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Thursday, April 25, 2019

To Die For

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

John Chapter Fifteen

5. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

Matthew Chapter Eighteen

1.  At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2. And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 
3. and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 
4.  “Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

     I woke up this morning with these scriptures running through my heart. As I listened to them over and over My Savior spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My loved ones: I know the odds. I know they tell you it’s a long shot. I know they tell some of you there is no help or no hope. I am your shot. I am your hope. I am your healer. I am your deliverer and your resurrection. I am your life and you truth and your way.

     By yourself it seems hopeless. But you are not by yourself. You have never been alone and will never be alone. I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. I formed you there and have loved you from long before the world began. You were in me before creation.

     I tell you this to strengthen your understanding of my love. The problems you are facing today were not caused by me. I don’t want you to blame yourself either. I just want you to know that I am your answer. Lean into me and hide yourself in me. I am your hiding place. I am your strong rock and tower. You don’t have to face even the smallest difficulty alone.

     You grow weary trying to carry your burdens. That is why I told you to cast your cares upon me. Let me bear it all. I am unlimited in strength and your burdens and cares don’t burden me. Your biggest problems weigh you down but to me they are no more than a feather in the wind.

     I once carried the weight of sin of the whole world on my shoulders while being beaten and nailed to a cross and yet it still didn’t kill me. I had to lay my life down.

     I am your Almighty, Indestructible, and eternally existent God! I speak not only as myself but for your Father and Holy Spirit also. We are all eternally in love with you and anything that hurts you hurts us. I am touched with your infirmities and I care for you as a loving mother cares for her infant.

     You have time and effort and sweat and tears invested in your problem but I invested my life and my blood in your problem. I took your sins and bore your sickness and carried away all harm. I drew it from you at the cross and I left it in the grave. All I need you to do is to rest in the truth and to trust in me.

     Take your eyes off the problem and put them back on me. I will calm your storm or even part the sea if I need to. Whatever it takes but it will only come as you give it to me and let me bear it. No more trying to figure out how this works or how that works. Just rest and trust in my love for you.

     Your problems don’t disprove my love for you they do the opposite. They challenge my truth. I say “by my stripes you are healed” and that word is planted in your heart and along comes a devil named sickness to root that word out of your heart. That sickness doesn’t care if you live or die it only wants to challenge my truth.

     My truth says “I became poor that you could become rich” and along comes a devil called bills to challenge my truth. First it tells you that you don’t deserve it, then it tells you I didn’t really say that and then when that doesn’t work it tells you that you must do something like give more or do more. 

     I didn’t ask for you help when I saved you and I didn’t ask you for anything when my poverty made you rich. I did it all because you are mine and because I love you. All I need from you is for you to trust me to make these things as true in your world as they are in mine.

     When a child is born the parents don’t say to the child. I hope you brought medicine to keep you well and I hope you have money to give me or I won’t be able to bless you. You better give me back ten percent of your school lunch money or I'll have the school bully beat you up and take it all. No, not at all! The truth is that once that child is born everything you own just became theirs; that is until they have a child.

     My beloved it is my delight to give you the kingdom. I don’t need your help; I don’t need your fuss or worry. What I do need is your cooperation in the joy of my sharing with you. You’re expecting a picnic and I brought a feast!

     You must let go of the picnic mentality. I own all things and I gave them to you as your inheritance. When I overcame death, hell and the grave I inherited the earth and shared it with you. You are co-owner. Do you think I took it for myself? Never! I gladly took it to share with my beloved. I conquered all just so I could bring it home and share it with you.

     Please my loved ones, when you try to earn anything from me you cheapen my gift to you. If you think for one moment that you are blessed because of any work you do or any rule you keep or anything you give then you belittle my blood that was shed for you. It was not your giving that blessed you, it was mine. I gave first and I gave all, I loved first and I love all. The blessing of rain comes on the just and the unjust. Not according to works.

     Religion teaches you to believe you are stuck under the old Covenant. The new covenant was not paid for with the blood of bulls and goats but with my blood that I spilled. When you try to gain anything by the rules of the old covenant you are saying "the blood of a goat is good enough for me." Or you become like the sorcerer who didn’t realize the Spirit came because my blood was shed and assumed it to be so cheap he could buy Spirit with money.

     Remember Cain and Righteous Able? Cain said “let me give the Almighty a portion of my best work. Yet Righteous Able said “let me give the Almighty his most perfect work back to him as an offering of worship. I know he is my shepherd and loves little lambs so I will give him the best. 

