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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Dare To Believe

An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

Second Corinthians Chapter Three

6. He has enabled us to be ministers of his new covenant. This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the Spirit. The old written covenant ends in death; but under the new covenant, the Spirit gives life.

Hebrews Chapter Eight

10. But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day, says the LORD:

I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts.

I will be their God, and they will be my people.

And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD.’

For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already.

And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”

When God speaks of a “new” covenant, it means he has made the first one obsolete. It is now out of date and will soon disappear.

I woke up this morning with these scriptures dancing in my heart and mind. I got up and began thinking about them. I looked them up and read them a few times and asked Father if He had something he wanted to say. I got ready to write and as I did he began to speak. He asked me to write these words and share them with his beloved children. He said:

My beloved ones, it’s time to get the mixture out of my church. The reason the church seems weak is because it is weak. It is weak because you have not believed the true gospel and the so called gospel you have believed is abominable.

I told you the new covenant I was making was not like the one I made with Israel when I led them out of Egypt. Yet sadly, most of what you have been taught is a mixture of the old and the new. Under the old there were laws and rules and regulations written on stone tablets: The same kind of stone that was used to kill you if you broke the commandments. The New Covenant is not like that.

The New Covenant is not based on commandments but based on the blood of my Son. Your holiness and forgiveness is not based on your keeping of some rules but is based on the sacrifice of my Son. His blood forever cleanses you and makes you holy. The keeping of rules could never make men holy and the blood of bulls and goats could not cleanse you and make you clean because all it ever did was remind you of your guilt. This is why you were told that the blood of Christ could sprinkle your conscious and remove your guilt so that you could freely serve me not as one who is guilty but as one who is holy and acceptable in my love.

My loved ones; when you try to live by the commandments you are mixing the blood of bulls and goats with the blood of my Son. This is not acceptable. My Son told you that he was the only way to me. You can’t get into the holy place by any other sacrifice. If you think you have to keep all the commandments to be saved then you are saying the sacrifice of my Son was not enough and the cross incomplete.

The New Covenant is not like that at all. You don’t need a rule written on a stone that says you should not commit murder because there is a spiritual law written on your heart that says be kind one to another. You don’t have to have a law written on a stone that says you should not commit adultery because I wrote on your heart to love your wife as Christ loves the church and gave himself for her. You don’t have to have a law written on a stone that says you should not covet because it is written in your heart that I already gave you all things that you need for life and godliness.

All that you have been taught leads you into the same death that the old law demanded. This is why our beloved Paul called the law the ministration of death written on stones. All it could do was kill you but it could not raise you into new life. The letter kills, only the Spirit gives life.

In most of what you call churches they proclaim your guilt and demand that you repent of your sins and promise me you will do better this week. They tell you that you are just a sinner barely making it into heaven because I had pity on you. This only proves they don’t understand the New Covenant. What they should proclaim is that your sins were forgiven once and for all time at the cross. They should proclaim your holiness and innocence and teach you how to walk in the righteousness that was imputed to you by my Son.

This is the true gospel. This was taught to you by our beloved Paul in Second Corinthians chapter five. In this chapter you are told that I was in Christ on that cross “Not counting men’s sins against them.” Not only did I not forsake him but hung there with him on that cross. You don’t have a responsibility to tell people they are guilty. You have the ministry of reconciliation. Your ministry is to tell people they were made holy by my Son by the sacrifice of himself and teach them how to live in the holiness that Christ gives them.

As long as there is a mixture of life and death in the belief system then life and death will be seen in the church. Where my Spirit is there is liberty. Those who don’t understand that my true grace leads to holiness say this is a license to sin but truthfully embracing the new life you were given by my Son is the only way to live a holy life. If the law could have made men holy then there would have been no need for my Son to die. The law or the keeping of it could not make you holy. Holiness only comes by faith in my Son. By grace you are saved through faith in my Son and that is not of yourselves but is my gift to you.

