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Friday, July 26, 2019

Believe in My Love

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

First John Chapter Four

18: There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

Ephesians Chapter One,

3. All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.

God has now revealed to us his mysterious will regarding Christ which is to fulfill his own good plan. And this is the plan: At the right time he will bring everything together under the authority of Christ, everything in heaven and on earth. Furthermore, because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan.

     As I was praying today, Father spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My beloved ones don’t be afraid. There is no reason to fear. I am with you and in you and you are with and in me and we are one and are inseparable. There is none who can divide you from me. There is nothing that can take me from you. We are together forever and we have always been. You will see this if you are fully awake.

     Religion has told you that you were my enemies and separated from me and that you can be separated again if you don’t follow their rules and regulations. This is not true. You have always been with me and will always be with me. You were only lost and separated from me in your minds and in your thinking. Do you remember that in scripture I told you that you were chosen in my beloved Christ before the foundation of the world? So where were you when you were chosen? “In Christ.” Where are you now? “In Christ.” Only in your minds were you ever without me. Only those who identify themselves with Adam are dead in their minds. In the mindset of Adam all men died. In the mindset of Christ all are made alive.

     You have always been mine and never been separated from me. You must really think on this until your mind is retrained to the truth. Why is this so important? It is because as a man believes in his heart so is he. Whatever you believe you will reproduce in your life. Whatever you plant in your heart will come up whether it is good seeds or weeds. If you plant your hearts full of good seeds eventually there will be no room for weeds.

     As you meditate on the truth that we are not two but one your life will become like mine. Everlasting life and abundance of it will begin to manifest itself in your day to day world. You must learn that heaven is inside you and as you treat it like it is you will become aware enough of it to release it into your physical world. The kingdom is not far away. It’s right there in your heart.

     The biggest weed in the garden is fear. Fear that you are alone, fear that you are forsaken, fear that you are limited and will not have enough and all these things manifest in your life because you didn’t guard your garden. You must guard your garden and not let evil things of fear get root in you.

     Think of it this way. Have you ever known someone who was afraid of something that is either too small to hurt them or something that doesn’t even exist? Sometimes you laugh at them but the truth is most of my children have fear in their lives in one way or another and there is nothing to be afraid of.

     If you have these things planted in your heart already there is only one way to get rid of them. You keep planting love in your heart until it drives away all the fear. Meditate on how many times I told you in scripture that nothing can separate you from my love. Think about how much I love you that I would send my only Son for you. Think about how I created eternity just to lavish my love on you forever. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that I have ever felt any different about you.

     Love never fails. It’s the greatest of all. I am love and I am in you and with you and you are loved more than you have ever dreamed. You must lean into my love until you understand your place in my heart.

     I didn’t make it hard. The reason so many religions fail is because they are built on lies about what you have to do to win my love. You have my love and have always had my love. You must build your lives on the foundation of my love for you or you will continue to struggle in life. 

Do you remember when Jesus prayed that I would restore to him the glory we shared from the foundation of the world? Do you remember he said that I loved him from then? My love and my loving kindness is my glory. Until you settle it in your hearts that you have always been my beloved you will not have true faith. Faith works by love. As you come to see yourself as my beloved your faith in me and my love will soar.

     If you think I love you because you did some act or said some prayer then you will always doubt if you did it right or said it right. I was in Christ on the cross reconciling the world unto myself. I didn’t need your help. My beloved Son took away the sins of the whole world by himself. It is true whether you believe it or not but if you don’t believe it you will continue to sin and to be plagued by guilt. These things will keep you from living in your full potential because if you see me as an angry Father and not a loving Father you will run from me and not to me.

     Soon you all will come to know me as the kind, loving Father that I am and you will not listen to religious lies any longer. You will throw that out like the trash that it is. You will come to know my love for you that far surpasses all knowledge and understanding and you will be filled with my fullness. Your life will be full of my life. Your bodies will be filled with my health. Your accounts filled with my wealth. It will truly be heaven on earth.

