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Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Victory Of Love

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the following link:

     As I was praying, Father spoke to me and asked me to write down the following words and share them with you.
He said:

     My loved ones, there is a great day of my love at hand. A day I have planned for eternity to show all people just how much you are loved. I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh. Not just the church. Dreams and visions will come to all. No one will be left without an encounter with me. All will know me from the least to the greatest. Not all will love me but all will know me. My love will be known to all and my love will lead to victory.

     Your enemy is aware that the time of torture is upon him. There is only one thing that tortures hate and that is love. This is why the demons asked my Son if he was here to torture them before the time. They know I have reserved a day of love like never seen since the cross. They saw the love and compassion he had as he went about healing and delivering. This tormented them. They knew their day was over and his had begun.

    This day of love will be birthed by prayer and revelation of my love as demonstrated on the cross. Selfless love poured out for the sake of others. When my people are no longer distracted by political arguments and political posturing in the governments of the world or in the church then this day will begin. As you take your eyes off the world and stare into my loving face.

     My loved ones. There are great changes coming politically and socially but these stirrings are caused by the light shining. The day grows brighter and those who love darkness are terrified. Your enemy would try to spread fear and tell you that the church will have to go underground and will not be effective. Just the opposite is true.

     Just like the giants in the promised land were terrified of my people Israel, so are the political giants terrified of you. They are the ones who have built dens and caves in the earth because they are afraid of the wave of truth that is coming. They are the ones who are constantly telling you that something is coming from the sky to destroy the world. Well it already came. Grace and truth came from heaven in my Son and it is destroying the wickedness and evil spirits. It is their fear that they try to pass on to you by spreading it through the people they rule. Don't believe it for a minute. Don't believe their lies and enter into their fear. Believe my truth and take your places and be ready to inherit the whole earth.

     My loved ones, disassociate yourselves from those who constantly spread doom and fear. These things do not profit you or my church. Who builds a church in the forest if they are afraid of fire? We already lost several generations to the fear mongers who told you that there is no hope. They tell you your only hope is if I have mercy on you and snatch you out of the world in the middle of the night leaving unbelievers to be tortured.

     I am an advancing conquering King, not a retreating coward. My kingdom will overcome all the kingdoms of this world. I will not lose nor will I surrender the ground that the blood of my son was spilled on to my enemy. The earth is holy again because righteous blood has been spilled on it. Abel's blood cried out for vengeance but the blood of my son cries day and night and it cries out “Father forgive them for they don't know what they are doing. Tell me those of you who want to sneak out and let the world go to hell? What if your children are in unbelief? Do you still want hell unleashed on the earth? The capstone of my kingdom will be brought about by those shouting Grace, Grace, not by those demanding destruction.

     If you have seen and studied my Son then you have seen me. My son did not come to destroy but to save. Yes he came to destroy evil, but your war is not against flesh and blood but wickedness. It is the process of wickedness and lawlessness that is being destroyed. If he didn't break a bruised reed or put out a smoking candle then why do you think I will take away the light in the world. If you have seen him, you have seen me. I am gentle also. I destroy evil with good and darkness with light and anger with kindness.

     I told you through my prophet Isaiah that gross darkness covers the people but my light arises upon you. The darkness upon the people is blindness. They are in darkness because they haven't seen the light of my love. All they have heard and seen is a bunch of fire breathing preachers telling them how I hate them and want to destroy them. I instructed you to pray for your enemies and do good to them that persecute you. How does calling down fire upon them fit into that instruction?

     Separate yourselves from those who spew hate and destruction. They are not receiving revelation from me but from the evil one. If I didn't allow my apostles to call down fire on a city then why would I tell them to do so? My apostle Stephen demonstrated truth for you. While being martyred he was not concerned for his own well being but was concerned for the well being of those who were killing him.

     Even in the natural this makes no sense. Look at the facts. What do those who sell you books about the destruction of the world do with the money you give them? Do they give it to the poor? If they really believed that the world would be destroyed wouldn't money be useless? If your neighbor's house was on fire would you write a book to sell to him telling him his house was on fire? Or would you run to him screaming "Your House is On Fire!? 