The early church walked in signs and wonders and miracles because they believed the true gospel. They didn’t believe that my miracle power was something you earned by good behavior but understood that only Holy Spirit can bring about these manifestations of grace.

The New Covenant is not at all like the Old. The New is a spiritual covenant not written on stones or on pages with ink but written by my Spirit in your heart. This is why you were told if you sow to the Sprit you will reap life but if you sow to the flesh you will reap corruption. Trying to follow the old way with its rules only leads to death. Surrendering to the Sprit and walking in the Sprit leads to life.

You can’t proclaim that my Son took away the sins of the whole world while proclaiming the guilt of any man. If you truly believed in the power of the blood of my Son you would understand that all men are forgiven but those who don’t know they were forgiven still walk in darkness. I reconciled all things in heaven and in earth by the sacrifice of my Son. I do not keep a record of wrongs. All the wrongs of the entire world were paid for at the cross of my beloved Son.

So my loved ones; what do you believe? Do you believe that my Son took away the sins of the world or do you believe you are still guilty along with everyone else? If you believe you are guilty you will continually walk in disappointment and grief. If you believe you are innocent as a little child you will gladly enter my kingdom and live in my loving grace. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t declare your innocence while condemning another. As it is written, “If one died for all then all died.”

My beloved ones I tell you these things because it’s time for you to wake up. It’s time for the revealing of my children. You are all one and equal in all things as you were told by Paul there is no Jew, no gentile, no male no female, no slave or free for you are made equal by my Son.

It’s time to awaken to your true identity as totally forgiven, totally empowered children of God who are going to change the world into heaven. It’s time to get the mixture out of your hearts and believe the true gospel. As you do then the fullness of Christ who dwells within you will flow from you and heal the land.

You are not waiting on me. You are waiting on you. You must awaken to the truth and put away the mixture of the old and new and believe only in the new.

My Son fulfilled the Old Covenant. He kept every law and bore every curse and punishment. I didn't kill my Son so you could go free. The Old Covenant demanded death and my Son freely became sin on that cross to take all the punishment that could ever come upon my children. He did this because of love and not because of my anger. One died for all. You were crucified with him and you are raised unto new life.

I live within you. I am Your God! You are my child. What more could you need but to awaken to the truth. As He is, so are you! There is no separation between us. We are One Sprit! Believe the true gospel and the power that comes with the true gospel will flow through you and heal all those around you.

In my eyes all are forgiven. If you can see what I see then you can do what I do. The works are finished. His blood took away all your guilt. By his stripes you were healed. He became poor to make you rich. All you have to believe is that it is already done and you will live in the rest of the finished works. Will you believe the truth? Will you awaken to the One who lives within you and stop searching outside for what you already have inside? Will you stop looking forward to what is already done?

Those who live by the commandment will die by the commandments. As you were told in the letter to the Galatians; those who live by the law are slaves and will never receive the inheritance that comes by the Spirit. Those who live by the Spirit have already been raised to new life and don’t have to struggle with sin because it’s no longer in their nature.

All that you seek is already fact. All the works are finished. Those who believe in the finality of my Son’s sacrifice will walk in the power of the Spirit. Those who try to earn it will never attain it. Live in the truth. You were made holy by the sacrifice of my Son. Live in the holiness you were given and please give the same grace to all that you see. See all men as forgiven and lead them to the forgiveness that was given them when my Son took away all their sins. Preach the true gospel of rest and you will see the power of the Spirit confirming what you preach.

I did not send my Son to condemn the world but sent him to save it. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ and Christ drew all men unto himself at the cross. Just because they think they are still sinners and live like sinners doesn’t mean they weren’t forgiven. It just means they don’t know the truth. Teach them the truth of the cross and the resurrection. Teach them the truth of the Spirit within them.

Love each other as you love me and as I love you. Please put away the old and live in the truth of the New Covenant. I am walking in you. I am your God and you are my people. I am never keeping record of your wrong but encouraging you to walk in true holiness that only comes from knowing who you are.

