is my beloved Son, 
with whom I am well pleased.”

     As I was meditating these words the voice of my Father came to me and told me to share with you the following words:

     Don't you see my heart my beloved? Just as I love my son Jesus so do I love you. You are in him and he is in you and you are all in us if you believe. I need you to know these two things.
You are my beloved children, and I am well pleased with you.

     Do you notice that I felt this way about Jesus before he began his ministry? These words came before the mighty works, before the great sermons. Before the cross and resurrection.  

     You must awaken to my love my children. You must know that you are loved and were loved long before you were born. You have been in my heart for eternity and my love for you is not based on your performance but is based on the fact that you are my children and you are much loved because of who you are to me.

     I told you in Ephesians that I chose you before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in Christ. So we need to settle this once and for all time. You are loved and are pleasing in my sight because you are in my son. Now you must let that change you. If that revelation was enough to change Jesus, it was enough to change you. 

     For most of my children your identity has been stolen by religious theories from people who don't understand the finality of my son's cross regarding sin. They don't realize the sin question was answered at the cross and now the question is "now that your sins are forgiven why don't you accept it and be born from above?

     So now that you know that you are forgiven and loved and are my child how are you going to live? Who are you? Are you going to continue to live in the bondage of a mindset that tells you that you are a rotten sinner barely getting by because of my grace? Or are you going to live in the truth that you are my righteousness in Christ and holy and blameless and full of my glory on the inside? You are not a sinner saved by grace. That is who you were. You are my child and a saint because of your faith in the life and the blood of my son and you are dead to sin and alive unto me. 

    So let me warn you. Jesus realized his identity and my love for him and then he was tempted to prove who he was in the wilderness. He didn't fall for it. My word telling him who he was was enough proof for him. He didn't have to prove anything to the devil. After he overcame the temptation to use my power for his own gain then he was empowered by my Spirit to do wonders and miracles. 

     You have nothing to prove to the enemy either. So don't be tempted when others tell you to do things to prove who you are in me. Yes you will see miracles and signs and wonders just as Jesus did but these are not to prove who you are. They are acts of love shown towards others. You are to be known by the love you have toward each other and by the fruit you will bear because I live inside you. 

     Did you also see in the scriptures I gave you that this word of identity and of love enabled Holy Spirit to rest upon Jesus? If you believe in me and then you are in Christ and Holy Spirit rests upon you and in you. Your spirits are sealed with Holy Spirit as I told you in my book. You are one spirit with us and inseparable from us. Don't let religion tell you any thing different. It's that word of condemnation that blinds you so that you can't see that we are always present with you.

     I loved you so much that I made your heart my home and dwell there joyfully. You are my temple. My glorious dwelling place. Oh my beloved, don't you see me? I am right here inside you. Why do you worry? Why do you fear? Awaken to my perfect love for you and no fear will ever trouble you again. 

     So now awaken, yes you, the one reading these words. Yes I am speaking to you. Awaken to my love for you. Let that be the basis of our relationship. It's not based on your performance whether good or bad. It's based on two things. You are the child of my love and I am pleased with you because you are mine.

     Those of you with children you understand this don't you? You don't just love your children when they are behaving the way you think they should. Your love for them doesn't rise and fall. It's constant. You want them to live in holiness for their sake not yours. It's the same with me. That's why we provided salvation so that you could never be separated from us. 

     Don't let anyone separate you from this truth. You are loved and accepted and holy in my sight. Now live from that foundation. Don't think I'm angry when you fail. I'm not. I am forever patient with you and am gently persuading you to see yourself as I see you. 

     When you have the same revelation of yourself that I have of you then all these other problems will fall way. If you see yourself as just a sinner you will constantly fall back to that position. If you see yourself as holy and righteous you will rise to that position. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. If you believe your are holy and righteous you will become on the outside what you already are on the inside. Inside you are holy and powerful and righteous and full of life and light. 

     This is why I told you to "work out" your salvation with fear and trembling. All that you need to overcome any problem in life is already inside you in your identity. If you would really look at who lives inside you you would tremble at the awesomeness of my son who dwells in you. My glory is so great inside you and all you need to do is work that towards the outside by acting on the truth of who you are in me and who I am in you. 

     I already gave you all things that pertain to life and Godliness so my answer is not in heaven above, it's in the heaven inside you. Jesus told you he is the door, he is the way, he is the truth and the life and he lives inside you. So don't look for me in the heavens above, Don't look for me in the earth below. Look for me right here inside you, where I dwell in great joy because you opened the door and let me in and we came and made our abode with you. 

     Rest in my love for you my beloved and don't be afraid. Yes there are troublesome times in the earth but heaven is inside you. Soon the heaven inside you will overcome the trouble on the outside and the world outside will become like the heaven inside. I am your heaven and you are mine. I dwell in you and you dwell in me. See yourself as my heaven and you will be filled with my peace. I love you my children. 

I hope you are encouraged by these words. 
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please visit the following websites:


Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Who Are You?

     Lately I have been seeing so much confusion in God's children because of the constant negative preaching that they hear. They are the righteousness of God one moment and a dirty rotten sinner the next. Listening to the wrong voice leads to confusion. While praying about these things today Father's voice came to me and said:

     My son, write down the following words and share them with my beloved ones:

     My beloved, my love for you is the key to all things. Fellowship with me because you know how much I love you. I put all your sins on the cross where you were crucified in Christ. I put you in him so when He was resurrected I could put Him in you. It’s Christ in you the hope of glory.

     My children you are struggling because you listen to religion tell you how awful you are and how much I detest sin, and how I am so holy and you are so unrighteous. This is not the gospel. The gospel is good news. How is this good news? Here is the good news. I told you in scripture that you are my righteousness in Christ Jesus. You are the ones I made holy. If I said you are holy then you are holy. I can’t lie.

     You are in Christ and have the same status of righteousness and holiness as he does. If you are one Spirit with me then you can’t say anything about yourself that you wouldn’t say about me. When you call yourself a sinner you call Christ a sinner because you are one Spirit.

     My people don’t understand the finality of the cross for dealing with sin. All sin was put on Christ and he “became sin” on that cross. Sin was dealt with once and for all and there is no reason to remember it again. It’s the constant reminder of it from false shepherds who want you to think you are unworthy that keeps it in remembrance. 

     It's like a man who once did bad things but got saved and people keep bringing up his past and convincing him that he hasn't changed. Does reminding him of his past do anything to help him now or does it damage his confidence in his ability to walk free from the old life?

     I told you through scripture that this is the covenant I am making with you. I will write my laws on your heart and on your mind and I will remember your sins no more. I have faith that the cross was the end of all sin. Don’t you believe it’s really finished? Do you think Jesus suffered enough or should he suffer some more? If I'm still judging you for sin then why did Jesus have to die? If sin is still in control then wasn't his death in vain?

     Yes sometimes you do things that are from your old nature but those are just ghosts from the dead man that was left on the cross. You were crucified with Christ and now you live with him and in him. Just because you forget who you are sometimes and act like the person you were before doesn’t mean you are that person.

     Sometimes when telling stories you make animal sounds but that doesn’t make you an animal. Sometimes you behave like a child but does that mean you are a child? No, of course not. Learn to see how I see things.

     You are not a sinner saved by grace. You were a sinner and I saved you and adopted you and filled you with my Spirit and now you are children of the kingdom growing up into the fullness of Christ. You are still growing but one day you will be just like him. All you need to do this is already within you. I told you the kingdom was like a seed. I planted this seed in you so let it grow. Stop letting the weeds of religion choke it out. Stop listening to anything or anyone who condemns you in any way. I told you in Romans that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

     Those who spew condemnation are still trying to live under a system I took away two thousand years ago. The law could never make anyone perfect. All it could do was condemn. Jesus came and fulfilled all the commandments and took that law and nailed it to his cross so that you would never be judged by it again.

     Righteousness never came by the law. Death came by the law. The law was even written on stone. The same stone they used to kill people who broke it. Grace and truth came by Jesus. He took all the guilt of the whole world upon himself and gave you righteousness as a free gift just for believing in him. He made all things right between us and now Holy Spirit is doing his best to convince you how holy you really are.

     Do you think Holy Spirit could live inside you if you weren’t holy? After all he is Holy. You were washed and cleansed and sealed in holiness for eternity and now all you must do is learn to live as the holy being that you are.

     The first step is to put off the old man. Don’t fight him and struggle with him. Bury him once and for all. Give him a funeral and pronounce your old nature dead. You don’t have sin living inside you. You have holiness inside you. When Paul said that sin dwells in me he was talking about the man under the law not the new creation man that is free from sin. Reckon yourselves to be dead to sin and alive unto me.

     If any man be in Christ he is a new creation and old things have passed away. All things are new and all things are of me. Your old man is dead but you still have memories of him running through your mind. This is why your mind needs to be renewed to the truth of who you are. You must once and for all see yourself crucified with Christ. All your sins, past present and future were dealt with once and for all and you need to leave them on that cross and rise above them.

     The next step is to see who you really are. You are not a body. You are a spirit made in my holy image. Learn to live as a spirit. Not a flesh man. You are filled with my Spirit and are one Spirit with me. No longer two but one. So you have no excuse for failure. You have holiness inside you so you can live out of that nature and not the old one who is dead.

     As I told you in Second Peter, you have forgotten your sins were purged and now you are holy. Live out of the new nature. Live out of your true self. Once again I say to you "Behold if any man be in Christ he is a new creation. Old things have passed away and all things are become new."  You are the new creation being. You are powerful and holy and full of light and wisdom. The old you only exists in memories because you keep them alive by focusing on them. You must forget what was behind and move forward.

     Think of it this way. If you take a child and constantly tell him that he is smart and wonderful and full of joy and goodness, and tell him that he is so loved and wanted and a blessing to the whole world, what will he grow into? Now take the same child and tell him he is worthless and useless and full of sin and wickedness and is hated by everyone. Tell him that his Father is holy but he is sinful and doesn’t measure up. What will he become? 

     Is it any wonder that my church is confused and not living in their true identity? Stop believing the lies. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you who you were. Listen to your Father telling you who you are. Walk in the new nature. The old one is dead so stop trying to fix what is dead and leave it dead.

     You didn’t make yourself holy. I did it through Christ. If you say you are not holy then you say that Christ didn’t do enough to make you that way. When you belittle yourself you belittle the cross. Christ was the end of the law for righteousness. He is all you ever need. When you accepted him you were born again in his image. You don’t need to change who you are. You need to know who you are.

     Please my beloved. You know I loved you so much that I spilled the blood of my beloved son on a cross to save you. It was because of this great love that I did it. I loved you when you were my enemy. Do you think I would hate you now that you are my child?

     Please once and for all turn off all the fear mongers and hate mongers. You are not destined for wrath but for glory. There is no room for hate in my kingdoms. This is why I said to love your enemies. Love will take them from being your enemy and make them your family. Love never fails.

     Any message that belittles you in any way is not from me. I only encourage. Even my correction is done in love for your best interest. If I were really angry at the world do you think it would still be here? I am reaching out to every person on earth. I am wooing them by my Spirit. I am calling and calling and willing to save each and every one. We must get the gospel of the kingdom of love preached to the whole world.

     Please read these words that Paul wrote in Second Corinthians Chapter Five.

     Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself,*not imputing their trespasses unto them;* and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

     Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

     Please believe these words. I am not looking at sin. I am teaching you about righteousness. Stop disqualifying yourselves. You are qualified by faith in Christ. You are my righteousness. You are my joy. You are my treasure. Now live like it.

     You are so loved my children. Go tell everyone in the world that their sins were forgiven at the cross. Tell them to be reconciled to me for I've already reconciled them to myself. Tell them to receive this free gift of righteousness by faith in my Son and tell them it's time to get born again into a new creation being. Tell them that they can leave their old dead life on that cross and become a new person who never lived before. 

     Oh how much you are loved my children! Live out of my love for you and you will never want.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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