     My beloved David called me his Shepherd and waited upon my deliverance instead of taking the kingdom by force. He became King the day he was anointed but waited upon me to put him on the throne.

     My loved ones: you are doing despite to the Spirit of Grace by trying to work your way out of your problems. The New Covenant is All Grace or it’s not the New Covenant! If there was no fault in the old it wouldn’t have had to be replaced. Give in to my loving grace. Can’t I just bless you just because I love you?

     Will you do it my beloved? Will you give in to my loving grace? Will you become humble as a child and say that you can do nothing without me? Will you accept my love as a child accepts a gift from a parent? Will you let me love you and care for you and bear your burdens because of my love or will you be stingy and keep them all to yourself?

     I counted the cost of you and your life before you were born. I knew every diaper you would mess up, every dish you would break and the cost of every wrong road traveled and business mistake you would ever make and I paid these before you were even born.

     I paid in advance for not only you but for the whole world. I was slain from the foundation of the world. The contract was made long before the world began. All this was done in delight because I knew one day we would be inseparable. One day all the ones I love would be with me forever and sin, or death or any powers seen or not seen could never steal you away from me.

     Little ones think on these things. Let my perfect love drive out all you fear. Fear brings torment. Torment brings trouble and sickness. Let my perfect love heal you and prosper you.

     The only way to do that is to accept it as my free gift. Don’t insult my love by trying to pay me back. The only reason you would want to pay me is because you don’t realize that you are the prize that I wanted. You are the treasure in a field. You are the pearl of a great price and you are the delight of me and all of heaven.

     Those of you with children will wake up and understand this first. What are they worth to you? Troubles, warts and all; what would you give for them? Would you give your life? Your blood? If you knew one day on a cross would give eternity with them at your side would you do it? Are you beginning to understand now?

     My dearest ones don’t insult me by bearing your own burdens. Give me your pains, your worries, your broken hearts, your wounded souls, your past due payments and your broken down cars. The only way to know if you have given them to me is to check and see if you are still worried about them. If you are worried then you haven’t trusted me yet.

     I greatly desire your burdens. Your burdens, your hurts, your disease your broken relationships, your broken homes, your late payments; I want them so bad I would die for them. Oh wait. I already did.

     This is the end of the words that he spoke to me this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Friday, April 12, 2019

Struggling to Do Because You Don't Know Who

An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and said:

My son, write down these words and publish them to the ones I love. That means each and every person who has ever been born and ever will be. Tell them these words:

     I am your Father and I have a plan. Do you think I would give you life from my life and breath of my breath and put my heart and my love within you and not have a plan to prosper you and a plan to bring you into my glory?

     Here is the problem. The plan is only in two places. It’s not in the wide world you are searching through. It’s not in some new message you never heard. It is written in heaven in your book and it’s written on the tables of your heart. You are welcome to see it written in both places if you desire. Remember that Paul said you were an epistle. You are a living book.

     When doubt comes you don’t have to listen for even a second. You can be my like my beloved Jesus and can say this: “It is written, I am a child and the beloved of my Father. He has plans to prosper me and to make me whole in every way and to keep me safe and sound. It is written in two places, in his book in heaven and in my heart and I will have nothing less than his best for me.”

     My loved ones, do you know that your success doesn’t depend on you? You can rest. Your success is based on the righteousness of my Christ. Remember that the scripture says to seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added? It says to seek “his righteousness” not your own. It’s not in struggling and trying to obtain your own holiness and righteousness, it is embracing his holiness and righteousness and wrapping yourself in him that matters.

     No more struggling to become something you were never meant to be. So many try to be like this one and that one and never become who I planned for them to be. They were conformed to the image of what society or peer pressure wanted them to be, and haven’t bloomed into the beautiful flower they were intended to be. That’s why you find gifted musicians working in retail and talented business people working for others when they have the gifts and talents to own the business they are working at. People seem to try to separate talents and gifting into physical things when they are spiritual things. When you hear a gifted musician playing or see the work of a great artist or builder you will say “they have a gift.” Do you not know where that gift came from?

     It’s the same in the church. There are people with miracle gifts and healing gifts and speaking gifts and encouraging gifts and people are searching to find what they are when it was already deposited in them. Each has a particular place in the body and are placed there based on need and not reward. Even the gifts that some don’t see. I didn’t give you a liver as a reward. It was necessary for your life. I didn't give you eyes as a reward, they were necessary for your calling.

