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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Come To Me

     While praying today Father gave me these words and asked me to share them with you. He said these words are to be read with your heart and not just your eyes. He loves us so much. I hope you enjoy.

     Come to me my beloved. Don’t waste time in worry and doubt. You know that your heart hears my voice calling you away. You can hear me calling and calling and whispering to you of my love. You know if you will set aside some time for me then your day will get better. Don’t put it off one more moment.

     If you only really understood how much I value the time you spend with me. The time with your heart and your mind focused on nothing but me. It’s in these times that all that I have placed within you is activated. There are seeds that I planted within you that get watered and get showered by my light when you stand in the secret place with your heart open to me.

     My eyes are always on you but sometimes your eyes wander and stare at your problems until they become larger than me. This by definition is doubt. Faith sees me as the answer to any question. I know you have concerns and cares and I know that life can become wearisome. I know these things and the answer is always to come away with me and let us reason together. Let me show you the answer to your problems. I have all you need and there will never be a time when I am not ready to give you the answer to anything you need. We both have only one need. You need me and I need you.

     This is the very reason that you were created. I had all things and was self-sufficient but did not have you to share it with. Think on my love for just a moment. Do you think you would exist if I didn't need you? As time goes by you will see how important each of my children are to my eternal plan. Our destinies are linked together by love. What good is a universe without children to share it with? What good is eternity if I had to spend it without you?

     I share these things with you because I want you to know my heart for you. You are not just another one of the things I created that dwells in the universe that I created. You are the reason I created the universe and all the ages to come. There is no end to my love and that is why there is no end to eternity.

     I want you to know how much I love you and how important you are to me. Would I have paid such a terrible price for you if you were not worth it? As you see how valuable you are to me your whole heart will change and you will see my needs and not your own. You will see that I need your time and your attention and your heart. We can only have a covenant of love if we are truly in love with each other.

     So bring me your problems and I’ll bring you mine. I know you have physical and spiritual needs and I have all the answers you need. I just need one thing. I need you to think about what I need. I want you to think about how much I love you and want every thought and moment to be shared with me.

     I will teach you how to accomplish all you need to do with your hands while your heart is set on me. You are my beloved and I want to be your beloved. I want you to think of me as often as I think of you. I am taking you to a place of intimacy with me that others won’t find because they won’t surrender that much of themselves to me. I want this with all my children but most don’t have time for Dad. Will you give your day to me? Will you give every second of your day to me? Can I really be your all in all? Will you make me your habitation as I have made you mine?

     I know your wants and desires and want to bring you all the things you have dreamed of and more. This will happen as you surrender to me all things that you are holding back. There is a realm of provision that few walk in although it has always been available to all who will become one with me. It’s the answer that all are looking for. I had all things and was not complete without you. You were lovingly created in my image and even if you possessed all things you would not be happy without me. I am all you are looking for and more, even if you don’t realize it.

     So many of my children go from place to place and ministry to ministry looking for something their hearts are starving for and they never realize that they are hungry for the relationship that is missing in their lives. I am patient and wait daily while they search here and there and walk right past me. I am the one your heart is craving so why not give your heart what it wants?

     I love you and I gave all I had so that we could have this relationship of one: Me in you, you in me, heaven in earth and earth in heaven. Gathering all things into one has been my plan throughout the ages.

     My child do you know how deeply I love you and want you to hide yourself in me? I dwell in your heart by faith and you can dwell in me the same way. So put aside your problems and cares and focus on my love for you and your love for me. Let’s become one heart, one mind and one body, and all the things that trouble you will fall way as you are washed in the glory of my love.

     Stop thinking about what you can do for me and start thinking about who you are to me. When you find out who you are then what you do will take care of itself. Think about Jesus. When I spoke from heaven and told him that he was my beloved son and that I was pleased with him it changed everything. All the miracles, signs, wonders and acts of faith were done out of that relationship of love.

     So today do you hear me say it with all my heart? Do you hear me say you are my beloved and I am well pleased with you? So come to me knowing how important you are to me and fall in love again. Let’s begin a new life as one. I love you my children.

Until next time,
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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