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Monday, October 26, 2015

Two Things

Matthew Chapter 3

13: Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan
 to John, to be baptized by him. 
 John would have prevented him, saying, 
“I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” 
But Jesus answered him, “Let it be so now, 
for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” 
Then he consented. And when Jesus was baptized,
 immediately he went up from the water, 
and behold, the heavens were opened to him, 
and he saw the Spirit of God 
descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; 
and behold, a voice from heaven said, 
“This is my beloved Son, 
with whom I am well pleased.”

     As I was meditating these words the voice of my Father came to me and told me to share with you the following words:

     Don't you see my heart my beloved? Just as I love my son Jesus so do I love you. You are in him and he is in you and you are all in us if you believe. I need you to know these two things.
You are my beloved children, and I am well pleased with you.

     Do you notice that I felt this way about Jesus before he began his ministry? These words came before the mighty works, before the great sermons. Before the cross and resurrection.  

     You must awaken to my love my children. You must know that you are loved and were loved long before you were born. You have been in my heart for eternity and my love for you is not based on your performance but is based on the fact that you are my children and you are much loved because of who you are to me.

     I told you in Ephesians that I chose you before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in Christ. So we need to settle this once and for all time. You are loved and are pleasing in my sight because you are in my son. Now you must let that change you. If that revelation was enough to change Jesus, it was enough to change you. 

     For most of my children your identity has been stolen by religious theories from people who don't understand the finality of my son's cross regarding sin. They don't realize the sin question was answered at the cross and now the question is "now that your sins are forgiven why don't you accept it and be born from above?

     So now that you know that you are forgiven and loved and are my child how are you going to live? Who are you? Are you going to continue to live in the bondage of a mindset that tells you that you are a rotten sinner barely getting by because of my grace? Or are you going to live in the truth that you are my righteousness in Christ and holy and blameless and full of my glory on the inside? You are not a sinner saved by grace. That is who you were. You are my child and a saint because of your faith in the life and the blood of my son and you are dead to sin and alive unto me. 

    So let me warn you. Jesus realized his identity and my love for him and then he was tempted to prove who he was in the wilderness. He didn't fall for it. My word telling him who he was was enough proof for him. He didn't have to prove anything to the devil. After he overcame the temptation to use my power for his own gain then he was empowered by my Spirit to do wonders and miracles. 

     You have nothing to prove to the enemy either. So don't be tempted when others tell you to do things to prove who you are in me. Yes you will see miracles and signs and wonders just as Jesus did but these are not to prove who you are. They are acts of love shown towards others. You are to be known by the love you have toward each other and by the fruit you will bear because I live inside you. 

     Did you also see in the scriptures I gave you that this word of identity and of love enabled Holy Spirit to rest upon Jesus? If you believe in me and then you are in Christ and Holy Spirit rests upon you and in you. Your spirits are sealed with Holy Spirit as I told you in my book. You are one spirit with us and inseparable from us. Don't let religion tell you any thing different. It's that word of condemnation that blinds you so that you can't see that we are always present with you.

     I loved you so much that I made your heart my home and dwell there joyfully. You are my temple. My glorious dwelling place. Oh my beloved, don't you see me? I am right here inside you. Why do you worry? Why do you fear? Awaken to my perfect love for you and no fear will ever trouble you again. 

     So now awaken, yes you, the one reading these words. Yes I am speaking to you. Awaken to my love for you. Let that be the basis of our relationship. It's not based on your performance whether good or bad. It's based on two things. You are the child of my love and I am pleased with you because you are mine.

     Those of you with children you understand this don't you? You don't just love your children when they are behaving the way you think they should. Your love for them doesn't rise and fall. It's constant. You want them to live in holiness for their sake not yours. It's the same with me. That's why we provided salvation so that you could never be separated from us. 

     Don't let anyone separate you from this truth. You are loved and accepted and holy in my sight. Now live from that foundation. Don't think I'm angry when you fail. I'm not. I am forever patient with you and am gently persuading you to see yourself as I see you. 

     When you have the same revelation of yourself that I have of you then all these other problems will fall way. If you see yourself as just a sinner you will constantly fall back to that position. If you see yourself as holy and righteous you will rise to that position. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. If you believe your are holy and righteous you will become on the outside what you already are on the inside. Inside you are holy and powerful and righteous and full of life and light. 

