Thanks again to all of you who read these words and for your kind comments you send me on email. I love you each and every one and I am so thankful that we share this journey of faith together.
As I was praying to day I asked Father what correction was needed in my life and did he have any words to share with my loved ones. He gave me the following words and I hope you are blessed by them also.
My children, look deep into my presence. Feel my great love for you and my hunger for your attention. Look with your heart and not your eyes. Take a moment and open your heart to me. It takes time to focus on me and to take your mind off the world. Find a quiet place and let everything else wait. I want quality time with you as well as quantity.
I have many things to teach you but these things take time and so many of my children don’t really spend time with me. Yes they throw up a prayer or sing a song but they don’t set aside time to worship me with their time. Worship is more than a song or a quoted verse it is spending time connecting your heart to mine.
The church has taught so many people that you can just squeeze me in to whatever you are doing but that is not quality time. Try that with your spouse and your marriage goes bad quickly. Yes you can spend time with your spouse while doing the dishes or doing paperwork or watching TV, but is that the same as one on one time just conversing? Isn't it better when you put everything else aside and spend time together alone?
Did you learn to read and write and get your education by just thinking about school or did you have to spend time with your teacher in class? Did you learn how to do your job just by thinking about it while doing something else or did you have to spend time working at your profession?
Please my beloved ones, take time to prioritize each of your lives and put aside some of the things that are not necessary to your destiny. I know you are busy but your lives are being wasted on things and not on my plan. I know each of you have things that must be done, but things are out of order and I love you too much to see your lives wasted. I want you to finish your course and get your rewards because of my great love for you. I want each of you to win your race.
Please my beloved ones, take time to prioritize each of your lives and put aside some of the things that are not necessary to your destiny. I know you are busy but your lives are being wasted on things and not on my plan. I know each of you have things that must be done, but things are out of order and I love you too much to see your lives wasted. I want you to finish your course and get your rewards because of my great love for you. I want each of you to win your race.
The gifting the church is looking for comes from intimacy with me and that doesn't happen while your million mile an hour life is buzzing by and you try to fit me in between phone calls. I am a jealous God and I want my time with my children. I treasure every second of time that you set aside to visit with me.
Please take time to shut some things down and come to me in the secret place for instruction. This is for your benefit because there are things that I am doing in the earth that are particular to your time that haven’t been released before. There are revelations that are necessary for your calling but these things don’t just happen. These things are an effect of my presence and my glory flowing through each of you to accomplish my purpose and your destiny.
Everyone wants the power the early church had but no one wants to do what they did. They met daily and spent time praying daily and broke bread from house to house daily and were consumed with me. As they would fellowship with me and each other I added to the church. They didn’t have board meetings and building campaigns and fund raisers to help bring in the lost. People were amazed at my presence with them and were drawn to them. They even sold all they had so that there would be enough for everyone to take the time necessary to spend with me, but as the years went by they got distracted by the world again and lost the intimacy with me and lost all the glory that was flowing from them.
I am the vine and you are the branches and I want you to bear much fruit because I love you. You are my planting. You are my garden and I want you to flourish. Remember my beloved if you will seek me first then all the things you are working yourselves to death for will come to you without working eighty hours a week.
If you will get your day in order then your life will become organized as well. Am I the first thought on your mind in the morning or is the coffee pot your God? Am I the last thought on your mind at night or is tomorrow’s agenda in charge of your sleep? I want to be your provider and your caregiver and everything that you need, but I must be your first priority for these things to work for you.
Think about how things are in heaven right now. Are the angels sweating? Do you think if you saw one here you would see him rubbing his feet and talking about the bad day he had? Would he be holding his back and wishing he didn't have to work so hard? Weren't you instructed to pray that my will on earth would be the same as my will in heaven?
I am not saying you can take your ease and be lazy on the earth but I am saying my yoke is easy and my burden is light so if you are having a hard time pulling your load or carrying your pack it is not because of me. I do not add burdens, I remove burdens.
I want your life to be even better than before the fall of mankind. The garden was planted and Adam was ruling the whole world and still had time to walk with me in the cool of the day. Imagine being so efficient that you had time to take care of the garden, care for every animal on earth and still have every afternoon off. This is what I want for you my loved ones. I want you to have great success in the things I give you to do and I want you to be free from the way the world does things.
Think of your own children for a moment. Do you want them to have to work as hard as you do for a living? Do you want them to spend their whole lives working for things that don’t satisfy and have no eternal reward? Don’t you want them to prosper and have time for vacations and time to enjoy their families? I want even better for you my beloved and you can have these things if you seek me first and put some other things aside.
Don’t be discouraged my loved ones. I tell you these things because I love you and have great things in store for you. There is a world to conquer by faith, not by hard works. This is the victory that overcomes the world even your faith. Where do you get faith? Do you earn it or is it a free gift from me? For by grace you are saved by faith and that not of yourselves it is my free gift to you.
Now those of you with children think about this. Do you send your children away empty handed when they come to visit or are you always trying to give them something before they go? Where do you think that originated? I will always give you something when you spend time with me. I have already given you all things that pertain to life and godliness but when you spend time with me I give you the keys to unlock all these spiritual things so they can be manifested in the earth. All the things you need will do you no good if they are kept locked up in the spiritual realm and you never learn to release them into the earthly realm. After you leave the earth you want need anything to help you live Godly. That is not a problem here. Everyone here is full of life and Godliness.
So please my beloved. Spend time with me so I can unlock these things for you. Everyone wants the same virtue that Jesus had but remember that Jesus was one with me. All of his thoughts were mine. All of his time was mine and he still took time to spend with me in private worship and prayer.
Everyone wants the virtue to flow like it did for Peter so that people are healed in a shadow length around him but think about what Peter said. He said he wasn’t leaving my words to wait tables. My voice was more important to him than even the chores of running the church. They came to church to pray not to preach and the lame man was healed while they were going to pray. Peter would get so lost in my presence in his prayer time that he would be filled with my glory. The sick would be on the side of the road as he went home and they would be healed as he walked by but he was walking home, lost in the cloud of my presence.
Think about what Jesus prayed before he was taken and crucified. He prayed that each of you would become one with us. You are all perfected by the perfect love of becoming one with us.
It is really what you are seeking my beloved and don’t know it. This is eternal life: To know the one true God and Jesus Christ whom I sent. To know me means to become intimately acquainted with me. We are perfected in one.
There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism. One hope of your calling. He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit. Do you see how much you are loved my beloved? Christ in you the hope of glory. My greatest hope is for us to become one. I love you too much to be apart. I don’t want it to be me and you, I want it to be one.
I made you my temple because I love living inside you and I am thrilled that you would invite me in and become one with me and with Jesus and with Holy Spirit. Behold I stand at the door and knock. Will you open to me?
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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