My son I love you more than you can contain and I have a great plan for your life. You must understand the more you give yourself to me the more I give my power to you. You say in your heart, “Can a man give his whole being to me twenty four hours a day?” I say yes he can. I can live in your every waking moment and live in your dreams while you are asleep.
I told the disciples to tarry until they received the power. My church bypasses this instruction and goes out weak and beggarly. There is a place of one mind and one accord that you can enter in with me and my Spirit will empower you. You can learn to visit this place every day before you begin your day and you can come out empowered and refreshed. I long for my children to come into this place so that I may visit with them and release this great power into your lives.
When Jacob laid his head upon the rock he saw a ladder from earth to heaven and angels ascending and descending upon it. He said surely the Lord is in this place and I knew it not. He said this was the gateway into heaven. It wasn't actually the geographic place that was the gateway, but his dream consciousness was the gateway. If you lay your head upon the Rock before you sleep you can enter this same gateway. I created this part of man for my meeting place with him. That’s why I told you to sanctify your imagination.
I long to show you constant visions and dreams but this place must be reserved for me. That’s why I said to cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against knowing me. The world you call the imagination is given to you so we could meet there. This place can become holy and I can inhabit it with my Spirit because it is neither flesh nor spirit. It is a meeting place for us. You call it seeing in the Spirit and you can learn to live with this vision turned on at all times.
Any imagination that you have that goes against my love for you must be dealt with immediately. I would never give you a vision of anything that belittles you or makes you look bad. You have to see yourself in the light of the perfection of Christ. You are sanctified, justified and glorified in my sight.
What if a king from another country came to the president of your country and belittled himself in his presence. What if he fell on the ground and cried “I’m not worthy to be in your presence?” How strange would that be? You must understand that I see you as holy, undefiled, blameless, pure and glorified. I made you a king and priest already. Understand who and what rank you are and quit making small out of what I made you.
You are not a lowly sinner saved by grace. Your old man was. You are a new creation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. You are perfected once and for all by my son Jesus. Quit this crying and bawling and acting like a prisoner of war. You are more than a conqueror. Stand up and be who I made you to be.
I told you to boldly come to the throne of grace. Don’t dare to come any other way. Have boldness in what Christ has made you. In your heart I heard you say “how can I be bold and humble at the same time?” It’s quite simple; coming boldly to the throne of grace gives honor to the one who made you holy. You wouldn't wear dirty rags to a business meeting so why would you wear all that old thinking into my throne room when we are doing business?
Step into who you are and understand that you are my child but you are full age and an inheritor of my very life. Yes I am your Daddy but you are my grown son. I said unless you humble yourself as a little child you can’t see the kingdom of God. You did this when you were born again. Since then you have been exalted to son ship in my kingdom. You are no longer a little child but a full grown son with all benefits of son ship If this were a business it would be called God and Son’s. You are my partner now with full partner status and benefits.
It’s your unbelief in who you are that’s keeping you from walking in the power of a full age son of the Almighty. One day you believe you are a king and the next day a poor sinner? I know these words sound harsh my son but it’s time to wake up to who you are. I said it is finished why do you say it’s not?
I have put my will and my purpose into your heart. Quit asking permission to do what I put within you. You didn't come up with those desires on your own. They were given to you at your conception. You have spiritual DNA just like you do in the physical world. This DNA contains all the necessary things you need to be who you are called to be. If you want to do a certain work then go do it for the kingdom. A grown man asks their Father for advice not for permission.
I have put all things concerning my kingdom into your heart. If you do what’s in your heart then you will walk in the power that I put within you. Start meditating on the scriptures I gave you that show that you are a king and a priest. If I need you somewhere else my Spirit will catch you away as he did Phillip. If you choose to be a son in my kingdom then you will give me the right to take you where I need you to go but I will not send you as a beggar but as a son.
Know my ways. I am not weak. The supplies you need are stored away on the trail that I called you to walk. When Elijah got to the brook the ravens were already there. That’s how he knew He was at the right spot. My provision for you will flow soon. Once you know who you are you will inherit what’s yours.
