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First John Chapter Four
16. We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.
God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.
17. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.
18. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.
19. We love each other because he loved us first.
Genesis Chapter Three
8. When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the LORD God among the trees.
9. Then the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”
10. He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”
11. “Who told you that you were naked?” the LORD God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?”
As I was praying today Father spoke some things to me and asked me to write them down and share them with you.
He said:
My little children. Don't you know that it's fear that separates you from me and from my best blessings for your life. If you will check any area of your life where you are struggling you will find that you have not completely surrendered that part of your life to my love.
I made man and put them in a beautiful garden. There was no lack and lack was not even considered until fear came in. I didn't leave Adam, Adam was afraid and left me and I went in search of him. He thought he was naked so he became afraid. The thought of not having something brought fear and he hid from me.
It is the same in each of your lives. If you suffer lack in any area it is because you have not considered my perfect love for you in that area. You must open up that area in your hearts and minds and let my perfect love change you from fear to faith.
For example: If you are lacking money it is because you are afraid that you might not have enough and that is the cause of generational poverty. You have been taught to see lack and not abundance.
First John Chapter Four
16. We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.
God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.
17. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.
18. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.
19. We love each other because he loved us first.
Genesis Chapter Three
8. When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the LORD God among the trees.
9. Then the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”
10. He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”
11. “Who told you that you were naked?” the LORD God asked. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?”
As I was praying today Father spoke some things to me and asked me to write them down and share them with you.
He said:
My little children. Don't you know that it's fear that separates you from me and from my best blessings for your life. If you will check any area of your life where you are struggling you will find that you have not completely surrendered that part of your life to my love.
I made man and put them in a beautiful garden. There was no lack and lack was not even considered until fear came in. I didn't leave Adam, Adam was afraid and left me and I went in search of him. He thought he was naked so he became afraid. The thought of not having something brought fear and he hid from me.
It is the same in each of your lives. If you suffer lack in any area it is because you have not considered my perfect love for you in that area. You must open up that area in your hearts and minds and let my perfect love change you from fear to faith.
For example: If you are lacking money it is because you are afraid that you might not have enough and that is the cause of generational poverty. You have been taught to see lack and not abundance.
Yes there are people who are lacking, but lack is in the mind and heart. It is not actually the truth. For instance. How much food is thrown away each year? How much is wasted? Is there not more than enough to feed everyone? But people still go hungry. Lack is not the problem. Distribution is the problem. My earth grows more than enough to feed everyone. There is not a lack of food.
So why do people go hungry? There is no submission to my perfect love. If my whole church was living in my perfect love they would not allow anyone to go hungry. They would find a way to distribute what was needed to where it was needed.
It's the same with money. The evil one teaches you that the more you make the more safe you are financially. This is a lie. You can be safe with a billion dollars or safe with one dollar because your safety is not in money but in me. Wealthy people go broke and poor people get rich all the time. There is no safety in money. This is where fear is so tricky. It teaches you to trust in riches and not in me. I am your supplier and your supply. How could you lack?
Do your remember that my son sent his disciples out with money and then he sent them out with no money? They prospered either way. He was teaching them that I am the supply and not what you have in your pocket.
My children, don't believe the lies. By believing that you could be lacking you enter into lack. Just as Adam believed he needed something else to make him wise and it caused him to enter into lack. You are complete in my son. You are not lacking but because you believe you lack you live in lack. You could surrender to my love and know that you are not lacking anything. I have given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. You don't believe because faith works by love and you have been taught to trust your methods and not to trust my love for you.
The so called “faith message” that crept into my church taught you rules and regulations. They teach you that if you do this you can have that and if you don't do that you will be lacking. But notice it always comes back to making sure that your money comes to them. The absolute truth is that I feed the birds and I clothe the flowers and I feed and clothe you because I love you. Until you are totally convinced of my love you will live in lack. Until your faith rests in my love it will never be real faith. I loved the world and sent my son to save you because of that love. I didn't save you because I needed your praise or your labor or your money. My only need is you because I love you too much to spend eternity without you.
Love must be the basis of all that you believe and do. Until you know of my perfect love you will be tormented by fear. Look at how many in the church are tormented by the fear of tribulation and the last days. Most of what they have been taught about these things is a lie. But fear sells and churches use fear to keep their sheep. They built fences of fear to keep the sheep locked up.
Think of what David said: Did he say, I give money and keep all the rules so I shall not want? No, he said that I was his shepherd so he would not lack. You must learn to trust me as Father and shepherd. The religious church has not shown you that I am Father and shepherd. They teach you that I am score keeper and judge.
Those of you with children think of it this way. Do you look for reasons to punish your children or reasons to reward them? Look at your refrigerator door. Do you have a list of all the things they did wrong there? Or do you have drawings that you can barely tell what they are hanging there? You call it art because you love your child and you are proud of them because of who they are and not because of their artistic abilities.
You must learn that I am a loving Father and have faith in my love for you. Once you know me for who I really am then you would never even consider that you could ever be lacking in any area. In any area where there is fear it is only because my love hasn't filled that area. Once it does that part of your life will change.
Your enemy tells you lies. He shouts to you and tells you that you wont have enough. He tells you that I only loved you enough to save you but not enough to heal and prosper you. He tells you that I provided for you yesterday but today is different. He tells you that if the economy goes bad that you will suffer and do without. He tells you that these are end times and you know that it's the time of wrath and not the time for love. All these things are lies. If I don't take care of you then it makes me a bad parent. Do you really believe that I am a bad parent?
