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2nd Corinthians 6 NLT
14. Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? 15.What harmony can there be between Christ and the devil? How can a believer be a partner with an unbeliever? 16.And what union can there be between God’s temple and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God said:
“I will live in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
17. Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD.
Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you. 18. And I will be your Father, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty.”
Chapter 7
1. Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. And let us work toward complete holiness because we fear God.
As I was studying these verses today and meditating on them I was reminded of a vision I had a year or so ago. In the vision I saw Father pick up the world, stretch it out like a blanket and shake it. As he shook it I saw people falling out of the blanket. As they fell it was strange because once they were shaken out of it they seemed very happy and blessed.
I was perplexed by the vision and I prayed about and Father told me that he had to shake the world so that the church would fall out of it. Today as I meditated on these verses and the vision he spoke to me again and gave me these words to share with you.
He said:
My children, you are in this world but not of this world. You are not earthly, you are heavenly. Why do you want to be so tangled up in the worldly affairs when your kingdom is above this world? The reason I compared the world to a blanket is because my children take comfort in the things of the world more than they do me. They are just as invested in the things of the world as those who are lost. These things shouldn’t be.
The things of the world are earthly and not heavenly so to stay in the affairs of the world is a step down for you. You were seated with my son in the heavenly realm and while you are in the world you shouldn’t be like the world.
It is for this reason that I said to seek first my kingdom and all the things the world wants will come to you. You will have better things than they have but you don’t have to get them the way that they do. You don’t have to become bogged down in the mud of fighting for and grasping for and forcing your way into prosperity like the world does. I have much better for you than that.
My kingdom is higher than any kingdom in this world and when you awaken to where you really are and who you really are you will realize that you will not take this world and make it my kingdom by doing things the way the world does. There is a higher wisdom and a higher way of doing things.
My children are so bogged down in the politics and systems of this world that your hopes rise and fall according to things like markets and politics and elections. Yes, you should be a good citizen and pay your taxes and vote. You should pray for all in authority but you shouldn’t be thinking that your help comes from this world. Your help comes from me.
The kingdoms of this world will be overcome by my kingdom but it won’t be through political might or by worldly ways. As I told you it’s not by might, not by power but by my spirit. As you begin to put all your trust in me and seek my kingdom then dominion will be given to you and all things will come under my Rulership. That is the key. You are not taking the kingdom for yourself. You take it for me and it is my good pleasure to give it back to you.
This is where the church has become just like the world. They try to take the kingdom for themselves and then share it with me but that is not how it works. You rule by serving in love not by ruling over each other. You don’t look to prosper yourselves but to prosper the kingdom and as you look out for my things and the welfare of others then I look out for you and I share my abundance. Jesus multiplied the fishes and loaves for the people. He hadn’t eaten either but it was not his hunger that he was concerned about.
The earth is mine and the fullness thereof. I will take it according to my plan but it will be taken my way. Don’t get overly involved in the monetary or political systems of this world because these things are passing away and my kingdom is rising. I told you to pray that my will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We don’t hold elections in heaven and no one rushes to the bank to cash their check on Friday. No one is concerned about how much money they have or debt they owe. The currency here is love and the one who gives the most love is the richest of all. He that is least in his own eyes is the greatest in mine.
So my beloved ones. Change your hearts and your minds. Start weaning yourselves from this world and its sinful pleasures. Not because you have to but because you want to. I have much better for you than anything the world can offer you. I have treasures that all the money in earth would not buy. I have glory that is coming that you will have to see to even begin to believe. The days of my glory will come when my people humble themselves and separate themselves from the world.
This is why I said to come out from among them. Yes, you have to dwell in the physical realm where they do but you don’t have to live as they do or act as they do. Come outside this system and live in my kingdom. Don’t forget that you are a heavenly being and not earthly. Don’t wallow in the mud of this world. Reach out to those who are wallowing in it and rescue them. Tell them how much they are loved. Love the sinner and hate the sin that traps them. Be gentle and consider yourself unless you fall into the mud they are stuck in. If you want to save the ones who are drowning, then learn to walk on the water they are drowning in. You can love them and rescue them without partaking of the sin that is killing them.
Don’t forget. You are holy and righteous and washed in the blood of my son. You are not trying to get clean but you are wearing a righteous robe that you are keeping clean. I am living in you and walking in you. I am your God and you are my people. Dwell in me, not in the world system.
See yourselves as the king and priest that you are. Rule as a king and reach out to those in trouble as a priest and offer them the great salvation that you have partaken of. Tell them I have reconciled them to myself and it’s time for them to get out of the pigpen and come home. I am waiting with the same robe that I gave you when you came home. Free people help others get free. You can’t help them if you are stuck in the same mud that they are.
Rise above the trap of this world and live free. I went to the greatest expense to make you free. Don’t squander your freedom on cheap living. Live free in the heavenly realm and taste of the pleasures of righteousness. Once you have tasted heaven there will not be one thing on earth that you will ever crave again.
