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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Ruled By Love

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Jesus spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My loved ones, you are so busy running here and there. Trying to learn this and that. Thinking that knowledge is the way to come to me. You run from one teaching to the next, and around and around in circles you go gaining lots of knowledge but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. The truth is that I am not looking for employees or slaves. I am looking for family.

     I need you to stop seeking knowledge and seek relationship with me instead. Yes it is good to study your scriptures but why are you studying? Are you studying to make yourself look more important or spiritual? Are you studying to have things to share with others? These things are good but are not the important thing.

     If you will read your bible not to learn facts but to learn of me and my character then you are on the right track. All of you know the bible thumpers who can quote scriptures and verses and give you all the Greek and Hebrew translations but they don't have my fruit in their lives. When people saw my disciples they knew they had been with me. It's not the things they said it was my nature being formed in them that was visible.

     If you gain all the knowledge in the world and do not take time to know me then you have wasted your time. In that day there will be those who did great acts of faith in my name but they don't know me. They know how to use the power in my scriptures and in my name but they have no relationship with me. It's all about the show and about the glory they receive just as the Pharisees did. It's all the “look at me” gospel.

     Those who take time to seek me and know me will not be this way. Even though I sit on my Father's throne in glory, I do so to serve you. I am your servant king because I love you. I am your high priest forever and ever. I rule but I rule so that I can serve those whom I love. 

     Those who know me know these things and they become like me. They become humble like me and live in grace towards others. They seek to save those that are lost not for glory's sake but for the sake of my love. They know my heart is toward the people and the only reason they seek to save them is because they love me and want me to have my way. Those who love me love those whom I love.

     What I am saying my loved ones is put aside your searching and seeking for facts and figures. Learn of me. Spend time with me and get to know how much you are loved and what joy it is when you take one moment out of your day to talk to me. 

     A lot of people know about me but few really know me. I long to know you and for you to know me and to become one with me. We are one Spirit but I long for you to share my thoughts in your mind. I long for you to know me so well that you finish my sentences and know what I am going to do just because you know my ways.

     My loved ones, religion is a tricky thing. It will tell you that there is this formula and that formula. It will give you rules and regulations and that is not how a relationship works. Religion can never replace relationship. 

     Think of it as a marriage. Is it the wedding license that makes you one? Do you grow together and become one because you read all the laws of your state that pertain to marriage? Do you become one because you live in the same house? All of you know those who live in one house but they don't act as if they are married.

     So what makes a relationship work? It is spending time with someone and getting to know them. It's walking with them through hard times and good times and loving them with all your heart. It is in doing things together just for the sake of being together. 

     It is in letting your passion for them rule over your intelligence. Logically it makes no sense to spend hundreds of dollars of flowers that are already dying, but love will do that. I plant millions of them for you every spring for you to enjoy just because I love you. Where is the logic in an expensive dinner when you could just eat a sandwich at home? Love is not always logical unless your logic comes from the heart and not the mind.

     This is my point my loved ones. I did all that I have done for you because I love you. It doesn't have to make sense to your head if it makes sense to your heart. I want you to seek me for the same reason; because you love me. 

    I don't want you to go to others to learn of me. Yes, you can learn from their experiences but those things should only encourage you to experience me yourself.

I want you to know how much I love you. I want you to know how much I long for you to know that love. I want you to do all that you do for the sake of love and not for religion. I don't want you to love me because you have to. I want you to love me because you want to. 

     This is why I gave you free will. Do you want your spouse to stay with you because they signed a license or do you want them to stay with you because a fiery love burns in their heart for you and they can't imagine the hell that life would be without you?

     So my loved ones, come to me and know you are loved. Put aside all your strategies and formulas. Put aside all your rules of religion and only be ruled by love. I sit on a throne with my Father and with His Spirit. We rule over all things except one. We also are ruled by love. That love sent me to a cross for you. Nothing else put me there. Not wrath, not hatred, not judgment. Love in it's purest form forced me to go there. Why? Because there is a fiery love inside my heart for you that couldn't imagine the hell that eternity would be without you.

     I love you my children, Please love each other also.

This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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