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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dance With Me

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

     As I was praying today I heard Father's voice and he asked me to take notes and share them with you. I hope you are as  delighted by his words as I am. Thanks for sharing this journey with me. He said:

     My children, it's time to know who you are and who I am. It's time to put away religion and join the family. Yes you are a kingdom, but we are a kingdom family. You are a royal priesthood, each and every one. The smallest is equal to the greatest and there is no favoritism except that each of you is my favorite.

     My children. I have given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. I gave you my son. His blood took away all your guilt and healed all your diseases. You are in me and I am in you. You lack nothing. You have inherited all things including my name. Religion teaches you that you are lacking and you need more. My Spirit teaches you that you are complete because of your union with us.

     This is what is lacking in the so-called faith message that has infected most of you. They teach you that you are lacking things and you must use your faith to gain the things you already received by birth. They train you to speak to things in faith, trying to use your own faith to produce, but that is not how it works. It works because you are one with us, and you speak as one joined to us, and not as one separate from us. True faith says there is not anyone or anything above that you need to bring down, or anything below that you need to bring up, but all you need is in your heart. That is because I dwell in your heart and I am all you need.

     Jesus walked in power not because of his faith but because of his oneness with me. That's why he didn't have to do the works: I did them through him. He only did what he saw me doing. He gave me control of his body to move as one. 

     Many of my children get discouraged because they try to do things that didn't originate with me and when they don't come to pass they feel condemned because their faith didn't work. Until you understand that you are one with me, faith will always be hit or miss. Jesus told you that believing in me was the work of God. Don't just believe in what I can do. Believe that you are one with me and I can do all things through you and you can do all things through me.

     My beloved, I don't long to rule over you, I want to dance with you. Those who are born of my Spirit are like the wind because they don't have to have a natural reason to go here or there. They are just dancing with me by my Spirit. My spirit is the breath inside you and you must learn to live and move as my Spirit moves within you. This was portrayed to you in the wilderness when they only moved when my cloud and my fire moved. At that time the cloud and the fire were external but today my cloud and my fire reside in you.

     So many people today take off on their own dance and expect me to follow. Yes, I go where you go but this dance will go much better if you let me lead. Those who are led by my Spirit are the sons of God. In other words: those who are mature in me will let my Spirit lead them. I want you to be led not by zeal, but by love. I don't want you to move or go because I am driving you but because I am wooing you.

     Saving this world is a family business. That business is to take over the world by love. My beloved son Jesus did the hard part when he came in and broke the power of the enemy. He destroyed his ability to rule by force. 

     Consider this. When Jesus went into the wilderness the devil manhandled him and set him on the temple and set him on a high mountain. Jesus told him to get behind him and rebuked him with holy scripture. From that day on the devil had to work through people to affect Jesus. He was no longer able to manhandle him. His power was being broken already.

     Now the devil can only rule over those who are willing. Jesus took the god who ruled the world and crushed his head. He bound the strong man so you could loot his house. Satan once ruled all the nations by force, but now, you just resist him and he flees like a scared cat. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and now its time for you to destroy the lingering effects of the devil's works.

     It's your turn to do your part in the family business. Each of you has a purpose. Our mission is to reach each and every soul on earth and adopt them. My Son's blood took away the sins of the entire world. Just as
Satan can no longer rule over them by force, sin can't either if they know the truth. It is your mission to display that very truth before their eyes. 

     You are on a mission to demonstrate my love to them and bring them to repentance. What is repentance? It is changing their minds that they are not under the devil's control anymore and all they need to do is turn to me and turn their back on sin.  My beloved Paul called this the ministry of reconciliation. They have been forgiven but are still running from me because they think I am angry with them. Just like the prodigal son, I want them to come home. What did the prodigal son find when he got home? A clean robe, a feast, music and dancing.

     So what does this have to do with dancing with me? Everything. As the world sees that I am not a destroyer but a lover they will turn to me. As they see your lives flow with me not in toil, but as a beautiful dance to the greatest love song ever written, then they will change their minds about me and come to me. As they see your eyes lost in mine and see the glory of our love they will want what you have. As they learn that they are no longer slaves but are free to dance they will join in.

     So put aside your well crafted plans for taking over the world by force. The world will be won by love not my force. Not by might, not by power but by my Spirit says the Lord. So what is my Spirit doing? The same thing he did in the beginning. My Spirit is hovering over the waters,( the nations) waiting on me to turn on the light in each heart, and inviting the world to dance. Arise and shine, your light has come. Now get up and dance with me. 