I love you my dear children. Separate yourselves unto that love and dwell in my love and safety and don’t worry about the things that are fading away but look unto me. I am your help. I am your shelter. I am your God and you are my beloved.
I was perplexed by the vision and I prayed about and Father told me that he had to shake the world so that the church would fall out of it. Today as I meditated on these verses and the vision he spoke to me again and gave me these words to share with you.
He said:
My children, you are in this world but not of this world. You are not earthly, you are heavenly. Why do you want to be so tangled up in the worldly affairs when your kingdom is above this world? The reason I compared the world to a blanket is because my children take comfort in the things of the world more than they do me. They are just as invested in the things of the world as those who are lost. These things shouldn’t be.
The things of the world are earthly and not heavenly so to stay in the affairs of the world is a step down for you. You were seated with my son in the heavenly realm and while you are in the world you shouldn’t be like the world.
It is for this reason that I said to seek first my kingdom and all the things the world wants will come to you. You will have better things than they have but you don’t have to get them the way that they do. You don’t have to become bogged down in the mud of fighting for and grasping for and forcing your way into prosperity like the world does. I have much better for you than that.
My kingdom is higher than any kingdom in this world and when you awaken to where you really are and who you really are you will realize that you will not take this world and make it my kingdom by doing things the way the world does. There is a higher wisdom and a higher way of doing things.
My children are so bogged down in the politics and systems of this world that your hopes rise and fall according to things like markets and politics and elections. Yes, you should be a good citizen and pay your taxes and vote. You should pray for all in authority but you shouldn’t be thinking that your help comes from this world. Your help comes from me.
The kingdoms of this world will be overcome by my kingdom but it won’t be through political might or by worldly ways. As I told you it’s not by might, not by power but by my spirit. As you begin to put all your trust in me and seek my kingdom then dominion will be given to you and all things will come under my Rulership. That is the key. You are not taking the kingdom for yourself. You take it for me and it is my good pleasure to give it back to you.
This is where the church has become just like the world. They try to take the kingdom for themselves and then share it with me but that is not how it works. You rule by serving in love not by ruling over each other. You don’t look to prosper yourselves but to prosper the kingdom and as you look out for my things and the welfare of others then I look out for you and I share my abundance. Jesus multiplied the fishes and loaves for the people. He hadn’t eaten either but it was not his hunger that he was concerned about.
The earth is mine and the fullness thereof. I will take it according to my plan but it will be taken my way. Don’t get overly involved in the monetary or political systems of this world because these things are passing away and my kingdom is rising. I told you to pray that my will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We don’t hold elections in heaven and no one rushes to the bank to cash their check on Friday. No one is concerned about how much money they have or debt they owe. The currency here is love and the one who gives the most love is the richest of all. He that is least in his own eyes is the greatest in mine.
So my beloved ones. Change your hearts and your minds. Start weaning yourselves from this world and its sinful pleasures. Not because you have to but because you want to. I have much better for you than anything the world can offer you. I have treasures that all the money in earth would not buy. I have glory that is coming that you will have to see to even begin to believe. The days of my glory will come when my people humble themselves and separate themselves from the world.
This is why I said to come out from among them. Yes, you have to dwell in the physical realm where they do but you don’t have to live as they do or act as they do. Come outside this system and live in my kingdom. Don’t forget that you are a heavenly being and not earthly. Don’t wallow in the mud of this world. Reach out to those who are wallowing in it and rescue them. Tell them how much they are loved. Love the sinner and hate the sin that traps them. Be gentle and consider yourself unless you fall into the mud they are stuck in. If you want to save the ones who are drowning, then learn to walk on the water they are drowning in. You can love them and rescue them without partaking of the sin that is killing them.
Don’t forget. You are holy and righteous and washed in the blood of my son. You are not trying to get clean but you are wearing a righteous robe that you are keeping clean. I am living in you and walking in you. I am your God and you are my people. Dwell in me, not in the world system.
See yourselves as the king and priest that you are. Rule as a king and reach out to those in trouble as a priest and offer them the great salvation that you have partaken of. Tell them I have reconciled them to myself and it’s time for them to get out of the pigpen and come home. I am waiting with the same robe that I gave you when you came home. Free people help others get free. You can’t help them if you are stuck in the same mud that they are.
Rise above the trap of this world and live free. I went to the greatest expense to make you free. Don’t squander your freedom on cheap living. Live free in the heavenly realm and taste of the pleasures of righteousness. Once you have tasted heaven there will not be one thing on earth that you will ever crave again.
I love you my dear children. Separate yourselves unto that love and dwell in my love and safety and don’t worry about the things that are fading away but look unto me. I am your help. I am your shelter. I am your God and you are my beloved.
This was the end of the words He spoke to me at this moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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