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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Dispensers of Glory!

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

First John Chapter Four

7. Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.

God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love is brought to full expression in us.

And God has given us his Spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us. Furthermore, we have seen with our own eyes and now testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love.

God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the Day of Judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world.

Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. We love each other because he loved us first.

First Corinthians Chapter 13 NLT

4. Love (God) is patient and kind. Love (God) is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It (God) does not demand its own way. It (God) is not irritable, and it (God) keeps no record of being wronged. It (God) does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love (God) never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

    As I was praying today these verses began to speak to me and I began thinking about them. I knew Father had something he wanted to say so I listened and he began speaking and I began typing and published his words for all to hear. Here are his words. He said:

    My dearly loved ones: Take just a minute and take a deep breath and hear what I said. Now take three deep breaths and each time you exhale say "I am dearly loved!" 

    You are my dearly loved ones. I don’t want you to be afraid. I know things in your natural world seem dark but all the light you need is already within you. It’s time to sink your roots down deep into my love for you and know that all things work together for your good. Remember the scriptures tell you to be deeply rooted and grounded in love. Not in doctrine or religion. Be deeply rooted and grounded in my love for you. 

    Soon you will enter into the most glorious times on earth. The old system with its corruption is being dismantled and righteous government is on the way. The reason it’s taken so long is because my people are still looking outside for a ruling kingdom when the rule of my kingdom is within you.

    This is what is causing this change at this time. My children are awakening and realizing that I dwell within you. The truth being revealed within you is causing the outer world to change into the image of the truth within. You don’t need to look for outward signs when you know I am within you.

    I keep saying these things over and over because some of my children have been brainwashed by the false religion. They say things like “when Jesus comes back it’s going to be a glorious day!” Those who say such things are not aware that all that I am is already within you. It’s like saying “one day when I get a heart I’m going to be a complete person.” The Spirit that dwells within you is more real than your own physical heart.

    As you have read in scripture my Son told his disciples that it was better if He went away and sent Holy Spirit to live within them. In a physical body my Son was in one location. In Spirit form we are all in all.

    My loved ones, I want you to understand that we are in you and we love you. You don’t need some day in the sweet by and by. You can experience heaven right now if you will look inside and focus on our love for you. You can fellowship face to face with the One who loves you most.

    My perfect love will drive away all the fear if you will look for it inside and not outside. You were told to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. This doesn’t mean you have to work for it. It means the salvation you are looking for is already within you and you work it out like a miner digging out a precious stone. Once you really see who is dwelling within you then you will tremble in fear and awe of how powerful I am within you and how powerful my love for you is.

    Practice this: Close your eyes and focus your mind on your inner heart. This is our secret place. This is my glorious heaven within you. Think about how much you are loved and what a great price that I paid to rescue you from the fallen mind. As you learn to focus on perfect love your inner eyes will open and you will see that all is well.

    Remember that your imagination is the creation station. As a man thinks in his heart so is he. As you look inside and see my glory then my glory will flow from your inside filling the world around you. This is how my virtue flowed from my Son and healed all those around him. He was always focused on the inside no matter what was on the outside. This is the key to peace.

    Please my dear loved ones; put aside the fear. Don’t believe the lies. In time earth will look just like heaven. That is the original plan and that plan hasn’t changed. If you start to feel afraid refocus on my love for you. Soon the heaven inside you will fill the world around you.

    Love each other and be patient with each other. This is the time for unity and not division. Be ready to take your place in the days ahead. The earth will be filled with my glory and you will be dispensers of glory. Focus on the glory within and not the trouble without. There’s no time for disagreement and hate. Love never fails. Hate never wins. Remember most of all that you are the beloved ones and my love and favor is always with you!

    This is the end of the words he gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Thursday, July 14, 2022

The Adored Ones

An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

michael's podcast

Genesis Chapter One

27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Colossians Chapter One

22. Yet now he has reconciled you to himself through the death of Christ in his physical body. As a result, he has brought you into his own presence, and you are holy and blameless as you stand before him without a single fault.

    As I was praying today these verses bubbled up in my heart and I began to think about them. As I did Father began speaking and asked me to write a love letter to his beloved ones. Here are his words. He said:

    My delightful ones: I have some things to tell you that you need to hear. I hear all of your prayers even the ones that are prayed in total unbelief. I want to tell you why you are having troubles getting the things you pray for. I have not withheld anything from you. I have already given you all things pertaining to life and your Godliness. I have blessed you with every blessing and spoken wonderful things about you to bless you. The problem is not in my giving or withholding anything.

