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Friday, February 7, 2014

From Father With Love


     A few days ago I was praying about some meetings that were happening in Garland Texas and asking Father what would he have for me to speak about. He started speaking to me about the meetings and about his love for all of us. As usual I asked him for a specific word and he gave it to me. He asked me this morning if I would share it with all who call him Father. I was more than happy to do so and I hope his kind words encourage all who read them.

     The meetings were amazing and I can't wait to go back again. I hope you experience his love being poured out as you read these words just as we did this past weekend. He is always so kind and loving and I give him all the glory for all the wonderful things that he does for us. To him be glory forever and ever and ever.

     Below are the words He spoke to me:

     My son; write down these words and deliver this personal message to my people.

     My beloved, treasures of my eternity. Don’t you know that I created eternity so that I could have forever to spend with each one of you? It’s time you know that you are the treasure of my heart. You are the reasons for all that I have done.

     I have known you since before there was time. Your future is my present and in that day we spend endless hours together loving each other and singing and rejoicing for the great joy that is in our hearts. You sing to me and I sing to you and we enjoy each other’s presence.

     You can have that now. You don’t have to wait until the future to have it. The time for intimacy is now. I am calling my people to worship. As you learn to worship me then my glory will pour through you for the world to see and that will cause a great awakening in the earth.Many more will come to the light of the glory and will come to know me from the glory poured into your lives.
     Many of you are waiting until you are holy enough to come into my presence. Don’t you know that you are washed in the blood and are already holy in my sight? Shake off the dust of this world and come on in. You are welcome in my house. You have every right to visit me in the secret place and soon many of you will spend more time here than there.

     Yes I know there are things to do, but this is my plan. Did not I ask Jesus to sit and wait on his enemies to be made a footstool? This is my work and I will accomplish it. It will not be done in drudgery and toil. It will be accomplished in joy and singing. Did I not say that the redeemed of the Lord would return with everlasting joy?

     Don’t let the world or the gloom and doom preachers scare you. The darkness of the world will soon be overcome by the light of the kingdom. Take your eyes off the darkness and worship me in the light.

     My glory is about to cover the earth as the water covers the sea and my people can’t prepare for it because they are preparing for doomsday and not the Lord’s Day. Why do you think it’s called the Lord’s Day? It’s not called the Antichrist day or the beast’s day or the false prophet’s day. It is my day and it is glorious for I am glorious and my love for you is glorious.
     My glory will arise upon the people who learn to worship and it will consume darkness like fire destroys the stubble. The great awakening is at hand and my people are hiding in caves. Blinded by a defeated enemy who is trying his best to hold on to any resemblance of relevance or authority. He is trying his best to scare my people into giving up their inheritance. You have inherited a kingdom that will never be shaken.

     It’s time to wake up. The day of my power is coming when I will reap this earth of the precious fruit called people. People are my prize possession and are the sweetest fruit on the vine. The age of glory is upon you so be ready to sing. Wake up the musicians and call the singers! Put a song in your hearts and make melody for the greatest days you have ever seen will come even as the world sinks into darkness.

     So you ask how do we worship. You worship by doing everything in my presence. Whoever you spend the most time with is the one you worship. Whoever you set your heart on the most. Whoever fills your mind and heart that is the one you desire. So fill your life with my presence and realize I will never leave you or forsake you. 

     If you are washing dishes then let me wash with you. Visit with me in songs and hymns and spiritual songs as you go about your day. If you are taking out the trash be thankful that you have so much you can throw away something. Do all you do as unto me. I will get involved in your daily chores until you don’t even realize that you are working. Working will be that thing that gets done while you are singing. You will no longer sing while you work, you will work while you sing. Do you understand?

     My children have pushed me away and locked me out of their day to day lives thinking these little things are too small for me to get involved in. Did I not feed the birds and bugs today? When you love someone as much as I love you then everything is a chance for fellowship.

     Remember your first love? Remember when you first were born again into my family how that everything was about Jesus? If you got a blessing you worshiped and if you bumped your head you gave thanks that it wasn't broken. Everything was about fellowship. That is about to return to all of your lives if you will let me back in to everything you are doing.

     So learn to worship and spend time with me. Find time to escape to the secret place and lock the world away and let me love you. I want your whole day and I want the hours when you are sleeping.

     Many of you are beginning to have dreams that you don’t understand. Ask me and I’ll tell you what they mean. I want to be with you in your dreams and in your awake time. I am never away from you and you are always in my focus and my heart is attuned to your every cry. Take time each day to come alone and visit with me. I want to share with you an intimacy that we cant share in public. I want to tell you secrets that only you and I know and I don’t want anyone else to hear but you. I love each of you so much that there are secrets that we will share together that I will not share with anyone else. You each are that special.

     Now to change the subject: Many of you have given up all you had to follow me. I know you did this and I am honored. You will be rewarded for your effort. Many of you are wondering because you left all and can’t go back to where you were. That just shows how smart you are and how well you heard my voice. Just because you haven’t seen great success yet doesn't mean that you missed me.

     Did not all the disciples give all they had? Didn't they have a hard road sometimes? Just because many are struggling doesn't mean you made a mistake. I know your sacrifices and I will repay you for what you have lost and you will rejoice and wish you would have lost it all sooner.

     So rest and be at peace and worship for your day is coming quickly. The visions that brought you here will come to pass. It’s not that I’m slow, it’s that you see very well and many of you saw these things coming from a great distance. Don’t be worried that they haven’t come to pass; rejoice that I have given you great vision to see from far off. I will bring all these things to be in their correct time.

     It’s time to rejoice my dear children because it is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom. It is my kingdom, my power and my glory and I will pour it out soon upon my people and you will all rejoice. Remember worship is the entrance to the secret place. I love you my children. Rest in my embrace and feel my peace.

     Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you each and every one,

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