     If they really believed the end was near would they build bigger houses, buy airplanes and luxury cars and build big barns to store your money in? If you really believed that destruction was coming would you build a house or fall on your knees? 

     See how silly this is? They don't even believe their own writings. They just found a way to make a dollar at your expense. They have a party and laugh at you while you tremble in the darkness afraid that destruction is coming.

     You are in a new covenant. I taught you through my beloved Paul that in the new covenant prophecy is for the edifying and building up of the church. It is for strengthening each other. Those who go about shouting “thus says the Lord” and speak gloom and doom are not speaking for me. 

     Each time in the New Testament when a warning was given it was so that destruction could be avoided. For instance: Paul was warned not to go to Rome. He also warned the ship captain that the ship they sailed on would be destroyed. In the New Covenant every prophetic word comes with a promise of deliverance. Prophesy is not a declaration of doom, it is instruction on how to avoid it.

     Good overcomes evil and that is my plan. It is my goodness that leads men to repentance and that is my plan. I will pour out love and kindness until people know I am good and loving. Then they will repent and believe and worship along side of you.

     Yes there will be good and bad things in the earth for a while to come. This is because my sons and daughters have not taken your places in ruling and reigning with me. My people will awaken and my sons will be revealed. It will be revealed to you who you are. This is the revealing. You are my sons and daughters, but you don't have full revelation of who you are. 

     As you arise you will take dominion over the evil in the world. Not the people. You will have the lost ones in your hearts and will drive away the evil so that unbelievers may see my goodness. You will stop cursing the blind ones and start cursing the blindness instead. You will love the sinner while hating the sin because it is destroying my loved ones.

     My precious children, I want to show the same mercy I showed to you to each and ever person on this world. I sent my Son to save the world, not to destroy it. Say this with me again. I sent my Son to save the world, not to destroy it. 
Will you please work with me to do this? Will you please stop the fear message and preach the good news? Will you go and shout “grace, grace” to the whole world. 

     My door is open and I long for each lost loved one to come home. I want them all. No exceptions. Never assume anyone is too lost to save. Think of my beloved Paul. The only difference between one who persecutes the church and one who builds it is a revelation of my Son. Those who are against you only need that revelation and they will join you. 

     Please my children, no more fear. No more hatred. No more falling for the distractions that play out in the political arena. No more giant asteroids destroying the earth. No more living in fear when you can live in faithful hope. 

     Set you mind on things above not on things in Washington. Leave Washington to me. I am in the process of washing Washington and all the capitals of the nations. More shaking is coming there so don't be afraid. I am turning on the light and driving out the darkness. I did this because you prayed that I would. Don't forget to pray for those who are being controlled by these dark political spirits. They are not your enemy. The evil pushing them from behind is your enemy.

     No more fear of earth being destroyed by heat or cold. Remember my promise in Genesis Chapter Eight: “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. 22. While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.”

     The earth one day will be replaced and recreated because it will encounter me as an all consuming fire. It will be changed and there will be no more evil. So don't let others sell you fear and doom but look forward to the new heavens and new earth where my righteousness dwells and no evil is found. 

     I will regenerate all of creation so that there will be no place stained by tears or blood. There will be no memory of an evil event at this location or that. No fields stained by the blood of war. No floors stained by the tears of mothers who lost their children. Only happy places with memories of good and indescribable joy.

   Be at peace my beloved. I am with you. Don't retreat in fear but follow me to victory! Walk in my victory. Walk in my love.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Disciplined By Love

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the following link:

     As I was praying today, Father spoke to me and gave me the following instructions: He said: My son, write down these words and share them with my beloved. 

Here are his words:

     My beloved ones, it's time to be disciplined by my love. My son came to make you disciples of my love and disciples are made by discipline. Before I teach you these things you must put aside misconceptions of what my discipline is and you must let go of past failures so that you may embrace future success.
     So many of you are paralyzed by guilty feelings for things you have done in the past. Your enemy challenges the power of the cross to take away your sin. He tells you that since you made mistakes since you were saved then those aren't covered. He does this to distract you from your walk with me.

