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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Love is Calling: Will You Answer?

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

Galatians Chapter Two Verse Twenty

     I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

     As I was meditating on this scripture this morning I heard the voice of my Savior. He spoke to me the following words and asked me to share them with you. He said:

     Beloved ones, do you have any idea how much you are loved? I will answer it for you. No you do not. You haven’t even begun to know the depths of my great love for you. I will reveal it to you if you will listen with your heart and not through your religious filters.

     You were born from our love and birthing you was always for the purpose of our love. Father, Holy Spirit and I loved each other completely but wanted more beings like us to share that love with . So you were born. Are there ever too many people to love? Those of you with children do you only have enough love for one, or will you love the second and third child the same as the first?

     I love each of you and my love is boundless and so are my pleasant thoughts toward you. My thoughts are much higher than your thoughts about you. You think awful things about yourselves and I think heavenly things about you. My ways are higher than your ways. Your way is to condemn yourselves and belittle yourselves and my way is to exalt you to sit with me in heavenly places.

     Religion has told you that I am angry with you but that is a lie. It was not my anger or my Father’s anger that nailed me to a cross. It was the anger of mankind. Mankind was so angry about living in the fallen world that they spilled the blood of God to get even.

     It was never sinners in the hands of an angry God but God in the hands of angry sinners. Love is the reason I allowed you to take out your wrath upon me. I did this so your wrath could be extinguished and your love could grow. I could have chosen to walk away but my love for you would not let me. Have you ever picked up a screaming, angry child and let them scream out their frustrations while you held them in your arms until peace returned?

     So why am I telling you these things? Only by knowing my love can you be free from anything. All my power is based in and used for the purpose of love. I delight in life and not in destruction. All destruction is only to protect those that I love. You must only think of me as love even when you see things that you don’t understand come to pass you must learn to ask yourselves how my love will be manifested in these things.

     Most of you have been corrupted by a baseless faith system. Most of you have been trained to trust words in a book because they are written and not because they were spoken by my love. 

     Religion has taught you that if you keep the rules and you know all the magic phrases then you can move mountains. Do you want to know what kind of faith moves mountains? Faith based on love moves mountains. Only faith that knows that I am love and am always love is powerful. What good is moving a mountain if there is no reason to move it? Love must be the reason for moving it or there will never be enough faith to make it move.

     I came to save you because of my love for you. I took away your sins because of my love for you. I healed your diseases because of my love for you. Yet my church tries to heal the sick to prove they have power. Those who have love power don’t exercise that power for show.

     It is only when you become rooted and grounded in my love for you that you will be filled with the fullness of my love and faith and patience and goodness and kindness and glory. Your faith must become based on my love for you.

     This is what our beloved Paul told you in the verse you read. You live your life by my faith because I loved you and gave myself for you. Faith based on any other reason is a lie. 

     True faith is simple childlike trust. True faith is knowing you are loved and when things are good it’s because you are loved and when troubles come you don’t shrink away in fear because you know you are loved. You are loved if you live or if you die. If you fly or you fall you are still loved. It is only when you become totally convinced of this that you will walk in perfect peace.

     Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of truth. That word is that my Father so loved the world that he gave me to save you. Those who believe my Father is an angry dictator don’t even have a clue who they are speaking of. I came to show you who he was. I demonstrated his character to you. I loved and gave and healed and delivered and those who were trapped in sin I set free with no condemnation.

     It is time for you to check your faith and examine yourselves to see what your faith is based on. If it is not completely based on my love for you then it is built upon sand and will fall with every storm. I want you to be stable and never fearing. I want you to know that when tribulations come you can rest in my love. When the wind blows and the storm rages you can know that your foundation you built your life on is secure.

     There are two things I want you to always consider. First, I love you and have always loved you and will always love you. The second is, I am with you, I have always been with you and I will always be with you.

     I want you to surrender to my love for you. No more hiding how you feel and what you are going through. I know these things. I know when you are sad and I know when you are mad and I know when you are fearful. Stop the madness of trying to pretend that you are Super-Christian. 

     You are my child and you are above anything in this world. Even in your weakness I am your strength. In your failure I am your victory. In you doubt I am your faith. In your hopelessness I am your hope. I am the strength of your life because I love you and I want to be your all. Why do I want to be your all? It is because you are my all.

     On your worst day I was in love with you. When you despise the one you see in the mirror I am delighted in you. When you see yourself as a worm I see you as the stars of heaven. You can’t change my mind. I love you and there is nothing that either of us can do about it. I can’t change who I am. I am love and I can’t be anyone else. You are loved and you can't stop me.

     So lift up your heads and don’t be discouraged. I know all your battles and struggles and know your cares and hurts. I know your worries and your fears and yet all of those things disappear as you give them over to my love. Your pain is no match for my love. Your grief is no match for my love. 

     To those of you who think you have lost loved ones and things and friends: Nothing is lost. All will be restored in time. Even the hairs of your head are numbered and I have collected all the ones you lost so they can be multiplied and restored. There will be a day of restoration when everything and everyone you ever cared for will be restored to you. Behold I make all things new!

     So my loved ones, lift up your heads, look into my eyes and see me smiling at you. I was never angry or disappointed in you not even for a moment. I am ever patient and I know you are learning how to be an eternal being. I will teach you as you go. Yes there will be struggles and days that you want to quit but how do you quit being who you are? In all things I am with you and for you and in love with you.

     Please remember my loved ones, check your faith. Is it based on the fact that I loved you so much that I took away all your mistakes and sins and sickness and disease or is it based on your performance to a bunch of rules of faith that I never gave you? Is it based on the blood of my cross or the power of your memorization of scriptures and your confession? Is it based on my eternal priesthood or on how much money you dropped in the plate last week? Is it based on my Father’s love for you or your obedience to a rule book?

     Remember my loved ones: Laws for the lawless. Love for the righteous ones. Walk in my love and live in my love and rest in my love. You are the object of my great affection. Will you just fall in love with the one who is in love with you and get on with it? Love is calling: Will you answer?

     And this is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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