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Friday, August 7, 2020

What's Showing in Your Head?

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

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Second Corinthians Chapter Ten

I, Paul, myself entreat you, by the meekness and gentleness of Christ. I who am humble when face to face with you, but bold toward you when I am away!

I beg of you that when I am present I may not have to show boldness with such confidence as I count on showing against some who suspect us of walking according to the flesh.

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.

    As I was praying today these scriptures stopped by for a visit in my mind. Sometimes when I am praying for one thing suddenly I am interrupted by what Father really wants to talk about. I listened and he spoke to me and asked me to write down these words and share them with you.

    He said: My beloved ones. There is a war going on. It’s not the fighting in the streets that you see on your news. It’s not the political wars you always see playing out before you. It’s the war inside your own hearts and minds.

    Before you try to fix things in the exterior world you must win the war that is raging inside you. This is the war of words that runs through your mind. You must stop and ask yourself why you think what you think. Do you have a mindset because you were raised that way? Do you have it because some denomination told you to think this and don’t think that?

    My loved ones; in this scripture you were told to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Not the obedience of what your denomination tells you to think. Not to the obedience of what your political party believes.

    This is much easier if you just bring every thought through the truth. You were told to think of things that are pure and lovely and of good report. You were told to set your minds on the things above not the things below. There is a much higher way of thinking which is called the mind of Christ.

    Once you learn to do this there will be peace in your head and in your heart. When you do learn you will immediately recognize the thoughts of the fallen mind  and as the scripture says you will punish those thoughts.

     How do you do that? Imagine the thoughts of fear and doubt and failure and regret as a bully on the schoolyard. What does a bully hate the most? To be ignored, that is what! You cast these thoughts down by recognizing they are there and then don’t see them as important enough to think about. 

    When you have a fearful or dark thought don’t give it any time to linger. Just say “you are not worthy of the time of a child of God.” As you do this over and over these things will go away and that voice of condemnation will go away. You know the one; the one that says ‘you should have done this, or you should have done that, you shouldn’t have said that. You are always going to fail.” Thoughts like these are not worthy of your time.

    Here is another reason. The way heaven is brought to earth is through you. Jesus told Peter that he didn’t get revelation by man but it came directly from me. He said that on this process which he called "the rock" would be how the church was built. It hasn’t changed; it’s still the way I am building my church: one revelation at a time.

    When you cast down the voice of the fallen mind then you can hear me clearly. The fallen mind will tell you that I don’t speak to you but I speak to all my children each day. Most don’t hear me because they were told they don’t qualify. 

    Let me tell you what qualifies. Are you breathing? If you say yes then you qualify. Let me tell you another secret. Remember the scripture says the day is coming and now is that even the dead will hear my voice? No excuses. Don’t let any thought process of the fallen mind tell you that you are anything except glorious! I think of you always and am speaking to you always. Some times you tune in and hear me and others you ignore me and listen to the fear and torment of the fallen mind.

    Here is another secret. I even speak to all my creation and creatures each day. Did I not bless my creation when it was done and say it was all "Good?" Who sent the fish to Jonah? Who spoke to the fish with money in its mouth and told him to find Peter’s hook? Who spoke to and through the prophet's donkey?

    Do I not know every flower of the field by name and each bird of the air when he falls from the air does his life not return to me? The reason the birds sing is because I sing to them and they sing back. 

    Everything I created has eternal life in it because I am eternal. The only kind of life I have is eternal life. There is no such thing as a temporary life force. I know this blows away what you were taught by false religion but why would I create something I love and not make it so I could love it forever?

    You are my eternal sons and daughters and all of the creation I love is waiting you to awaken to the truth so creation can serve and fellowship with you as it does with me. This awakening begins in your hearts and minds.

    This is the great awakening that is happening right now. People are casting off the chains of false religion and finding out that freedom is a person. They see the beauty of my creation though the eyes of a loving Father and not through the eyes of an angry God.

    You who are parents think of it this way. Imagine building a beautiful house for your children and as soon as they learn to love it and enjoy it you burn it down. Only a monster would do that. Because false religion told you that fire was coming to burn it all up you don’t see any need to care for it. 

    False religion doesn’t know that the fire that is coming is for the religious mindset of anger and punishment. That is what is being burned. The world itself is not evil. The people themselves aren’t evil. The systems that control and enslave the people and the world are evil and will face the refining fire. These systems live in the minds of men. It's not men that need casting down, it's the fallen mindset that must die.

    This is why you must win the war in your head. You must put every thought through the refining fire of my love. When a thought comes ask yourself does this thought agree with the Father who loves me, with the Son who gave himself for me because of love and the Spirit who dwells in me because He loves me too much to live anywhere else?

    This will end the war in your hearts and your heads and you can rest in my love and my provision. Your mind is not evil. Your mind is like a theatre which has a projector that can project wonderful love filled movies or can project horror movies which portray you as the victim every time. You control the projector as long as you choose. If you don’t choose then any thought that comes along can show you misery continually. 

    Throw out the bad movies. Imagine only the truth of how much you are dearly loved and treasured. I gave you the projector to use and it’s your choice what is viewed there. Just remember whatever you keep showing there will fall down into the garden of your heart and will grow up in the world around you. My children you are loved so deeply but I must ask you a question. What is showing in your head?

    This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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