     My loved ones, all of you have good days and bad days. There are days when your faith is soaring and there are days when you struggle. This doesn't change how I feel about you. My son told you that in this world you would have tribulation but to be of good cheer. When you have a bad day don't let it lead you into depression or guilt. Shake it off, get up and move on. 

     Your entire lives on earth are part of your basic training for your eternal purpose. If your training seems hard it's probably because you are appointed to carry greatness in the next age. I didn't put mountains in your way. They are there to give your faith something to move.

     My discipline is not like you have known from your earthly parents. In most of your lives the discipline you experienced is more like punishment than true discipline. True discipline is overcoming and becoming stronger because you faced something that took endurance. It is with faith and patience that you inherit my promises. The more you are willing to be patient, the more promises will be given to you.

     Discipline is not me punishing you when you make a mistake. Discipline is you facing the same thing again and getting victory over it. Discipline is praying at 5:00 in the morning, when you would rather be sleeping. Discipline is smiling at the one who makes you angry instead of unleashing hell fire against them. Discipline is calling down grace on your enemies when you want me to rain fire on them. Discipline is loving the unlovable and seeing sinners not as sinners but as those waiting to see my salvation. Discipline is going without the thing you want so that you can give others what they want.

     My children, Don't let others tell you that my discipline is sickness or disease or poverty. This is a lie. The wages of sin is death. My gift is eternal life. So many people accept these things because they think they have sinned and deserve sickness and death and poverty. They live in constant trouble thinking this is my punishment for them. This is not so. 

     My way of dealing with sin is not to punish you for it but to deliver you from it, and then send you out delivering others. This is my way of getting even. If you are in Christ then you have been delivered from that darkness so shake it off. Set your heart on my light and walk in it. Don't accept sin's wages as my punishment. I know many of you will say "but what about He scourges every son he receives?" You were scourged. You were crucified with Christ and yet you live. 

     The way to avoid the wage of sin is to no longer work for him. Don't do what he tells you and he won't pay you for doing what he tells you. It gets much easier if you see sin as a person and not as an act. Remember the scriptures tell you that whomever you serve is your master. When you walk in darkness you are serving the dark master and he gives you the wages for serving him. When you walk in righteousness you serve me and you share in the inheritance that my righteous son earned for you. So don't accept sin's wages and don't work for him. Don't give him a two week notice. Quit right now. Just walk out on him.

     My children I tell you these things because I love you and I love your freedom. I love you so much that I sent my only begotten son to set you free from the dark one and deliver you into the light of my love. 

     I want you to see my discipline through the light of my love for you. When you struggle don't see it as my punishment. Ask yourself “what lesson of discipline am I supposed to be learning here?” It could be that I am teaching you patience or perseverance. It could be that I am teaching you to trust me but it is never because I am angry with you and I am punishing you.

     If punishment is a deterrent then way are your prisons always full and why is there crime in the streets? Punishment doesn't change hearts and without heart change nothing really changes.

     My loved ones this is what being born again is about. I couldn't fix your old nature. It was not fixable. This is also why Christ came to fulfill the law. The law could only judge but could not make you holy. The law could nail you to a cross with my son and it did, but it had no power to resurrect you into a new being. Now that you are a new creation and born again all that is left is teaching you the discipline that comes with your new nature. I am using natural events to teach you spiritual principles. I am teaching you how to rule and reign with me forever.

     This is not just about right now. Seventy or eighty years is not a long time to train for a position that lasts for eternity. It seems like forever until you get older and you realize that eighty years, one hundred years or even a million years is just a blink of an eye.

   My loved ones. I am telling you these things so you will know me better. I am not a cruel father who beats you each time you make a mistake. I am a loving father who created an eternal purpose for you because I love the idea of us working together forever. I train you and discipline you because I love you and for no other reason.

     When you make a mistake I don't beat you and I don't send you calamity. I love you and restore you and I pick you up and dust you off and tell you to try again. This is what love does. This is who I am. I am your loving father training your for reigning with me.

     So what is reigning? Serving others in love is reigning. He who humbles himself on earth exalts himself in heaven. I sent my son not to be served but to serve you in love. He fully completed his mission and he sits at at my side waiting on you to fulfill yours.

     Please my loved ones, when you face an obstacle don't let your enemy tell you that I am angry at you or tell you that this is what you deserve. He is just trying to drive a wedge between us.

     My loved ones: In your eyes you see an enormous mountain but in my eyes I see it as just another rock that my child is going to skip across the water before it sinks into the sea. Soon there will be no stone that you cant move. My discipline is taking you there.

     I train you because I love you. Don't give up my beloved ones. Look at the finish line. Do you see that person cheering you on and saying “Come on, you can make it?” That would be me. I am so proud of you. 

     If you fall down then get up and tie your shoes and come on. Your past is a backpack full of weights. Throw it down. If you look back you will run into something. If you look down you will stumble. Keep your eyes on my son and at the end of your race you will be just like him.

     Come on my beloved. Learn my discipline. Run to me. I am waiting for you to join me in my throne.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me a little while ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all.

     For more information please click the links below:

michael's blog

michael's podcast

michael on iTunes

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Conquered By Love

An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

Matthew Chapter Five

43: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 
44. But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 
45. so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. 
46.For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 
47.And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? 
48. You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

Romans Chapter Five

6.For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 
7. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die
8.but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 
9. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. 
10.For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. 
11. More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.

     A few years ago I was reading the following scriptures found in Matthew Chapter Twenty Two beginning in verse forty one where it says:
While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? 
They say unto him, The Son of David. 
He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,
The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
If David then call him Lord, how is he his son? 
And no man was able to answer him a word, neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.

     As I read this on that day I cried out to Father and said: Yes my Father, make the enemies of your son his footstool and crush them beneath his feet! As he often does he asked me a question. He said “Do you think that is what that means?”

     In my human way of thinking I assumed victory over his enemies meant their destruction. With that one question he changed my way of thinking forever. 

     Our Father takes no pleasure in the destruction of the wicked. That is not his way. So I asked him what that scripture meant and he told me to look up that word “footstool” and see what it means in New Creation terms. So I did and I was amazed to find that in Christ's time of walking on the earth, a person who sat at the teacher's feet while being taught was called his footstool. 

     I was both in awe of his love and saddened that I thought such a bad thing of him. I quickly repented and asked him to make all of his enemies his disciples.

     As I was praying today he reminded me of these things and I asked him what is on his heart to day. He spoke to me and said. “Teach my people to Conquer with Love.” As I pondered that in my heart he spoke to me and asked me to write down the following words and share them with you.

He said:

     My children, it is time you understood the ways of my heart and the ways of love. I sit with unlimited power on the throne of heaven. If I wanted to I could be a King who destroys his enemies. I could wipe out all of creation but what would that fix? You would have a lot of dead people who don't know my ways and hadn't experienced my love and they would be lost forever.

     Remember that you are on the living side of the cross and you must view all things as new and all things through the blood of my son. I do not want to destroy people. I want to conquer them with love. 

     Which is better, to destroy your enemy or have him become family and work with you? Would you rather have someone serve you because they have to or because they love you? Whom would you rather serve in love, someone you despise or someone you love?

     Isn't it strange how some will weep at the death of an animal but rejoice at the death of a person because they were considered evil? My son told you to love your enemies and you would be perfect just like me.

     Love never fails. If you are facing failure in any area of your life it is because you haven't yet experienced my love in that area. If you face sickness consider how much love I had for you when my son took those stripes in your place. If you are facing lack think about how you were born again with an inheritance that you didn't have to earn. You were born wealthy. No formula or plan to get there. Just receive it with thanksgiving.

     When facing your enemies, instead of telling them how they should be in terror of you, maybe you should tell them how much you are loved by your Father? 

     If someone causes you great problems then you should pray for them more and show them my love until they change. If love is the only thing that never fails then why would you use anything else to solve a problem?

     My children, you are so loved, and not only you but that person whose destruction you are cheering is my loved one. You do not war against flesh and blood. The person you think is causing you problems is not the problem. It's the spirit that is behind them causing them to manifest evil that is the problem. But even evil spirits can never defeat my love.

