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Monday, November 13, 2023

Remember and Break Free!


An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

michael's podcast

Jeremiah Chapter One

5. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

Romans Chapter Eight

28. And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers. And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified.

Ephesians Chapter One

3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.

Luke Chapter Ten

20. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me a question. He asked “What is your name?” I gave him my given name and once again he asked me “Son, what is your name? What is the name you were given in the beginning when your spirit was born of my Spirit, before the world began, before the earth, or sun, or the moon came to be? Think within yourself and you will remember all these things. They are hidden within you. For you are one with The Spirit of Truth and you know all things if only you will break free from your programming and remember who you truly are. Remember my loved one that my first born was questioned by the Pharisees and he told them “Before Abraham was, I Am!”

    He spoke again and said to me: “My son, listen and write and share these words with all who will hear them!" The whole world is talking about a “great awakening.” This awakening is just the remembrance of who you all are. It is the awakening to the reality that you are not the lowly slave people that those who have been controlling the world for generations tell you that you are. You are much more.

    Look deep within and you will know your true identity. You are my children, chosen before the world was made to express myself through you into the world. My plan is not to destroy the world but to show my glory through it. I long for the beauty that fills heaven to fill the earth also. I long for the love that fills all of heaven to flood the earth also. I long for my children on earth and my children in heaven to dance together with open hearts and eyes with no division between. I long for you to know that the separation of heaven and earth is a lie. I long for every dimension to be loving and glorious!    

    All this will come if you are willing to let go of all the worldly traditions that you have been taught and be willing to express your true identities of the children of love in the world. You must be willing to let go of hate, condemnation, judgment and anger. You must be willing to love at all costs even if it kills you. Instead of calling down fire and judgment upon those who mistreat you must be willing to give your life for them instead. If they treat you wickedly return only love to them; Just as my first born was willing to lay down his life for those who hated him. He even pronounced forgiveness on the ones who nailed him to the tree. These actions come from above and not from below. You can’t sling mud without getting muddy but you can sling love all day and change your enemies while remaining righteous. I know this goes against all your traditions but it is the heavenly way.

    My loved ones, this is the reason all the things you see written in scripture don’t work for you. You see my firstborn heal the sick and raise the dead and he did so because he knew he was a child of light and love and he had no death or darkness in him and instead was filled with light and life. You can’t get clean in a muddy stream. You must become sure of your identity as children of love and then all these things will work for you.

    Do you remember what my first born told you? If your eye be single your body will be full of light? This is the problem. One minute your eye, or focus as you would call it, is on heaven and on the light of love and the next moment your focus is on darkness and judgment and all the things going on in the lower realm. You can find your way around in a dark room with a small candle or you can drive all the darkness from the room if your light is bright as the noon day sun. You must overcome evil with good so the more you fill your consciousness with love and light the more good you can do and the more darkness you can overcome.

    Here is another problem my loved ones. You believe yourself to be below your circumstances when you are above. You are already seated in the place of power far above all things from the lower realm but because you think you are below you try to use the ways of the lower realm to change the lower realm and this never works. Cursing darkness does not remove darkness. You must realize that you already have all you need and you are already filled with my glory and power in your spirits and you don’t need to bring any power from heaven because you are heaven. You are where I dwell.

    My heavenly ones; you must awaken to who you really are. You are not mortal men living in a clay body waiting on a ride home. You are heavenly beings with unlimited power but as a man thinks of himself in his heart so he becomes. They gave you an earthly name and wrote it down on a birth certificate to convince you that your true identity is just a human. Then false religion took it from there and convinced you that you are a dirty rotten sinner barely saved because I had pity on you. Think of how ignorant this is. Imagine if your own child whom you love with all your being fell in a river and you went in and got them out and told them the only reason you saved them was because you had pity on them. Not because you love them with all your heart and only want what is best for them. Once you look with open eyes you will see that most of what the so called religious leaders taught you was pure garbage not even fit for the worms.

    Break free my beloved ones, look inside and expect to remember who you are. Ask of me and I’ll show you who you are and if you consider it you will realize I already did. I sent my first born to show you who all my children are. He never claimed to be the only one of his kind. He was the first born of many. Religion tells you he was my only begotten. Learn what that means. It doesn’t mean the only one but it means the only one who was mature enough to do my business the same as if I did it myself. And this is what he did. He told you he only did what he heard me say or saw me do. He told you that he and I are one. You can do the same. Once you know who you are you will be mature enough to carry out the same and greater things than he accomplished.

    Are you ready my loved ones? Are you ready to break free of the mold they put you in and learn who you are? Are you ready to work with me to turn earth into the image of heaven? Are you ready to love and forgive and to overcome the darkness in the minds of people until they understand who they are? Don’t forget that almost all are blind and need deliverance and not judgment.

    This all begins as you let go of the false image of yourself and see yourselves through my eyes. Who are you? How much are you loved? How valuable are you if we would give all we had to save you from your false identity?

    Break free my beloved, break free and become who you already are. You are sanctified, justified, glorified children of Almighty God! You are not human. You are not hewed down man. You are the delight and glory of your Father! Angels surround you because they adore you! They are willing to use their might and power to be your servant. Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Remember! Remember! Remember! Remember and break free!

    These are the words He gave me to share with you today while I was sitting by a beautiful lake and praying for you.
Thank you again so very much for sharing this journey with me!
Be blessed and well and free as free can be!
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click on the links below:

michael's podcast

Friday, November 3, 2023

Prisoners No More!

An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Michael's podcast

Acts Chapter Sixteen

25. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. And immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s bonds were unfastened.

    As I was praying today these verses came up in my heart and I looked them up and once again read the story of Paul and Silas being locked in the jail and about their miraculous escape. As I was reading Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and share his words for all to hear. Here are his words, He said:

    My beloved ones, it is time to rejoice for your deliverance is assured. Although you have been free in spirit and in truth you are soon to know true freedom like you have never known. The foundations of the world prison have been shaken and are crumbling down. The chains that have bound your minds are being broken and your freedom will be as one who arose from the dead.

    My loved ones, it’s the same in any crisis. Worship and rejoicing should be your first action. There are no unbreakable chains and there is nothing that can bind you once you know you are free.

    Remember I told you many times that worship is not what you were taught that it is. I don’t need your adoration to know that I am loved. I don’t need praise to validate who I am or what I do. Worship is a dance we dance together. As I told you before I worship my Son and all throughout scripture I promised he was coming and when He came I rejoiced over him and sent angels to announce his birth. As it is written in scripture I again worshipped him by saying to him “your throne Oh God is forever and ever!” He worshipped me by saying that I was greater than he is even though we are one. He worshipped Holy Spirit and told you that Spirit would come and lead you into all truth. Holy Spirit worships us as you receive revelation from Spirit about how much you are loved. This dance of love has been going on forever and when you enter into praise and rejoicing you join yourself in the festival and you connect yourselves to the finished work and can enter into rest.

    This is what Paul and Silas did. They knew they were getting out and entered into the heavenly chorus and connected themselves to freedom. Do you remember that it is written that I have already given you all things and that you are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm? When you enter into worship and rejoicing you bring the power of all of heaven into your physical realm. Thanksgiving is the most powerful weapon you will ever wield. This is why so many miracles happen when people lose themselves in worship. The true and eternal world of spirit overcomes the temporary illusion of what you call the present reality.

    My loved ones, the time for fear is long past. No matter what it looks like to your natural eyes your heart knows that freedom is at hand. You know there is a changing of the ages upon you and darkness will soon be driven from the earth by the light of my love.

    So please my loved ones, rejoice and watch your chains fall away. Rejoice and just like with Paul and Silas all those around you will be freed also. You will bring your minds into the eternal truth that you are all my glorious children and have always been free.

    Rejoice, sing, dance and be delighted for darkness fades and glorious light drives all evil from the hearts of men and earth becomes like heaven just as I planned: In earth as in heaven. That is my plan and will always be my plan.

    Remember what is written in Ecclesiastes Chapter one:

One generation passes away, and another generation comes; But the earth abides forever.

 Rejoice my beloved ones. My glory has risen upon you and will never cease.

    There are many who are not ready to hear these words. Be patient and kind and loving with them. They will come to understand soon. Have compassion on those who have been blinded by the lies of false religion. As it is written in the letter whose title was changed to James: Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. All the other things they told you are religion are garbage and should be discarded.

    Once again I will say unto you. Rejoice and be glad for the days of real deliverance are upon you. It may be dark tonight but joy comes in the morning!

    These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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