Don’t listen to any more condemnation. Only listen to those who encourage. You can’t make good bread if you are swimming in the leaven. The old ways are gone. They have been dead 2000 years. It’s the age of grace and don’t let anyone no matter what power they walk in tell you different.
Remember Paul said that even if an angel from heaven preached a different gospel let him be accursed. There is a reason he said that. There are powerful forces doing lying wonders and signs to try to keep the dead message alive. Don’t be fooled. Anything that is not of me is Antichrist Have no part of him. Don’t take that mark of slavery upon your head or let him put those shackles on your hands. You are my free born son and you are not to be in bondage to anyone.
Just because your eyes see people being healed by those who preach law doesn't make it so. How many amputees have you seen healed? How many dead brought back to life? How many lepers have you seen healed? It will be easy to tell my power when my sons and daughters start to release it. It won’t be this temporary band aid healing that you see on TV. Remember even pharaoh’s magicians could turn a rod into a snake.
I told my disciples to freely give because they received it freely. When you begin to see men give freely and heal because they love and not ask for money then you will know the sons of God are being revealed.
Don’t be too critical of those who are going the wrong way. They are trapped by the enemy and don’t even know it. They’ll come around when they see the real gospel. They are just grasping for any kind of power that they can find. Restore them when you can. Most of them started with great intentions and were led astray.
Don’t let anyone talk you out of the fellowship that we have this way. You know in your spirit that I am speaking to you and you know by the scriptures that this is the way I spoke to the prophets of old and the apostles. When Paul set out to write to the churches he didn't have an outline. It was this same word that flowed out through him. He had a few things on his heart he wanted to address but the words came as he wrote or dictated to a scribe.
I didn't give you a written bible just to teach you how to read but how to write also. Keep writing these things down. They are useful to those on the trail behind you. But be sure to teach them how to write and not just how to read your writings.
I am calling you away with me for a while before I send you on your next journey. I have many more things to say to you and many visions and dreams to show you. I will provide the place and the provision if you will provide the time and the fingers to write with.
I have longed for so long for this teaching of hearing my voice and writing it down to be brought back into the earth. Why do you think that for so long the enemy even caused cultures not to allow anyone but royalty to learn to write? It was to suppress this way of speaking to my people.
Tell the church not to worry about the economy but to fix their eyes on me and watch how the kingdom works. I have ways of provision that are so much better than what you've been living under. I am not limited by your limitations. I can provide in ways that you have never dreamed of.
You don’t think I know how to make a vehicle? You don’t think I know where all the gold is hidden? You don’t think all the good ideas are invented yet do you? You have no idea what my favor can do for you. I can move upon the heart of kings and rich to lay treasure at your feet. Didn't I do it for the apostles?
It’s my will for you to have great prosperity if you don’t forcefully take it from the people with a gospel that preaches to them that they owe me something. Tell the people the truth. All I wanted was their hearts and they gave those when they got born again. If they were being taught the true gospel then the power they received when they were born again would change not only their hearts but their minds and bodies also. If they want to give that’s fine but don’t put any limitations on my people. I can bless them regardless of what they give or don’t give. I’m not limited by their limitations.
Joseph was a prisoner but was made a king. Noah was a simple preacher of righteousness but after the flood his family ruled the world. Jesus died broke and naked on a cross but now is exalted above all. All things are possible with me. Don’t set limitations on yourself based on your own education or experiences or by the amount of cash in the bank. You are my son and an heir of all things. Soon you will know how to write checks on your heavenly account and nothing will be out of reach for you.
My son, share these words with your brothers and sisters for they need the encouragement. This letter is written to them also just as to you. Go to them and teach them how to have this conversation with me. I long to talk with them this way. I want to tell them of my great love for them. I long to share with them the secrets of the kingdom that they have inherited.
Why do you think I chose men like Matthew and Luke? It’s because I wanted my words recorded. I still want my spoken words recorded. That’s why I want you to teach my people how to hear my voice and write it down. The enemy can’t steal it if it’s written down for them to see it over and over. He can’t convince you that you didn't hear me if you heard me and wrote it down. Then when he says that you didn't hear my voice you can say “Get behind me for it is written.”
Now my son if you will take some time and give me your voice to pray in the Spirit them I will open all these doors for you. Remember my son. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and forgive all others who are still wearing the dust suit at this time. It’s not forever. I have an eternal place of habitation for you that is not made of dust but of glory. It will be unlimited. You will love the next suit I put you in. I love you my son. Please pray now. I need your voice.
I love you my Son.
I told my disciples to freely give because they received it freely. When you begin to see men give freely and heal because they love and not ask for money then you will know the sons of God are being revealed.
Don’t be too critical of those who are going the wrong way. They are trapped by the enemy and don’t even know it. They’ll come around when they see the real gospel. They are just grasping for any kind of power that they can find. Restore them when you can. Most of them started with great intentions and were led astray.
Don’t let anyone talk you out of the fellowship that we have this way. You know in your spirit that I am speaking to you and you know by the scriptures that this is the way I spoke to the prophets of old and the apostles. When Paul set out to write to the churches he didn't have an outline. It was this same word that flowed out through him. He had a few things on his heart he wanted to address but the words came as he wrote or dictated to a scribe.
I didn't give you a written bible just to teach you how to read but how to write also. Keep writing these things down. They are useful to those on the trail behind you. But be sure to teach them how to write and not just how to read your writings.
I am calling you away with me for a while before I send you on your next journey. I have many more things to say to you and many visions and dreams to show you. I will provide the place and the provision if you will provide the time and the fingers to write with.
I have longed for so long for this teaching of hearing my voice and writing it down to be brought back into the earth. Why do you think that for so long the enemy even caused cultures not to allow anyone but royalty to learn to write? It was to suppress this way of speaking to my people.
Tell the church not to worry about the economy but to fix their eyes on me and watch how the kingdom works. I have ways of provision that are so much better than what you've been living under. I am not limited by your limitations. I can provide in ways that you have never dreamed of.
You don’t think I know how to make a vehicle? You don’t think I know where all the gold is hidden? You don’t think all the good ideas are invented yet do you? You have no idea what my favor can do for you. I can move upon the heart of kings and rich to lay treasure at your feet. Didn't I do it for the apostles?
It’s my will for you to have great prosperity if you don’t forcefully take it from the people with a gospel that preaches to them that they owe me something. Tell the people the truth. All I wanted was their hearts and they gave those when they got born again. If they were being taught the true gospel then the power they received when they were born again would change not only their hearts but their minds and bodies also. If they want to give that’s fine but don’t put any limitations on my people. I can bless them regardless of what they give or don’t give. I’m not limited by their limitations.
Joseph was a prisoner but was made a king. Noah was a simple preacher of righteousness but after the flood his family ruled the world. Jesus died broke and naked on a cross but now is exalted above all. All things are possible with me. Don’t set limitations on yourself based on your own education or experiences or by the amount of cash in the bank. You are my son and an heir of all things. Soon you will know how to write checks on your heavenly account and nothing will be out of reach for you.
My son, share these words with your brothers and sisters for they need the encouragement. This letter is written to them also just as to you. Go to them and teach them how to have this conversation with me. I long to talk with them this way. I want to tell them of my great love for them. I long to share with them the secrets of the kingdom that they have inherited.
Why do you think I chose men like Matthew and Luke? It’s because I wanted my words recorded. I still want my spoken words recorded. That’s why I want you to teach my people how to hear my voice and write it down. The enemy can’t steal it if it’s written down for them to see it over and over. He can’t convince you that you didn't hear me if you heard me and wrote it down. Then when he says that you didn't hear my voice you can say “Get behind me for it is written.”
Now my son if you will take some time and give me your voice to pray in the Spirit them I will open all these doors for you. Remember my son. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and forgive all others who are still wearing the dust suit at this time. It’s not forever. I have an eternal place of habitation for you that is not made of dust but of glory. It will be unlimited. You will love the next suit I put you in. I love you my son. Please pray now. I need your voice.
I love you my Son.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,
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