     In the church I have people yelling and rebuking and causing all kind of commotion towards the devil but let me ask you one question? Did my son do this? When he faced evil in people he showed them love and when he cast out demons he didn't yell and curse and call them evil names. Yes he made a whip and drove out the money changers, but is that so bad when he could have called down fire on them or sent them to hell? 

     When the evil spirits asked him was he here to torment them before their time he showed them he wasn't the tormentor. What tormented them was a man walking in the power of love. He didn't come to drive the demons out of the demoniac. He came to set the demoniac free of the demons. Even when he faced Satan himself he didn't abuse him. He simply said “Get behind me!” 

     I don't even send people to hell. I give them heaven as a free choice paid for with the blood of my son. They can freely choose heaven. Hell is the consequence of not receiving my free gift. It is not my plan for anyone, but their free choice. My grace that leads to salvation has appeared unto everyone. In my love I reach out to everyone ever born. I gave unto every man the measure of faith it takes to be born again. I am pleading with each heart day and night asking them to come home to me.

     It's time for you to know my ways. I am meek and lowly. I rule in gentleness and in patience. Just as I was patient with you while waiting for you to surrender to my love. That is how you were born again. It wasn't because I was screaming obscenities at you. It was because I was whispering love words in your heart until you couldn't resist my love.

     I am still and will always be whispering those words in your hearts and in the hearts of all mankind. I want to win them all. I want to save them all. I want to make my enemies my children. I don't want to destroy them, I want to adopt them and show them my love and they will never consider being my enemy again. Even the person you consider the most evil has someone on earth or in heaven who loves them and is praying for their salvation.

     So my beloved ones, here is the plan. Surrender to my love and my kindness. Open your lives to my love and my kindness. I have never and will never have an evil thought about you. I only want what is best for you. Once you experience my love in every area of your life then you will gladly share my love with your enemies. When you see him hungry you will feed him. When you see him naked you will clothe him and you will be just like me. He will surrender to my goodness that flows through you and will repent and turn to me.

     Don't forget, I was in Christ reconciling the world to myself, not counting their sins against them but giving them a clean slate to come home to me in innocence. Will you please show them my love so they will come home? I miss them and I want to live in their hearts like I do yours.  I long to conquer them with my love. I am not like earthly kings. When I conquer I conquer with love not to make slaves of them but to make sons and daughters of them. 

     Will you consider these things in your hearts my beloved. Put away the "old mean God who is going to wipe out the world" routine. It's not working. Fear never wins when it faces perfect love, and love never fails, so which is better? Please my beloved, love each other not with worldly love but with the love that comes from me. Consider how much you were forgiven and offer that same forgiveness to others.

    It's time for my church to grow up into perfect maturity by speaking the truth to each other in love. 
Here is the truth:
You were crucified with my son and yet you live. 
Your old life was taken away and you are my new creation. 
You are born in my image and my likeness. 
You are my righteous one in Christ. 
You are a holy nation. 
You are a royal priesthood with all the wealth of heaven backing you to be a priest to those who are fallen. 
You were blessed with all spiritual blessings here in heaven. My son went all over heaven proclaiming a blessing over you and declaring your innocence. 
You are my delight and my beloved.
My closest kin. 
You are my family and you are so loved.

     So when you see someone acting like anything but this. Don't condemn them; tell them the truth. Tell them what I just told you. They will remember who they are and put away their troubling behavior. This is how you speak the truth in love. Don't blast them with your words until you have hugged them with your heart. Please remember that there is no condemnation for those who are in my son, so if I am not condemning them then please don't condemn them yourself. These are my ways my loved ones and I want you to know them so that love will conquer all.

     Go forth and conquer with my love and most of all don't forget. Love is the answer, now what was the question?

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me to share with you a few moments ago.
I hope you are blessed by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Monday, May 8, 2017


     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below. 