     This is why I told you to "work out" your salvation with fear and trembling. All that you need to overcome any problem in life is already inside you in your identity. If you would really look at who lives inside you you would tremble at the awesomeness of my son who dwells in you. My glory is so great inside you and all you need to do is work that towards the outside by acting on the truth of who you are in me and who I am in you. 

     I already gave you all things that pertain to life and Godliness so my answer is not in heaven above, it's in the heaven inside you. Jesus told you he is the door, he is the way, he is the truth and the life and he lives inside you. So don't look for me in the heavens above, Don't look for me in the earth below. Look for me right here inside you, where I dwell in great joy because you opened the door and let me in and we came and made our abode with you. 

     Rest in my love for you my beloved and don't be afraid. Yes there are troublesome times in the earth but heaven is inside you. Soon the heaven inside you will overcome the trouble on the outside and the world outside will become like the heaven inside. I am your heaven and you are mine. I dwell in you and you dwell in me. See yourself as my heaven and you will be filled with my peace. I love you my children. 

I hope you are encouraged by these words. 
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Who Are You?

     Lately I have been seeing so much confusion in God's children because of the constant negative preaching that they hear. They are the righteousness of God one moment and a dirty rotten sinner the next. Listening to the wrong voice leads to confusion. While praying about these things today Father's voice came to me and said:

     My son, write down the following words and share them with my beloved ones:

     My beloved, my love for you is the key to all things. Fellowship with me because you know how much I love you. I put all your sins on the cross where you were crucified in Christ. I put you in him so when He was resurrected I could put Him in you. It’s Christ in you the hope of glory.

     My children you are struggling because you listen to religion tell you how awful you are and how much I detest sin, and how I am so holy and you are so unrighteous. This is not the gospel. The gospel is good news. How is this good news? Here is the good news. I told you in scripture that you are my righteousness in Christ Jesus. You are the ones I made holy. If I said you are holy then you are holy. I can’t lie.

     You are in Christ and have the same status of righteousness and holiness as he does. If you are one Spirit with me then you can’t say anything about yourself that you wouldn’t say about me. When you call yourself a sinner you call Christ a sinner because you are one Spirit.

     My people don’t understand the finality of the cross for dealing with sin. All sin was put on Christ and he “became sin” on that cross. Sin was dealt with once and for all and there is no reason to remember it again. It’s the constant reminder of it from false shepherds who want you to think you are unworthy that keeps it in remembrance. 

     It's like a man who once did bad things but got saved and people keep bringing up his past and convincing him that he hasn't changed. Does reminding him of his past do anything to help him now or does it damage his confidence in his ability to walk free from the old life?

     I told you through scripture that this is the covenant I am making with you. I will write my laws on your heart and on your mind and I will remember your sins no more. I have faith that the cross was the end of all sin. Don’t you believe it’s really finished? Do you think Jesus suffered enough or should he suffer some more? If I'm still judging you for sin then why did Jesus have to die? If sin is still in control then wasn't his death in vain?

     Yes sometimes you do things that are from your old nature but those are just ghosts from the dead man that was left on the cross. You were crucified with Christ and now you live with him and in him. Just because you forget who you are sometimes and act like the person you were before doesn’t mean you are that person.

     Sometimes when telling stories you make animal sounds but that doesn’t make you an animal. Sometimes you behave like a child but does that mean you are a child? No, of course not. Learn to see how I see things.

     You are not a sinner saved by grace. You were a sinner and I saved you and adopted you and filled you with my Spirit and now you are children of the kingdom growing up into the fullness of Christ. You are still growing but one day you will be just like him. All you need to do this is already within you. I told you the kingdom was like a seed. I planted this seed in you so let it grow. Stop letting the weeds of religion choke it out. Stop listening to anything or anyone who condemns you in any way. I told you in Romans that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

     Those who spew condemnation are still trying to live under a system I took away two thousand years ago. The law could never make anyone perfect. All it could do was condemn. Jesus came and fulfilled all the commandments and took that law and nailed it to his cross so that you would never be judged by it again.