     So what am I saying my loved ones? Am I just rambling? Of course not. I want you to look inside you and see the book I wrote for your life. I want you to stop worrying that you don’t have a place because you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have a place. You are all just as important as any other. This is why you shouldn’t compare yourselves by yourselves. Your mission is as important as anyone else’s but you don’t see it that way.

     Find your place in the book just as my Son Jesus did. He took the scroll and found the place it was written about who he was and declared “I am here!” “This day this scripture is fulfilled because I am He that it was written about.”

     The whole book of scriptures was written for you but it was all written about him. If he hadn’t seen himself in the book and in his heart he would have read the book and never completed his mission. Your mission is written in your own book and written in your heart. There are parts of your mission written in scripture but this is just the beginning. Jesus fulfilled all the law and all the prophets but you are living epistles still living out what was written on your book in heaven and on your book in your heart.

     Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from my mouth. Sometimes you don’t remember what was written in your book so I whisper it to you. I say “go this way or don’t go that way.” I sometimes use cue cards that flash before your eyes or use other people called the prophetic to remind you of who you are and where you are headed.

     The greatest problem in each of your lives is not knowing who you are and why you are here. Once you truly understand that you are my beloved children. You were always loved and will always be loved then you will settle into peace. 

     It doesn’t matter if you are an apostle or prophet or evangelist. That is what you do. What matters is who you are. You are my children; you are holy, righteous, justified, sanctified, glorified children of the Most High. You are without blame and without fault in my eyes. You are Kings and Priests and you rule on the earth but because you don’t know who you are your kingdom is in chaos because you are not on the throne that was given to you.

     So my loved ones: look inside and see who you are. Ask to see it written in heaven also. I will show it unto you. Inside you is a toolbox full of gifts and abilities that are particular to your calling. You are each equipped. None is left out. The same Spirit that raised my Son from the dead is living inside you. You are without limit and without lack. If only I could convince you of who you are and how gifted you are then you would live out the holiness and righteousness and become the royal child of God that you truly are.

     Please my beloved. Stop trying to learn what to do and spend that time instead learning who you are. Once you truly understand that you are Kings then you will live like a King. Remember the King who was prideful and he became like a beast of the field and ate with the cattle? Was he still the king? Yes but his mind was gone so he didn’t know who he was.

     You have been convinced that you are just lowly sinners saved by grace. The people who convinced you of this are not your friends. You have lived like cattle being herded from one pasture by another by false shepherds who take turns poking and prodding you and laughing about it. It’s time for that to end.

     My loved ones, you are who I said you are and don’t let anyone tell you any different. Do you think we would have spilled my Son’s blood for you if you were worthless? Wake up! Once you know who you are then you will do what you are called to do. Until then you will be struggling to do, because you don’t know who you are. You are my beloved children in whom I am well pleased. Now be who you are and fill my world full of the glory that is within you.

     Don’t forget, nothing can separate you from my love. Your struggles will end when you awaken to your true identity. You are the bride of the King. Do you think the King wants to live in the palace while his bride is in the wilderness of confusion? Awaken to your royal holiness and reign.

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Monday, April 1, 2019

Back To The Future

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Ephesians Chapter One

3. All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.

4.  Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

5. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.

6. So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son.

7. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.

8. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.

9. God has now revealed to us his mysterious plan regarding Christ, a plan to fulfill his own good pleasure.

10. And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ—everything in heaven and on earth.

11. Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan.

     As I was reading these verses today Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My dearest loved ones: It is time to go back to the future. It is time to know who you are and where you came from. You were chosen long before I made the world. I didn’t make you for the world; I made the world for you. It was always my gift to you as an inheritance. It has always been my plan to prosper you and make you a kingdom of glorious kings and priests and to walk with you in the earth as you enjoy dominion over it.

     Little ones, it’s time to understand who you are. You didn’t come into existence because your earthly father and mother were intimate. You were with me long before you came here. Some of you are having dreams and beginning to wake up to your true identity. You were not born by the will of the flesh but by the will of God.

     You are my plan and in me you live and move and have your being. Your bodies came into the physical world by the womb of your mother. I formed you in her womb and put your spirit into your body when you were conceived. I knit you together, spirit to flesh and connected you so well that it’s hard for you to remember you are spirits and not bodies.