I send the blessing rain on the just and the unjust. I told you to pray for your enemies and do good to those who hate and persecute you. Do you think I would not do the same? It is my goodness that leads men to repentance. It's time the church show the world just how much they are loved and then they will repent and come home to me. It's time to stop spreading fear and spread the love. But this can only be if you surrender to my perfect love for you. Freely receive and freely give but you can't give what you don't have. Once you understand my perfect love for you then you can share it with others.
Lack is a lie and love is the truth. Live in the truth. Let my perfect love cast out all fear of lack and any possibility of torment. Know my love and then you live in what I spoke through my beloved Paul to the Ephesian church. You can know my love that surpasses all knowledge and be filled with my fullness. You can be full of all that I am full of only by knowing my love for you. You can't know it by works or by rules and regulations. It can only be known by a heart totally immersed in the love that I have for you. If I did not withhold my only beloved son but gave him freely because of my love for you, do you really think that I would hold anything back from you?
My loved ones. Just surrender to my love and my love will remove fear and when fear is gone all lack and unbelief will go with it. I love you so much and I would never withhold anything from you. So meditate on my love for you day and night.
My children, don't believe the lies. By believing that you could be lacking you enter into lack. Just as Adam believed he needed something else to make him wise and it caused him to enter into lack. You are complete in my son. You are not lacking but because you believe you lack you live in lack. You could surrender to my love and know that you are not lacking anything. I have given you all things that pertain to life and Godliness. You don't believe because faith works by love and you have been taught to trust your methods and not to trust my love for you.
The so called “faith message” that crept into my church taught you rules and regulations. They teach you that if you do this you can have that and if you don't do that you will be lacking. But notice it always comes back to making sure that your money comes to them. The absolute truth is that I feed the birds and I clothe the flowers and I feed and clothe you because I love you. Until you are totally convinced of my love you will live in lack. Until your faith rests in my love it will never be real faith. I loved the world and sent my son to save you because of that love. I didn't save you because I needed your praise or your labor or your money. My only need is you because I love you too much to spend eternity without you.
Love must be the basis of all that you believe and do. Until you know of my perfect love you will be tormented by fear. Look at how many in the church are tormented by the fear of tribulation and the last days. Most of what they have been taught about these things is a lie. But fear sells and churches use fear to keep their sheep. They built fences of fear to keep the sheep locked up.
Think of what David said: Did he say, I give money and keep all the rules so I shall not want? No, he said that I was his shepherd so he would not lack. You must learn to trust me as Father and shepherd. The religious church has not shown you that I am Father and shepherd. They teach you that I am score keeper and judge.
Those of you with children think of it this way. Do you look for reasons to punish your children or reasons to reward them? Look at your refrigerator door. Do you have a list of all the things they did wrong there? Or do you have drawings that you can barely tell what they are hanging there? You call it art because you love your child and you are proud of them because of who they are and not because of their artistic abilities.
You must learn that I am a loving Father and have faith in my love for you. Once you know me for who I really am then you would never even consider that you could ever be lacking in any area. In any area where there is fear it is only because my love hasn't filled that area. Once it does that part of your life will change.
Your enemy tells you lies. He shouts to you and tells you that you wont have enough. He tells you that I only loved you enough to save you but not enough to heal and prosper you. He tells you that I provided for you yesterday but today is different. He tells you that if the economy goes bad that you will suffer and do without. He tells you that these are end times and you know that it's the time of wrath and not the time for love. All these things are lies. If I don't take care of you then it makes me a bad parent. Do you really believe that I am a bad parent?
I send the blessing rain on the just and the unjust. I told you to pray for your enemies and do good to those who hate and persecute you. Do you think I would not do the same? It is my goodness that leads men to repentance. It's time the church show the world just how much they are loved and then they will repent and come home to me. It's time to stop spreading fear and spread the love. But this can only be if you surrender to my perfect love for you. Freely receive and freely give but you can't give what you don't have. Once you understand my perfect love for you then you can share it with others.
Lack is a lie and love is the truth. Live in the truth. Let my perfect love cast out all fear of lack and any possibility of torment. Know my love and then you live in what I spoke through my beloved Paul to the Ephesian church. You can know my love that surpasses all knowledge and be filled with my fullness. You can be full of all that I am full of only by knowing my love for you. You can't know it by works or by rules and regulations. It can only be known by a heart totally immersed in the love that I have for you. If I did not withhold my only beloved son but gave him freely because of my love for you, do you really think that I would hold anything back from you?
My loved ones. Just surrender to my love and my love will remove fear and when fear is gone all lack and unbelief will go with it. I love you so much and I would never withhold anything from you. So meditate on my love for you day and night.
The cross is the proof of that love. Your circumstances don't prove anything. Just because you are in a dark room doesn't mean you are blind. Just because you are in deep water it doesn't mean you will sink. Just because you lost your house key doesn't mean you are homeless. Present circumstances may be inconvenient but they are not truth. Don't believe the lies of the enemy. If you seem to lack anything it is only because you have forgotten how much you are loved.
Take a long look at the cross and how much that is eternal proof of a Father's love for his children. Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends. You are loved with the greatest love and the more you consider my love the more you will experience my blessings. Little ones, lack is a lie. Love is the truth.
This was the end of the words He spoke to me just a few moments ago. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in his grace,
I love you all,
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Take a long look at the cross and how much that is eternal proof of a Father's love for his children. Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends. You are loved with the greatest love and the more you consider my love the more you will experience my blessings. Little ones, lack is a lie. Love is the truth.
This was the end of the words He spoke to me just a few moments ago. I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in his grace,
I love you all,
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