My beloved ones; get the mixture out of your heart and your belief system. Believe in my Son. Believe he took away the sins of the world, believe that we live within you and stop looking outside for life when life is within you. I love you and want you to walk in freedom and power. You were brought nigh unto me by the blood of my Son. Believe the truth and enter the rest that comes from knowing the truth. My Son is the savior of the world! Will you dare to believe the truth and stop listening to the lies?

This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His grace,
I love you all

For more information please click the links below:

michael's podcast

michael on iTunes/Apple Podcasts

The Truth About You

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Blessed in My Rest!


An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

michael's podcast

Hebrews Chapter Four

1. Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it. For indeed the gospel was preached to us as well as to them; but the word which they heard did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in those who heard it. For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said:

“So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest,’ ”

Although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. For He has spoken in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all His works”; and again in this place: “They shall not enter My rest.”

Since therefore it remains that some must enter it, and those to whom it was first preached did not enter because of disobedience, again He designates a certain day, saying in David, “Today,” after such a long time, as it has been said:

“Today, if you will hear His voice,
Do not harden your hearts.”

For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.

Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

    I woke up this morning with these scriptures speaking to me. I rehearsed them over and over in my heart. So I got up and read them over and over and as I was reading Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

    My loved ones; it’s time to be blessed in my rest! So many are weary because they fall just as the ones I freed from bondage in Egypt fell to unbelief. Many still refuse to enter the rest that was provided. Many still don’t believe that I loved you so much I provided a place flowing with milk and honey and everything you could ever desire. Many only know of toil and strife and scratching out a living by hard work and self promotion. This is not my way.

    My loved ones, I put my beloved Adam in a garden of pleasure. Everything you could ever want was there. The garden was planted and growing and all man had to do was oversee it. The first Adam failed but the last Adam who is my Son from heaven didn’t fail. He also came to a garden but did not give in to temptation. He chose death over falling to temptation.

    Do you remember that my Son told you that he would be lifted up (crucified) and he would draw all men unto him? He took away the entire curse that came with the fall in the first garden. He took it for every one for all time. He drew the failures of all men unto himself upon the cross. No one was excluded!

    No longer would men have to be slaves because of the failure of one man. By the success of one man all can enter into the garden again and prosper. By taking the crown of thorns on his own head he took away the curse that was put on the land of thorns and thistles. Blood flowed down from his head so that sweat wouldn’t have to flow from yours.

    What I am saying my beloved is that you don’t have to sweat and worry and toil. There is a way of rest and that is the way of my kingdom. If you believe that anything is left unfinished you are in unbelief. Holy Spirit coming upon all men on the day of Pentecost is proof that in my eyes men are holy. All the guilt was done away with and The Spirit who is always Holy is at home in man.

    My beloved ones, you are free for freedom’s sake. You don’t have to slave away to make your living. You don’t have to toil and strive and worry. That is the way of the world and not the way of the kingdom. There is a place of rest where all the works are already finished and you don’t have to wait on what was already done.

    Here is where most fail to enter my rest. They believe they have to use faith to get what they want. Their faith is misdirected. Faith is not in any event or happening. True faith is belief in my Son and knowing with all your heart he finished all that needed finishing. True faith is not hoping something will happen but knowing it already did. The works were finished before the world began. Whatever you could ever need was provided before you arrived on earth. I calculated all you would need before you came. I provided you with health and wealth and any other thing you could ever need before you were born. This why you were told what ever you desire when you pray believe they are already yours. You must believe the answer was already given before you ask.