     The reason I am telling you this is so you will awaken to who you truly are. Some so called scientists will tell you that you are just a nothing from nowhere descended from an ape. Those who have real intelligence will not fall for this. They see the design behind all things and they know the truth even if they are pressured by their peers to hide it.

     They tell you these things so you won’t know your true identity is in me. You were born of my Spirit and my life. The breath of life that is within you came from me. You are life of my life and heart of my heart and you are destined to rule the world because you are all royalty.

     The truth of who you are has been hidden by those who try to rule over you because they know their time is short. The sons and daughters of the Most High are awakening to their royalty and will soon be ready to inherit all that I have provided.

     As you awaken the call of your heart will arise and you will know your purpose and calling. It really is simple. Anything that doesn’t look like heaven has to be removed and anything that looks like heaven has to be strengthened and multiplied. Darkness will be driven out by light and not by evil. It’s not by might or by power but by my Spirit that this will be done. My Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Truth will make all men free and this is beginning now.

     The reason for the awakening and the upheaval in the natural world is because of the light shining in the spiritual realm. Darkness is terrified of light and darkness goes completely crazy when invaded by light.

     Those who torment the world and cause nations to war with one another will be put to shame and will seek places to hide. They will hide in the rocks and the caves saying “hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne.” 

Do you remember that I promised to make my face shine upon you? It is you they are terrified of. They have built big caverns and enormous cities in dark places so when their time comes they can retreat and avoid the light of truth. What they don’t know is there is not any place to go where I am not. I am all places and no place in heaven or earth is void of my light and my presence.

     It is time to dispel fear taught by the previous generations. This world is not coming to an end. It is coming to a glorious rebirth. It is coming to an awakening that you are my children and you are my beloved.

     Soon my love for you will be in each of you for each other. Wars will cease. Killing will end. Men’s hearts will be changed from hard to tender and love will rule each day. You will no longer see the evil or the wicked ones. No one can resist my love. It is my will that all should be saved and come into the kingdom. Eventually those who hide from me will run to me.

     My children I tell you these things to give you hope. No more hiding waiting for some secret escape. No more fear. Perfect love casts out all fear and my perfect love is invading the earth. No more giving up on people because of their wickedness. Go back to praying for their hearts to change.

     I didn’t build this world for it to be destroyed. I built it as my children’s playground and that is what it will become. There will be a day when the wolf will lie beside the lamb without evil in his heart and the lamb will have no fear for there will be heaven on earth.

     The last enemy defeated will be physical death itself. There is a reason that people fight death as hard as possible and that is because even your physical body knows that death is just wrong. 

     Once men stop eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil then death will be put away. It was already defeated by my Son when He was raised. For those who can hear this; physical death is not certain; it is optional.

     I hear some say "yes but it’s appointed to man once to die" but you all died already. You were crucified with Christ and yet you live. If one died for all then all died. Is this not what my scripture says? 

     What if the only reason people live for seventy or eighty years is because that is all they plan for? You expect to get old and die so that is what you get. As a man believes in his heart so is he. Change your heart, change your belief, and change your life span on earth. Eat only from the tree of life and stop eating the fruit that kills.

     So my loved ones, it’s time to go back to the future. Who you are and will be is who you always were. You were my beloved children chosen long before the world began. It’s who you were, it’s who you are and it’s who you will always be. No more negativity. No more belittling yourselves or others.

     If your child falls in the mud and is covered in dirt is he still your child? If my child fell into the dirt of the world and is covered in it is he still my child? 

     It’s time to see the ones you call lost as not lost but just still sleeping. They don’t understand they were crucified with my Son and raised with him. No one told them the good news yet. The church was supposed to tell them but they couldn’t see past the mud on the outside.

     I reconciled all people unto myself by the blood of my Son. I was in Christ on that cross not counting men’s sins against them. When He cried “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing,” I replied “Yes my Son, I already have forgiven them.”

     So my loved ones go and wake them up. Tell them they are forgiven and tell them their Father waits for them to come home by awakening to who they are. Tell them they were chosen long before the world began. Remind them of who they are and where they came from.

     I am the beginning and the end. You were all chosen in the beginning. Your life came from me and returned to me when you were baptized into my Son at the cross. Now you are in me and I am in you. You are just as chosen now as you were in the beginning. So wake up and remember who you are. You are chosen, blessed, sanctified, justified and glorified. This is who you were and who you are and who you will always be if you will come back to the future.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me at that moment.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time.
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below: