As I was praying today I heard Father's voice and he asked me to write down these words and share them with you.
He said:
My little children. Those whom I love more than you can understand at this time. I know many of you are disappointed and some have even given up. You look at hardship and trouble and you think that you have failed or done something terribly wrong. This is not the case. Jesus warned you that in the world you would have tribulation but also told you to be of good cheer because he had overcome the world. So how does this bring you cheer? It is because he is your representative. He overcame for you and as you. His victory is your victory. You must trust in him.
The reason that so many of you get disappointed is because your hope is in things and events and not in a person. Just as you have faith in me your hope should also be in me. It shouldn't be in events that may or may not come to pass. It shouldn't be in bigger houses, better jobs and more money. All these things are gifts that I give you, but you shouldn't spend your life hoping for things. You should spend your lives in fellowship with a person. Yes, hope is a person. My son is the blessed hope. He is the hope and the desire of the nations. Put your hope in him and not in worldly events and things that pass away.
I want you to have eternal hope. I want you to know that there is a place to rest your hope that never fails. If you put your hope in me and not in events and things then you will never be disappointed. For example. Some of you hoped that you will find great prosperity this year. When it didn't come you are now disappointed and ready to give up. You put all of your effort and all the faith you could muster into an event, and now you are upset because you think your faith has failed.
Here is where many go wrong. All of the so called faith messages you have been taught are not accurate. Remember, the kingdom is a family, not a business and not a religion. These teachings tell you to pick out what you want and ask for it and go through all these rules and regulations and quote the correct scriptures and you will get what you asked for. The truth is I have already given you all things that pertain to life and godliness so what is there left to ask me for? You would do better to invest your prayer time in praying for others and not for things.
The kingdom is a family and we run by family rules. You have an inheritance and all things are yours already. Just as in an earthly family the one who receives the inheritance doesn't get tho choose what he inherits. There is a will and there is an administrator who oversees the wishes of the one who gives the inheritance. I have freely given you all things along with my son Jesus. You lack nothing.
So the key to having these things is to trust me. Have you ever considered that what I want for you may be better than what you want for yourself? Maybe you have been as they say “believing” for a new house. Maybe you picked it out already. Maybe you are investing all your effort and strength into making this come to pass. Maybe I don't want you to have that house because I have something better. Maybe my eternal purpose for you leads you to a different place. So you spend your time and effort in this struggle they call “believing” for a new house and the house you want gets sold and you feel like a total failure because you missed it. This is not the way a family operates.
There is a much better way to live. It's called the kingdom. It's called being like a child. Having childlike trust knowing you have a father that loves you and wants what is best for you. Trust me to bring all the things I've already given to you along in their right time and order. This way you can just put your trust in me and your hope in me. Instead of hoping for things and events you can rest your hope in me knowing that I have your very best interest in mind. You can relax and spend all that time you once spent in trying to have faith and you can have real faith that leads to rest. Instead of quoting a hundred scriptures over and over to try to get something, maybe you could spend that time in thanksgiving knowing that I will get you what you need when you need it.
My little loved ones, would you deny me the pleasure of giving you the gifts that I picked for you? Must you choose for yourself and deny your father the great pleasure of expressing my love for you in the ways and gifts that I choose? I have so many wonderful things to bring into your lives at the right moment and so many of you have your hearts set on something else and miss out on my best.
I don't say these things to condemn you. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ. I say these things to free you from a system of religion that has crept into my kingdom. You do not have to struggle and strain and jump through the hoops of the so called "faith system" to get what you want. I have already taken care of and fully funded your future. It is your choice. You can struggle and strain and try to steer your own life in the way you think it should go, or you can rest in me and enjoy the ride. So many of you didn't like the script I wrote for your lives, so you tore it up and are writing your own.
There is a place of true faith to live in me in total trust so that you won't be disappointed. You can learn to rest in my love and know that no matter what events come or don't come you are safe in me and your future is secure. Instead of trying to calculate each and every move of your life you can just abandon yourselves to the joy of fellowship and let me take care of the details. You can laugh and be full of joy and hope because you know the details are in my hands. When you have hard times or struggles you know that all these things will turn out in your favor.
So my loved ones? What will it be? Will you continue to put your hope in events and things or will you learn to rest in me and live by my faith. I have faith in myself and my ability to conform you into the image of Jesus. I gave you a measure of faith to believe in me and my son. You don't have to believe you can fly. You just have to believe you are in the one who can. You don't have to believe that you can heal the sick or raise the dead. You just have to believe the one who can lives in you.
When you put all of your faith in my son and his ability you enter into rest and you hide your life inside of him. Rest in me. Trust in me. Hope in me. I have a glorious journey for you that is full of delight and glory. I can only take you there if you let me drive
This is the end of the words he spoke to me a little while ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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