But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
So what I was wondering is this: What is worshiping in spirit and in truth, and why does God our Father who has all things seek worship from us?
As I was meditating on this my best friend the Holy Spirit spoke to me two scriptures: Jesus is the way, the Truth and the life and He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit. I placed the words truth and one Spirit in italics because He spoke them louder than the other words.
As we are in a habit of doing I thought about it and pondered and wondered and finally when all else failed I decided I would just ask Him and he said to me:
My son, my beloved. I love you with all my heart. I will teach you about worship and why it is so important.
In your day people sing songs and call it worship but there is so much more to worship. The word worship itself means to bow down and many people sing to me with their lips but they don't bow down to me with their lives. I don't need worship for my sake. I am self existent and do not need words or flattery to make me feel better about myself. I completely understand that I am God and don't need anyone to tell me who I am.
To truly worship me is to lay down your life and let me live through you. It is an attitude of the heart and not just what you say or do or a song or a dance. Worship is letting go of your purpose and plans and letting me decide all things about your life. Worship is seeking my will and not yours. Worship is done in love and is a loving surrender to me not because I am almighty God but because you love me and because I love you and want better for you than you want for yourself.
As you "bow down" your life to me in every area of thought, expression and action then your whole life becomes filled with my truth and your life becomes one beautiful song to me. I love you so much and you can't hear them but I write songs with beautiful melodies to the beat of your heart because of my love for you. My love for you is greater than any person has ever fully known. My love for you sent my son to a cross to "bow down" his life for you and when you "bow down" your life to me then the cycle is completed and we are officially in a relationship.
Remember, I bowed first to you because of my love for you. Even though you were in sin and separated from me my love for you was so great that I had to reach for you with all I had. That is why it is said today when a couple gets married that they come together at the altar. It is a relationship ritual of love.
Jesus came to the altar first and took away every hindrance that could keep you from meeting him there. As you come to this altar of love called the cross, and you lay down your life and allow your own plans and desires to be crucified with my son you join him there in marriage. You become one. You no longer have two sets of plans for life but one.
So everything you do in life becomes worship because you do it in love for me. When you sing, that is worship. When you dance, that is worship. When you encourage someone that is worship. When you feed the hungry that is worship. When you heal the sick and raise the dead, that is worship. Remember I said that if you did it to the least of these you did it unto me? Worship becomes your lifestyle and you are filled with my love and my glory.
This is why I seek worshipers. Worshipers become one with me and get to spend eternity in the embrace of my love and in the joy of salvation. The more you know my heart you know that I do all things because of love. Worship brings you into my presence so that I can reveal my love for you even more.
As with any couple there are rewards for expressions of love and adoration. A husband in love with his bride will lay down his life and then overcome death, hell and the grave for her. A wife who discovers this great love will fall deeper in love with her husband will meet him at the cross and give up the right to rule her own life so they can be together. They become one spirit.
Love is the song and worship is the dance we dance together. I worshiped you and bowed down because of my love. You bowed down to me when you discovered that love. You sing to me and think about me and tell others how great I am and I speak blessings over you and tell everyone in heaven how wonderful you are. You build my kingdom on earth and I build your mansion in heaven. You sing your song of worship to me and I rejoice over you with singing! See how wonderful worship is? It's all about the love we have for each other. And now shall we bow to each other as we dance for eternity to the sound of heaven's orchestra?
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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