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Second Corinthians Chapter Five
Second Corinthians Chapter Five
New Living Translation
Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life.He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.
So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him.
For GOD WAS IN CHRIST, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them.
And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.
While praying today Father spoke to me and said:
My son, write down these words and publish them to my loved ones: He said:
Little children, it’s time to dust off your dreams. Many of you dreamed for a long time but have given up because you think they would never come to pass. I am restoring faith unto my children and what you have tried and failed to do in the past will flourish in this new season.
So what is this season? It’s the season of restoring the true gospel to my children. The gospel is not about an angry God who will destroy all who disobey him. The gospel is about a loving Father who loves his children so much that he entered into death to bring them out.
I was in my Son on that cross reconciling the world unto myself. Holy Spirit was there too. While Jesus was on that cross we were all present. He was not forsaken. I didn’t turn my back on him. This is another one of those misinterpreted scriptures that cause your hearts to doubt and cause your faith to be broken.
How could I promise to never leave you and never forsake you if I forsook my own Son? When Jesus cried “Why have you forsaken me” he was not forsaken. He was quoting the Psalmist so that all those who heard him would realize that the Psalm he was quoting was being fulfilled right there and right then. He was never forsaken. Yes, he became sin in your place but did he stop being sin when in the tomb?
Think about it: If I turned my back on him then how did he get raised from the dead? Have you not read what you call Second Corinthians Chapter Five verse nineteen where it says “I was in Christ reconciling the world unto myself not counting men’s sins against them? Reconsider all the lies you have learned and throw them out.
In this new season my love is going to spring up from the midst of my people. So many of you are learning the truth about my love and as your confidence in my love grows your faith in me will become indestructible. Soon you will know that miracles and wonders and blessings are not my acts. They are part of my character. I am healing: I am blessing: I am might and power and blessing and glory and any other great thing you could ever imagine. The more you awaken to the truth that I don’t just love you but I AM love to you the more your faith will flourish.
My loved ones, if you need healing. I AM healing! If you need prosperity I AM prosperity! If you need restoration then I AM Restoration. You shouldn’t separate what I do from who I am.
I am releasing many revelations to my people that religion has blinded you to for years. These will change life as you know it. If you are willing to let go of the lies you will see my goodness fill the earth.
Most in my church are trying to obtain what was in the early years of the church. We are way past there now. They were and are the foundation and you are part of the roof. That was the trunk and you are in the branches of the tree. There is power and glory awaiting you that the early apostles longed to see and you will see it if you are willing to learn.
The same problem that stifled the dreams of some in the early church is doing the same to your dreams today. The early church struggled with the mixed message. You were told in scripture that the Judaizers tried to mix the pure grace message with legalism. It’s the same today but now there are many more forms of legalism depending on which denomination you are being ruled by a the time.
My Son came and fulfilled the law and the prophets. He said not a jot or tittle would pass away until all was fulfilled and He fulfilled it and even said “It is finished!” Yet so many of my children today think it’s still in effect and they keep dying with Moses in the wilderness instead of following Jesus into the Promised Land.
Ask any five fellow believers what they have been reading in the last week and three or four will be telling you they are reading the Old Testament. Those of you who are married try that with your spouse. Find your ex girlfriend’s love letters and read them in front of her. See how that works.
My son, write down these words and publish them to my loved ones: He said:
Little children, it’s time to dust off your dreams. Many of you dreamed for a long time but have given up because you think they would never come to pass. I am restoring faith unto my children and what you have tried and failed to do in the past will flourish in this new season.
So what is this season? It’s the season of restoring the true gospel to my children. The gospel is not about an angry God who will destroy all who disobey him. The gospel is about a loving Father who loves his children so much that he entered into death to bring them out.
I was in my Son on that cross reconciling the world unto myself. Holy Spirit was there too. While Jesus was on that cross we were all present. He was not forsaken. I didn’t turn my back on him. This is another one of those misinterpreted scriptures that cause your hearts to doubt and cause your faith to be broken.
How could I promise to never leave you and never forsake you if I forsook my own Son? When Jesus cried “Why have you forsaken me” he was not forsaken. He was quoting the Psalmist so that all those who heard him would realize that the Psalm he was quoting was being fulfilled right there and right then. He was never forsaken. Yes, he became sin in your place but did he stop being sin when in the tomb?
Think about it: If I turned my back on him then how did he get raised from the dead? Have you not read what you call Second Corinthians Chapter Five verse nineteen where it says “I was in Christ reconciling the world unto myself not counting men’s sins against them? Reconsider all the lies you have learned and throw them out.
In this new season my love is going to spring up from the midst of my people. So many of you are learning the truth about my love and as your confidence in my love grows your faith in me will become indestructible. Soon you will know that miracles and wonders and blessings are not my acts. They are part of my character. I am healing: I am blessing: I am might and power and blessing and glory and any other great thing you could ever imagine. The more you awaken to the truth that I don’t just love you but I AM love to you the more your faith will flourish.
My loved ones, if you need healing. I AM healing! If you need prosperity I AM prosperity! If you need restoration then I AM Restoration. You shouldn’t separate what I do from who I am.
