michael's podcast
Galatians Chapter Six
14. As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.
Colossians Chapter Three
1. If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Romans Chapter Eight
6. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
First John Chapter Two “New Living Translation”
15. Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.
As I was praying today these verses came to me so I looked them up and studied them. As I was thinking about them Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words to his beloved ones. He said:
Dearest one: I say one because no matter who you are when you hear these words I want you to know I am speaking to you. Yes I am speaking to all of my children but I want each of you to hear me as if I was only speaking to you. Please hear what I have to say my beloved.
There is a real world that exists that you don’t see. Your mind is set on the things of the physical natural world and so you don’t see the eternal world that exists in and around you.
My children are so entangled in the world that it’s like a net that surrounds them. They are caught up in the latest politics and events and fear based arguments of the people who fight each other just for the sake of fighting. Most don’t even know what they are fighting for they are just fighting because they were told to.
There is a way to rise above all these things and it’s not hard. Think about these questions. Do you regularly see angels all around you? Do you see miraculous events unfolding all around you? You will not see what you are not focused on. You just have to change your focus.
It’s the same in the church. My people can see what they called evil in every person who disagrees with them but can’t see me inside the person they are judging. Have you not read that Christ is the light that lights “Every Man” who comes into the world?
My loved ones, the way to resist what you call evil is not by holding demonstrations to expose it but to bring those people who are trapped by it into the secret place with you and pray for them. If only my people spent half as much time praying for people as they spend judging them... The person you want destroyed is the beloved one whom I want to awaken to the salvation that was already provided for them.
Remember not to call unclean that which I have already cleansed. Those whom the church sees as evil I see as forgiven and cleansed by the sacrifice of my Son. If they knew they had been forgiven then they would awaken unto righteousness and put aside all the darkness they are trapped in.
As I have told you many times before and originally told you through my beloved Paul. I was in Christ on that cross reconciling the world unto myself not counting men’s sins against them. So If I am not counting their sins then why is my church counting them?
There is a better way of living and that is the way of love. If you will rise above in your understanding and realize that you are a spirit who dwells with me and in me and I with you and in you then you would rise above the worldly squabbles.
My Son forgave the men who nailed his hands and feet to the cross but the so called church wants to call down fire on the ones who raised their taxes or the ones who differ from them on political issues or church doctrine. If you were focused on the reality above you would realize that you are so blessed that the worldly events could never even put a dent in what you are supplied with. Focus on the light and the darkness will not affect you.
As you set your minds on the true reality then the false one will disappear. The more you focus on health the quicker your pains will disappear. The more you focus on abundance the faster poverty will flee from you. You have been trained to magnify the problem while ignoring the solution.
Where I am taking you to my child is a kingdom reality. My Son lived on the earth but he governed from heaven. If he had money he spent it if he didn’t he used whatever he had to meet whatever the need was. He was not limited in any way by what you call “physical reality.” Even on your television you watch so called “reality shows” and yet none of it is real. You are taught to see the illusion and ignore the truth.
It’s time to come up higher and see things as they truly are. Let me give you some examples. Many preachers tell you the end of the world is coming. In his letter to the Ephesians our beloved Paul said “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, (world without end). Amen.
They tell you the whole world is going into darkness but in the scriptures it says: “And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD. For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already.”
The so called church tells the multitude that they are going to hell but in the Revelation of My Son it says: “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
You hear that there is going to be a terrible disease that destroys most of the population but my beloved Isaiah prophesied: “No longer will a nursing infant live but a few days, or an old man fail to live out his years. For the youth will die at a hundred years, and he who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed.”
What I am saying my beloved is that things are not as you believe they are. My Kingdom is moving and advancing and as my Son told you the smallest of seeds will become the biggest tree in the garden. My plan has not changed. You will overcome and subdue the earth. Meaning you will overcome the part of you that is earthly. Earth will become just like heaven and the process is still underway. No political party or corporation or event will change my plan.
You must focus on the plan and take your eyes off the illusion. My beloved prophet Isaiah told you the plan when he spoke of my Son and said the government would be on his shoulders and said to the increase of My Son’s government and of peace there shall be no end! The Kingdom will grow bigger and bigger until the whole earth is changed!
While my people are gazing into the dark illusion there are miracles happening all around. You must reset your gaze and look into the heavenly realm for truth. My gospel is great news! Before you were born I sanctified, justified and glorified you. You were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. What could be better than that?
You were not born a sinner but were born into a kingdom as a child of the King. You fell into sin because you forgot your true identity. Your salvation was the great revelation that hit you when you realized that My Beloved Son was living inside you. This is what it means to be born again or born from above. You were not born of the will of the flesh but were born of my Spirit and put inside a body in your mother’s womb.
Set your mind on this reality and let go of the worldly illusion. If your eye is single and focused on the true light then your whole body will be filled with heavenly light. If you continue to focus on darkness the darkness will fill your body and dim your eye so that you can’t see the light.
My loved one: Yes you, the one hearing these words right now! Awaken to the truth of the true gospel! Awaken to the fact that you are a much loved child and that no one is keeping a record of your mistakes! Look into the glorious light of the heavenly realm and that light will fill you to overflowing until all that is around you is in the light!
Stop believing the illusion. The thickest darkness in the entire world can never put out one tiny candle. Focus on the light and the darkness will flee. You have the truth within you. Remember my beloved: Focus on the light!