     Righteousness never came by the law. Death came by the law. The law was even written on stone. The same stone they used to kill people who broke it. Grace and truth came by Jesus. He took all the guilt of the whole world upon himself and gave you righteousness as a free gift just for believing in him. He made all things right between us and now Holy Spirit is doing his best to convince you how holy you really are.

     Do you think Holy Spirit could live inside you if you weren’t holy? After all he is Holy. You were washed and cleansed and sealed in holiness for eternity and now all you must do is learn to live as the holy being that you are.

     The first step is to put off the old man. Don’t fight him and struggle with him. Bury him once and for all. Give him a funeral and pronounce your old nature dead. You don’t have sin living inside you. You have holiness inside you. When Paul said that sin dwells in me he was talking about the man under the law not the new creation man that is free from sin. Reckon yourselves to be dead to sin and alive unto me.

     If any man be in Christ he is a new creation and old things have passed away. All things are new and all things are of me. Your old man is dead but you still have memories of him running through your mind. This is why your mind needs to be renewed to the truth of who you are. You must once and for all see yourself crucified with Christ. All your sins, past present and future were dealt with once and for all and you need to leave them on that cross and rise above them.

     The next step is to see who you really are. You are not a body. You are a spirit made in my holy image. Learn to live as a spirit. Not a flesh man. You are filled with my Spirit and are one Spirit with me. No longer two but one. So you have no excuse for failure. You have holiness inside you so you can live out of that nature and not the old one who is dead.

     As I told you in Second Peter, you have forgotten your sins were purged and now you are holy. Live out of the new nature. Live out of your true self. Once again I say to you "Behold if any man be in Christ he is a new creation. Old things have passed away and all things are become new."  You are the new creation being. You are powerful and holy and full of light and wisdom. The old you only exists in memories because you keep them alive by focusing on them. You must forget what was behind and move forward.

     Think of it this way. If you take a child and constantly tell him that he is smart and wonderful and full of joy and goodness, and tell him that he is so loved and wanted and a blessing to the whole world, what will he grow into? Now take the same child and tell him he is worthless and useless and full of sin and wickedness and is hated by everyone. Tell him that his Father is holy but he is sinful and doesn’t measure up. What will he become? 

     Is it any wonder that my church is confused and not living in their true identity? Stop believing the lies. Don’t listen to anyone who tells you who you were. Listen to your Father telling you who you are. Walk in the new nature. The old one is dead so stop trying to fix what is dead and leave it dead.

     You didn’t make yourself holy. I did it through Christ. If you say you are not holy then you say that Christ didn’t do enough to make you that way. When you belittle yourself you belittle the cross. Christ was the end of the law for righteousness. He is all you ever need. When you accepted him you were born again in his image. You don’t need to change who you are. You need to know who you are.

     Please my beloved. You know I loved you so much that I spilled the blood of my beloved son on a cross to save you. It was because of this great love that I did it. I loved you when you were my enemy. Do you think I would hate you now that you are my child?

     Please once and for all turn off all the fear mongers and hate mongers. You are not destined for wrath but for glory. There is no room for hate in my kingdoms. This is why I said to love your enemies. Love will take them from being your enemy and make them your family. Love never fails.

     Any message that belittles you in any way is not from me. I only encourage. Even my correction is done in love for your best interest. If I were really angry at the world do you think it would still be here? I am reaching out to every person on earth. I am wooing them by my Spirit. I am calling and calling and willing to save each and every one. We must get the gospel of the kingdom of love preached to the whole world.

     Please read these words that Paul wrote in Second Corinthians Chapter Five.

     Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself,*not imputing their trespasses unto them;* and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.

     Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

     Please believe these words. I am not looking at sin. I am teaching you about righteousness. Stop disqualifying yourselves. You are qualified by faith in Christ. You are my righteousness. You are my joy. You are my treasure. Now live like it.

     You are so loved my children. Go tell everyone in the world that their sins were forgiven at the cross. Tell them to be reconciled to me for I've already reconciled them to myself. Tell them to receive this free gift of righteousness by faith in my Son and tell them it's time to get born again into a new creation being. Tell them that they can leave their old dead life on that cross and become a new person who never lived before. 

     Oh how much you are loved my children! Live out of my love for you and you will never want.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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