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Friday, September 4, 2015

Little Children

Mark Chapter 10. 

13. And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. 14:But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 15: Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”16: And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.   

     While praying today our Father gave me this passage of scripture and then began to speak to me about becoming a child again. He asked me to share his words with you and I am honored that you would take time to read them. 

   My son, Share these words with my beloved. With your beloved also. They are your brothers and sisters and I know you love them. Don’t be afraid to tell them how much they are loved.

     It’s time for my children to become children again. Not in wisdom but in innocence. It’s time for my children to come to me and know that I am their Father and their Shepherd. I long for the tenderness that my children once had. I have called you to be warriors and champions of light against the enemy but when you come to me I want the heart of a child. I want you to love me and trust me and let me be a Father to you. Let me be who I am and show you how delighted I am that you come to me.

     Many of you have said that you don’t want to bring me your problems but I want them. Your problems are mine. Don’t see it as bothering me. See it as worship. When you bring me your problems you are saying that you need my help and that you can’t do it without me. Don’t you see that in itself is an act of worship to me?

     There is only one catch. Expect me to handle your problems. Don’t bring them to me and then climb down out of my lap acting like you were never here and like I didn’t hear you. I heard you and I invented prayer just so you would have to come to me. I know what you need before you ask but if I just gave you everything without asking then I wouldn’t hear from you and would never get your attention. I love your attention. What Father doesn’t love it when his children come to him? 

     Those of you with children think of it this way. Would you rather your children come to you with their problems or just ignore you and try to figure it out on their own. Or even worse, go to a stranger for help? See where all this is leading? It’s leading you right into my lap where I want you to be.

     Here is the problem my church is having with prayer right now. They have set up a bunch of faith rules based on a twisted idea of what faith is. They come to me with their scriptures and a bunch of legalistic speak about a covenant. Yes there was a covenant but now you are not under contract with me; You are my children. 

     You don’t have to have a legal document with statements about why you need what you need and twenty places where I promised you I would answer. We are family. Families don’t behave that way. Employees have contracts. Families have inheritance. The only legal representation you need is sitting at my right hand saying yes and amen to anything you ask according to my will.

     So what is my will? I have given you all things that pertain to life and godliness. Anything that brings my eternal life to you is yours. Anything that will make you more like me is yours. Anything that will bring death or harm to you is absolutely not. 

     All my promises are yes and amen in my son Jesus. Not in the book. In the man. The word became flesh and is still flesh and is seated with me saying yes and amen anytime you ask for anything that makes you godlier. Yes the bible is a collection of my words but the word is my son and he is with me and you are in him and he is in you and we are in each other and that is where my church is missing it.

     Yes it is a holy bible but that bible is my love letter to you. That written book is not God. I am God and those words lead you to me. Jesus told the Pharisees that they searched the scriptures looking for eternal life and they looked resurrection in the eyes and didn’t recognize him. Jesus is the resurrection and he is the word that became flesh and he is the only way you can get to me.

     Your enemy knows the bible better than you do and yet he can’t come to me as my son. He that has the son has me also. So put aside all the legal wrangling and come to me as your Daddy and sit in my lap and tell me every care you ever had about everything and let me heal you and deliver you and teach you and then when you get out of my lap leave all those problems here with me.

     I love being your Father and I love providing for you. Once again I ask you to consider the birds of the air. Did you happen to hear them coming to me with ten scriptures about my promise to feed them tomorrow? Did you hear them singing anything about covenant rights and crying about promises that are unanswered? No, you sure didn’t. But if you listen you will hear them sing for joy and they don’t have barns to store up for tomorrow. They are happy just being alive today and living to worship me. 

     Now think of this. You put feeders in your yard to feed the birds but you bring your children into the house to eat at your table.

     Don’t you know who you are my beloved? All the birds of the air don’t add up to one child. Don’t you know who you are and can’t you see what I paid to get you? Don’t you know how precious you are to me? I paid that price because you are my joy and my delight and I love you with an eternal love that never fades and throughout eternity there will always be room for you in my lap and at my table.

     So here is where I want you to rest your faith. I am your Father and you are my beloved. I will care for you all the days of your eternal life and that’s all the faith you will ever need. Come to me my little ones. Get rid of the legalistic thinking and come to me as my little child.

     Bring me your broken dreams, your broken hearts, your broken faith system, your broken relationships and let me fix them. I will even trade you for them. You will love what I will give you in exchange for your problems. I will give you things like: Beauty for your ashes. Joy for your mourning. Peace for your turmoil. Prosperity for your poverty. Health for your sickness and eternal life in exchange for you laying down your life at my Son’s cross. 

     Will you trade with me? Will you worship me by bringing me all your problems and leave them all with me? I adore you my dear children. I am ready for you. Come to me.

     I hope you are encouraged by these words. 
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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