     This was our plan all along. We planted ourselves within your garden so that we could grow with you and through you. When we said “let us make man in our image and in our likeness” the power to do that was in the command we spoke. The same as when we said “let there be light and light was.” Our life was in our voice and it was in you at your birth. Your birth wasn’t when you came from your earthly Mother’s womb. Your birth was in the dawn of creation. You weren’t made for the world; the world was made for you. You weren’t some random stranger who happened to find me on your way through life. You were my plan all along. You were loved before you arrived, you are loved right here, right now and you are loved throughout eternity.

     So my loved ones: Believe in my love. Lean into it with all you have. Don’t let strangers tell you that some days I’m angry with you and some days I’m happy with you. I am not some moody God with a fiery temper and a quick trigger. My mercy is from everlasting to everlasting and so is my love. You are eternally my beloved ones. As you learn to rest in my love and truly believe with all your heart that you are loved your whole world will be filled with light. All darkness will flee and you won’t be afraid anymore.

     My love never changes but you can choose to experience it and be filled with all that I am or you can reject it and keep living in dead religion. Which will you choose my loved ones? Will you choose the truth that you are loved and will always be loved? I hope you will. My love for you doesn’t change no matter what you choose. I will love you the same if you run from me or to me. The choice is yours to live in the cage of dead religion or in the lap of your loving Father.

     Remember my loved ones: Believe in my love.

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

     For more information please click the links below:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

New Song: You've Always Been Mine

     In Ephesians Chapter One It tells us we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. We were chosen, blessed and loved long before we ever even showed up in this world. 

     As I was meditating on these verses last week the presence of the Lord became so strong I could barely function. Then my loving Savior sang me the chorus to this song and told me to write the rest of it. 
I hope you enjoy it. Just click the link below to hear it.

     Thanks again to all of you for your prayers. It is such an honor and a privilege to share this world with all of you glorious children of Almighty God. Please listen to the words of this song until you get the revelation that is hidden it. Once again, I love you each and every one and I hope you enjoy this song.

Always Been Mine Song

Thursday, July 11, 2019

New Song: Mystery Called You

     Here is a new song I am still working on. It came from an encounter I had with Jesus a few months ago and some of you may have heard the acoustic version. It is still in progress so it may change some yet before being released in a few months.
Be very  blessed and and here is the link to the song: I hope you enjoy.
Mystery Called You

Friday, July 5, 2019

Forget Hate: Embrace Love

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

     As I was praying today Holy Spirit spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. Here are the words of Holy Spirit:

     I am here. I am with you and delighted that you have come to learn today. I love leading you into all the truth. I long for the day when all of our children are fully awake and know the depth of the love we have for you.

     Not even for one moment have we ever been angry with you or disappointed in you. We set out on a process thousands of years ago to make you in our image and our likeness. Without even knowing you are being transformed generation by generation until all come into completeness.

     We are excited to see many in this generation wake up to the truth and begin to walk in the glory that was given to you. You are glorious my children. You are such a delight and so very much loved.

     Revelation is merely an awakening to the truth that was there all the time. As this generation puts off the lies that were sowed into the church for so long there will be great glory released upon the earth. This will be because you will know who you are and you will know why you are here. 

     Jesus was revealed to destroy the works of the devil and that is the same reason you are here. You are the light that was sent into the world to put out the darkness you were sent to. You are our candle that we lit with our own life and Spirit. It’s time to arise and shine for our glory is upon and within you.

     My beloved children: One by one we are removing the lies from your lives. These lies have been like thorns and have hindered your ability to function in the completeness that you are. We are light and anything that is dark or negative is not us. We are not of the darkness but we are of the light. We are not anger or retribution or revenge. We are patience and forgiveness and loving kindness. This is what you are also. I hear many of you say “well this is the same message as always.” Yes it is and it will be preached over and over until you understand just how wonderful you are and how loved you are and how brilliant you are.