I am releasing many revelations to my people that religion has blinded you to for years. These will change life as you know it. If you are willing to let go of the lies you will see my goodness fill the earth.
Most in my church are trying to obtain what was in the early years of the church. We are way past there now. They were and are the foundation and you are part of the roof. That was the trunk and you are in the branches of the tree. There is power and glory awaiting you that the early apostles longed to see and you will see it if you are willing to learn.
The same problem that stifled the dreams of some in the early church is doing the same to your dreams today. The early church struggled with the mixed message. You were told in scripture that the Judaizers tried to mix the pure grace message with legalism. It’s the same today but now there are many more forms of legalism depending on which denomination you are being ruled by a the time.
My Son came and fulfilled the law and the prophets. He said not a jot or tittle would pass away until all was fulfilled and He fulfilled it and even said “It is finished!” Yet so many of my children today think it’s still in effect and they keep dying with Moses in the wilderness instead of following Jesus into the Promised Land.
Ask any five fellow believers what they have been reading in the last week and three or four will be telling you they are reading the Old Testament. Those of you who are married try that with your spouse. Find your ex girlfriend’s love letters and read them in front of her. See how that works.
You are married to Christ; not to Moses. The Old Covenant was made with Israel and the Law was added later. The New Covenant is made with all mankind. Jesus represented all mankind on your behalf and he fulfilled this covenant not with the blood of bulls and goats but with his own blood. The New Covenant is written not on tables of stone, but on the heart of your innermost being.
Moses was faithful in his house but you are the house of Christ. The old covenant had its place. As you may have read in scripture I found fault with that covenant and replaced it. The scriptures are holy but if you try to marry yourself to the old you will never understand the new.
This is what is killing your dreams and your faith. My beloved Paul told you that as long as Moses is read there is a veil over your eyes but the veil is taken away when you look at Christ. So you look at Moses a few days and feel condemned by the law and then you look into the eyes of my Son and feel free and you go back and forth and this is what it means to be double minded. You can’t live in both covenants.
A double minded man doesn’t receive my promises. It’s not that they are not yours already. I have given you all things but as long as you are tossed back and forth you have no stability and your faith falters.
My little ones; make up your mind. I tell you again; You have been baptized into Christ, not into Moses. You didn’t pass through the Red Sea; you passed through the red blood of my Son. You were crucified and laid to rest and you rose again in Christ on the third day. Don’t be like the Galatians who were foolish. They began in Christ and saw miracles and signs and wonders and then tried to go back to rule keeping only to see it all slip away.
It’s time to know that you are forgiven and loved and blessed and it is not because of anything you did. It is all because of what my Son accomplished for you and as you. He came in flesh to represent all mankind just as Adam represented those who were born before Christ. We didn’t ask your permission when my Son was lifted up on that cross he drew you into himself. He took in all your failures, fears, sins and hopelessness and carried it all to the grave and left it.
Sweet loved ones; do you not realize that when you try to establish your own righteousness by keeping rules and the law you are insulting the one who died for you? What you are saying is “I’m sorry Jesus, I know you died for me but that was not enough. I have to keep all these rules and give my money to the priest and I don’t think our Father really believes what you did was enough so I am going to add on all I can to please him.”
My children, do you not know that I have feelings? I sent my Son to suffer and die and take away all your sins and you dishonor him by dismissing his eternal sacrifice and try to establish you own righteousness by keeping the rules of an ancient covenant that was already fulfilled? I know you do this in ignorance but it’s time to see the light and come out of the dark for now you know better.
I tell you these things because you didn’t know that this is what is killing your faith and stopping your dreams. Turn off all those who preach condemnation and hatred. It’s Christ alone and not Christ plus anything else. I am love. I am not condemnation. All of you were baptized into the death of my Son. No one was left out. There is no condemnation in Christ. You are all one and when you condemn any other you condemn yourself. When you bless any other you bless yourself and the one who created you in my image.
The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made you free from that law of sin and death. It’s that same old law that keeps people trapped in their sin habits. Paul told you in his letter to the Corinthians that the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law. Those who live by the Law of Moses can never be free from the sting of death or the power of sin.
That law could only convict you it couldn’t heal you. The law of the Spirit of life fills you with life. It delivers you from your sin habits and heals you from them so you never have to struggle again. The Law of Moses kept you alive to sin and dead unto righteousness. The law of the Spirit of life leaves you dead to sin and alive unto me.
As you see the true gospel is a finished work and enter into the rest of that finished work your dreams will come alive again. The law of the Spirit of Life in my Son brings life to all things within you. As you learn to dwell in this truth every good dream in your heart and mind will come alive and start to bloom.
My little ones, no more feasting on death: When you feed your mind that old dead law you partake of the death within it. Little by little it kills your hopes and dreams, but when you feast on Christ then you come alive. As you put aside the old and feast on the presence of my Son living within you then life swallows up all death until you are completely full of life inside and out. Your communion is with me and My Son and My Spirit. Not with the Old Law that killed everyone including my Son.
