michael's podcast
Romans Chapter Eight
6. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Matthew Chapter Six
22. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink? Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek :) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
As I was praying today these verses bubbled up in my heart and I began to think about how they fit together. As I did Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words for all to hear. Here are his words. He said:
My beautiful, beloved ones: How I long for you to be carefree and worry free so we can dance together in delight and your hearts can rejoice. This will be so if you will only learn to allow your minds to be ruled by your spirit and not by the ways of the world. It will be heaven on earth as you submit what you call your natural mind unto the Christ mind within you.
So many of you are struggling and no matter how hard you try you can’t seem to get things to work for you. You tried all that stuff the so called preachers told you. You gave until it hurt and saw nothing in return. You followed every example they gave you to do and bought all the books they had for sale and nothing worked. Listen closely and I will explain to you why you are all struggling.
You still don’t see yourselves as spirits but as human beings. You see yourselves trapped in a world system that is so rigged against you that you will never succeed no matter how much you struggle. You can’t overcome this system from within the system. You must rise above the system and then the system will be forced to serve you instead of forcing you to serve the system. You must come to realize that you are seated high above all these things and learn to rule over them.
Each of you before you start your day and many times during the day and especially before you pray should take a moment and repeat these words. “I am a Spirit and I am One with my Father.” This reminds you that you are not of the natural world. You are above it.
The system has deceived you. When you are born they assign you a number to force you to believe that you are below the system and that you must live within the system. This is part of the way they program you. None of this really matters. They don’t own you. You are a spirit and long after they are gone you still are spirit. They have convinced you that you are from below when you are from above.
I am the Father of all spirits and no one can own you. I birthed you because of my overflowing love that must keep expanding and expanding. You are one with me. I took of myself and made you. I tried to show you this with the parable of Adam and Eve of how that Eve was taken out of Adam. This is how you were born. I took a part of my spirit, my own self and birthed you. There is no separation between us. This is why it was written that even if you are faithless I must remain faithful because I can’t deny myself. I could never deny that you are my own because you came from me.
My loved ones this is the first step to rise above the place where they have enslaved you in your mind. You must recognize that you are from above and not from below. Those who would rule over you would say you are just a human being. Those who are deceiving you in religion would say that you are a lowly sinner barely saved because of my grace and I can only look upon you because of what my firstborn accomplished.
Let’s think about that a moment. Those of you with children imagine back to when your child or children was born. Imagine taking them in your arms for the first time and looking into their beautiful face and saying. “You dirty little heathen sinner. I couldn’t even look at you if someone hadn’t died for you.” You were born in sin and are doomed and if you don’t repent right now I will torture you for eternity with unquenchable fire. Isn’t that awful? Yet it’s preached in so many churches that you are worthless and useless unless you say some magic prayer and then all of a sudden you become valuable. You must reject all this programming and be free.
So how do you rise above all these things? It begins by always remembering who you are. You are my beloved children in who I am well pleased. I have adored you from long before we made the world and I will always adore you because you are mine. Next you must surrender your natural mind unto your spirit.
To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Carnally minded doesn’t just mean that your mind is set on wickedness. It means that your mind is set on preserving your flesh and taking care of your physical needs. It means that your attention is on the things of the world like what will I eat and drink and what will I wear and what will I drive and where will I live?
You must overcome this way of thinking and learn to set your mind on things above. You do this not by warring against something you call the old man or sinful nature. Both of these are illusions. If you were crucified with Christ then so was your flesh and your sinful nature. You weren’t born with a sinful nature. This belief comes from severe misunderstanding when David said he was conceived in sin. He didn’t say the whole world was born in sin. Think a little. Why was David smaller than his brothers? Why was he not favored by his Father?
You were chosen in Christ before the world began to be holy and blameless in my sight. You were born in great pleasure and you are my greatest delight. Those who would rule over you have trained to believe you had a sinful nature so it became part of your reality. You are holy beings filled with my glory and my light but you have embraced a lie until the lie became what you think is real.
So my loved ones, as my beloved firstborn said: “resist not evil.” I know many of you will immediately say what about “resist the devil and he will flee from you?” That is not what is written. It says “submit yourselves to God and resist the devil.” Submitting is the resisting. You don’t war with the thoughts of the mind. You submit yourselves to the truth of who you are and how much you are loved and these thoughts that fill your mind with worry will fall away. Remember, that these negative thoughts are not your thoughts. If they were you couldn’t observe them from the outside.
The negative thoughts and worry about how will I pay bills and how will I be healthy and how will I do this are that are part of your programming from those who tried to rule you. You were taught sickness and lack from the day you were born and as it is written “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”
You are a powerful creator and what you think deeply about comes from the realm of energy and thought and appears in physical form. Most of the chaos in the world today is because those who call themselves my church imagine a reality where the world goes into total darkness and evil reigns. This chaos is released into the world and it’s the reason for storms, earthquakes and floods. As it is written: “The heavens are the LORD’S but the earth he has given into the hands of the sons of men. Soon the awakening will change all these things and the people will only imagine heavenly things and the world will rejoice when the true Sons arise to tend the beautiful garden called Earth.
My loved ones, when thoughts of worry and stress come to you don’t start binding and fighting and screaming, as this just makes things worse. Instead go back to your place of peace and submit your thoughts to me. Eventually as you ignore this negative programming it will fade away.
Think of it this way. These crazy thoughts that you all have are like someone fishing for your attention. They dangle baits like worry or fear and see if your mind will bite. If you do you are hooked. So don’t bite. Each time a negative thought comes just remind yourself by saying. “I am Spirit. I am One with my Father. I only eat from the tree of life and will ignore this bait they are casting at me.
My amazing children; I know it doesn’t make natural sense that the way to overcome the system is to not worry about the system but that is how it works. I know all your needs and have calculated each and every one of them and finished the works before the world was finished. These are stored inside you because that is where I live. As you rest and trust then all you need flows from within your heart and appears in what you call physical space. If you don’t rest and try to “take thought” of lack then you generate more lack.
As it is written to guard your heart with all diligence because out of your own heart flow the issues of life. They don’t flow from some magic place in the sky called heaven. It’s not in heaven that you bring it down or below that you bring it up but the word is within you. As it is also written a good man from the treasure “of his own heart” brings forth good things. You are not waiting on me to bring you anything as you have already been given all things that pertain to life and godliness but all these things flow from inside you.
So remember my lovely ones, take every thought captive by locking it in the prison of forgetfulness. When worry comes just remind yourselves that you are Spirit and are one with me. Ignore the thoughts of worry and trust in me and rest in me and your lives will be like springs in the desert. It will begin to bloom all around you. What you set your mind on gets created in your world. Look at the abundance of the flowers in the field. Look at the abundance of food for the birds. Look at the abundance of fish in the sea and stars in the sky until your heart and mind are reprogrammed. As you do these things you will discover that abundance is within you and always has been. You are kings and priests and were born that way. You were born holy, powerful and wealthy. Heaven knows it, and soon you will know it also as you ignore the lying thoughts and embrace thinking only with the Christ mind.
Finally my loved ones, there is no room for hate in my kingdom. Love everyone who breathes and see everyone whole.
These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
Romans Chapter Eight
6. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Matthew Chapter Six
22. The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink? Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek :) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
As I was praying today these verses bubbled up in my heart and I began to think about how they fit together. As I did Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words for all to hear. Here are his words. He said:
My beautiful, beloved ones: How I long for you to be carefree and worry free so we can dance together in delight and your hearts can rejoice. This will be so if you will only learn to allow your minds to be ruled by your spirit and not by the ways of the world. It will be heaven on earth as you submit what you call your natural mind unto the Christ mind within you.
So many of you are struggling and no matter how hard you try you can’t seem to get things to work for you. You tried all that stuff the so called preachers told you. You gave until it hurt and saw nothing in return. You followed every example they gave you to do and bought all the books they had for sale and nothing worked. Listen closely and I will explain to you why you are all struggling.
You still don’t see yourselves as spirits but as human beings. You see yourselves trapped in a world system that is so rigged against you that you will never succeed no matter how much you struggle. You can’t overcome this system from within the system. You must rise above the system and then the system will be forced to serve you instead of forcing you to serve the system. You must come to realize that you are seated high above all these things and learn to rule over them.
Each of you before you start your day and many times during the day and especially before you pray should take a moment and repeat these words. “I am a Spirit and I am One with my Father.” This reminds you that you are not of the natural world. You are above it.
The system has deceived you. When you are born they assign you a number to force you to believe that you are below the system and that you must live within the system. This is part of the way they program you. None of this really matters. They don’t own you. You are a spirit and long after they are gone you still are spirit. They have convinced you that you are from below when you are from above.
I am the Father of all spirits and no one can own you. I birthed you because of my overflowing love that must keep expanding and expanding. You are one with me. I took of myself and made you. I tried to show you this with the parable of Adam and Eve of how that Eve was taken out of Adam. This is how you were born. I took a part of my spirit, my own self and birthed you. There is no separation between us. This is why it was written that even if you are faithless I must remain faithful because I can’t deny myself. I could never deny that you are my own because you came from me.
My loved ones this is the first step to rise above the place where they have enslaved you in your mind. You must recognize that you are from above and not from below. Those who would rule over you would say you are just a human being. Those who are deceiving you in religion would say that you are a lowly sinner barely saved because of my grace and I can only look upon you because of what my firstborn accomplished.
Let’s think about that a moment. Those of you with children imagine back to when your child or children was born. Imagine taking them in your arms for the first time and looking into their beautiful face and saying. “You dirty little heathen sinner. I couldn’t even look at you if someone hadn’t died for you.” You were born in sin and are doomed and if you don’t repent right now I will torture you for eternity with unquenchable fire. Isn’t that awful? Yet it’s preached in so many churches that you are worthless and useless unless you say some magic prayer and then all of a sudden you become valuable. You must reject all this programming and be free.
So how do you rise above all these things? It begins by always remembering who you are. You are my beloved children in who I am well pleased. I have adored you from long before we made the world and I will always adore you because you are mine. Next you must surrender your natural mind unto your spirit.
To be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Carnally minded doesn’t just mean that your mind is set on wickedness. It means that your mind is set on preserving your flesh and taking care of your physical needs. It means that your attention is on the things of the world like what will I eat and drink and what will I wear and what will I drive and where will I live?
You must overcome this way of thinking and learn to set your mind on things above. You do this not by warring against something you call the old man or sinful nature. Both of these are illusions. If you were crucified with Christ then so was your flesh and your sinful nature. You weren’t born with a sinful nature. This belief comes from severe misunderstanding when David said he was conceived in sin. He didn’t say the whole world was born in sin. Think a little. Why was David smaller than his brothers? Why was he not favored by his Father?
You were chosen in Christ before the world began to be holy and blameless in my sight. You were born in great pleasure and you are my greatest delight. Those who would rule over you have trained to believe you had a sinful nature so it became part of your reality. You are holy beings filled with my glory and my light but you have embraced a lie until the lie became what you think is real.
So my loved ones, as my beloved firstborn said: “resist not evil.” I know many of you will immediately say what about “resist the devil and he will flee from you?” That is not what is written. It says “submit yourselves to God and resist the devil.” Submitting is the resisting. You don’t war with the thoughts of the mind. You submit yourselves to the truth of who you are and how much you are loved and these thoughts that fill your mind with worry will fall away. Remember, that these negative thoughts are not your thoughts. If they were you couldn’t observe them from the outside.
The negative thoughts and worry about how will I pay bills and how will I be healthy and how will I do this are that are part of your programming from those who tried to rule you. You were taught sickness and lack from the day you were born and as it is written “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”
You are a powerful creator and what you think deeply about comes from the realm of energy and thought and appears in physical form. Most of the chaos in the world today is because those who call themselves my church imagine a reality where the world goes into total darkness and evil reigns. This chaos is released into the world and it’s the reason for storms, earthquakes and floods. As it is written: “The heavens are the LORD’S but the earth he has given into the hands of the sons of men. Soon the awakening will change all these things and the people will only imagine heavenly things and the world will rejoice when the true Sons arise to tend the beautiful garden called Earth.
My loved ones, when thoughts of worry and stress come to you don’t start binding and fighting and screaming, as this just makes things worse. Instead go back to your place of peace and submit your thoughts to me. Eventually as you ignore this negative programming it will fade away.
Think of it this way. These crazy thoughts that you all have are like someone fishing for your attention. They dangle baits like worry or fear and see if your mind will bite. If you do you are hooked. So don’t bite. Each time a negative thought comes just remind yourself by saying. “I am Spirit. I am One with my Father. I only eat from the tree of life and will ignore this bait they are casting at me.
My amazing children; I know it doesn’t make natural sense that the way to overcome the system is to not worry about the system but that is how it works. I know all your needs and have calculated each and every one of them and finished the works before the world was finished. These are stored inside you because that is where I live. As you rest and trust then all you need flows from within your heart and appears in what you call physical space. If you don’t rest and try to “take thought” of lack then you generate more lack.
As it is written to guard your heart with all diligence because out of your own heart flow the issues of life. They don’t flow from some magic place in the sky called heaven. It’s not in heaven that you bring it down or below that you bring it up but the word is within you. As it is also written a good man from the treasure “of his own heart” brings forth good things. You are not waiting on me to bring you anything as you have already been given all things that pertain to life and godliness but all these things flow from inside you.
So remember my lovely ones, take every thought captive by locking it in the prison of forgetfulness. When worry comes just remind yourselves that you are Spirit and are one with me. Ignore the thoughts of worry and trust in me and rest in me and your lives will be like springs in the desert. It will begin to bloom all around you. What you set your mind on gets created in your world. Look at the abundance of the flowers in the field. Look at the abundance of food for the birds. Look at the abundance of fish in the sea and stars in the sky until your heart and mind are reprogrammed. As you do these things you will discover that abundance is within you and always has been. You are kings and priests and were born that way. You were born holy, powerful and wealthy. Heaven knows it, and soon you will know it also as you ignore the lying thoughts and embrace thinking only with the Christ mind.
Finally my loved ones, there is no room for hate in my kingdom. Love everyone who breathes and see everyone whole.
These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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