Second Corinthians Chapter Five
16. From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
Ephesians Chapter One
3. All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.
Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.
So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.
Colossians Chapter Three
1. If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
First John Chapter Three
1. See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.
As I was praying for each of you today I asked Father if he had anything he wanted to say to you. He told me to be ready to write, so I listened and wrote down the words he wanted to share with you. Here are his words:
My beloved ones; it is time for you all to be awakened to who you really are. You are spirit of my Spirit. You are my beloved and you are not just part of my creation but the reason for all that was created.
Almost all of the problems you face whether physical or mental or financial are all rooted in your false identity. When you truly understand who you are then all these problems will fall away and you know that you are heavenly beings living upon the earth.
It has always been my will for earth to be just like heaven. If it were not so I would have just kept you all in heaven when you were here before I made the world. You were chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before me in my love.
As I was praying for each of you today I asked Father if he had anything he wanted to say to you. He told me to be ready to write, so I listened and wrote down the words he wanted to share with you. Here are his words:
My beloved ones; it is time for you all to be awakened to who you really are. You are spirit of my Spirit. You are my beloved and you are not just part of my creation but the reason for all that was created.
Almost all of the problems you face whether physical or mental or financial are all rooted in your false identity. When you truly understand who you are then all these problems will fall away and you know that you are heavenly beings living upon the earth.
It has always been my will for earth to be just like heaven. If it were not so I would have just kept you all in heaven when you were here before I made the world. You were chosen before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before me in my love.
Heaven is mine but the earth was given unto you. My original plan for you to subdue the earth and rule over it is still in effect. Just because Adam sinned does not mean that my plan changed.
Think of it this way. If you set out to mow your lawn and the mower breaks, it doesn’t mean you let the lawn go wild. You will repair what is broken or replace it and stick with the original plan. Especially if you knew beforehand that the mower was going to break and you already planned its repair in the budget.
I have not abandoned my plan. My plan has always been to bring my children unto glory. Do you remember the prayer that my Son told you to pray? Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven. For thine is the kingdom and power and glory forever. The kingdom comes with power and glory and that is why the earth will be filled with my glory. The kingdom is within you so the glory will come from within you also.
The problem is the same as the beginning. When Adam fell he stopped operating in the heavenly mind and he suddenly became more aware of his lack of clothing than he was in the abundance of my garden.
My Son came and took all that away. He came to restore you to your right mind and identity but religion has once again told you that you were lacking and naked and that you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I am not ashamed of you. My Son is not ashamed to call you his brothers and sisters. Even before he went to the cross he said the ones who did my will were his mother and brother and sister.
My beloved, you must let the earthly mind die and live in the heavenly mind. This is why my Son had power to change anything. He knew who he was. He understood that he was the son of man and yet the Son of God also. He understood that he and I were one and just because he had on a body didn’t mean he was not clothed with my Spirit.
You were told by my beloved Paul to let the same mind that was in Christ also be in you. When you awaken to this mind then your whole world will change. When you learn to think with your heavenly mind then the thoughts of your heart will change and as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Once you realize you are my beloved children you will live as if you are my beloved children.
This is the awakening when you realize you are not lowly earth creatures and just poor sinners saved by my grace. You are saved by my grace but what you are saved from is the idea that you are a poor sinner saved by my grace. The Prodigal son was not called the Prodigal sinner. He was always a son even when eating with the hogs.
You are and have always been my child. You are not a body. You are a spirit that is living an eternal life. Right now that life is living inside a body. If you take the body away you will dwell in a new one but you will not cease to be because you are eternal spirits.
Jesus lived in the higher mind and his body was controlled by the higher mind. He was indestructible. Because his body was infused with spirit it could not be killed. He had to lay his life down because it was not possible for it to be taken from him.
The Apostles lived in this state of spirit infused bodies also. That is why Paul could be beaten to death and yet get up and go back to preaching. The higher mind is not subject to the physical laws of the natural world. This is why my Son could walk on water and disappear and reappear and walk through walls. As soon as you come up to the higher mind then your bodies will be whole and so will everything else in your world.
This is why people struggle with healing. A sick body is not a cause but an effect. Just as fever is not a cause but an effect of a virus or infection. Once you cure the mind then the body will be quickly made whole.
Think of it this way. If you set out to mow your lawn and the mower breaks, it doesn’t mean you let the lawn go wild. You will repair what is broken or replace it and stick with the original plan. Especially if you knew beforehand that the mower was going to break and you already planned its repair in the budget.
I have not abandoned my plan. My plan has always been to bring my children unto glory. Do you remember the prayer that my Son told you to pray? Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven. For thine is the kingdom and power and glory forever. The kingdom comes with power and glory and that is why the earth will be filled with my glory. The kingdom is within you so the glory will come from within you also.
The problem is the same as the beginning. When Adam fell he stopped operating in the heavenly mind and he suddenly became more aware of his lack of clothing than he was in the abundance of my garden.
My Son came and took all that away. He came to restore you to your right mind and identity but religion has once again told you that you were lacking and naked and that you should be ashamed of yourselves.
I am not ashamed of you. My Son is not ashamed to call you his brothers and sisters. Even before he went to the cross he said the ones who did my will were his mother and brother and sister.
