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Friday, July 5, 2019

Forget Hate: Embrace Love

     An audio version of this message will be available soon at the link below:

     As I was praying today Holy Spirit spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you. Here are the words of Holy Spirit:

     I am here. I am with you and delighted that you have come to learn today. I love leading you into all the truth. I long for the day when all of our children are fully awake and know the depth of the love we have for you.

     Not even for one moment have we ever been angry with you or disappointed in you. We set out on a process thousands of years ago to make you in our image and our likeness. Without even knowing you are being transformed generation by generation until all come into completeness.

     We are excited to see many in this generation wake up to the truth and begin to walk in the glory that was given to you. You are glorious my children. You are such a delight and so very much loved.

     Revelation is merely an awakening to the truth that was there all the time. As this generation puts off the lies that were sowed into the church for so long there will be great glory released upon the earth. This will be because you will know who you are and you will know why you are here. 

     Jesus was revealed to destroy the works of the devil and that is the same reason you are here. You are the light that was sent into the world to put out the darkness you were sent to. You are our candle that we lit with our own life and Spirit. It’s time to arise and shine for our glory is upon and within you.

     My beloved children: One by one we are removing the lies from your lives. These lies have been like thorns and have hindered your ability to function in the completeness that you are. We are light and anything that is dark or negative is not us. We are not of the darkness but we are of the light. We are not anger or retribution or revenge. We are patience and forgiveness and loving kindness. This is what you are also. I hear many of you say “well this is the same message as always.” Yes it is and it will be preached over and over until you understand just how wonderful you are and how loved you are and how brilliant you are.

     When you were a child and your teacher was teaching you your alphabet did your teacher only say it once and expect you to know it? I tell you these things over and over until you are reprogrammed with the truth. So once again let me tell you the plan:

     For God so loved the world He sent his only begotten Son to save it. We saved it because we love it. We love each and every person who will ever live on it or be born into it. 

     Heaven was complete but the earth was formless and void. We created the light of revelation for you to understand these things. You are here to be co creators with us. You are here to drive out darkness and to set things into the order of truth. You are here to spread love and destroy hate. You are here to spread joy that will destroy gloom. Anyone who spreads gloom is part of the problem and not the solution. Perfect love casts out all fear so anyone who is spreading fear is fighting against love.

     My little ones; don’t be afraid of anything. You are eternally secure. Your security is guaranteed in blood. You were not purchased with silver and gold that has a value that increases or decreases according to supply and demand. You are bought with the blood of the Son of God. There was only One and the value is eternally priceless. So put fear out of your vocabulary. Learn to live in the boldness of truth.

     You are so valuable to us that a price was paid that could never be matched. This made you ours forever with no one to ever be able to challenge your worth. So don’t let doubt tell you that you don’t have value and you are worthless. When the voice speaks that says the world would be better off without you tell that voice to be silent. If you doubt your value then you discount the price that was paid for you. You are the treasure that was hidden in the field so we bought not only the field but the whole world to get you.

     As you begin to understand who you are then you will put away all things that are contrary to the truth of your royalty. Once you truly know you are light then you will not toy with darkness but will destroy it cheerfully. Once you truly realize that you are wrapped inside and out with our righteousness then you will not wallow in the mud of sin again. This is true freedom. You don’t overcome by fighting darkness you overcome by being light.

     Great truth is being revealed and our true nature is becoming visible. Our children are beginning to know us as love and not as anger. As our children embrace this truth then all the things that accompany love will once again flow among the children of love. Miracles and deliverance and manifestations of heaven will once again be among the congregation. These things accompany the preaching of the gospel of peace.

     The reason they have been so limited in the last few years in many churches is because the churches were not preaching the gospel of peace but were preaching the message of an angry God who was bent toward destruction. As truth returns to the messages then the glory of the truth will be manifested among those who hear again.

     Many other churches stopped preaching the gospel of peace and began proclaiming the message of mammon. This also quenched the fire of love that creates the atmosphere of miracles. Just as Paul warned the Galatians there were many false gospels being preached so it has been in many churches. They give you rules and regulations and teach you steps and principles that were not the doctrine of truth. As truth returns to the messages then so will freedom return to the people.

     So rejoice my beloved ones. You are being awakened to the truth that The Almighty God of heaven is in love with you and in love with your enemies. What will you do with this truth? I hope you will spread it in love until everyone is awake and knows of the glorious love and peace that was already purchased for you. Any message that preaches war and hate is not the gospel of peace.

     This is why you are told to forgive and pray for your enemies and not to curse them. All who call themselves enemies will eventually give in to the one thing that never fails: Love. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of your heavenly Father. Your Father takes no pleasure in destruction but delights in salvation. We are not willing that any should perish but that all would have everlasting life.

     If you kill your enemy he is still your enemy. If you love your enemy until his heart is changed then he has become your friend and your brother. Which is better? Those who call themselves enemies of God are just ignorant of who we are and how much they are loved. The grace that leads unto salvation has appeared and will appear unto all so no one can resist our love forever.

     So please my beloved, think about these things. Think about how much you are loved. Think about how much your enemies are loved. Those who curse you only do so because they don’t really know you. Forgive them with the forgiveness you have received. I don’t keep a list of your sins so please burn the list you have of those who have done you wrong. Repay evil with kindness. Bless those who persecute you and love everything that breathes.

     We are Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are love and you are being conformed into our image so you are love also. You are love in your core being and we will continue to whittle away at the exterior stone that hides your interior light.

     My sweet loved ones let me write this command on your heart. Forget hate and embrace love.

     This is the end of the words spoken to me early this morning.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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