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today. 
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Healing is a Person

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

Matthew Chapter 9

18.While he was saying these things to them, behold, a ruler came in and knelt before him, saying, “My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her, and she will live.”
19. And Jesus rose and followed him, with his disciples.
20. And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years came up behind him and touched the fringe of his garment,
21. for she said to herself, “If I only touch his garment, I will be made well.”
22. Jesus turned, and seeing her he said,“Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.”And instantly the woman was made well.

23. And when Jesus came to the ruler’s house and saw the flute players and the crowd making a commotion,
24. he said,“Go away, for the girl is not dead but sleeping.”And they laughed at him.
25. But when the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took her by the hand, and the girl arose.
26. And the report of this went through all that district.

27. And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.”
28. When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them,“Do you believe that I am able to do this?”They said to him, “Yes, Lord.”
29. Then he touched their eyes, saying,“According to your faith be it done to you.”
30. And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them,“See that no one knows about it.”
31. But they went away and spread his fame through all that district.

     As I was reading this chapter today and praying Father's voice came to me and he asked me to write down the following words and share them with you. He said:

     My children, study the verses that you just read and heard. What do they all have in common? Each of these people in this chapter had faith, but what did they have faith in? Did they have faith in a formula or a five step program for healing? Did they have faith in confessing the scriptures until they were healed? No, they had faith in a person and in that person's ability to make them whole.

     Healing is a person. He is my son. We are healing. Healing is not what we do, it is who we are. We are health and our health is more contagious than your disease. All of these people had faith that Jesus would heal them and he did. All they had to do was have faith to get to him, or even have someone else who did. Healing is not an event. It comes from contacting the healer.

     The good news of the gospel is not a message about a new religion and new ways of connecting with me. It is good news that we became one with you so you could be one with us. It's not about formulas or plans or methods. It is about relationship.

     In the church today it seems every day someone is selling you a new plan about how to be healed. There are three, five, seven and even books full of steps and programs to get you well. I have a great plan for you and it only requires one step. My plan is called Christ. Receive him and you get all that we are. You received him as Lord and Master but have you received him as healer?

     In the old covenant healing was external. Power came from outside of you to heal you. In the new covenant the healer lives inside you and you are healed by fellowship with the healer within, You have no excuse for not touching him because he lives in you.  In the old covenant the power or anointing came upon you to heal you from outside. In the new covenant you are inhabited by my life-giving Spirit who is constantly quickening you and making you whole from inside out. 

     So many of you have been healed from things you didn't even know about because my life destroyed the sickness before you even had symptoms. The more you learn to rest and fellowship with the healer inside you the healthier you will become. You will get better day by day until you are completely whole. There will be a day as I spoke of through my prophet Zechariah when the feeblest among you will be like King David and the house of David shall be as God with the angel of the Lord going before you.

     This truth of my life-giving Spirit living in you is why Jesus told his disciples that it was better if he came back to heaven and sent Holy Spirit to you. Jesus became flesh and is still flesh. He kept his body. You can't be inhabited by another body, you can only be inhabited by a spirit. Holy Spirit is one with me and one with Christ so when he moves in you are filled with all our fullness. This was the purpose of all that Jesus did. We love you and wanted to be one with you.

     I hear you say "What about laying on hands." Yes people are still healed by the laying on of hands but what comes with the laying on of hands? Was not my Spirit received by the laying on of hands? This is why you get healed that way. It still doesn't come from outside. The person who puts their hands on you sometimes releases my Spirit from within them to contact you but most times it just stirs up my anointing within you to heal you.

     My church must start seeing me as the God who lives inside them and not the God far away. It's time to build on relationship and not religion. This is the new covenant. I live in you and walk in you, I write my love laws on your heart and on your mind, and in me you live and move and have your being. No longer separated by space or time or any other thing. It is Christ and Me and My Spirit in you and you in us. Not four but one. Let this sink down into your heart. Not four but one.

     So please my beloved ones, stop buying all the formulas and programs and searching for ways to be well and get healed. I am the God who heals you. Healing is not an event. Healing is a person. Christ in you is the hope of glory. 

     No more reaching out to get healed. Settle into my rest knowing that the healer is inside you. Rest in me and be well and blessed. Fellowship with me in spirit and in truth. My Spirit is within you, so fellowship with me inside. Let's sing together and make melody in your heart and mine. Be well my beloved ones and know that I am with you always.

     This was the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

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