Contact me at this email address.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Vision of the Rainbow: His Promise is Sure


     I was praying today for all my brothers and sisters in Christ and asking our Father to bless each of you and to pour out his perfect will into your lives. I was asking Him to help all of us who are struggling with problems. 

     I was telling him of all the struggles we are in and how we sometimes feel cast down and forsaken. He quickly interrupted my whining with a vision of a rainbow that stretched all around the earth. It was visible even at night because it was not lit by the sun. I was in awe of this sight and wondering what it meant when He began to speak to me and said the following:

     I am taking my people into a place of victory. Soon there will be no more that are sick and no more that are weak but all will be strong in me. I will separate my children from the wicked and will show myself strong in my people. My love will be the light that my children walk in.

     There will be a day when the dread of my people will terrify those who choose to live in darkness and they will be afraid of my people. They will tremble in the light of my people. My light has come and will arise on my people. Their light will shine brighter than the sun at noon. There will be no more sorrow for all my people will know the joy of my salvation. This is my plan and always has been.

     One by one and then many by many all will come to the knowledge of my love and my salvation until my glory is revealed throughout the earth. This earth is mine and it will be full of my glory until the new heavens and earth are revealed. The new heavens and earth are filled with glory beyond compare and no unrighteousness will ever touch them.

     Don’t be afraid of the coming shaking of the earth or the shaking of the heavens. These are my doings and they are not to be feared but shall be as signs to my children showing them that their redemption is at hand.

     Tell all you see that the day of my power is here and has been here since my Spirit came, but men have held back the truth in unrighteousness. These evil spirits that block my light will be shaken out of place and my light will be known in the earth. My glory will be revealed and those who love me will run to my light and those that hate me will hide from my glory.

     These are the great days that prophets and wise men longed to see and they do watch as the witnesses. They are rejoicing for the day of my great power is at hand. Awake my children and run to me for the days of glory are upon you. These are days when the great healing of all the nations begins and I take for myself a people from every tribe and tongue and village.

     The earth is mine as the heavens are mine and the people are mine. Nations will see my glory and repent and come to me. The shaking that the whole world fears is the greatest thing to happen among the nations. Those who tell you to fear are looking into the darkness and they haven’t given their whole hearts to me or they wouldn't be afraid. They are not perfected into my love or there would be no fear in them.

     These are the days that I will pour out signs and wonders in the earth and heavens and my people who are called by my name shall see me eye to eye, face to face and not fear but shall know of my great love.

     I am the rock that my people will hide in. I will cover you all with my own hand while I take my possession and many will be caught in the tide of my goodness and great grace.

     I will pour out grace upon the nations and great and small will call me Lord. The name of my Son shall be a holy word only spoken by those who cover their hearts and bow their heads in reverence. I will make the name of Jesus a blessing in the earth and men shall give him the glory due his name. I will glorify his name and the names of my people.

     All will know those who are mine by the brightness of their countenance, for my face will shine upon my people and I will be revealed in my saints. All the nations of the world shall seek my children for counsel and understanding, for my children will walk in the wisdom of the ancients, and will understand all things as a gift of my Spirit and my grace. Those who have never learned will be wiser than all those who call themselves educated. It shall be given to my children as a gift of my love and my mercy will flow as rain to all who will humble themselves.

     It is not a dreadful day for my people but a great day that I am sending. The greatest revival the earth has ever known is upon you. My angels and messengers are being sent into position to help and will minister to those who teach and preach and will assist you with all you need in this time.

     The hungry will flow into the homes of my people and my people will fill them with food and truth. My loved ones who call upon me shall see unlimited supply and multiplication will be so simple that little children will feed many and will not go hungry.

     There will be great grace upon all who pray and before you pray I will answer for the day of days is upon you and the time of my grace is changing to the time of my glory. My glory is upon you my people so put away the fear and rise and shine.There will be nothing impossible to my people.

     So awaken those who sing and rejoice. Many who never sang a note will be given great songs and gifts of music will be poured out on those who never played, and earth will be filled with the song of the lamb and the worship of the king.

     Soon a rainbow will appear as my promise and all will see it and wonder at it and know that I am still on the throne. All the promises I have ever made from Adam through Noah, through Jesus and the Apostles all the way to the last promise I made my children will be sure and will be fulfilled. This sight will be a wonder seen in the entire world. Men shall wonder at the colors of the rainbow in the clear sky. This and many other signs will appear in heaven and on the earth to cause the wonder of all who see.

     Music will rain from the clouds and the voice of thunder will be understood by all. Heaven’s orchestra will join the song of my people who worship and the sound will be glorious and will be a sign. Did I not send angels to proclaim the birth of my son? Would they not come again to announce his return? Be not dismayed by what you see. These are the days of glory so rejoice in them and know that I am with my people and soon and we dwell together as one.

     Join me in my excitement my children. I love you and am about to take the earth from those who have held it hostage and release into the glorious liberty of my sons and daughters who will love it and dress it and care for it as in the beginning. This time the serpent will not find a place in the garden and will be cast out.

     Arise and rejoice my children your hour of visitation is upon you. Delight yourself in me and make yourself ready for your groom comes soon.

     Wash off the dirt of the world and put away anything that hinders you from walking with me. Fill your lamps with oil and keep watching as you pray for I am with you and your King comes quickly.

     Soon many gifts will arrive from the groom who is coming. These gifts will cause the bride to know how much he loves her and she will give herself to preparation for the wedding. These gifts of love will cause her to fall deeply in love with her groom and life as she knows it will change forever. She will know that she has not been forsaken. She will know that her groom sees her as perfect and lovely and greatly to be desired. Those who call her ragged and worn will be silenced as she changes before their eyes into living glory because of the love poured upon her.

     Know the day you are in my beloved and know that it is my great pleasure to dwell among my people. I love you my beloved and know that my heart is with my people and my love is upon you all.

     Thanks for reading and I hope you are greatly encouraged by these words.

Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,


For more information please visit our website at:

Friday, February 7, 2014

From Father With Love


     A few days ago I was praying about some meetings that were happening in Garland Texas and asking Father what would he have for me to speak about. He started speaking to me about the meetings and about his love for all of us. As usual I asked him for a specific word and he gave it to me. He asked me this morning if I would share it with all who call him Father. I was more than happy to do so and I hope his kind words encourage all who read them.

     The meetings were amazing and I can't wait to go back again. I hope you experience his love being poured out as you read these words just as we did this past weekend. He is always so kind and loving and I give him all the glory for all the wonderful things that he does for us. To him be glory forever and ever and ever.

     Below are the words He spoke to me:

     My son; write down these words and deliver this personal message to my people.

     My beloved, treasures of my eternity. Don’t you know that I created eternity so that I could have forever to spend with each one of you? It’s time you know that you are the treasure of my heart. You are the reasons for all that I have done.

     I have known you since before there was time. Your future is my present and in that day we spend endless hours together loving each other and singing and rejoicing for the great joy that is in our hearts. You sing to me and I sing to you and we enjoy each other’s presence.

     You can have that now. You don’t have to wait until the future to have it. The time for intimacy is now. I am calling my people to worship. As you learn to worship me then my glory will pour through you for the world to see and that will cause a great awakening in the earth.Many more will come to the light of the glory and will come to know me from the glory poured into your lives.
     Many of you are waiting until you are holy enough to come into my presence. Don’t you know that you are washed in the blood and are already holy in my sight? Shake off the dust of this world and come on in. You are welcome in my house. You have every right to visit me in the secret place and soon many of you will spend more time here than there.

     Yes I know there are things to do, but this is my plan. Did not I ask Jesus to sit and wait on his enemies to be made a footstool? This is my work and I will accomplish it. It will not be done in drudgery and toil. It will be accomplished in joy and singing. Did I not say that the redeemed of the Lord would return with everlasting joy?

     Don’t let the world or the gloom and doom preachers scare you. The darkness of the world will soon be overcome by the light of the kingdom. Take your eyes off the darkness and worship me in the light.

     My glory is about to cover the earth as the water covers the sea and my people can’t prepare for it because they are preparing for doomsday and not the Lord’s Day. Why do you think it’s called the Lord’s Day? It’s not called the Antichrist day or the beast’s day or the false prophet’s day. It is my day and it is glorious for I am glorious and my love for you is glorious.
     My glory will arise upon the people who learn to worship and it will consume darkness like fire destroys the stubble. The great awakening is at hand and my people are hiding in caves. Blinded by a defeated enemy who is trying his best to hold on to any resemblance of relevance or authority. He is trying his best to scare my people into giving up their inheritance. You have inherited a kingdom that will never be shaken.

     It’s time to wake up. The day of my power is coming when I will reap this earth of the precious fruit called people. People are my prize possession and are the sweetest fruit on the vine. The age of glory is upon you so be ready to sing. Wake up the musicians and call the singers! Put a song in your hearts and make melody for the greatest days you have ever seen will come even as the world sinks into darkness.

     So you ask how do we worship. You worship by doing everything in my presence. Whoever you spend the most time with is the one you worship. Whoever you set your heart on the most. Whoever fills your mind and heart that is the one you desire. So fill your life with my presence and realize I will never leave you or forsake you. 

     If you are washing dishes then let me wash with you. Visit with me in songs and hymns and spiritual songs as you go about your day. If you are taking out the trash be thankful that you have so much you can throw away something. Do all you do as unto me. I will get involved in your daily chores until you don’t even realize that you are working. Working will be that thing that gets done while you are singing. You will no longer sing while you work, you will work while you sing. Do you understand?

     My children have pushed me away and locked me out of their day to day lives thinking these little things are too small for me to get involved in. Did I not feed the birds and bugs today? When you love someone as much as I love you then everything is a chance for fellowship.

     Remember your first love? Remember when you first were born again into my family how that everything was about Jesus? If you got a blessing you worshiped and if you bumped your head you gave thanks that it wasn't broken. Everything was about fellowship. That is about to return to all of your lives if you will let me back in to everything you are doing.

     So learn to worship and spend time with me. Find time to escape to the secret place and lock the world away and let me love you. I want your whole day and I want the hours when you are sleeping.

     Many of you are beginning to have dreams that you don’t understand. Ask me and I’ll tell you what they mean. I want to be with you in your dreams and in your awake time. I am never away from you and you are always in my focus and my heart is attuned to your every cry. Take time each day to come alone and visit with me. I want to share with you an intimacy that we cant share in public. I want to tell you secrets that only you and I know and I don’t want anyone else to hear but you. I love each of you so much that there are secrets that we will share together that I will not share with anyone else. You each are that special.

     Now to change the subject: Many of you have given up all you had to follow me. I know you did this and I am honored. You will be rewarded for your effort. Many of you are wondering because you left all and can’t go back to where you were. That just shows how smart you are and how well you heard my voice. Just because you haven’t seen great success yet doesn't mean that you missed me.

     Did not all the disciples give all they had? Didn't they have a hard road sometimes? Just because many are struggling doesn't mean you made a mistake. I know your sacrifices and I will repay you for what you have lost and you will rejoice and wish you would have lost it all sooner.

     So rest and be at peace and worship for your day is coming quickly. The visions that brought you here will come to pass. It’s not that I’m slow, it’s that you see very well and many of you saw these things coming from a great distance. Don’t be worried that they haven’t come to pass; rejoice that I have given you great vision to see from far off. I will bring all these things to be in their correct time.

     It’s time to rejoice my dear children because it is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom. It is my kingdom, my power and my glory and I will pour it out soon upon my people and you will all rejoice. Remember worship is the entrance to the secret place. I love you my children. Rest in my embrace and feel my peace.

     Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you each and every one,

     For more information please contact us at:

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Secret Place: Part One

     Today I am writing about a very special place. It is my favorite place this side of heaven. I love to visit often and I am in the process of learning to live there.. I am speaking of the secret place of the Most High God. 

Many of you are familiar with Psalm 91 that says:

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High 
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: 
my God; in him will I trust.

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler, 
and from the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, 
and under his wings shalt thou trust: 
his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; 
nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness;
 nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, 
and ten thousand at thy right hand; 
but it shall not come nigh thee.

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold
 and see the reward of the wicked.

Because thou hast made the LORD, 
which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;

There shall no evil befall thee, 
neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, 
to keep thee in all thy ways.

They shall bear thee up in their hands,
 lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder:
 the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

Because he hath set his love upon me, 
therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, 
because he hath known my name.

He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: 
I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.

With long life will I satisfy him, 
and shew him my salvation.

     This passage begins with the words "he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high".
We must learn to make this place our home and dwell there at all times. All these promises of protection apply to those who make God their habitation and learn to live in the secret place. I have been in that place many times but didn't realize until Father revealed it to my heart that He wants us to live there. He loves us so much that He longs to take us to a place of fellowship that is even better than that of the apostle John, who would lay his head on Jesus' chest and listen to the heartbeat of God.We can and must learn to see this place as more real than the natural world. 

     The scriptures say in Ephesians Chapter Two:

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.

     Father's love for us is so great that he forgave our sins and made us alive when he raised us up with Christ Jesus and made us to exist in the same realm that He does.He did this for the purpose of showing us how much He loves us. Because of His great love for us He didn't want us to wait all of our lifetime until we passed into the next world to have fellowship with him. He wants us to be able to abide with Him where He is in the present time. He came to live in us and wants us to be able to see into that world where He abides and to be in constant fellowship with him at all times. 

     Jesus showed us how this was done. He accomplished more than anyone who ever walked on this planet and yet at the same time kept in constant fellowship with our Father. He always said that He only did what He saw the Father doing. He would say things like,"My Father in me does the works." Even when he raised Lazarus from the dead He said "Father I thank you that you always hear me." even though he hadn't said anything audibly. He was so in tune with Father that even his thoughts were heard.

     Father hears our thoughts also. That is why the scripture says "let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight.  He loves us so much that He hears every thought, every cry, every whisper and every prayer. We should be just as focused on Him as He is on us.

     Jesus' heart and his eyes were always on the heavenly realm and I'll give you a couple more examples.

     When He fed the multitudes the scriptures say in Luke Chapter Nine that Jesus took the loaves and looked towards heaven and blessed them. He didn't look at the loaves as his supply, He looked towards heaven. He understood that the realm above is more real than the physical realm. 

     In John Chapter Three when Jesus was talking to Nicodemus he said the following:
And no man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven.

     Notice he didn't say which was in heaven, but which is in heaven.He came down from heaven and was still in heaven and on the earth at the same time.  He lived in both realms simultaneously. Thanks to Jesus and his finished work at the cross now we are able to do the same thing.

    These are His words and not mine. He is the one who seated us in heavenly places for we could not do it for ourselves. It was His plan to make us able to fellowship with Him in the spiritual realm and we are just now beginning to learn how to abide there and be conscious of both realms at the same time. He did this because He loves us and wants us to be fully conscious of that his love. He wants to be present in every moment of our lives for eternity. We are just beginning to see the depth of His love. What an Awesome Father we have who loves us this much!
     One day while I was studying about Stephen and how he was being stoned I told the Lord that it was wonderful that you let him see you while he was being martyred. He spoke to me and told me that Stephen saw him every time he prayed. 

     We can also learn to see Him when we pray. He want's us to see him at all times just as He saw our Father each time He prayed. We should be able to take our eyes off the temporary world and look into the eternal world and see Jesus seated at the right hand of Father. We have settled too long for a religion when we could have a relationship with a living God and His son Jesus and Holy Spirit. He is calling us into this relationship where we see and know Him face to face.

     As I was meditating on all these things last week I heard Jesus singing and I listened in amazement to the love song that He sang to me.The invitation in His song is for all who will listen to Him sing. He told me to write down the words of the song He was singing. I hope to record it soon but until then I will give you the words and you can ask Him to sing it to you also.

These are the words He sang to me:

Will you come to me
in the secret place?
For just a little while,
will you stop and pray?

I want you to see my face.
Behold the glory of my grace,
and get lost in my embrace.
In the secret place.

When you come to me
in the secret place,
look deep into my eyes
and lock the world away.

I want you to see my face.
Behold the glory of my grace
and get lost in my embrace.
In the secret place.

I am always waiting,
in the secret place.
Always waiting for you.
Please come right away.

I want you to see my face.
Behold the glory of my grace
and get lost in my embrace.
In the secret place.

All you have to do is look deep inside your heart.
Heaven's doorway is within you so no matter where you are.
There's a secret place.  It's our secret place.

I want you to see my face.
Behold the glory of my grace
and get lost in my embrace.
In the secret place.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace
I love you each and every one.

     For more information please contact us at:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Free E Book: Dreams, Visions and Writings Volume One

Below is a link to a free e book.
Dreams, Visions and Writings Volume One  is a collection of some of my dreams, visions and writings in pdf format.. Some of these writings are on the blog and some aren't.  You can download the e book for free to read at your convenience. Thank you for visiting and may God Bless You and may you experience the great love that He has for you!

Dreams Visions and Writings Volume One