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Monday, November 14, 2016

Hear Him

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Mark Chapter Nine ESV

1. And he said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.”

2. And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them,

3. and his clothes became radiant, intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them.

4. And there appeared to them Elijah with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus. 5.And Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.”

6. For he did not know what to say, for they were terrified.

7. And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.”

8. And suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone with them but Jesus only.

     I woke up early this morning to the voice of my Father speaking to me and explaining these scriptures to me. He asked me to listen and write down what he said and share it with all who will listen. I hope you are blessed by his words.

     He said,

     My children the reason there is so much confusion in the church is because you are listening to too many voices. It is no wonder that the world doesn’t want to listen to the church. There are so many different messages coming from the church. One preaches love while another tells the world how excited I am to pour out wrath and judgment on them, while despising the blood my son shed for them. They don’t really see it that way ,but if they would they would come together and shout ‘grace, grace” to all who will listen.

     Here is the problem. On the mountain you just read about there were four voices who speak with authority. There was my voice, there was Jesus, there was Elijah and there was Moses. What did I tell all who heard me? Did I not say “this is my beloved son, listen to him?” By doing so I once and for all settled it about who is in charge on the earth. I gave all authority in heaven and in earth to my son. Moses spoke in his time and Elijah spoke in his time, but since that day the voice of my son is absolute authority.

     My beloved church is so confused because they build so many things on the wrong foundation. Jesus is the cornerstone of the new covenant. It is built on the apostles and prophets and Jesus is the most important cornerstone. Those who build their lives on the words of Moses will fall. Those who build their lives on the words of Elijah will fall but those who build their lives on the words of my son and his apostles and prophets will increase and will not be shaken.

     Even after two thousand years many don’t understand that the old is passed away and all things are new. I couldn’t pour Jesus, who is the wine of the new covenant, into the old wine-skin of Moses and religion. That skin could never contain the glory that is in Christ.

     Think about this. They put a veil over Moses’ face so that no one could see that the glory of that covenant would fade day by day until becoming obsolete. But when John saw Jesus in the revelation, his face was still as bright as the sun in it’s full strength. His covenant will never fade and will become more and more glorious as the righteous are changed into his image and each of you shines that way.

     So how do you know you are listening to the voice of my son and not the voice of a stranger or a false prophet? Did not I tell you through the letter to the Hebrews that if today you hear the voice of my son you will enter into rest? His voice always brings rest. Even if he speaks things to you that may be hard for you to endure there will be faith and grace in his words to carry you through.

     Now let’s get a little deeper into his words. When Moses was on the mountain he came down the mountain with words carved in stone. Jesus sat on a mountain and taught what you call the beatitudes, or the sermon on the mount. He didn’t come down with tables of stone. He wrote his words on the hearts of all who will listen. Even though his commandments seem harder than what Moses gave, there is a great difference. Moses’ commandments brought death and Jesus’s commandments bring life.

     In the words that Jesus spoke is the power to keep the words he spoke. Moses’ words had no such power. Jesus said “my words are Spirit and life” and in his very words dwells the power to carry out the word.

     This is the new covenant. It’s not rules written down on stones and tablets. It’s a soft voice spoken into your heart leading you the right way. It’s written on your heart in love and in your mind because you now have the mind of Christ.

     Just as Paul said, anytime Moses is studied there is a veil over the hearts and eyes of the people, and they can’t see the living word for looking at the dead letter. My church needs to get it’s eyes off the dead that is passed away and look into the loving face of my son who loved you so much he gave his very life to save you.

     This is the reason there is so little power in the western church. You can’t live under the words of Moses and walk in the power of Christ. The power of Christ is in the words of Christ. Just as I told you that if you walk after the flesh you will die but if you will walk in the glorious gospel of Christ you will live. His words are spirit and they are life and if you are not listening to his voice then you are feeding on death.

     It is the same with faith. Faith comes by hearing his voice. Yes I want you to read the scriptures but I don’t want you just to “read” them. I want you to hear his voice in them. Ask him, he will read his word to you as you read it or a s you are going about your daily chores. Haven’t you noticed that when you hear scripture in your heart your heart comes alive while listening to it? Who do you think is speaking that to you?

     It's time my church got the right message and shared it to the world. There are not ten different versions. There is one. When those who call themselves my prophets speak doom and gloom they don’t know what Spirit they are of. Just like the disciples who wanted to call down fire were of the wrong spirit. I am not looking to destroy the world but am trying to save it.

     These false prophets set aside the mercy of the cross and pronounce doom on those things that I have blessed. Just as I told Peter not to call “unclean” what I have cleansed. I have given my church the gospel of reconciliation not the gospel of condemnation.

     The blood of my son took away the sins of the world so I am not judging sin at this time. I have counted all men cleansed but not all are born again. You can wash a dead body and it is still dead. It takes my Spirit entering in that body to bring it into new life.

     The problem is that people confuse the wages of sin with the punishment of God. The wages of sin is still death. If a man robs a bank and gets shot and killed by the guard, it is not my judgment that killed him. There is a punishment in your law that paid him and not my judgment.

     There was a time when I counted all men guilty and that was at the cross. You were all baptized into death with my son on that cross and you were baptized into life when you accepted your punishment and put your faith into him to raise you again.

     So what does the voice of my son sound like? Here are some examples of the words of my son: You are born again in my image. You are my beloved children and the reason for all I do. You are seated with me in heavenly places. It is my good pleasure to give you the kingdom. I have justified, sanctified and glorified you. I have spoken over you all blessings in the heavenly realm.

     My beloved ones, You are righteous and holy in my love and I want you to bask in my love until you smell like heaven, and then go spread that fragrance throughout the earth. When others experience what you have then you can share with them how much they are loved and can lead them into adoption into our family.

     This will only happen if you listen to the voice of my son and not to the voice of the old covenant. And if you listen to those who think I am trying to destroy everything you will not be able to hear anything else. You will be trapped in their cycle of never ending doom and you will do as they do and blame me for every calamity that happens in the earth.

     Do you notice how the things they speak of never come to pass but are constantly moved from one date to a later date? Do you remember Y2K? 12-12-12? Do you remember the blood moons? What about all these things that didn’t happen when they said they would? Why keep listening to these people when they are always wrong?

     So why am I telling all these things? I did not get off track. What I am saying is if you listen to the wrong voice you will have the wrong message and will not work with me to bring my kingdom into each heart on earth. The voice of my son says “I will make all things new and the earth will be filled with my glory. My will is going to be done on earth just as in heaven. “ The voice of my son cried out “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” His blood did not cry out for judgment but for mercy.

     Will you hear the voice of my son today and help me establish my kingdom into the earth in power and love? Will you hear his love words in your heart telling you how much he is honored that you accepted him as your king? Will you hear his voice telling you that he is in love with the nations and wants them to be disciples and not to be destroyed? Will you hear his voice telling you he is for you and not against you?

     You may find this hard to hear but Jesus is your biggest fan. He loves you and is interceding for you always. When you make a mistake, he is the first to pick you up and dust you off and get you back on track and encourage you to run your race.

     If he loves you enough to pour out his blood for you then don’t you think that maybe he is speaking to you in love and not in judgment. Will you hear his voice today? Will you open your heart and let him sing his love song to you?

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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