michael's podcast
As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish for all of his children to hear. I was delighted to do so and here are his words.
My beloved ones, I know you are weary but you don’t have to be. I know why you are weary also. It is still because you are listening to the wrong voice. You are listening to the voice of fear and not the voice of faith.
Man shall not live by bread alone but shall live by every word that proceeds from my mouth. If you don’t take time each day to settle yourselves in rest and listen to my voice of peace then frustration sets in. You must take time to listen to my words of love and peace and safety and stop buying what the fear mongers are selling you.
My little ones; I know all things from the beginning. Do you really think there is anything in anyone’s heart that I don’t know about? Do you think those who try to ensnare you are doing something I don’t know about? Have some faith in me. I told you that all things work together for good because you love me and you were called according to my purpose.
You have nothing to fear. Have you forgotten what Rock you were hewed from? You do realize that you are not human don’t you? You are not a physical being trying to have a spiritual encounter. You are spiritual beings encountering things in the fleshly world. Don’t forget where you come from and don’t forget who you are.
If you stay tuned in to heaven then you will not be affected by the bad news all around you. If my disciples could rejoice while chained in prison then can’t you rejoice in this small difficulty you face? You say, “It is not small to me.” Yet to me all things are small. If death could not stop my Son from his mission then what can stop you from yours?
I know I keep telling you these same answers but you are not listening. You tune into me for a few moments and then go check the news to see if what I am saying is coming to pass.
Did I not tell you that the kingdom does not come with observation? What does this mean? It means that your constant attention to see what is happening in the world will not bring forth the power of my kingdom. The kingdom is within you, so if you set your focus within where I dwell, then while you observe me your outer world will change. You are changed from glory to glory by beholding my Son within you and not from observing world events.
My little ones: give me your cares and worries and get some rest. I told you over and over that your world is going to change for the better. My plan will never change. I will turn earth into heaven. These events are not political they are based in spirit and truth. You were told that the kingdom would begin as a small seed and would grow into the biggest tree in the garden. Trust in my truth.
There is a great awakening coming that is coming on a personal level. Jesus is the light that lights EVERY man that comes into the world. Soon all will awaken to the light within them and the darkness will no longer be found. Those who tried to control you will love you and care for you instead. Those who wanted you dead will fight with all their might to keep you alive. This is a spiritual awakening that is coming so you don’t have to focus on world events to see it.
Here is the problem. My church is confused. They don’t know what day it is. They think that events already passed are still waiting to come to pass. The book they use to justify this was written to seven specific churches and the events therein pertained to them and their day.
As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish for all of his children to hear. I was delighted to do so and here are his words.
My beloved ones, I know you are weary but you don’t have to be. I know why you are weary also. It is still because you are listening to the wrong voice. You are listening to the voice of fear and not the voice of faith.
Man shall not live by bread alone but shall live by every word that proceeds from my mouth. If you don’t take time each day to settle yourselves in rest and listen to my voice of peace then frustration sets in. You must take time to listen to my words of love and peace and safety and stop buying what the fear mongers are selling you.
My little ones; I know all things from the beginning. Do you really think there is anything in anyone’s heart that I don’t know about? Do you think those who try to ensnare you are doing something I don’t know about? Have some faith in me. I told you that all things work together for good because you love me and you were called according to my purpose.
You have nothing to fear. Have you forgotten what Rock you were hewed from? You do realize that you are not human don’t you? You are not a physical being trying to have a spiritual encounter. You are spiritual beings encountering things in the fleshly world. Don’t forget where you come from and don’t forget who you are.
If you stay tuned in to heaven then you will not be affected by the bad news all around you. If my disciples could rejoice while chained in prison then can’t you rejoice in this small difficulty you face? You say, “It is not small to me.” Yet to me all things are small. If death could not stop my Son from his mission then what can stop you from yours?
I know I keep telling you these same answers but you are not listening. You tune into me for a few moments and then go check the news to see if what I am saying is coming to pass.
Did I not tell you that the kingdom does not come with observation? What does this mean? It means that your constant attention to see what is happening in the world will not bring forth the power of my kingdom. The kingdom is within you, so if you set your focus within where I dwell, then while you observe me your outer world will change. You are changed from glory to glory by beholding my Son within you and not from observing world events.
My little ones: give me your cares and worries and get some rest. I told you over and over that your world is going to change for the better. My plan will never change. I will turn earth into heaven. These events are not political they are based in spirit and truth. You were told that the kingdom would begin as a small seed and would grow into the biggest tree in the garden. Trust in my truth.
There is a great awakening coming that is coming on a personal level. Jesus is the light that lights EVERY man that comes into the world. Soon all will awaken to the light within them and the darkness will no longer be found. Those who tried to control you will love you and care for you instead. Those who wanted you dead will fight with all their might to keep you alive. This is a spiritual awakening that is coming so you don’t have to focus on world events to see it.
Here is the problem. My church is confused. They don’t know what day it is. They think that events already passed are still waiting to come to pass. The book they use to justify this was written to seven specific churches and the events therein pertained to them and their day.
I told Daniel to seal up his book because it wasn’t for his time. I told John to deliver his book immediately because the time was at hand. This alone should straighten out your timeline.
You are not waiting on an antichrist, you are not waiting on events to unfold but need the revelation that the Son of God and the fullness of God are within you already. You are not waiting on a day because my Son is the day and will always be the day. He is the light of the world also known as the Day.
My little ones it’s time to wake up to the fact that you are sons and daughters of the Most High God. You are not under circumstances. You are above all circumstances. You are seated in heavenly authority above all principalities and powers. There is none above you. How do you “pull down” what is below you? Wake up and smell the truth. What you are waiting on is you.
You are the city on a hill. You are the light of the world. As you begin to gaze into the glory that is within you then you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Your mind will be re-newed. This means it will be put back to where it was before the world began. You will understand my plan and will be totally awakened to who you are and why you are here. Never again will you see yourselves under anyone or anything.
Once again my loved ones: Look at the light. Look inside. You are the temple where I dwell. All the answers you seek are already within you. I freely gave you all things to enjoy. I did this already and the only thing keeping you from enjoying them is you believe they have to come and you don’t believe they have already come.
You are not asking me to give you anything. You are receiving what was already given. This is why you were told to make your requests known with thanksgiving. When you pray you are not asking me for something but thanking me that it’s already yours. I gave you all things that pertain to life and godliness. You have all you need to reign in life.
So put aside your fears and take possession of what you were given. All you need is within you but you won’t know what is within you if you keep looking outside instead of inside. A good man from the good treasure of his own heart brings out things new and old. What does this mean? You have new treasures or revelations you just learned and you have old ones that you learned long ago but just now remembered.
Think on this. My fullness dwelt bodily in my Son. My Son and I and Holy Spirit all dwell in fullness in you. What more could you need. We made you one with us but as long as you see yourselves as inferior then that is what you will experience because as a man thinks in his heart so is he.
He that is joined to the Lord is “ONE” Spirit. As long as you see yourselves separated from us then you will be ineffective. The prodigal son was only lost in his own thinking. His struggles did not change his Father’s opinion of him. You are my children and no matter what troubles you got yourselves into you are still my children and still have the inheritance you always had.
Think on these things written in Psalm 82:
I say, ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most High.
But you will die like mere mortals and fall like every other ruler.
If you believe you are just human not born of me then you will experience that reality. If you will wake up and know that you are all gods from God then you will live in harmony with all the heavenly council and will begin to rule over the earth as you were meant to. My son Jesus told you that he and I were one. He didn’t see any separation and he was empowered to do things just as me. "ONE" is the truth and two is a lie. Will you believe the truth?
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
My little ones it’s time to wake up to the fact that you are sons and daughters of the Most High God. You are not under circumstances. You are above all circumstances. You are seated in heavenly authority above all principalities and powers. There is none above you. How do you “pull down” what is below you? Wake up and smell the truth. What you are waiting on is you.
You are the city on a hill. You are the light of the world. As you begin to gaze into the glory that is within you then you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Your mind will be re-newed. This means it will be put back to where it was before the world began. You will understand my plan and will be totally awakened to who you are and why you are here. Never again will you see yourselves under anyone or anything.
Once again my loved ones: Look at the light. Look inside. You are the temple where I dwell. All the answers you seek are already within you. I freely gave you all things to enjoy. I did this already and the only thing keeping you from enjoying them is you believe they have to come and you don’t believe they have already come.
You are not asking me to give you anything. You are receiving what was already given. This is why you were told to make your requests known with thanksgiving. When you pray you are not asking me for something but thanking me that it’s already yours. I gave you all things that pertain to life and godliness. You have all you need to reign in life.
So put aside your fears and take possession of what you were given. All you need is within you but you won’t know what is within you if you keep looking outside instead of inside. A good man from the good treasure of his own heart brings out things new and old. What does this mean? You have new treasures or revelations you just learned and you have old ones that you learned long ago but just now remembered.
Think on this. My fullness dwelt bodily in my Son. My Son and I and Holy Spirit all dwell in fullness in you. What more could you need. We made you one with us but as long as you see yourselves as inferior then that is what you will experience because as a man thinks in his heart so is he.
He that is joined to the Lord is “ONE” Spirit. As long as you see yourselves separated from us then you will be ineffective. The prodigal son was only lost in his own thinking. His struggles did not change his Father’s opinion of him. You are my children and no matter what troubles you got yourselves into you are still my children and still have the inheritance you always had.
Think on these things written in Psalm 82:
I say, ‘You are gods; you are all children of the Most High.
But you will die like mere mortals and fall like every other ruler.
If you believe you are just human not born of me then you will experience that reality. If you will wake up and know that you are all gods from God then you will live in harmony with all the heavenly council and will begin to rule over the earth as you were meant to. My son Jesus told you that he and I were one. He didn’t see any separation and he was empowered to do things just as me. "ONE" is the truth and two is a lie. Will you believe the truth?
This is the end of the words He spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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