    Let’s look at this in the life of my Son Jesus and see how it works. He was the Lamb of God and the stable is where he was born. Did he have to wait on them to build the stable? Those whom you call the wise men brought him gold for his journey while he was still a young child. All that was needed for his family to move to Egypt and back was given before they left. The boy with the loaves and fishes that were to be multiplied was in his place with the loaves and fishes when they were needed. The man with the donkeys was in his place with the donkeys when they were needed. The man with the pitcher of water was in his place when needed. The woman who anointed him with the perfume was there with the perfume right on time. The tomb he needed to be buried in was in its place and paid for when needed. The one who carried his cross was in his place when needed. Do you see the pattern here? All you could ever need has already been provided. It was mapped out and planned out before you were born.

    Here is my promise to you. If you will stop worrying and start believing the true gospel then all you need will show up in your life when you need it. This is the blessed rest I spoke of. Instead of worrying and losing sleep over troubles you can enter into my rest and trust me and fellowship with me and know that all you need will come to you not because of your works but because of the works of Christ my beloved Son. He finished the work and you can enter the rest with him. Your spirit knows this and is seated with him in the place of rest at my right hand.

    The true gospel is not do this and don’t do that. The true gospel is that if you believe with your heart of hearts in my Son and if you believe that He is Lord and Christ and that I raised him from the dead then you will be saved from every trouble. You don’t have to look at the trouble or the problem. You have to learn to keep your eyes and your hope and your faith rested in my Son. You don’t have to try to build your faith and believe I will heal you or provide what you need. All you have to believe is that Jesus is my Son and I raised him from the dead. This is beloved rest. Jesus is the rest you entered into. You are in Christ and he is at rest.

    The gospel is not a religion of rules and laws. The gospel is simple child like faith that your Dad loves you so much he provided more than you could ever need before you were born and gave it to you freely as your inheritance. Even in the natural world your inheritance is not something you work for but something that was given to you by your parents.

    True faith does not say “if I believe this event will happen and I don’t give up then I’ll have what I want.” True faith says “My Father provided all I could ever need before I was born and he will show me how to receive it if I will come fellowship in the secret place. Instead of worry I will listen for his voice telling me where to pick up what was already given to me.

    As I told you before everything that is made is created by things you can’t see with your natural eyes. All of creation is finished in the spirit realm. Your only labor is to believe it’s already done and come get it. I didn’t tell you to set the table, I told you to come and dine.

    My beloved ones, there is a much better way than most of my people are living. They still believe they are under some curse and don’t know that my Son took away all curses. You can’t call unclean what I already cleansed. You can’t curse what I already blessed. The only thing keeping you from living in your inheritance is believing you had to do something to earn it. All I am asking you to believe is the truth. All you had to do to get it was make it out of your mother’s womb alive. You were born into my family.

    No more ten steps of faith to get what you want. No more going to war with your list of ten scriptures and trying to fight for what you want. I didn't tell you to labor with your list of promises until you get what you want. I told you to labor to enter into my rest knowing it's already done. 

    It’s not by might or by power but by my Spirit says the LORD! All you need is in the Spirit. You can enter my rest just by hearing my voice. Today if you will hear my voice don’t harden your heart. Just believe. Believe that you are my child and all you could ever need or want was already provided to you by your loving Father.

    Do you really think you can add to what Christ did for you? True faith believes that what He did was more than enough. True faith believes that it’s all finished and everything I need whether it’s health or wealth or relationships will come to me because I am the heir. True faith believes there is no sweat needed because you don’t have to “do” you just have to “be who you are” and take your place as my child. All I need is your trust.

    There is a rest remaining for my children. It is available today. All you have to do is hear my voice calling you to me and come and receive all that was already provided. Do you remember this scripture? “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from my mouth? Do you remember what my beloved prophet Isaiah said?

Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.

    This is my rest. Not worrying which way should I go which job should I take and where should I invest? But just coming into the secret place and listening to my voice. The voice is behind you because the finished works are behind you. They were finished before you asked. Before you call I will answer. Does this sound familiar?

    My loved ones; my sweet loved ones, please come into this glorious rest with me. Stop fighting and striving to get what you want and need. Come to me in simple childlike trust and rest in me. All you ever desired is already completed. As you come into my rest and dream like a child then all you dream of will become a reality in your physical world. It was already finished. You didn’t earn it you were born with it.

