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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Rest in My Love:Know Who You Are.

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Matthew Chapter Five

14. “You are the light of the world, like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. 15. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. 
16.  In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. "

     As I was reading this today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down some things and share them with all of his children. I was delighted to do so as always, and here are his words.

     He said;
My beloved ones, you believe in me, you believe in my son, you believe in my Spirit. So why don’t you believe in who you are? You are the light of the world. You are the song of heaven. You are the delight of the kingdom. You are precious in our sight and you were chosen to bear our resemblance in the earth. You were baptized into my son and became my children.

      One reason things don’t work so well for you is because you are confused about who you are. You have the world telling you that you are just like them, so you believe it. You have false teachers telling you that you are just sinners with a get out of hell free card that you can use in the end. You believe them also. You have each other viewing and seeing each other after the flesh and not knowing each other in the spirit and you believe what you see with your natural eyes. All of these things are lies.

     It’s time to stop the madness. You are washed in the blood of my son. You are once and for all perfected in Christ. You are the light of the world. You are the city on a hill. You are the hope in your neighborhood. When you deny who you are then you are denying the one from whom you came. You were not born of the will of the flesh but of the will of us. We wanted you and created in you a new heart and made you a new creation. It’s time to believe in you also.

     You can’t let your circumstances determine who you are. They are not a good indicator. Think of this: Once my son was in the wilderness without food or water. Was he still my son? Many times he was walking from town to town without transportation. Was he still my son? He was beaten by soldiers and nailed to a cross like a criminal. Was he still my son? Those around him looked at his circumstances and said “if you be God’s son then get yourself down from there.”His circumstances didn’t change who he was. He knew he was my son.

     Now consider my apostles: They had bad days and were locked in jail and beaten and tortured. Did this stop them from believing they were chosen? No, of course not. But those who call themselves preachers would tell you that you are out of my will if you ever have a bad day or have a season of difficulty. They will say. "What, your car broke down? You must have sin in your life." How ridiculous. It’s time to know the truth.

     So let me tell you who you are to me. I already told you these things through my apostles but you didn’t listen. You are righteous because you are in my son. You are holy because you believed the testimony I gave of him. You are my beloved that I sent him to rescue. You are the delight of our heart. You are the reason we made heaven and earth. You are the purpose and the plan and you are called, chosen, sanctified, justified and glorified. This is who you are. You are the children of God and that is why your enemy tries so hard to make you forget who you are.

     It is time to settle it in your hearts once and for all. You will have great days, good days, not so good days and awful days. In all these days you are my child. You will have great success, mild success, average success and total failure in some moments in your life, but you are my child. You will fly, you will fall, you will get up and fall again but you are my child and I will be there with you to pick you up each time you stumble. You will never face more than you can handle because I am with you and in you. You are my home and I am your home.

     I love you and I have chosen you and you can’t change my mind. It’s too late. I have already been in love with you forever and I can’t stop. I knew your mistakes before you made them but my son shed his blood to cover them. Struggle is common to all who live on the earth. My son told you that you would have tribulation in the world but to be of good cheer because he overcame the very same world. You will too because he is in you and you are in him. You can overcome by resting in him and knowing who you are.

     Don’t take the persecution of the world personally. They have killed almost everyone ever born into it so far. It’s not just you they hate. But in all these things you are more than a conqueror because you already overcame these things when you believed in my son. His victory became your victory and you win not by struggling but by resting in who you are in us and who we are in you.

     It’s not by might, not by power but by my Spirit. My Spirit is within you telling you that you are my child and comforting you with the truth that you are loved and accepted. The victory that overcomes these things is your faith. Not your faith in changing the situation but your faith that you are in me and your knowing that in every situation I am working all things together for your good.

     Please my loved ones, rest in me. Know that you are my beloved and I am your God. David understood this when he said that I was “his shepherd.” He knew that he wouldn’t lack, not because of his ability, but by knowing that I am the shepherd who takes care of the sheep. He knew that even in the wilderness I would set a table for him and we would dine together.

     It’s the same with my Son. He didn’t turn stones into bread because he knew heaven was preparing a meal for him, even in the barren wilderness. He knew that covenant provision was given by me and not provided by man. In the same way, he broke bread and gave to his disciples because from that moment on he was the covenant provider. He became the bread so that all who hunger can eat.

     Think of these things in all your circumstances. It’s not up to you to find bread in the wilderness. It’s up to you to know that I am cooking something better for you than you could ever find on earth. All you have to do is trust and remember my love for you. Look at the cross and meditate on how much we must love you to pour out such grace on you. The cross was not me pouring out of my punishment. It was me pouring out my love and soaking up all your punishment.

     Please my beloved ones don’t listen to the liars. You are not abandoned. You are not on your own. You are not sinners saved by grace. You are my children purchased from sin by my love and with my son’s blood. You are the light of the world. You bring light into the darkness wherever you go. You are my city set on a hill and all can see that you are mine. You are not forsaken. Your circumstances are so temporary and my love for you is so eternal. Rest in my love and know who you are.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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