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Friday, April 12, 2019

Struggling to Do Because You Don't Know Who

An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

     As I was praying today Father spoke to me and said:

My son, write down these words and publish them to the ones I love. That means each and every person who has ever been born and ever will be. Tell them these words:

     I am your Father and I have a plan. Do you think I would give you life from my life and breath of my breath and put my heart and my love within you and not have a plan to prosper you and a plan to bring you into my glory?

     Here is the problem. The plan is only in two places. It’s not in the wide world you are searching through. It’s not in some new message you never heard. It is written in heaven in your book and it’s written on the tables of your heart. You are welcome to see it written in both places if you desire. Remember that Paul said you were an epistle. You are a living book.

     When doubt comes you don’t have to listen for even a second. You can be my like my beloved Jesus and can say this: “It is written, I am a child and the beloved of my Father. He has plans to prosper me and to make me whole in every way and to keep me safe and sound. It is written in two places, in his book in heaven and in my heart and I will have nothing less than his best for me.”

     My loved ones, do you know that your success doesn’t depend on you? You can rest. Your success is based on the righteousness of my Christ. Remember that the scripture says to seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added? It says to seek “his righteousness” not your own. It’s not in struggling and trying to obtain your own holiness and righteousness, it is embracing his holiness and righteousness and wrapping yourself in him that matters.

     No more struggling to become something you were never meant to be. So many try to be like this one and that one and never become who I planned for them to be. They were conformed to the image of what society or peer pressure wanted them to be, and haven’t bloomed into the beautiful flower they were intended to be. That’s why you find gifted musicians working in retail and talented business people working for others when they have the gifts and talents to own the business they are working at. People seem to try to separate talents and gifting into physical things when they are spiritual things. When you hear a gifted musician playing or see the work of a great artist or builder you will say “they have a gift.” Do you not know where that gift came from?

     It’s the same in the church. There are people with miracle gifts and healing gifts and speaking gifts and encouraging gifts and people are searching to find what they are when it was already deposited in them. Each has a particular place in the body and are placed there based on need and not reward. Even the gifts that some don’t see. I didn’t give you a liver as a reward. It was necessary for your life. I didn't give you eyes as a reward, they were necessary for your calling.

     So what am I saying my loved ones? Am I just rambling? Of course not. I want you to look inside you and see the book I wrote for your life. I want you to stop worrying that you don’t have a place because you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have a place. You are all just as important as any other. This is why you shouldn’t compare yourselves by yourselves. Your mission is as important as anyone else’s but you don’t see it that way.

     Find your place in the book just as my Son Jesus did. He took the scroll and found the place it was written about who he was and declared “I am here!” “This day this scripture is fulfilled because I am He that it was written about.”

     The whole book of scriptures was written for you but it was all written about him. If he hadn’t seen himself in the book and in his heart he would have read the book and never completed his mission. Your mission is written in your own book and written in your heart. There are parts of your mission written in scripture but this is just the beginning. Jesus fulfilled all the law and all the prophets but you are living epistles still living out what was written on your book in heaven and on your book in your heart.

     Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from my mouth. Sometimes you don’t remember what was written in your book so I whisper it to you. I say “go this way or don’t go that way.” I sometimes use cue cards that flash before your eyes or use other people called the prophetic to remind you of who you are and where you are headed.

     The greatest problem in each of your lives is not knowing who you are and why you are here. Once you truly understand that you are my beloved children. You were always loved and will always be loved then you will settle into peace. 

     It doesn’t matter if you are an apostle or prophet or evangelist. That is what you do. What matters is who you are. You are my children; you are holy, righteous, justified, sanctified, glorified children of the Most High. You are without blame and without fault in my eyes. You are Kings and Priests and you rule on the earth but because you don’t know who you are your kingdom is in chaos because you are not on the throne that was given to you.

     So my loved ones: look inside and see who you are. Ask to see it written in heaven also. I will show it unto you. Inside you is a toolbox full of gifts and abilities that are particular to your calling. You are each equipped. None is left out. The same Spirit that raised my Son from the dead is living inside you. You are without limit and without lack. If only I could convince you of who you are and how gifted you are then you would live out the holiness and righteousness and become the royal child of God that you truly are.

     Please my beloved. Stop trying to learn what to do and spend that time instead learning who you are. Once you truly understand that you are Kings then you will live like a King. Remember the King who was prideful and he became like a beast of the field and ate with the cattle? Was he still the king? Yes but his mind was gone so he didn’t know who he was.

     You have been convinced that you are just lowly sinners saved by grace. The people who convinced you of this are not your friends. You have lived like cattle being herded from one pasture by another by false shepherds who take turns poking and prodding you and laughing about it. It’s time for that to end.

     My loved ones, you are who I said you are and don’t let anyone tell you any different. Do you think we would have spilled my Son’s blood for you if you were worthless? Wake up! Once you know who you are then you will do what you are called to do. Until then you will be struggling to do, because you don’t know who you are. You are my beloved children in whom I am well pleased. Now be who you are and fill my world full of the glory that is within you.

     Don’t forget, nothing can separate you from my love. Your struggles will end when you awaken to your true identity. You are the bride of the King. Do you think the King wants to live in the palace while his bride is in the wilderness of confusion? Awaken to your royal holiness and reign.

     This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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