While praying today Father's voice came to me and said to me the following words:
My son, speak to my loved ones. Tell them they are not without a shepherd. They may be wandering and astray but my heart is still calling to them. Don’t you hear my voice my lambs? Don’t you hear me calling come home to me? Many of you are lost in troubles and lack and sickness but there is a place of rest for you. Many are lost in doubt because so many of your prayers and dreams haven’t come to pass. That doesn't mean I haven’t heard you. Turn your heart to me and I will answer.
The problem is that you have looked to a religion or a system and not to a personal relationship with me and my Son and my Spirit. I want to heal you of your sickness, disease and discomfort. I want to bless you with abundance but these things are only available in Christ. You won’t find them in a system called religion or in books or in programs called self-healing, self-help, or any other denomination. Only in relationship will you find your answers.
So many of my people read every book that comes out and follow every teacher that arises and eventually the get frustrated when they find that all these programs lead you in circles and get you nowhere. The leave you more disappointed and drowning in doubt when the things others wrote in books don’t work for you. I want to give each of you personal instructions and this is only available through relationship.
Don’t be discouraged my beloved, there is an answer for all of your problems. Jesus said “my sheep hear MY VOICE and a stranger they will not follow. Yes I appointed teachers but teachers should teach you how to hear my voice. That is their purpose so that you can have a personal relationship with me.
Think about Jesus on the mount of transfiguration. Moses and Elijah appeared on the mountain with him. All their religion and worship was based on the Law and the Prophets but what did I say? I said “This is my Son. Hear Him!” The whole purpose of the law and the prophets was to bring you to a place to hear my voice for yourself with no middleman between.
The problem is that you have looked to a religion or a system and not to a personal relationship with me and my Son and my Spirit. I want to heal you of your sickness, disease and discomfort. I want to bless you with abundance but these things are only available in Christ. You won’t find them in a system called religion or in books or in programs called self-healing, self-help, or any other denomination. Only in relationship will you find your answers.
So many of my people read every book that comes out and follow every teacher that arises and eventually the get frustrated when they find that all these programs lead you in circles and get you nowhere. The leave you more disappointed and drowning in doubt when the things others wrote in books don’t work for you. I want to give each of you personal instructions and this is only available through relationship.
Don’t be discouraged my beloved, there is an answer for all of your problems. Jesus said “my sheep hear MY VOICE and a stranger they will not follow. Yes I appointed teachers but teachers should teach you how to hear my voice. That is their purpose so that you can have a personal relationship with me.
Think about Jesus on the mount of transfiguration. Moses and Elijah appeared on the mountain with him. All their religion and worship was based on the Law and the Prophets but what did I say? I said “This is my Son. Hear Him!” The whole purpose of the law and the prophets was to bring you to a place to hear my voice for yourself with no middleman between.
Your teachers and pastors have a purpose and that purpose is to bring you to a place to have a one on one fellowship with me. I don’t have grandchildren. I have children. Those who are in your lives as Father figures should be leading you to my voice and not their voices. This is why Jesus said to call no man on earth your Father for one is your Father in heaven. He was trying to teach the people that they are one and not one is higher than the other.
In the old covenant you needed priests to connect with me but under the new covenant you have been adopted through the work of your high priest and have become my children by faith in My Lamb. By grace you are saved, healed and delivered through faith in My Son and not of yourselves, it is a free gift of my love to you.
Jesus said “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things that the world hungers for will be added to you.” There is a righteous way of seeking the kingdom and that way is Jesus.
My beloved ones, my precious ones please understand that if you will just lay aside all your programs and religious teaching and seek a relationship with my Son and my Spirit and with me then all other things will fall into place.
In every situation ask the following question: How does this affect my relationship with my Family in heaven? Is Jesus the reason for all that I am doing? Is my worship based on trying to get something or trying to know someone? If you will use everything in your life as a reason to build a relationship with Jesus then all other things will work out.
Jesus said “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things that the world hungers for will be added to you.” There is a righteous way of seeking the kingdom and that way is Jesus.
My beloved ones, my precious ones please understand that if you will just lay aside all your programs and religious teaching and seek a relationship with my Son and my Spirit and with me then all other things will fall into place.
In every situation ask the following question: How does this affect my relationship with my Family in heaven? Is Jesus the reason for all that I am doing? Is my worship based on trying to get something or trying to know someone? If you will use everything in your life as a reason to build a relationship with Jesus then all other things will work out.
If you want to frustrate your enemy start using every problem he throws at you as chance to know me better. If he makes you sick I am your healer. If he traps you I am your deliverer. If he gives you lack I am your provider. If he brings doubt I am your belief. Turn every obstacle in your life into a chance to know me.
I know all of your needs and I hear all of your prayers but all things were created for my Son and by my Son. All kingdoms and nations and authority was given to him. CHRIST Is The Kingdom. SEEK HIM! He is my beloved Son! Hear Him!
If anyone tries to lead you to anywhere or anyone else they are not a shepherd. They are the voices that lead you astray. Anyone who tells you that you can reign in life in any other way is not telling you the truth. There is one way and one truth and one life and that way is through my Son.
So I am calling you my beloved to listen to the voice of my Son and leave behind any other voice that doesn't lead you to him. If you will spend time in prayer and fellowship with Him then you will find great success.
I know all of your needs and I hear all of your prayers but all things were created for my Son and by my Son. All kingdoms and nations and authority was given to him. CHRIST Is The Kingdom. SEEK HIM! He is my beloved Son! Hear Him!
If anyone tries to lead you to anywhere or anyone else they are not a shepherd. They are the voices that lead you astray. Anyone who tells you that you can reign in life in any other way is not telling you the truth. There is one way and one truth and one life and that way is through my Son.
So I am calling you my beloved to listen to the voice of my Son and leave behind any other voice that doesn't lead you to him. If you will spend time in prayer and fellowship with Him then you will find great success.
He is your shepherd.
If you have Him you shall not want.
He will make you lie down in green pastures beside still waters.
He will restore your soul.
He will lead you in the righteous path for his name’s sake.
He has prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies. With Him you can walk right through the valley of the shadow of death without fear because you hear his voice and know that He is with you.
He that has the Son has me also and my Spirit.
So my beloved ones if you will set aside all other things and make the purpose of your life knowing Him then all these things will change for you. Did I not say in scripture that eternal life is knowing the one true God and Jesus Christ whom I sent? When you make your eternal life’s purpose getting to know me then all other things will be added to you.
If I didn't withhold my only son but delivered him up for you will I not freely with him give you all things? Have I not already blessed you with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ? All that you need is Jesus and if you are in Jesus you are in me and in my Spirit for we are one. When you find Jesus he leads you to me and I fill you with my Spirit who leads you to Jesus who leads you to me... It is and endless circle of love until you become totally one with us. You are so loved!
Come home my little lambs my voice is calling you to relationship not to a religious system. I am calling you because I love you and I want to be the answer to every question and problem you have. I want to be your Shepherd and I want you in my flock where you are safe and well and blessed. Will you leave religious Egypt and come to me outside the camp?
Don’t you hear my heart crying out to you? Don’t you know my love is always with you? There is a bloody cross that proves how much you are loved. It is the eternal symbol of my love for you. I love you with an everlasting, eternal love and that love in my heart for you needs you to come home.
Don’t delay my beloved, it doesn't matter where you wandered to or what you have done. The blood of my son is stronger than your sin. My love for you is stronger than your guilt or shame. So turn your hearts to me today my children and come home to me.
So my beloved ones if you will set aside all other things and make the purpose of your life knowing Him then all these things will change for you. Did I not say in scripture that eternal life is knowing the one true God and Jesus Christ whom I sent? When you make your eternal life’s purpose getting to know me then all other things will be added to you.
If I didn't withhold my only son but delivered him up for you will I not freely with him give you all things? Have I not already blessed you with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ? All that you need is Jesus and if you are in Jesus you are in me and in my Spirit for we are one. When you find Jesus he leads you to me and I fill you with my Spirit who leads you to Jesus who leads you to me... It is and endless circle of love until you become totally one with us. You are so loved!
Come home my little lambs my voice is calling you to relationship not to a religious system. I am calling you because I love you and I want to be the answer to every question and problem you have. I want to be your Shepherd and I want you in my flock where you are safe and well and blessed. Will you leave religious Egypt and come to me outside the camp?
Don’t you hear my heart crying out to you? Don’t you know my love is always with you? There is a bloody cross that proves how much you are loved. It is the eternal symbol of my love for you. I love you with an everlasting, eternal love and that love in my heart for you needs you to come home.
Don’t delay my beloved, it doesn't matter where you wandered to or what you have done. The blood of my son is stronger than your sin. My love for you is stronger than your guilt or shame. So turn your hearts to me today my children and come home to me.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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