As I was praying this morning Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My loved ones. Each of you has a place in my heart. In my heart are many mansions. My son prepared a place for you to live in me, and my heart is your heaven. I long for each of you to take your place but it's your choice to do so. Those of you with grown children understand this. Your children grow and get older and you miss the relationship you had when they were small. Your door is open and you wish they would come visit and spend time with you. I am the same way. My door is always open.

     There is a relationship available but few take me up on it. It's called being one. It's beyond love and friendship. It is beyond anything imaginable but you have to choose to do so. I did everything necessary for us to be one but you have to choose it if you want it.

     So how do you do this? It's really easy. You include me in everything that you do just as I do you. Put me in the song in your heart. Put me in the thoughts in your mind. Treat me like I really am living in you and you are living in me. Keep your mind set on me at all times. When you see something don't just look at it. Ask me, Father, what do you think of this. Don't treat me like i'm a million miles away. Never build a wall between us.

     When things don't go the way you think they should don't assume it's because I did it or I'm angry with you. This is your enemy using mistrust to drive a wedge between us. Don't allow it not even for a moment. Think the way my beloved Paul did. There is not height nor depth, nor life or death or principality or power or anything past or present that can separate you from my love for you. I am totally in love with you at all times whether your circumstances are good or bad. I was in Christ when the multitudes followed him. I was with him when they cried "Hosanna in the highest" and I was in him while they cried "Crucify Him." I was in him when he was glorified and crucified.

     This is the key. To know I am with you at all times and for that to be enough. When my presence in you and with you becomes more important to you than anything in the earth then you will be one with me. When you no longer look at your bank statement to see if I'm with you. When you no longer consider your body if it's alive or dead. When you can say “I don't care if I live or die, I just want to be one with my creator.” Then you will have arrived.

     I tell you these things because I have prepared a place for you in me that no one else can enter. Just as those of you with children know there is a place in your heart for each of your children collectively, and there is a place in your heart for each of them individually. This came from me. It's how I feel for you. I love it when you come together as a family and worship me. It is wonderful. It is also wonderful when you come individually and tell me that you just want to be alone with me. I want you to be so much in love with me that you are alone with me even in a crowd. When nothing you do is more important than spending every second with me then you will understand.

     I want you to know that is how I feel for you. I am doing all things at all times and yet all the time my total attention is on you. There is no one or nothing in all of creation as important to me as you are. I am in love with you at all times. When you fly high I am with you. When you fall on your face I am reaching for you, lovingly helping you up so you can fly again. I am all powerful but I am gentle, and in my gentleness is where you will find my power.

     My loved ones, I am teaching you these things tenderly because of my love for you. I need you to share these things with each other and restore my reputation in the earth. I have been misrepresented and I want to pour my goodness into the earth so people will know that I am good and kind and will turn to me. It is my goodness and kindness towards people that will lead them to repentance. I need someone who will let me be good to them to demonstrate these things. 

     This is not a religious thing. It is relationship. Not someone earning my goodness because they kept a bunch of rules, but a loving father giving good gifts to his children just because he loves them. All I need  my children to do is want the gifts that come from above more than the latest thing the world is selling. I need your attention and your focus to be on me an on things above. Really, which is better? Becoming one with me and learning the ways of heaven or the latest car or phone or clothes the world is selling you?

     This is how the last generation missed it. I poured out my goodness in love and miracles and power and they tried to use it to get worldly wealth and power. They took my goodness and used it for gain. Those of you who know me know that I give power to serve others and not to serve yourself.

     Think of this. The one who could have called legions of angels to take him off that cross didn't do it but left them standing at attention in case you needed them. 

     When the torturers tore all the flesh off his back, he didn't use his healing gift to heal himself. He bore those stripes for you because he loves you. It's the love behind the stripes that heals you. He didn't take them just as your punishment, but took them as one who loves you, and one who would be beaten a million times to keep you from getting a scratch.

     It's time you put away all the lies you have been told about an angry old God who wants to destroy everyone and get to know me as the gentle Father who loves you because you are mine. It's time to see my son as the one who was beaten and died for you. Not because he had to, but because he wanted to because of our love for you. It's time you get to know me. Let me introduce myself to you. 