Don’t forget that a little leaven will leaven the whole lump. Stay away from those who would ever tell you that it’s Christ plus anything. My Son is the end of the law for righteousness sake. Nothing needs to be added. So steer clear from any condemnation and live in freedom. Bathe yourself in the Spirit of Life and your lives will become full of Righteousness, Peace and Joy and you wont even remember how to sin.
So please my beloved ones. Awaken to the true gospel of love and make plans for your old dreams to come to pass. Dust then off and soak them in the Spirit of life. Speak to them like they are living things because they are.
Don’t just dream your dreams; speak to your dreams, encourage your dreams love your dreams. Treat them like a child and watch them grow. The awakening to the true gospel of love is going to be like rain on a desert. All the things that seemed dead for years are going to bloom again. It doesn’t matter what season it is. Dust off your dreams and Prepare for Eternal Spring!
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,
Moses was faithful in his house but you are the house of Christ. The old covenant had its place. As you may have read in scripture I found fault with that covenant and replaced it. The scriptures are holy but if you try to marry yourself to the old you will never understand the new.
This is what is killing your dreams and your faith. My beloved Paul told you that as long as Moses is read there is a veil over your eyes but the veil is taken away when you look at Christ. So you look at Moses a few days and feel condemned by the law and then you look into the eyes of my Son and feel free and you go back and forth and this is what it means to be double minded. You can’t live in both covenants.
A double minded man doesn’t receive my promises. It’s not that they are not yours already. I have given you all things but as long as you are tossed back and forth you have no stability and your faith falters.
My little ones; make up your mind. I tell you again; You have been baptized into Christ, not into Moses. You didn’t pass through the Red Sea; you passed through the red blood of my Son. You were crucified and laid to rest and you rose again in Christ on the third day. Don’t be like the Galatians who were foolish. They began in Christ and saw miracles and signs and wonders and then tried to go back to rule keeping only to see it all slip away.
It’s time to know that you are forgiven and loved and blessed and it is not because of anything you did. It is all because of what my Son accomplished for you and as you. He came in flesh to represent all mankind just as Adam represented those who were born before Christ. We didn’t ask your permission when my Son was lifted up on that cross he drew you into himself. He took in all your failures, fears, sins and hopelessness and carried it all to the grave and left it.
Sweet loved ones; do you not realize that when you try to establish your own righteousness by keeping rules and the law you are insulting the one who died for you? What you are saying is “I’m sorry Jesus, I know you died for me but that was not enough. I have to keep all these rules and give my money to the priest and I don’t think our Father really believes what you did was enough so I am going to add on all I can to please him.”
My children, do you not know that I have feelings? I sent my Son to suffer and die and take away all your sins and you dishonor him by dismissing his eternal sacrifice and try to establish you own righteousness by keeping the rules of an ancient covenant that was already fulfilled? I know you do this in ignorance but it’s time to see the light and come out of the dark for now you know better.
I tell you these things because you didn’t know that this is what is killing your faith and stopping your dreams. Turn off all those who preach condemnation and hatred. It’s Christ alone and not Christ plus anything else. I am love. I am not condemnation. All of you were baptized into the death of my Son. No one was left out. There is no condemnation in Christ. You are all one and when you condemn any other you condemn yourself. When you bless any other you bless yourself and the one who created you in my image.
The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made you free from that law of sin and death. It’s that same old law that keeps people trapped in their sin habits. Paul told you in his letter to the Corinthians that the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law. Those who live by the Law of Moses can never be free from the sting of death or the power of sin.
That law could only convict you it couldn’t heal you. The law of the Spirit of life fills you with life. It delivers you from your sin habits and heals you from them so you never have to struggle again. The Law of Moses kept you alive to sin and dead unto righteousness. The law of the Spirit of life leaves you dead to sin and alive unto me.
As you see the true gospel is a finished work and enter into the rest of that finished work your dreams will come alive again. The law of the Spirit of Life in my Son brings life to all things within you. As you learn to dwell in this truth every good dream in your heart and mind will come alive and start to bloom.
My little ones, no more feasting on death: When you feed your mind that old dead law you partake of the death within it. Little by little it kills your hopes and dreams, but when you feast on Christ then you come alive. As you put aside the old and feast on the presence of my Son living within you then life swallows up all death until you are completely full of life inside and out. Your communion is with me and My Son and My Spirit. Not with the Old Law that killed everyone including my Son.
Don’t forget that a little leaven will leaven the whole lump. Stay away from those who would ever tell you that it’s Christ plus anything. My Son is the end of the law for righteousness sake. Nothing needs to be added. So steer clear from any condemnation and live in freedom. Bathe yourself in the Spirit of Life and your lives will become full of Righteousness, Peace and Joy and you wont even remember how to sin.
So please my beloved ones. Awaken to the true gospel of love and make plans for your old dreams to come to pass. Dust then off and soak them in the Spirit of life. Speak to them like they are living things because they are.
Don’t just dream your dreams; speak to your dreams, encourage your dreams love your dreams. Treat them like a child and watch them grow. The awakening to the true gospel of love is going to be like rain on a desert. All the things that seemed dead for years are going to bloom again. It doesn’t matter what season it is. Dust off your dreams and Prepare for Eternal Spring!
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,
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