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Saturday, November 16, 2019

I AM and You Are Also

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Exodus 3:14

And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

     I woke up today with this verse dancing in my heart. As I began to dance with it I heard Father’s voice and he asked me to write down these words and share them with you. He said:

     My beloved children: You know who I am, but do you know who you are? You are because I am! I am all you need. I am your source of life, your hope, your faith, your glory, your health, your joy, your prosperity and anything else you could ever dream of.

     I live inside you. I’m not far away. I need you to know that we are already one. We are one because you were born of me. You are my offspring. Your breath is my breath. Your life is my life.

     The reason I tell you these things is because I want to fellowship with you in spirit and in truth. You must step up to the truth of who you are so we can truly fellowship together. As long as you see yourselves as lowly slave creatures and see me as a faraway power who only intervenes when it’s convenient for me then we can never truly walk together.

     Do you remember that my Son told the disciples that they were no longer disciples but friends? Friends are not lower and higher than each other. They consider themselves equal. When I looked at my beloved Son, I said to him, “Thy Throne Oh God is established forever!”

     You are in him. He is in you. He is the firstborn and you are all born in order not by value but just because of my will and what time you would come into the earth as he did. Those of you with children which one do you love more? Your first child, your middle child or your last child? Are you not able to love them all equally?

     Do you see where I am going with this? My Son whom you call Jesus was the first born of all creation. Just because you were born later doesn’t mean that you are less valuable or less loved. It’s time to awaken to understand that you are not human beings. You are sons and daughters of the Most High God living in a body. As you awaken you will learn that even your body is precious to me. I am totally in love with everything about you.

     All of creation is not awaiting the return of my Son. How can he return when he never left you? Did he not say “I am with you always?” This idea of separation is a lie and you must put it away. Christ is in you. I am in him. He is in me. Spirit is in both of us and we are in Spirit. All of us are in you. You must awaken to the truth. Most of my church is waiting for Christ to return. Return from where? Inside you?

     My Son sits at my right hand on the throne. This is inside you. I know it’s hard for the worldly mind to accept but you are in heaven and heaven is in you as we are in you. You are the temple and we love living in you. You are the New Jerusalem. You are the city of God. You are the city that came down from heaven, which is higher consciousness, and came to be our dwelling place.

     You are my child. I sent Christ into the world. I sent you into the world. The only difference is he knew where he came from and he also knew that I lived within him. He told you that it was me in him doing the works. This is the mystery hidden for the ages. Christ in you the hope of Glory. Not some far away heaven that you have to die to go to but an indwelling heaven that you already live in while also visiting the worldly realm.

     Jesus said “Sacrifice and burn offerings you didn’t want but a body you prepared for me.” I don’t want more religion. I didn’t want more bloodshed. I wanted to dwell in you and have you dwell in me. I didn’t come looking for retribution. I came looking for a home. You are my home. Because I am you are also.

     Jesus said “I go to prepare a place for you so that where I AM you can also be.” He didn’t say where he was going. He said “where I am.” He lived in a higher awareness and was aware of being on earth and dwelling in heaven and having heaven dwell in him at the same time.

     The only thing that kept you out of this consciousness was your guilt. Because you made mistakes you thought you didn’t deserve to be in the higher realm. He came to show you that you were already accepted and already beloved. The cross was not because I needed a sacrifice but because you needed a place to kill your guilt. I was in Christ on the cross with my Son along with Holy Spirit. Soaking up all your guilt and your anger and letting you put all the curse of the law on us instead of taking it upon yourselves. This is what family does. It’s what love does. No one took my Son’s life. He laid it down.

     My beloved: I really want you to wake up and walk with me as I walk in you. In me you live and move and have your being. You live in me, I live in you and we can truly fellowship together when you are awakened to the truth that you are mine and we are not Master and slaves but we are a loving Father and beloved children whom I love more than my own life.

     As long as you see yourselves as inferior then we will never be able to have the fun I have prepared for us to enjoy together. I am not an abusive Father. I am a loving Father and it’s time you learned the truth. You won’t find it in religious circles. They will only tell you that you are broken and separated and you are detestable because you made mistakes.

     Those of you with children think about this. Have your children made mistakes? Did you ever consider burning them in hell for eternity because they broke their toys or they spilled milk on the carpet? How about when they got into a wrestling match? Did you send them to time out or send them to hell forever? Religion made me out to be a monster. This no more who I am than it is who you are.

     Throw away all these lies. I love you and there is a cross to prove it. There is also an empty tomb and I rolled away the stone and raised my Son from the dead. The stone symbolized the law that was written on stone that demanded your death. It would have kept you in the tomb of death but we rolled it away. 

     We took your death and your mistakes and received the law’s punishment upon ourselves and we drew you in to us and counted you as crucified along with us so that we could raise you to new life with us also. You are sanctified, justified and glorified. Not will be. You are right now! I am and you are also.

     Wake Up! Wake Up! You are as we are. Does not the scripture say that you are Gods? Does not the scripture say that as Christ is so are you in this world? This is truth. You must never see yourselves as mere mortals again but as beloved children of God who have already inherited eternal life. You can’t die. You are spirit of my spirit. If your spirit is just like my Spirit and we are One Spirit then you can’t die anymore than I can. You can leave your body and live only in the higher realm but you can never die.

     It is time my beloved. Know you are my beloved. Know that I made you in my image and in my likeness not for works but for fellowship. You were made not by being created but by birth. I am not your creator. I am your Father. I birthed you, and you are Spirit from my Spirit. You are my delight and soon you will know how precious you are. Soon you will see yourself as you see me, for that is what I see when I look at you. Awaken my beloved and know. I AM and You are also!

     This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace.
I love you all,

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