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Monday, March 14, 2022

Enemy Number One

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Genesis Chapter Three

8. When the cool evening breezes were blowing, the man and his wife heard the LORD God walking about in the garden. So they hid from the LORD God among the trees. Then the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?”

He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.”

First John Chapter Four

16. We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. We love each other because he loved us first.

    As I was praying today these verses came to me. So I looked them up and studied them and as I did Father spoke to me and said: “Enemy number one!” I asked him what he meant and he began to teach and I began to write and here are his words. He said:

    My loved one: Write these words and share them with my beloved ones. I so long for the day when you all surrender to perfect love and have no more fear.

    Fear is your biggest enemy. Most believe you have an enemy you call the devil or the Satan. But this one was defeated and ruined long ago. Do you remember what was written of my Son? “For this cause was the Son of God manifested; that he might destroy the works of the devil? Do you think my Son failed? Are you not seated with me in heavenly places far above all principalities and rulers? If you are in me then is there anyone above you or anyone who can harm you?

    My loved one fear is your biggest enemy. It was the same in the beginning. Adam was afraid so he hid. Because false religion keeps you bound to believing you are full of sin and evil you face the same obstacles. If you truly knew of your perfect innocence and holiness you would never be afraid again. You are complete in my Son and you lack nothing but the understanding of who you are and how much you are loved.

    My loved ones: There is only one antidote to fear and that is love. As mighty as faith is it can’t remove fear. As powerful as hope is it can’t remove fear. There is only one thing that is the greatest and that is love. My perfect love will drive all fear out of your lives and make you free if you will only surrender to the love that I am to you. Remember I AM LOVE!

    Think of it this way. If you could see yourself sitting in my lap would you be afraid of the bills you face, or the sickness you face or even death?

    Now imagine that you are not just sitting in my lap but you one with me. He who is joined to the Lord is “one Spirit.” We are not two. We are one. One God made of Father, Spirit and Sons and daughters inseparable by any power. There is neither Jew nor gentile, male or female, bond or free. You are all “one” in my Son and in me. Once you awaken you will understand that you are just as much part of me as I am of you. This can only be revealed by allowing my love to drive all fear from your mind and life.

    Fear makes you think in terms of limitations. Love only knows abundance. Fear says “I may lose all my money and be poor.” Love says “my father loves me and will provide all I need no matter what.” Love understands there is no limit to supply.

    Do you remember what is written in the book you call Job? He said “what I greatly feared has come upon me and what I dreaded came true.” Fear is faith in reverse. Just as faith brings you wonderful things, fear brings you bad things. This is why you are told over and over to never fear. I didn't tell you not to be afraid to scold you but to protect you. 

    Here is the tricky part. You can’t use your faith to overcome fear. Only love overcomes fear. You can confess a thousand times that you are not afraid and it will not stop you from being afraid. The only answer is to surrender to love and the fear will disappear.

    Fear says “I may lose all that I have” but love says “even if I lose everything my loving Father will replace it with better.” Fear says “I may get sick and be in great pain” but love says “I will not fear because my Father loves me and he is my health.”

    So when there is no fear left nothing bad comes upon you because you did not empower it by being afraid. As you were told by our beloved on whom you call John fear has to do with torment or punishment. The false religion most of you grew up on told you that I was vengeful and you would be punished for every mistake but that is not the truth. If love keeps no record of wrong as you were told by our beloved Paul then what are you to be punished for? As you were told in his letter to the Corinthians that I was in my Son the Christ on the cross reconciling the whole world to myself and “NOT” counting men’s sins against them so who can accuse you?

    My loved ones, my Son completed a perfect work. He took away not only your sin but the sins of the whole world. We were not counting your sins against you but you needed somewhere to rest your guilty conscience so we took the punishment that the law demanded so you could feel and know that you are innocent. Once you realize your innocence you will not feel deserving of punishment or of the bad things that happen to people. This will help you to understand just how much you are loved and will disable fear from affecting you. If you think bad things are part of your punishment then you will accept them and this is wrong. Every correction I ever do is restorative and not punitive.

    So here is the summation of what I am telling you. Your sins were forgiven never to be mentioned again. The enemy you called the Devil was destroyed long ago. As you were told in the first epistle of John that you were born of incorruptible seed and the evil one cannot touch you. You are holy and blameless in my sight and are loved beyond understanding. So there is nothing to fear.

    So please my beloved ones. Understand that you are the beloved and meditate on my love until fear has no place in you. No matter what you face there is only one thing that will not fail and that is my love. So rejoice in my love and all fear will be removed from your life.

    This is the end of the words he gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

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