    My loved ones; here is the problem. You have listened to the voice of false religion so long that you have deemed yourselves unworthy of my love and my blessing. They told you that you were naked and should be ashamed. They told you that you are just an old sinner who will barely squeak into heaven because of something called grace. They don’t realize what they are saying is despicable. To say that the blood of my Son was only enough to make you a forgiven sinner is blasphemy. You were not just forgiven. You are justified, sanctified and glorified. You are seated with me in heavenly places. Those who tell you that you are just an old sinner saved by grace are swimming in ignorance. So don’t listen to that hogwash anymore.

    My loved ones, I made you in my image. Which means when I look into a mirror I see me. If I look at you I see me. The image is the same. You are One Spirit with me. We are not separate.

    This is what causes you problems. Because you don’t believe you are worthy then the things I freely gave to you run from you. You are driving away your blessing with unbelief because you believe you are unworthy to receive. So called religion has done this to you. You must turn away from anything that does not edify you.

    It’s the same who would call themselves prophets. You were instructed that all prophesy in the new covenant is to edify and encourage but the broadcasts you hear are doom and gloom and not my words. My words always build you up to know who you truly are.

    I need you to lay aside all the unworthiness. I want you to do this by meditating on who I say you are and not who the voice of religion in your head tells you that you are. You know the voice; the one that when you just prayed about something immediately comes into your head giving you reasons why you are not worthy to have your request. Saying you didn’t fast and pray enough or you didn’t give enough or you don’t have enough faith. You must cast down these imaginations and do so violently. These thoughts are your enemy. For you who can hear; these negative thoughts are the only devil you will ever face. Don’t tolerate a negative thought in your head any longer than you would tolerate a rattlesnake in your bed.

    My loved ones: You have faith in me but you don’t have faith in you. You must come to believe the truth about yourselves. You were so valuable to me that I sent my beloved Son and he went to a bloody cross along with me and with Holy Spirit.

    As our beloved Paul told you in his letter to the Corinthians in what you call First Corinthians Chapter Five. If you will read this chapter over and over you understand. I didn’t turn my back on my Son on the cross. I was with him on that cross reconciling the whole world unto myself. 

    Holy Spirit was there too. Holy Spirit descended to be with my Son and never left. How many times did my Son say “My Father (IN ME) does the works? I was there and never left. When He cried out "Why have you forsaken me" it was not a declaration of him being forsaken. All those around him would have known that he was quoting from the Psalm you call Twenty Two. He was showing the people around him that this prophetic Psalm was being fulfilled right before their eyes and if you read the whole Psalm you will understand that it goes on to declare that he was not forsaken. 

    Those who say that I could not look on sin and turned my back on my own Son on the cross are speaking blasphemy. These very same people will tell you that I am keeping records of your sins to punish you for them. So if I can't look on sin how would I keep record of it? Stop listening to the foolishness. 

    We were totally committed to give our lives to ransom you from your fallen mind. You were not fallen in our mind. We were not counting your sins against you as you were told in that same letter from Paul.

    The purpose of the cross was not that I was angry and the debt for my anger had to be paid or I couldn’t forgive you. The crucifixion was to pay the price for the curse of the Law of Moses. It was to put an end to that covenant and begin a new one. Everyone with the exception of my beloved Son broke that covenant and a sacrifice was required to buy freedom for all who were captive to the curse of that law.

    The Law demanded blood and blood was paid to satisfy the debt to the Old Covenant! All the curses of that covenant were placed upon my Son on that cross. As you were told in scripture that a woman cannot marry another as long as her husband is alive but if her husband is dead she is free to marry again. Israel was married to the Law and the Law had to die for her to be free to marry Christ. My Son told you that not one jot or tittle of that law would pass away until all was fulfilled. He fulfilled the Old Covenant and proclaimed that he did so when He said “It is finished!”

    Let’s talk about forgiveness: Think of it this way. Suppose your spouse steps on your toes and says “I’m sorry honey.” Now imagine you telling your spouse that you can only forgive them if someone is punished. That is not forgiveness.

    If you owe your neighbor a thousand dollars and someone else pays the debt for you then your debt wasn’t forgiven. It was paid by someone else.

    Do you see how religion has twisted the beautiful story of a loving Father saving his children from their fallen minds and turning it into a story of an angry, vengeful God who must punish someone in order to forgive them?

    My loved ones, you were created in perfection and you stand before me today holy and blameless and perfect in my sight. So when you pray don’t beg and act as if you are not worthy. Come boldly to the throne of grace knowing who you are in Christ and lay hold of all the grace you need to abound in all things.

    All my promises are yes and amen so don’t be afraid I’ll say no. I already said yes, how could I be double minded? Remember my loved ones, the word “pray” does not mean to ask. It means to take hold of what is already yours.

    So my loved ones take time to think about how precious you are. Father, Son and Spirit all adore you so much that we came to earth to heal you of your blindness to who you are. We adore you and our greatest desire is for you to celebrate with us in Spirit and Truth knowing that you are the adored ones.

    This is the end of the words He gave me to share today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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