My beloved, you must let the earthly mind die and live in the heavenly mind. This is why my Son had power to change anything. He knew who he was. He understood that he was the son of man and yet the Son of God also. He understood that he and I were one and just because he had on a body didn’t mean he was not clothed with my Spirit.
You were told by my beloved Paul to let the same mind that was in Christ also be in you. When you awaken to this mind then your whole world will change. When you learn to think with your heavenly mind then the thoughts of your heart will change and as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Once you realize you are my beloved children you will live as if you are my beloved children.
This is the awakening when you realize you are not lowly earth creatures and just poor sinners saved by my grace. You are saved by my grace but what you are saved from is the idea that you are a poor sinner saved by my grace. The Prodigal son was not called the Prodigal sinner. He was always a son even when eating with the hogs.
You are and have always been my child. You are not a body. You are a spirit that is living an eternal life. Right now that life is living inside a body. If you take the body away you will dwell in a new one but you will not cease to be because you are eternal spirits.
Jesus lived in the higher mind and his body was controlled by the higher mind. He was indestructible. Because his body was infused with spirit it could not be killed. He had to lay his life down because it was not possible for it to be taken from him.
The Apostles lived in this state of spirit infused bodies also. That is why Paul could be beaten to death and yet get up and go back to preaching. The higher mind is not subject to the physical laws of the natural world. This is why my Son could walk on water and disappear and reappear and walk through walls. As soon as you come up to the higher mind then your bodies will be whole and so will everything else in your world.
This is why people struggle with healing. A sick body is not a cause but an effect. Just as fever is not a cause but an effect of a virus or infection. Once you cure the mind then the body will be quickly made whole.
Remember that these things are not caused because you are being judged or punished. These things result from thinking and living in the fallen mind. The wages of sin is death but sin is not a cause but also an effect of forgetting who you are and living like who you are not. Once you really, really know who you are then you will awaken unto your righteousness and will never sin again.
This is why religion has failed you. They treat the symptoms as if they were the cause. It’s like telling a child to stop having fever without treating the cause of the fever. Once you remove the cause then the fever will cease.
My loved ones: Come up higher. Stop believing what you see with your natural eyes and what you hear with your natural ears. Start living from the Spirit and you will see heaven is always with you. You will not see a world of broken people who are full of hate and anger but you will see a world full of the children of God who are asleep to their real identity.
So my loved ones; think with the higher mind, live from the Spirit and not from the natural. You can do this by always asking me to show you the real truth in every event. Remember that we are one so when you look upon another, ask me what I think of them and what I would do to help them.
Do what you see me doing as Jesus did. Don’t use formulas and pray the prayers you have heard other’s pray countless times. I will give you the answer and tell you what to do if you will always ask. I will pray through you and with you because I know the exact need according to my perfect will. My will is for all to know me from the least to the greatest. My will is for you to be as healthy and blessed on earth as you are in heaven.
Remember that you were told that you are my children and when Christ appears you will appear with him in glory. This does not mean you have to wait until one day when Christ returns. It means that when you see every man in Christ and Christ in every man then you will understand that you are already my glorious children. When Christ becomes more real to you than what you see with your eyes then you will appear with him in glory.
You were already sanctified, justified and glorified. You have always been and will always be my beloved children. When you are awake then awaken your brothers and sisters also.
Know no one after the flesh. Start by doing this; when you see another do not greet them by their earthly name. Greet them with “Hello, child of Almighty God clothed in the glory and splendor of your Father!” This is the truth of who you all are. Each of you is my glorious child born of my Spirit and because of my love. You are born because there is a place in my heart that only you could fill. You are uniquely my beloved! Live as my beloved!
This is the end of the words he spoke to me to share with you.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
This is why religion has failed you. They treat the symptoms as if they were the cause. It’s like telling a child to stop having fever without treating the cause of the fever. Once you remove the cause then the fever will cease.
My loved ones: Come up higher. Stop believing what you see with your natural eyes and what you hear with your natural ears. Start living from the Spirit and you will see heaven is always with you. You will not see a world of broken people who are full of hate and anger but you will see a world full of the children of God who are asleep to their real identity.
So my loved ones; think with the higher mind, live from the Spirit and not from the natural. You can do this by always asking me to show you the real truth in every event. Remember that we are one so when you look upon another, ask me what I think of them and what I would do to help them.
Do what you see me doing as Jesus did. Don’t use formulas and pray the prayers you have heard other’s pray countless times. I will give you the answer and tell you what to do if you will always ask. I will pray through you and with you because I know the exact need according to my perfect will. My will is for all to know me from the least to the greatest. My will is for you to be as healthy and blessed on earth as you are in heaven.
Remember that you were told that you are my children and when Christ appears you will appear with him in glory. This does not mean you have to wait until one day when Christ returns. It means that when you see every man in Christ and Christ in every man then you will understand that you are already my glorious children. When Christ becomes more real to you than what you see with your eyes then you will appear with him in glory.
You were already sanctified, justified and glorified. You have always been and will always be my beloved children. When you are awake then awaken your brothers and sisters also.
Know no one after the flesh. Start by doing this; when you see another do not greet them by their earthly name. Greet them with “Hello, child of Almighty God clothed in the glory and splendor of your Father!” This is the truth of who you all are. Each of you is my glorious child born of my Spirit and because of my love. You are born because there is a place in my heart that only you could fill. You are uniquely my beloved! Live as my beloved!
This is the end of the words he spoke to me to share with you.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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