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Ephesians Chapter Four: New Living Translation
Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace.
For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future.
There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
One God and Father of all,
Who is over all, in all, and living through all.
I woke up this morning with this chapter of scripture dancing in my heart. Sometimes it seems like scripture is jumping up and down waving its hand saying “Look at me.” So I got up and began to read this chapter and while reading Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish. Here are his words:
My beloved family: Yes you are my family! You are my beloved, most precious family! I am the Father from whom all families in heaven and earth get their name. On earth you have divided yourselves and given yourselves different last names. It is not so in heaven. Soon it will be there as it is here. You will all know your true identity and will awaken to the family that you have in both places.
You were chosen before the foundation of the world. You came to earth as a spirit and moved into a body. You have always been spirit. You have always been family. You are a family of spirits that are all born of my Spirit. As the world awakens to this fact then wars and evil will be put aside and as men awaken to the truth of how much they are loved and how much inheritance they have, then greed will cease and brotherly love will reign throughout the earth.
There is a glorious day coming from within you upon the earth. You hear your spirit inside crying out “I want to take my place.” You know there is more to life than what you are living, but you have believed the lies and have been living wrong side out.
Once you are perfected in my love then all fear will be cast out. Nations will not war with nations because your boundaries will be celebrated and not warred over. You will celebrate your cultural and ethnic diversity as flowers of different kinds and colors are celebrated. You will see the beauty in your differences in your bodies and will no longer know hate or racism or any other thing that divides you. You will know each other in spirit and truth and will not know each other by body but will know each other as a sprit brother. The glory within you will clothe you inside and out. You will know that you chose the body you wear as one chooses a garment.
Remember my beloved that all these things are inside you already. You don’t have to ask me for anything but just have to learn to go inside yourselves and bring all these things out of your own heart. Out of a good man’s heart are brought forth treasures new and old. You are lacking nothing and have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness.
There is no such thing as poor or sick there is only ignorance of truth. Those who are sick need to be convinced they are healed. Those who are poor need to be convinced of their wealth. The truth has always been available but I will not force you to live in the truth. You must choose it on your own. Your health and wealth are your inheritance and just need to be accepted as a gift from your parents.
The parable of the prodigal son was prophetic. My Son was the greatest prophet who ever lived. All things he spoke come to pass because his word controls all things. The people of the world, like the prodigal son, have all gone about seeking to make their own way. I gave them all enough to go their way. You all had to go experience the things you did so that you would love home when you come home. You had to experience these things as part of your training. Now, many of you are beginning to awaken and remember that the servants in my house are treated better than the royalty of the world. You are awakening to the fact that all you have found in the world is no more than pig slop. You are awakening and coming home to the kingdom within you which has been yours the whole time.
There are many of you crying out for judgment of those who are slinging slop at each other but you should be crying out for them to awaken and come home. They are lost in the slop but they are still your brothers and sisters. They just went too far into the pig pen and lost their minds.
Remember we are family and this is where religion has been so wrong. They have placed me as a faraway God who is judge, jury and hangman. They have not known me as Father. Remember my Son didn’t just say to call me father but told you to call me Daddy. This is who I am. It is not your Daddy’s will that your brothers be destroyed but that they be restored. Pray this and you will be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Isn’t this what you hear in the pulpit? You hear preachers condemning those who have gone astray and prophesying the doom of their own brothers who are not lost but have lost their mind. Remember that the prodigal son was still a son while rambling around in the slop. The church does not see the earth as a family but sees division in those who it says are lost and they who claim to be found. They, like the brother of the prodigal son only see their own works and don’t have a father’s heart toward their brothers.
I tell you these things so that you will awaken to the truth. I told you through my beloved Paul that at the right time I would gather all things together in heaven and in earth under the authority of my Son. It is my will that none should perish and those who divide are not gathering.
If one died for all then all died and my beloved Son and I drew all men unto ourselves on that cross. We took away the sins of the entire world and all mankind was crucified on that day.
My Son called himself the Son of Man just as prophesied by our beloved Daniel. He did this to identify with you all so he could represent you all. There is one mediator between man and God and that is my Son. He represented you all and died for all and when you condemn anyone you are calling him a liar who sanctified, justified and glorified all men by the sacrifice of himself. Let me make it simple: He that is not gathering is scattering! You have been given the ministry of reconciliation not condemnation.
So my beloved, do you see the new world? Do you see heaven on earth as prayed and prophesied by my Son? Consider this:
The parable of the prodigal son was prophetic. My Son was the greatest prophet who ever lived. All things he spoke come to pass because his word controls all things. The people of the world, like the prodigal son, have all gone about seeking to make their own way. I gave them all enough to go their way. You all had to go experience the things you did so that you would love home when you come home. You had to experience these things as part of your training. Now, many of you are beginning to awaken and remember that the servants in my house are treated better than the royalty of the world. You are awakening to the fact that all you have found in the world is no more than pig slop. You are awakening and coming home to the kingdom within you which has been yours the whole time.
There are many of you crying out for judgment of those who are slinging slop at each other but you should be crying out for them to awaken and come home. They are lost in the slop but they are still your brothers and sisters. They just went too far into the pig pen and lost their minds.
Remember we are family and this is where religion has been so wrong. They have placed me as a faraway God who is judge, jury and hangman. They have not known me as Father. Remember my Son didn’t just say to call me father but told you to call me Daddy. This is who I am. It is not your Daddy’s will that your brothers be destroyed but that they be restored. Pray this and you will be part of the solution and not part of the problem.
Isn’t this what you hear in the pulpit? You hear preachers condemning those who have gone astray and prophesying the doom of their own brothers who are not lost but have lost their mind. Remember that the prodigal son was still a son while rambling around in the slop. The church does not see the earth as a family but sees division in those who it says are lost and they who claim to be found. They, like the brother of the prodigal son only see their own works and don’t have a father’s heart toward their brothers.
I tell you these things so that you will awaken to the truth. I told you through my beloved Paul that at the right time I would gather all things together in heaven and in earth under the authority of my Son. It is my will that none should perish and those who divide are not gathering.
If one died for all then all died and my beloved Son and I drew all men unto ourselves on that cross. We took away the sins of the entire world and all mankind was crucified on that day.
My Son called himself the Son of Man just as prophesied by our beloved Daniel. He did this to identify with you all so he could represent you all. There is one mediator between man and God and that is my Son. He represented you all and died for all and when you condemn anyone you are calling him a liar who sanctified, justified and glorified all men by the sacrifice of himself. Let me make it simple: He that is not gathering is scattering! You have been given the ministry of reconciliation not condemnation.
So my beloved, do you see the new world? Do you see heaven on earth as prayed and prophesied by my Son? Consider this:
I need you to stop condemning those whom I have justified.
I need you to stop calling unclean those whom I have cleansed.
I need you to stop believing those who say the world is going to hell and must be judged and that I must gather all my children out so that I can judge the world.
This is not my plan. Heaven on earth is my plan.
You were sent to earth to change the earth not to escape from it. Love doesn’t escape when needed the most. You are sent as the army of light to fill the earth with my glory and not to condemn the world and then escape.
So wake up my mighty ones! Clothe yourselves in the glory that you have been given! Use the power and the love within you to change the world on the outside into the heaven that is inside you. Pray for those who persecute you. Bless those who curse you. Love the unlovable.
Those of you with children, see all as your own child. Do you want your wayward children to be punished or destroyed, or do you want them to repent and come to their senses and come home to a Father with open arms and be blessed with all they ever dreamed of?
I am waiting. All my prodigals are about to wake up and come home. I have a robe and a crown that has always been theirs. I have the royal ring ready! I have the shoes of peace ready to be placed on your feet!
So wake up my mighty ones! Clothe yourselves in the glory that you have been given! Use the power and the love within you to change the world on the outside into the heaven that is inside you. Pray for those who persecute you. Bless those who curse you. Love the unlovable.
Those of you with children, see all as your own child. Do you want your wayward children to be punished or destroyed, or do you want them to repent and come to their senses and come home to a Father with open arms and be blessed with all they ever dreamed of?
I am waiting. All my prodigals are about to wake up and come home. I have a robe and a crown that has always been theirs. I have the royal ring ready! I have the shoes of peace ready to be placed on your feet!
You wake up and then wake up your brothers and sisters and let’s get the party started. You are all part of the King’s family! You are all my children and are one body. Soon you will understand the Power of One! There is: One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all and one family on earth and in heaven.
Welcome to your family! You are the King's family!
This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
Welcome to your family! You are the King's family!
This is the end of the words he spoke to me earlier today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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