     When you were a child and your teacher was teaching you your alphabet did your teacher only say it once and expect you to know it? I tell you these things over and over until you are reprogrammed with the truth. So once again let me tell you the plan:

     For God so loved the world He sent his only begotten Son to save it. We saved it because we love it. We love each and every person who will ever live on it or be born into it. 

     Heaven was complete but the earth was formless and void. We created the light of revelation for you to understand these things. You are here to be co creators with us. You are here to drive out darkness and to set things into the order of truth. You are here to spread love and destroy hate. You are here to spread joy that will destroy gloom. Anyone who spreads gloom is part of the problem and not the solution. Perfect love casts out all fear so anyone who is spreading fear is fighting against love.

     My little ones; don’t be afraid of anything. You are eternally secure. Your security is guaranteed in blood. You were not purchased with silver and gold that has a value that increases or decreases according to supply and demand. You are bought with the blood of the Son of God. There was only One and the value is eternally priceless. So put fear out of your vocabulary. Learn to live in the boldness of truth.

     You are so valuable to us that a price was paid that could never be matched. This made you ours forever with no one to ever be able to challenge your worth. So don’t let doubt tell you that you don’t have value and you are worthless. When the voice speaks that says the world would be better off without you tell that voice to be silent. If you doubt your value then you discount the price that was paid for you. You are the treasure that was hidden in the field so we bought not only the field but the whole world to get you.

     As you begin to understand who you are then you will put away all things that are contrary to the truth of your royalty. Once you truly know you are light then you will not toy with darkness but will destroy it cheerfully. Once you truly realize that you are wrapped inside and out with our righteousness then you will not wallow in the mud of sin again. This is true freedom. You don’t overcome by fighting darkness you overcome by being light.

     Great truth is being revealed and our true nature is becoming visible. Our children are beginning to know us as love and not as anger. As our children embrace this truth then all the things that accompany love will once again flow among the children of love. Miracles and deliverance and manifestations of heaven will once again be among the congregation. These things accompany the preaching of the gospel of peace.

     The reason they have been so limited in the last few years in many churches is because the churches were not preaching the gospel of peace but were preaching the message of an angry God who was bent toward destruction. As truth returns to the messages then the glory of the truth will be manifested among those who hear again.

     Many other churches stopped preaching the gospel of peace and began proclaiming the message of mammon. This also quenched the fire of love that creates the atmosphere of miracles. Just as Paul warned the Galatians there were many false gospels being preached so it has been in many churches. They give you rules and regulations and teach you steps and principles that were not the doctrine of truth. As truth returns to the messages then so will freedom return to the people.

     So rejoice my beloved ones. You are being awakened to the truth that The Almighty God of heaven is in love with you and in love with your enemies. What will you do with this truth? I hope you will spread it in love until everyone is awake and knows of the glorious love and peace that was already purchased for you. Any message that preaches war and hate is not the gospel of peace.

     This is why you are told to forgive and pray for your enemies and not to curse them. All who call themselves enemies will eventually give in to the one thing that never fails: Love. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of your heavenly Father. Your Father takes no pleasure in destruction but delights in salvation. We are not willing that any should perish but that all would have everlasting life.

     If you kill your enemy he is still your enemy. If you love your enemy until his heart is changed then he has become your friend and your brother. Which is better? Those who call themselves enemies of God are just ignorant of who we are and how much they are loved. The grace that leads unto salvation has appeared and will appear unto all so no one can resist our love forever.

     So please my beloved, think about these things. Think about how much you are loved. Think about how much your enemies are loved. Those who curse you only do so because they don’t really know you. Forgive them with the forgiveness you have received. I don’t keep a list of your sins so please burn the list you have of those who have done you wrong. Repay evil with kindness. Bless those who persecute you and love everything that breathes.

     We are Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are love and you are being conformed into our image so you are love also. You are love in your core being and we will continue to whittle away at the exterior stone that hides your interior light.

     My sweet loved ones let me write this command on your heart. Forget hate and embrace love.

     This is the end of the words spoken to me early this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click the links below: