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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Look Into My Eyes

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Colossians Chapter Two.

6. And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him.
7. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.
8. Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. 
9. For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. 

10. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

10. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.

     As I was praying today and reading these verses Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My children, why do you run to and fro looking for more when I am right here inside you? You listen to others telling you that if only you will learn this or that you will be complete. You are already complete on the inside. The only thing lacking is your understanding of how perfect you are.

     You are one spirit with my son and with me and with Holy Spirit so why do you think you need something more to make you whole? It's time to stop chasing the latest teaching and embrace the truth that is already inside you.

     You are not lacking in anything except in the revelation of who you are in me and who I am in you. You didn't gain me by all the things you learned. You gained me when you invited me to live in you, and when you accepted the message I told you about my son and his perfect, finished work of salvation.

     Do you really think you can add anything to him? When he told you it is finished then it is finished. You can't add to it, all you can do is accept it and grow up into the truth of Christ in you the hope of glory.

     You don't need to do some twelve step program or fight against some evil old nature that I already killed. You need to wake up and realize that your old man is already dead. The only reason he is bothering you is because you keep listening to those who tell you he is alive. You old nature is not the problem. You have been baptized into my son and I have circumcised that old nature from you. Those who would deceive you make you think that it's still alive and you must fight it. This is your enemy telling you these things. 

     You don't wrestle against flesh and blood, not even your own. You wrestle against principalities and powers and wickedness in high places. Especially high places like pulpits and terror programs you call Christian television. You know the ones. The ones who constantly tell you there is something to be afraid of when I told you not to fear. You know the ones, the ones who tell you that you only need this latest teaching series that they are selling you to make you complete?

     Isn't it odd  that no matter how many they sell you there is always one more to sell you. WAKE UP! You are complete in my son and you only need to realize that you are not lacking in any thing. This is the same deception that the serpent sold Eve. He told her she was lacking in knowledge and if she learned something new she could be like me. She was already made in my image and likeness. She wasn't lacking. Adding a negative does not give you more positive. Knowing evil does not make you holier.

     It's the same message today. You need this or that and you will be more like God. What a lie. I baptized you into my son and joined you to me in spirit so how could you need anything else? You are one with me so tell me just what will you add to us to make us greater?

     Demons trouble you by disguising themselves as your old nature and try to make you feel guilty because you have done wrong. They make you forget you are a holy being. They bombard you with nasty thoughts and make you think that you thought those things. You have the mind of Christ. Those things don't come from his mind. See how deceptive this is? They put thoughts in your mind and then accuse you of having evil thoughts.

     If you want to walk in holiness then embrace the truth and stop fighting the lie. The truth is you are justified, sanctified, and glorified. You are complete in me. You are washed and pure as snow. 

     My son took away the sins of the world. I was right there in him reconciling the whole world to myself. The whole world died in Christ and the whole world can be born again if they choose to leave their old life on that cross and embrace his new life in them.

     Life and death is truly in the power of the tongue. You can confess Christ and be born again from that death or can refuse to confess him and stay dead for eternity. If one died for all then all died. 

     I did this to take away my children's debt in hopes they would realize they are free and come to me. I cleared the books of all charges against all men so that they could come to me without guilt and embrace the death of my son in their place and be born again. Man would not come to me because he was ashamed so I took away that shame so he could come to me in innocence and be saved.

     If you are in Christ then you have left your old life on that cross and now you are a new creation. Old things are passed away and all things are new. Your old nature is not still with you. It is dead and all you have to do is reckon yourselves to be dead to that old sin nature and take it off like a dirty shirt. 

     You don't have to wrestle and beg and plead for sin to go away, you just need to embrace your new life and realize that you have been cleansed. You are not a dirty rotten sinner saved by grace. You once were a sinner but that person died. Now you are my sons and daughters dressed in my royal attire. You are seated with my son right beside me on my throne.

     My lovely ones, the only thing you are lacking is the understanding of who you are and what really happened on that cross. You really did die and you really are alive again in spirit and are a new creation. You are not your old self and you are not guilty. You are forgiven, holy, righteous children who only need to awaken to who you are.

     So please my beloved ones, don't listen to the lies and condemnation of those who only want to make you feel like a worm so they can sell you worm food. Listen to the truth. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. You are in Christ and in me and in my Spirit. Do you really think you could be in us if you were unholy? Would we live in you if you were a dead, rotten, stinking corpse?

     You are one spirit with us so you can't say anything bad about yourselves without it applying to us also. As he is so are you in this world. Please wake up my children. Don't doze off. Set your mind on things above. Don't be entangled in the yoke of bondage from those who would tell you that you are lacking. 

     Open up the door inside. That door is Christ. He is the only way, the only truth and the only life and there is no other way. So why do you want to come any other way?  If you want to see heaven then look inside. I am right here on the throne of your heart. I am not far way.

     Think about your children. Do they have your last name? Are they your children because of what they do or because they were born to you? Did they have to learn how to be your children or were they born that way? They are your children because they were born to you. Now your job is to teach them who they are and what it means to be in your family?

     You were born again into my family. You are my offspring. You are my beloved children whom I love very much. Settle it in your hearts once and for all. You are mine and I love you. Now let me teach you who you are. Don't listen to anyone on the outside of our family. They don't know who we are.

     Can't you see how valuable you are to me? Don't you see what I paid for you. You are my treasure and you are just like my first born. When I look at you it's like looking into a mirror. I see me in you. I see my light and my life and my hope in you. I see my Christ in you. 

     When you look into my eyes you will see yourselves as I see you and then you will know who you are. So if my eyes are your mirror why would you want to look at anything else to see who you are?

     Please my loved ones. Look into my eyes.

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me a few moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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