Proverbs Chapter Three
5. Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
6. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
7. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
8. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.
As I was reading these verses early this morning Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you.
He said:
My beloved children, why do you worry? When will you learn to trust? Why are you anxious about things that you should have put into my hands long ago?
It is time to turn your heart towards me at all times and trust me. I will bring you through the problems you are facing but I need you to trust me. Don’t trust in what the negative report says. Don’t trust a doctor who is practicing when you have a God who is perfect and doesn’t need practice.
I am all you need. I don’t have all that you need; I am all that you need. You have me and you don’t lack. You only lack understanding of the one who lives within you. This is why I said I would meet all your need by my riches in glory by my Son Christ your Lord. He was your only need. You didn’t have needs, you had a need and that need was met. My Son and I are one. You have all and you don’t understand just how much of me you have.
I know you find it difficult not to worry when your body is screaming “I hurt!” and your mind is screaming “we don’t have enough,” but you must not listen to what you see, hear or feel in the natural realm. You live from above and not from below. You live from within and not from without.
I am in no way limited to the natural realm. Your healing doesn’t come from the outside it comes from the inside. Your provision isn’t born in anything or anyone outside. It comes from within you where I dwell. I am your supply, I am your healer, I am your provider, I am all the “Am’s” you could ever need!
There is a great heaven inside you that you haven’t explored yet. You set your eyes upon the things in the natural world and in the physical realm when all the time within you is the kingdom. Your are in the kingdom yet you spend all your time at the gate peeping through the peepholes called your eyes and you never look inward to explore all that is inside.
In me you live and move and have your being. All things exist inside of me and I fill all things and places. All of heaven and earth is inside me and I am inside you. I know it’s hard for one who has been taught to always look outside but there is all that you need already within you and you don’t even know it.
My beloved one, heaven is inside you. I dwell within your heart because your heart is like heaven to me. Heaven’s doorway is within you and all you have to do to fellowship with me is to look within. We can fellowship and dance and sing together and this fellowship can go on at all times because it’s inside you. You are my secret place and I am yours.
I tell you these things because I want you to have peace. My peace I give to you not as the world gives. The world can only give from the outside. I can give to you from inside. You can have peace within no matter what you see on the outside. I long for you to choose peace and to dwell in safety. You must choose to abide in the secret place. You do this each time you choose trust instead of worry and when you are filled with laughter and not anxiety. Worry is evil, turn away from it and be well and whole.
Just imagine if your own children treated you like you treat me. What if they were always asking you “are you sure we are going to have enough food?” “Are you sure you are going to be able to clothe me and provide me a bed to sleep in?”
Oh my sweet beloved children, when will you learn to trust and not worry? When will you finally see that I had a plan for your life and you can trust the plan and succeed or you can wiggle around in your own plan and struggle?
I am all that you need. I met your needs before you were born when you were chosen in my Son before the foundation of the world. You were loved and provided for long before you came to earth. I gave you myself so that you could never lack.
I am your hope, I am your faith, I am your healer, I am your prosperity, I am your peace. I am your life; I am your all, if only you will choose to let me be all that and more. You will never face a situation in life that I have not considered and you will never face a question for which I am not the answer.
I love you with everlasting, passionate, fiery love and I long for you to feel the same for me. I don’t want my beloved ones to live in fear and worry. I long for you to enter into rest. I am your rest. The only labor you have is to lock the world on the outside and live with me on the inside. You can choose to worry and fear and live in torment or you can choose Trust. Choose to trust me. Put aside your worries and choose trust.
Do you want fear or do you want me? Do you want worry or do you want me? Please trust me my beloved. Trust the one who gave you all when I gave you myself. You don’t have to live in fear and doubt; you can live in me as I live in you.
I love you with everlasting, passionate, fiery love and I long for you to feel the same for me. I don’t want my beloved ones to live in fear and worry. I long for you to enter into rest. I am your rest. The only labor you have is to lock the world on the outside and live with me on the inside. You can choose to worry and fear and live in torment or you can choose Trust. Choose to trust me. Put aside your worries and choose trust.
Do you want fear or do you want me? Do you want worry or do you want me? Please trust me my beloved. Trust the one who gave you all when I gave you myself. You don’t have to live in fear and doubt; you can live in me as I live in you.
Trust in me and don’t lean on you understanding. The understanding of the mind leads to worry and doubt. I want you to lean on my love. Please turn from the evils of worry and trust me. You are my delight and I will always be all that you need. Once again my beloved ones: Choose trust: Choose me.
This is the end of the words He spoke to me early this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow rich in his grace,
I love you all,
This is the end of the words He spoke to me early this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow rich in his grace,
I love you all,
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