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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Take A Look Inside

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

Michael's Podcast

Proverbs Chapter Three

5. Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.

Isaiah Chapter Twenty Six

4. Trust in the LORD always, 
for the LORD God is the eternal Rock.

    I hear from so many who tell me they are afraid because the world seems to be going crazy. It seems like everything is coming apart at the seams and no one seems to have any answers.

    So in my prayer time today I prayed for each of them and as I was praying Father spoke to me and told me to write down his words and give them to all who will listen. He said:

    My little ones: why are you afraid? Believe in me and believe that I am with you and I am more than with you; I am in you and we are one! 

    Lean on me and not on what you understand or what you see with your eyes. If you watch your television you will believe there is no hope, but you must remember that actors are not just in movies, they are on the newscast also.

    My loved ones; you must know that I have a plan for the earth and no matter what those who disagree with me do they will not stop my plan. 

    My Son came and demonstrated the plan when he brought a revelation of who I am and displayed it to all who saw him. He demonstrated our love when he broke the chains of those in bondage and healed all who were oppressed. He destroyed the power of the devil and made a public spectacle of him. 

    He then told his disciples to heal the sick and raise the dead and cleanse the leper. Do you think we changed our mind? I don’t will to do one thing today and a different thing tomorrow. I am unchangeable and I am the same always and forever. 

    Keep your eyes on the plan and take them off what you see on the television and what you hear on the broadcasts. The plan will not change until there is nothing left that needs changing. I insist that earth be just like heaven. No exceptions. All will be conformed into the image of my Son. 

    My loved ones remember that the gospel is good news. Not gloom and doom and craziness. Do you remember the prayer? Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth just like it is in heaven? What is the Kingdom? The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. The earth will be filled with righteousness, peace and joy until it overflows and just like heaven there will be no more sickness or pain or brokenness.

    I know it’s hard to throw away all the traditions you have been taught about what you call the end times. It’s been hammered into you for most of your lives but a hammered in lie is not the truth.

    I told you in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians that I am gathering all things together in heaven and in earth into one. No exceptions. This is why you see the craziness right now. Darkness if feeling the heat of the Son arising in the hearts of my people. Those in darkness are terrified of you and they are projecting that terror back to you to make you think it’s you who need to be afraid. They know you are waking up to who you are and they will not be able to sustain their lies much longer.

    My loved ones you are in the early days of the greatest awakening ever. It’s the true gospel that is coming alive in my children. Soon you will have no doubt in whom you are dwelling in and will know the one who is dwelling in you. You will know you are my beloved ones and you will know that as my Son Jesus is so are you. Those who know their God will do amazing exploits. Those who know their God dwells within them will be unstoppable.

    So please my beloved ones. Don’t be afraid. I need you to be wide awake and ready to shine. I don’t want you to hide the light within you under bushels of fear and worry. I gave all I had to rescue you from the fallen mind and I need you to trust me that it was enough. 

    You are in the world but you are not empowered by the world but you have heaven’s power within you. You are only subject to those things you allow yourselves to be subjected to. You out rank any being or trouble upon the earth. You are seated with my Son on our throne. You are not below. You are above.

    Heaven dwells within you. Think about that for a moment. I am the Almighty Creator of all things seen and unseen and my home is in you. Please my loved ones spend more time looking inside for the answer instead of outside at the problem. 

    There is only one who doesn’t understand who you are. Heaven knows you are Royalty. The dark minded ones know you are Royalty. The only one who isn’t sure is you. All you will ever need is already within you. Turn off the world and have a look inside. You will love who you see!

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are greatly encouraged by these words!
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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