    Think of it this way: Did man have to wait for me to build the world or was it built when I put him here? Did he have to plant the garden or was it planted when I put him here? Did the fish have to wait for me to build the oceans or were the oceans completed before they arrived? Did the cattle have to starve until the grass grew or was the grass already here waiting for them? Did the birds have to sit on the ground waiting on me to make trees or were the trees already here? Did the sinner have to wait on a savior or was The Lamb slain before the world was made? Didn't  my Son go to the cross and take away your sins before you were born? Did he take the stripes on his back that provided your healing before or after you got sick? The works are finished my beloved!

    My loved ones, today you are hearing my voice calling you into this rest. Will you harden your hearts and continue to try to make your own way or will you enter into the realm of the finished works and rest in me? Will you continue to labor for things that perish or will you labor to put aside all the religious shackles that bind you and enter into my rest? You don’t have to do it the way others did. You can be blessed in my rest!

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace
I love you all,

    For more information please click the links below:

michael's podcast

michael on iTunes

The Truth About You

Thursday, February 11, 2021

A World Called Yes


Matthew Chapter Six

6. But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.

Matthew Chapter Eighteen

2. Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them.  Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.  So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Second Peter One

3.  According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

Second Corinthians Chapter One

20. For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.

Colossians Chapter One

27. To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.


    As I sat down to study today these verses started bubbling up in my heart in no particular order. I read them over and over and as usual my loving Father spoke to me and asked me a question. He said, do you want to live in a world called yes? It sounded great to me so I said Yes Sir I do before I even thought about it.  He then began to speak and asked me to write down these words and share them with you.

He said:

    My loved ones; there is so much more inside you than you have known. You are my temple and I live fully inside each of you but most of you haven’t searched inside because you are always looking outside. All of my promises are a resounding Yes and a joyful Amen in Christ and Christ is in you. I am telling you that all you need or want is already paid for and is already inside you in spiritual power just waiting on you to come in and get it.

    My loved ones; the same Spirit that created all things is within you. All the creative power that created all things is available and awaiting your response. You are the temple and inside of you is the holiest place. I am the Father who dwells in this secret place that I made for us to be together as one. When you were told to go inside and shut your door my Son was not speaking of a natural place but the secret place within your own spirit that no one can access but me and you. I call this place “Yes” because anything you come here and ask me for is already yours.

    This power can only be accessed by heart and not by mind. A good man from the good treasure of his heart brings forth things old and new. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. Guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life. Where most of my children pray is they pray with their minds and not with their hearts. They never get deep enough to tap into the spiritual power of yes that is within each of you.

    True prayer is a heart thing and not a mind thing. This is why you were told that whatsoever you “Desire” “when you pray” to believe that it’s already yours. Desire is not of the mind but an emotion of the heart. You might want ice cream with your mind but you desire your children’s safety with all your heart. Do you see the difference? Most prayer never makes it into heart level and so most prayers never seem to get answered.


    So how does this work you ask? It’s very simple. Within you is the creative power to produce all things. This power is waiting for you to deposit your desire within the power and it will bring forth what you desire. The power will take whatever form you desire and become what you are wanting but it’s up to you.

    Most of my children come into this place to beg me for what you want but that doesn’t work. I have given you the keys to the kingdom. I have given you the kingdom within you for you to fulfill your role as joint heir with my Son to rule and reign upon the earth. All of creation is not waiting on me to do something but is awaiting you to wake up and realize you are in control.

    If you become humble as a child you will realize that all has been given you already and all I need you to do is bring your desire into the secret place to mix with my spiritual power and what you desire is then formed in your life. Like a child you must come into the secret place and just daydream about what you want. It really is that simple. See the thing you want as already yours or the situation you are praying about already resolved. Dream about it in the secret place and your Father who sees in secret rewards you openly by giving you the creative power to have it. There are no limits. You were told whatsoever you desire. But you must get into the heart level to be in the creative power.

