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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Where Are You?

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     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and said:
My son, write these things down and share them with my loved ones.

He said:

     My children. Where are you? Do you feel out of place? Do you feel like you are supposed to be in one place or another and no matter where you go you still feel as if you are not where you are supposed to be?

     I know you feel this way. I understand your wonder and worry because you have looked for yourselves in all the wrong places. So let me tell you where you are.

     You are in my heart. You are in my thoughts and my delight all the time. No matter where you find yourselves you are always with me. You are in my love. You are in my dreams and I dream all the time about the day when you are totally awake and you can know me as you are known.

     So my beloved ones. Here is what I want you to do. I want you to stop at least once an hour and see yourselves in me. Do this as often as you can. Don't let others tell you where you are. Listen to my words. You are in me. You are in Christ and Christ is in you, and Christ is in me and I am in Christ, and Holy Spirit is in me and in you. We are already one spirit.

     Once you see yourselves in me then you will never feel alone or misplaced again. This doesn't mean that I don't send you from one physical location to another. I have ordained the times and seasons and places where you should dwell in the physical realm. Once you know where you are in the spirit then you will not struggle to be where you are supposed to be in the physical world.

     I tell you these things my beloved ones for a multitude of reasons. I want you to always feel at home in me. You opened the door and invited me to dwell in you. I took your invitation and made my home in you. So I opened the door for you also. You live in me and dwell in me and have your being inside me. You are never alone my loved ones. You are always safe in me.

     I want you to become fully aware of Christ in you and you in Christ. I told you through Paul's letter to the Ephesians that you are already seated with me in heavenly places. I want you to become fully aware of this fact. No more seeing yourselves as earthbound. You cannot be bound. You are my free ones and no one can chain you unless you put on their chains voluntarily. Stay free my loved ones. Stay free with me. No more bondage to those who would lie to you and tell you that I am angry with you or separated from you. He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit. We are one my loved ones.

     So take time as often as you can. Recenter your location in your heart and mind. See yourselves in me at all times. My eyes are never off of you not even for a moment. You are my delight and I did all that I did for you because of my great love for you. As you believe in this love your lives will change and you will never go back to the darkness of being apart from me again.

    As you begin to see us not as two but as one then my power can work through you. The power you seek to heal the sick and raise the dead and make earth look just like heaven comes from the revelation of who you are.

     Think about this for a moment: What happened to Jesus when he was on the earth? He was baptized and my Spirit came upon him and then I told him who he is. I said “ this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased.” This revelation launched him into his ministry. It's knowing who you are and where you live that gives you the power to do what you do.

     See yourselves as one with me. Understand that you are my children already. I am well pleased in you because you believe in my son. When you understand these things then you will settle into a life that comes natural to children of God. You will mature into this revelation and then you will change the world.

     You will be the ones who bring heaven down to earth. You are a channel for heaven to flow through. You are containers of living water. You are my temple where people of earth meet the God of heaven. You are the containers of my glory and light. You are the city on a hill. You are my chosen and ordained ones. You are my army and my mighty ones. But most of all, you are my beloved. You are the one whom my heart sings to and the ones who my love desires. It was my great love for you that sent my son to save you.

     Now you know who you are and you know where you are. Never forget these things. Always know that you are my beloved and you dwell safely in my heart and I dwell in you so that neither one of us will ever have to miss each other again.

     I love you my children. Please love each other as I have loved you.

     This was the end of the words he spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

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