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Friday, February 14, 2025

Arise My Shining Ones

    An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

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    As I was praying today, I heard Father’s voice speaking within my heart and I rejoiced to hear him and he delightfully said to me: “My Son listen and write and publish the great news to all who will listen. Tell them their days of darkness and wandering are coming to an end. Tell them to awaken and shout for joy for you are entering a day that I have longed for since the beginning. This is a time like you have never known. Awaken my shining ones and rise and shine and be glad and know that all is well.”

    As I was rejoicing I looked inside my heart and I saw a river overflowing its banks and a flood was beginning. I wondered what was happening and so I asked him and he said:

    “My son, all that you have ever wanted or desired has always been within you. You have never lacked for anything except the knowledge of how to bring out what is already yours. All you ever need is to let joy open the gates and let what is within you be as real outside as it is inside. Remember that it is written that with joy you shall draw water from the well of salvation. Joy is what opens the gates.

    So listen and write these words to my loved ones. Tell them these words: My children it is time to let joy arise and to focus only on the things that bring you great joy and to let go of the old ways of fear and doubt. I know for years things have been dark and dreary but the light has come and has broken forth from within you. You are the light as I am the light but you have kept the lamp hidden under bushels of worry and sadness and regret and it is time to let joy remove all those things and let the light and the living water flood out of you and change all that is around you.

    I told you that I would send forth springs from the deserts and that is what is happening. Your lives have been like a barren desert struggling to bring forth fruit because the water didn’t flow. But now the water is flowing and the light is shining and all the dreams you ever dreamed that lay dormant in the ground will begin to spring up and you will harvest daily what you used to spend years waiting upon.

    The light is shining so brightly that those who have kept the world in darkness are terrified and are hiding themselves in their mansions made of rock and dirt and are begging for the light to stop shining but it will only get brighter.

    Soon all heaven will break loose into the earth. The things you see in the natural or physical realm are only the shadow of the things taking place in the spiritual realm. In the spirit the angels are dancing and rejoicing because they know the people they watch over and protect are about to walk into the realm of great glory that they behold always.

    The blinders that were covering your eyes are being removed. You are no longer willing to blindly follow those who give you so called religion and you are only willing to accept the true gospel of love and in that is your freedom. No more bondage to dead ceremony and graveyard traditions. No more believing that you need someone else to lead you because you know that you are one with the Almighty and that I live in you and I am one with you. You need no one else to intercede for you because you know that my son ever lives as the intercessor for you. He finished his priestly ministry on your behalf almost two thousand years ago and you are awakening to what always was.

    My loved ones the only separation there ever was between us was the lies you believed. I can never leave or forsake you because I am one with you. I am and will always be one with you as I always have been. As you remove the lies you will awaken as the unlimited being that you have always been. Anything you dare to dream is possible for you. 

    So rejoice my beloved and again I say rejoice for the time of great joy is breaking out around you. As you awaken those things you thought were difficult will be as easy a child daydreaming. You will think of a thing and it will instantly appear unto you for it was always within you but you didn’t know how to bring it out. But now you know that joy is the power to bring it forth.

    Remember my loved ones it is written that those who truly believe have entered into rest so if you have to work at it then you aren’t doing it right. In joy you draw water from the well of salvation so if you have to strain and struggle then you are still not at rest and still in unbelief. All things have been given to you to freely enjoy but you must freely receive them from within with no strings attached. If you try to add anything to the process other than thanksgiving then you must laugh off your mistake and do it again. No more beating yourself up when you mess up because of old habits. Just shake it off and step back into your rightful place of rest and become like a little child and dream the dreams of the innocent because that is who you are.

    As it is written “you are more than conquerors.” This means there is nothing for you to conquer. It has already been won. You have already overcome and can enter into true rest and enjoy the life of abundance that is rightfully yours by inheritance. All you had to do to earn it was be born.

    So my loved ones enter into joyous rest and dare to dream again. Those who are old don’t look in the lying mirror on the wall; look at the truth within your heart where you are eternally young. Those who still struggle with the lies of sickness and poverty see yourselves as you truly are. Well and abundantly blessed. Your body is not the truth. Your eternal spirit is the truth. Your circumstances are not the truth because truth never changes and circumstances do change.

    My loved ones: lay aside judgment and anger and strife and fully participate in joy. Immerse yourselves fully into the things that bring you great joy and take your minds off problems and cares and they will vanish away. This is why my beloved Son told you to take no worry about tomorrow because when you worry about it you bring it into your life. You bring the worry in your heart into the physical realm just as you can bring abundance into your experience by being joyful.

    Once again I tell you my beloved ones, the time to worry and fret and fear is over and the time to look forward to heaven on earth has come. Let go of the old ways of fear, regret and remorse and dive into the river of living joy within you. Arise my shining ones arise!

    These are the words He gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by them.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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