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Thursday, February 7, 2019

It Is Time To Wake Up!

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My sweet beloved ones: Do you have any idea how much you are adored? You are our delight and our great joy. All of heaven is thrilled over you. We rejoice over you always.

     I send you these words because I want you to know how much you are loved and I want to encourage you to awaken to who you are. As you begin to experience my love your roots will grow deeper and deeper into my love and you will be well nourished by my love. As you become nourished with my love you will begin to flow in the power of heaven and will begin to put earth into order, just like heaven.

     You will be filled with my fullness. You have all of me now but you are not aware of what or whom you possess. You are the temple of my Spirit and all of my Spirit dwells within you. You are only limited by your mind. There are actually no limits for you. This is why even before the cross and the resurrection my Son told you to ask whatever you will and it will be done. Since the resurrection all things have been given into your hands. You no longer even have to ask. You just have to insist that earth be like heaven.

     Jesus was the first born among many brethren. As He is, so are you in the world. He went about doing good healing all who were oppressed by the devil. He knew I was with him. He knew he didn’t even have to ask. He just went about putting things in order. He understood our “oneness” and soon you will also realize how complete you already are. He told you that I did the works in him. It is the same with you.

This is where my church is missing it. You go from this person to that person trying to get something you already have. You are not lacking anything but knowledge of who you are. Once again I say to you “as He is so are you in the world.” You are my ambassadors with full power to put things in order. It is time to know who you are and how much you are loved.

     So why is it so important to know how much you are loved? It is because until you understand my love for you then you can’t understand my love for others. When you realize how much you are loved you will truly love your neighbor as your own self. A true child of mine displays my love. I so loved the world I gave my Son. Once you feel my heart for you and for others you will understand my great desire for earth to be just like heaven.

     Just imagine if half of everyone you love was in a wonderful place full of life and joy and fun and the other half was in a miserable place with disease and pain and depression. What would you do? I will not be satisfied until earth is just like heaven. My will is going to be done on earth as in heaven. The only question is will you be the generation that will awaken and do it?

     As long as you believe you are lacking then you will live powerless. When you awaken to the truth you will walk in all the authority of heaven. It’s time to throw out the lies. You are not a fallen man living in a fallen world. You are sleepy people trying to wake up while the world sings you lullabies to put you back to sleep. They try to keep your eyes on everything except the God who lives inside you. The whole point is to keep you focused on the lies so you won’t see the truth. It is not something outside you that you need to see. It’s Christ in you, the hope of Glory. All of heaven is waiting for you to realize that the glory of heaven is already inside you, and for the heaven that fills you to flow from you and fill the earth.

     My beloved ones, how long will you sleep? I told Jesus to sit at my right hand until I make his enemies his footstool. I will do this through you. He can’t come back until you put things in order. He is patiently waiting for all of you to wake up and defeat hate, and poverty and sickness and even death.

     When you get all this accomplished then earth and heaven will be one again. This was the great commission. Go into the world and heal the sick, raise the dead and make disciples of the nations. He didn’t say hide in a cave and wait for rapture. 

     There is coming a day when even physical death will be done away with. Why would we tell you to raise the dead if being dead was the plan? Yes, I hear many say but it was appointed to man once to die and then the judgment. If one died for all then all died, so you must see death as something from the past and not from the future. You were crucified with Christ. You died already and his resurrection is your resurrection.

     The first Adam ate from the tree of knowing good and evil and died. Jesus told you that if you eat his flesh and drink his blood you will have life. My son is the tree of life. You have passed from death to life. You are already alive forever. There will be a people who put an end to physical death because they will be so full of the life inside that even the physical body will be transfigured. This is what my Son modeled for you. He said “no one takes my life, I lay it down freely.” He was indestructible. Even after being beaten and crucified he had to forcefully send his Spirit out of his body so his body would die. He gave up his Spirit; no one took it from him.

     I know many of you are not ready to hear these things. You say death is natural and no one can defeat it, yet you take all sorts of medicine to stay alive. What do you really believe? If it is such a certainty then why are you fighting it? Even your natural mind and bodies know that sickness and disease and death are just wrong. There should not be anything on earth that is not in heaven. I am planting these words in your hearts as seeds. One day there will be a great harvest.

     My beloved, what will it take to wake you up to the fact that you are the sons and daughters of the Most High? What will it take for you to believe that you are the beloved ones that my Son came to awaken from the dead? Will you hear my words of love and awaken to love? Will you turn off the world and listen to the voice in your heart telling you that these things are truth?

     Please wake up and know who you are. Come out of the darkness called religion and fellowship with me in the light. I long to walk in you and live in you and be your God. You are my people and I dwell in you but I can’t get you to fellowship with me inside because you think I’m far away. Turn off the noise of the world and listen to my still small voice in your heart. I know your thoughts and your inner emotions. Speak to me in your thoughts. I hear you. I hear your whispers, your thoughts, your sighs and your tears are like shouts to me. Your heart is my palace and I love living inside you. You are heaven on earth and I live inside you because I love you with all that I am.

     Will you do this for me my loved ones? Will you wake up? Will you arise and shine for your light already came and has been with you all this time? You are my holy temple. You are the treasure in the field. I loved you and bought the whole world so I could have you.

     You are made in my image and in my likeness. Do you know what that means? It means if I look in mirror I can’t tell if it is me or you I am seeing. It is both because we are one. We are no longer two separate beings. We are one. On earth people see me in you. In heaven people see you in me. Your loved ones who are in heaven come and gaze into my heart so they can see you.

     Please hear me my loved ones. Don’t keep searching for what you already have. You have me. What more do you need? Put your roots down deep into my love and let my love and saving power flow though you. You have all you need. You are not lacking. You have what you need because of who you are. You were born my child and you already possess all things.

     It is time to wake up now and then awaken the others. The earth was given into your hands. It is time to wake up and put it in order. Drive out the lies and tell all others that you meet that I am in love with them and I have taken away the sins of the world. They don’t need to run from me for I am not angry with them. I am in love with them and calling them to come to my love.

     It is my will that all would be saved and no one would perish. Tell them to crawl out of the pigpen called the world and come home to me. Tell them there is a robe, a ring and a feast awaiting them. There will be music and dancing as the angels rejoice over their homecoming. Remember my beloved: The lost sheep and the found sheep are all my sheep.

     No more sleeping my loved ones, it is time to wake up.

     And this is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

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