This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
For more information please click the links below:
Galatians Chapter Six
14. As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.
Colossians Chapter Three
1. If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Romans Chapter Eight
6. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
First John Chapter Two “New Living Translation”
15. Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world.
As I was praying today these verses came to me so I looked them up and studied them. As I was thinking about them Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words to his beloved ones. He said:
Dearest one: I say one because no matter who you are when you hear these words I want you to know I am speaking to you. Yes I am speaking to all of my children but I want each of you to hear me as if I was only speaking to you. Please hear what I have to say my beloved.
There is a real world that exists that you don’t see. Your mind is set on the things of the physical natural world and so you don’t see the eternal world that exists in and around you.
My children are so entangled in the world that it’s like a net that surrounds them. They are caught up in the latest politics and events and fear based arguments of the people who fight each other just for the sake of fighting. Most don’t even know what they are fighting for they are just fighting because they were told to.
There is a way to rise above all these things and it’s not hard. Think about these questions. Do you regularly see angels all around you? Do you see miraculous events unfolding all around you? You will not see what you are not focused on. You just have to change your focus.
It’s the same in the church. My people can see what they called evil in every person who disagrees with them but can’t see me inside the person they are judging. Have you not read that Christ is the light that lights “Every Man” who comes into the world?
My loved ones, the way to resist what you call evil is not by holding demonstrations to expose it but to bring those people who are trapped by it into the secret place with you and pray for them. If only my people spent half as much time praying for people as they spend judging them... The person you want destroyed is the beloved one whom I want to awaken to the salvation that was already provided for them.
Remember not to call unclean that which I have already cleansed. Those whom the church sees as evil I see as forgiven and cleansed by the sacrifice of my Son. If they knew they had been forgiven then they would awaken unto righteousness and put aside all the darkness they are trapped in.
As I have told you many times before and originally told you through my beloved Paul. I was in Christ on that cross reconciling the world unto myself not counting men’s sins against them. So If I am not counting their sins then why is my church counting them?
There is a better way of living and that is the way of love. If you will rise above in your understanding and realize that you are a spirit who dwells with me and in me and I with you and in you then you would rise above the worldly squabbles.
My Son forgave the men who nailed his hands and feet to the cross but the so called church wants to call down fire on the ones who raised their taxes or the ones who differ from them on political issues or church doctrine. If you were focused on the reality above you would realize that you are so blessed that the worldly events could never even put a dent in what you are supplied with. Focus on the light and the darkness will not affect you.
As you set your minds on the true reality then the false one will disappear. The more you focus on health the quicker your pains will disappear. The more you focus on abundance the faster poverty will flee from you. You have been trained to magnify the problem while ignoring the solution.
Where I am taking you to my child is a kingdom reality. My Son lived on the earth but he governed from heaven. If he had money he spent it if he didn’t he used whatever he had to meet whatever the need was. He was not limited in any way by what you call “physical reality.” Even on your television you watch so called “reality shows” and yet none of it is real. You are taught to see the illusion and ignore the truth.
It’s time to come up higher and see things as they truly are. Let me give you some examples. Many preachers tell you the end of the world is coming. In his letter to the Ephesians our beloved Paul said “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, (world without end). Amen.
They tell you the whole world is going into darkness but in the scriptures it says: “And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the LORD. For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already.”
The so called church tells the multitude that they are going to hell but in the Revelation of My Son it says: “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
You hear that there is going to be a terrible disease that destroys most of the population but my beloved Isaiah prophesied: “No longer will a nursing infant live but a few days, or an old man fail to live out his years. For the youth will die at a hundred years, and he who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed.”
What I am saying my beloved is that things are not as you believe they are. My Kingdom is moving and advancing and as my Son told you the smallest of seeds will become the biggest tree in the garden. My plan has not changed. You will overcome and subdue the earth. Meaning you will overcome the part of you that is earthly. Earth will become just like heaven and the process is still underway. No political party or corporation or event will change my plan.
You must focus on the plan and take your eyes off the illusion. My beloved prophet Isaiah told you the plan when he spoke of my Son and said the government would be on his shoulders and said to the increase of My Son’s government and of peace there shall be no end! The Kingdom will grow bigger and bigger until the whole earth is changed!
While my people are gazing into the dark illusion there are miracles happening all around. You must reset your gaze and look into the heavenly realm for truth. My gospel is great news! Before you were born I sanctified, justified and glorified you. You were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. What could be better than that?
You were not born a sinner but were born into a kingdom as a child of the King. You fell into sin because you forgot your true identity. Your salvation was the great revelation that hit you when you realized that My Beloved Son was living inside you. This is what it means to be born again or born from above. You were not born of the will of the flesh but were born of my Spirit and put inside a body in your mother’s womb.
Set your mind on this reality and let go of the worldly illusion. If your eye is single and focused on the true light then your whole body will be filled with heavenly light. If you continue to focus on darkness the darkness will fill your body and dim your eye so that you can’t see the light.
My loved one: Yes you, the one hearing these words right now! Awaken to the truth of the true gospel! Awaken to the fact that you are a much loved child and that no one is keeping a record of your mistakes! Look into the glorious light of the heavenly realm and that light will fill you to overflowing until all that is around you is in the light!
Stop believing the illusion. The thickest darkness in the entire world can never put out one tiny candle. Focus on the light and the darkness will flee. You have the truth within you. Remember my beloved: Focus on the light!
This is the end of the words He spoke to me moments ago.
I hope you are encouraged by these words,
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,
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