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Ruled By Love

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Jesus spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My loved ones, you are so busy running here and there. Trying to learn this and that. Thinking that knowledge is the way to come to me. You run from one teaching to the next, and around and around in circles you go gaining lots of knowledge but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. The truth is that I am not looking for employees or slaves. I am looking for family.

     I need you to stop seeking knowledge and seek relationship with me instead. Yes it is good to study your scriptures but why are you studying? Are you studying to make yourself look more important or spiritual? Are you studying to have things to share with others? These things are good but are not the important thing.

     If you will read your bible not to learn facts but to learn of me and my character then you are on the right track. All of you know the bible thumpers who can quote scriptures and verses and give you all the Greek and Hebrew translations but they don't have my fruit in their lives. When people saw my disciples they knew they had been with me. It's not the things they said it was my nature being formed in them that was visible.

     If you gain all the knowledge in the world and do not take time to know me then you have wasted your time. In that day there will be those who did great acts of faith in my name but they don't know me. They know how to use the power in my scriptures and in my name but they have no relationship with me. It's all about the show and about the glory they receive just as the Pharisees did. It's all the “look at me” gospel.

     Those who take time to seek me and know me will not be this way. Even though I sit on my Father's throne in glory, I do so to serve you. I am your servant king because I love you. I am your high priest forever and ever. I rule but I rule so that I can serve those whom I love. 

     Those who know me know these things and they become like me. They become humble like me and live in grace towards others. They seek to save those that are lost not for glory's sake but for the sake of my love. They know my heart is toward the people and the only reason they seek to save them is because they love me and want me to have my way. Those who love me love those whom I love.

     What I am saying my loved ones is put aside your searching and seeking for facts and figures. Learn of me. Spend time with me and get to know how much you are loved and what joy it is when you take one moment out of your day to talk to me. 

     A lot of people know about me but few really know me. I long to know you and for you to know me and to become one with me. We are one Spirit but I long for you to share my thoughts in your mind. I long for you to know me so well that you finish my sentences and know what I am going to do just because you know my ways.

     My loved ones, religion is a tricky thing. It will tell you that there is this formula and that formula. It will give you rules and regulations and that is not how a relationship works. Religion can never replace relationship. 

     Think of it as a marriage. Is it the wedding license that makes you one? Do you grow together and become one because you read all the laws of your state that pertain to marriage? Do you become one because you live in the same house? All of you know those who live in one house but they don't act as if they are married.

     So what makes a relationship work? It is spending time with someone and getting to know them. It's walking with them through hard times and good times and loving them with all your heart. It is in doing things together just for the sake of being together. 

     It is in letting your passion for them rule over your intelligence. Logically it makes no sense to spend hundreds of dollars of flowers that are already dying, but love will do that. I plant millions of them for you every spring for you to enjoy just because I love you. Where is the logic in an expensive dinner when you could just eat a sandwich at home? Love is not always logical unless your logic comes from the heart and not the mind.

     This is my point my loved ones. I did all that I have done for you because I love you. It doesn't have to make sense to your head if it makes sense to your heart. I want you to seek me for the same reason; because you love me. 

    I don't want you to go to others to learn of me. Yes, you can learn from their experiences but those things should only encourage you to experience me yourself.

I want you to know how much I love you. I want you to know how much I long for you to know that love. I want you to do all that you do for the sake of love and not for religion. I don't want you to love me because you have to. I want you to love me because you want to. 

     This is why I gave you free will. Do you want your spouse to stay with you because they signed a license or do you want them to stay with you because a fiery love burns in their heart for you and they can't imagine the hell that life would be without you?

     So my loved ones, come to me and know you are loved. Put aside all your strategies and formulas. Put aside all your rules of religion and only be ruled by love. I sit on a throne with my Father and with His Spirit. We rule over all things except one. We also are ruled by love. That love sent me to a cross for you. Nothing else put me there. Not wrath, not hatred, not judgment. Love in it's purest form forced me to go there. Why? Because there is a fiery love inside my heart for you that couldn't imagine the hell that eternity would be without you.

     I love you my children, Please love each other also.

This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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