    This works the same in reverse. Have you read this scripture? What I greatly feared has come upon me. Fear is the reverse of this truth. What you worry about reaches heart level and the thing you worried about is created. The power within you is neutral. You are in charge of this power so whatever you think deeply about in your heart comes to pass. This is why you warned over and over to "fear not" because you shouldn't use the power within you to create things that will harm you.  So change what you dream about and you will change your world.

    My loved ones; this is the secret to prayer. Don’t pray to me way out in heaven. Look to me inside you. I am within. Any prayer directed outside is not directed at me. the desire and the spirit power to create the desire is within you. It's not external. Prayer is not what you ask. Prayer is what you desire. Come into this world called “Yes” that is within you with boldness knowing that the answer was and is always yes. I gave my only Son for you and I will not withhold anything from you.  Once the idea that I would ever say no is removed from your thoughts then you will have great success. I can't say no because I already gave you the power of creation and that power is yours to freely use. 

    Think about these scriptures. By his stripes you were healed. Jesus became poor that you could be made rich. I have already given you all things that pertain to life and godliness. I have blessed you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ who is in you. Don’t go looking outside for what is within you already.

    When you come to pray you must take time to shut the door behind you. Take a few moments and block out the world and think on the promises I just reminded you of. Come into this world called “Yes” within you and remind yourself that I already said yes to your prayer. Come boldly in faith. If there is any possibility of no within you then you are still being double minded. This double mindedness frustrates the power within you and stops the creative power from forming into your desire. So come in faith.

    When you know the door is shut behind you, fellowship with me and make your requests known unto me with thanksgiving. Knowing that you already have the answer will give you great joy so you can fellowship with me making melody in your heart with singing. While you are here the desire in your heart will cause the Great Spirit power within you to form the thing you desire and bring it into the physical world. Think of it as a living 3D printer. You bring the desire and the spirit power takes that desire and spirit material and forms the physical object you desire or changes the situation to the outcome you have determined.

    Remember my loved ones you must reach heart level for this to happen. Just as intimacy between a husband and wife brings forth children, intimacy between desire and Sprit brings forth whatever you need or want. This is how we created the world. Spirit hovered over the deep. My Son sent his desire into that Spirit in word form and the earth was formed. It’s the same reason you are here. We desired greatly to have children to share our home, our love and our eternity with. Your bodies are created but your spirit was born of us. The part of you that is eternally alive came from our desire mixed with Spirit. That which is born of Spirit is Spirit. You were born of incorruptible seed. We multiplied ourselves and called the being you. 

    So my loved ones there is a world called “Yes”. This world exists inside you. Whatever you desire is available if you will bring that desire into the creative womb within you where we live. It gives me great joy to give you this kingdom power. Just remember to use this power in love and not in anger. You have the keys to the kingdom. You have great power and you don’t realize it. Your life may seem formless and void just like the earth was, but you have the power to change it within you.

    Come into the secret place within you and bring me your desires. Know that the answer is always yes and put unbelief out of your life. If you fail then keep trying. You will learn to use the power you were given. You will get better as you practice. It’s easy to fall back into the old way of throwing prayers at the sky and hoping they succeed but don’t do that. Keep coming into this world called “Yes” until what you see inside becomes what you see outside. All of creation is waiting for you to take your place as co creator with me.

    I love you dear ones. Come into the world called “Yes” today and fellowship with me. While you are here you can dream about what you want your world to look like. While you are dreaming about it the creative power of my Spirit will take your desire and form it and deposit into you physical world. It’s that simple. The kingdom is so simple that a little child can do it. If you can day dream you can change your world.  Come out of doubt and unbelief. Come live with me in Yes.


    This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.

I hope you are encouraged by these words.

Until next time,

Grow Rich in His Grace,

I love you all,


For more information please click the links below:

michael's podcast

michael on iTunes/Apple Podcasts