As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to write these words to his beloved ones. That’s you. You are loved and were loved and will be loved throughout eternity. I hope you are encouraged by these words. He said:
My beloved ones: The time for worry and fear has long passed. If you are afraid don’t try to fight the fear; just rest in my love. My love casts all fear out of your world.
Most of religion and the news channels try to make you afraid. Do you know why they do this? They know what they are doing. As is written in Scripture in the book of Job it says: What I always feared has happened to me. What I dreaded has come true.
They understand this process. So when they make you afraid they know the calamity is coming and now they can sell you the drugs and the antidotes to help you with what came upon you. Do you not realize how much money is made from them making you sick and poor and unable to prosper?
So what if you were not afraid of anything? What if you completely surrendered to my love and nothing made you afraid? What if you believed the truth that you have already passed from death to life and you can’t die anymore? What if you believed that I already gave you all things that pertain to life and godliness so you were never afraid of lack again? What if you believed that as my Son is so are you in this world? What if you had heard the true gospel and not the false one that my apostle Paul warned you about?
Most of you never heard the true gospel. You were taught the religious version of what you must do to be saved and what you must do to be blessed. You didn’t hear the truth that you were included from long before the world began. You were chosen and loved and blessed and destined to rule and reign with me not by anything you earn but just because of what my Son accomplished for you and as you.
Jesus said “These and greater works you will do after I go to my Father.” How could you do these works? You were in him from the foundation of the world. What he did, he did with you inside him. He didn’t just come for you, he came as you and now he lives as you. You are dead and your lives are hidden in me. It’s no longer you that live but my beloved Son living as you on the earth. Your mind and will are still attached but the powerful Spirit within you is the Almighty Spirit that can’t perish. You are not separate from me; you are and have always been one with me.
It is far beyond this but think of it this way. You are all different lights but Jesus is the electricity in you all. I breathed into Adam and a body became a living soul. My breath made him alive and animated him. You are not a living soul but a life giving Spirit. You are born of incorruptible seed. The seed is just like the tree it came from. The Spirit within you is my life and it’s the power that created all things.
Here is why things have never seemed to work right. Religion has taught you to pray to a faraway God who will hear your prayers and if you checked all the right boxes you will get what you want. If you prayed enough and studied enough and read your bible enough and you didn’t have even one evil thought in your mind then maybe your prayer would be answered.
This is not the way Jesus lived or prayed. He told you that I was inside him doing the works. He wasn’t looking outside for anyone or anything. He knew the Kingdom was inside and not outside. This is why he told you that when you pray go into your closet and shut the door and pray to your Father in secret and your Father who hears in secret will reward you openly.
This closet is not physical. He meant to go into the place of your heart where the deepest thoughts come from. This is the secret place. This is where I dwell. You are the temple. In olden times they went into a physical temple to pray. This was a type and shadow and not the real. You are the temple and we dwell in you; so if you are praying to anyone or anything on the outside you are praying to an idol.
When you pray, go into your deepest place of meditation. Whisper your prayers or even just think them. I hear your thoughts. This secret prayer will be rewarded openly because what you pray in secret I manifest into the physical realm around you.
All that is required is that you believe that I hear you. Why is the church so conditioned to believing I see every sin and mistake but I don’t hear every prayer? All these lies are being dissolved and soon all will be free.
My little ones: I see every sparrow that falls. I catch them in my hand and welcome them home. Every flower that blooms on earth returns to me when it dies and lives forever in my realm. Nothing is ever lost. I am the life. There is no other life force in the universe. If you have any form of life within you it came from me. All things were created by and for my Son. All things in heaven and earth are mine. I own it all and it was given to my Son and to you as an inheritance. You are the title owner of all things that exist.
So when you pray, you are not asking for something that belongs to me. You are asking for what is yours to be given unto you. Healing belongs to you. Life belongs to you. Wealth belongs to you. All things are yours. Prayer is just making a demand that my will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I have already given you all things so prayer is just taking possession of what is already yours.
Did you notice Jesus didn’t ask that my will be done on earth as in heaven? He didn’t ask. He demanded that it be done for my glory. You were told to make your requests with thanksgiving. Not by asking, but by giving thanks. When Jesus walked up to Lazarus’ tomb he said: “I thank you Father that you always hear me.” He didn’t ask for anything. He knew that the power to raise the dead was already his. He just took possession of it with thanksgiving and then used the power by commanding Lazarus to arise.
The kingdom is so simple that a child can understand it. Only religion could make it hard. A child will play with toys he is given. He understands his parents gave them to him because they love him. They didn’t come by working and praying and fasting and begging. He didn’t buy them. They are his because he is a beloved child.
Once you understand that all things belong to you then you will take possession of whatever you want. My Son came so that you would have life and life more abundantly. If you’re a fisherman this means a better boat and more fish. If you are musician this means better and more instruments. If you are a farmer this means better fields and better equipment.
All things are yours and all you need to do to take possession of them is believe that they were given to you as your inheritance. You don’t have to ask by asking. You ask by giving thanks and knowing they are already yours.
I gave you the desires of your heart. You don’t have desires because you want something. Desires come because you know deep down that you own something that is not present with you. So you desire what is yours to be in your possession.
It’s simple my loved ones: You are my children and I love you dearly. I don’t want you to struggle and strain to do. I want you to rest and relax in who you are and to walk in peace and joy and share all things with each other. I want the whole earth to understand you are one family and to learn to live as a loving family. I am the One Father of whom all the families in heaven and earth are named. You are not separate. We are all one. It’s just that some don’t know they are mine and they think they don’t belong so they live as if they don’t belong. They just need to be awakened.
My dearest ones; rest in my love and know who you are. Love is the reason for all I do. Let my love drive out all fear so that you can live in peace and blessing. Just as it is in heaven let it be so on earth. No one in heaven is afraid. No one in heaven is worried. There is no lack and no sickness and disease in heaven. Perfect love will make earth the same way.
Love each other my beloved and share the love you have with each and everyone you meet. There are no strangers. I am the One God and Father of you all. It is my will that none should perish so consider that no one is lost. Some are awake and some are asleep. Encourage those who are awakened and awaken those that sleep.
Never be afraid. I am with you always. I have never and will never leave you. Rest in my love until all fear is gone and let the heaven with you change all things on the outside. Rest in my love! Let go of fear!
This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,
It’s simple my loved ones: You are my children and I love you dearly. I don’t want you to struggle and strain to do. I want you to rest and relax in who you are and to walk in peace and joy and share all things with each other. I want the whole earth to understand you are one family and to learn to live as a loving family. I am the One Father of whom all the families in heaven and earth are named. You are not separate. We are all one. It’s just that some don’t know they are mine and they think they don’t belong so they live as if they don’t belong. They just need to be awakened.
My dearest ones; rest in my love and know who you are. Love is the reason for all I do. Let my love drive out all fear so that you can live in peace and blessing. Just as it is in heaven let it be so on earth. No one in heaven is afraid. No one in heaven is worried. There is no lack and no sickness and disease in heaven. Perfect love will make earth the same way.
Love each other my beloved and share the love you have with each and everyone you meet. There are no strangers. I am the One God and Father of you all. It is my will that none should perish so consider that no one is lost. Some are awake and some are asleep. Encourage those who are awakened and awaken those that sleep.
Never be afraid. I am with you always. I have never and will never leave you. Rest in my love until all fear is gone and let the heaven with you change all things on the outside. Rest in my love! Let go of fear!
This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,
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