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While praying today Father’s voice came to me and he asked me to share the following words with you.
He said:
My son, write down these words and share them with my lambs. I love my little lambs and I am so proud of you all. You are living among wolves and are still trusting in me for your protection. Even though many times so many things go against you and torment you yet you still trust in me.
I promise you that you will never be ashamed of trusting me. Even if you don’t see all the reward you think you should in this life don’t worry for all your good deeds and faith will be rewarded in the day of my Son. He will bring your great reward with him and you will be so glad that you shared his suffering in this life by standing against sin and against its effects such as sickness, disease and poverty.
You may not win every battle but I promise you the victory is eternally yours. Some of you at this time feel like you failed because you fought hard in your situation and you lost but that is not how I see it. Those of you with children will understand this. When your children try their best and play by the rules are you angry at them if they sometimes fail? No, of course not. As long as they gave it all they had and did their best you don’t belittle them when they lose.
This is not a one inning game. You play till you win. So if you fail you get back up and dust yourself off and get back to it. Never quit because it is never over. Only when the score is totaled at the end of time will you know that you have won. I promised you victory and that is what you have. To live is Christ and to die is Gain so even if you fail you still win. You can’t lose for winning. In all these things you are more than conquerors.
My children I am delighted by you. Your enemy has tried his best to make you quit and yet you are still there tormenting him. He threw all the dirt he could at you trying to cover you up and yet your light is still shining. After all the bumps and bruises, aches and pains and suffering you still lift your hands to me and call me Lord. Do you know how much joy that brings me? I am overjoyed by you because of your faith. There is rejoicing in heaven and great delight because your light still shines and your rejoicing continues.
So my beloved ones. Keep shining with all you have and be at peace. I am with you and I am watching over you. Nothing is ever lost. If you lose loved ones on the earth, then they are here with me cheering you on because you still run. If you only understood that I will never blow the whistle and end the game until you are in the lead.
Don’t be discouraged my loved ones. Lift up your head. Troubles are temporary, blessings are eternal. In the blink of an eye all that you have ever endured will vanish and be replaced with the ecstasy of eternal victory. You will never lose for I am your victory.
You live by my faith. It is my faith that sustains you. Yes, I have great faith in you. Why do you think I chose you before the foundation of the world? I did because I knew I could trust you. I knew that you could come into a fallen world and shine light into it and bring others to your light. I knew that my enemy would be completely frustrated because you will not quit. I tell you again that I am delighted in you my children.
So put aside any message that tells you that I am or have ever been angry with you. I am forever patient with you and I will always be. I understand that you are wearing flesh and I understand that many of you have been taught that I am angry and can’t wait to blast you for any mistake, but you are learning the truth. You are beginning to see that I am always love and I am always in love with you.
Please my beloved, take a moment to let these words soak into your hearts. Know that I am with you and I am proud of you. I trusted you so much that I wrote your name down in my book of victors before you were born. How about that?
Oh my beloved if only you could feel my heart for you and know how much you are loved. Be encouraged my children and don’t worry. I am always with you and I am always for you. You may struggle and fail at what you are trying to accomplish but you will learn. You will learn to walk in the power of my spirit until all my enemies including death are under your feet.
Just don’t quit. No matter how it looks it is not over until I say so. Jesus didn’t quit even when his body was bloodied and nailed to a cross. Even when his Spirit descended into hell he still didn’t quit. Death was no match for him and it is no match for you either. I didn’t put you here to quit. I put you here to conquer.
So lift up your head and stir up the battle cry within your heart. Arise and shine for you light is come and my glory is upon you. I already wrote your victory song so sing it with all your heart and know that I am so delighted with you. Soak your spirits in the oil of my Spirit, trim your wick and shine on. You are the light of the world and I am so happy that I made you that light.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace
I love you all,
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