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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Perfectly One!

    An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

John Chapter Seventeen

20. “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

Ephesians Chapter One

3. All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.

Galatians Chapter Three

26. For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise.

Ephesians Chapter Four

1. I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

    As I was praying today these verses spoke to me so I looked them up and studied them and I was studying them Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words. Here are his words, he said:

    My children listen with all your might: We are one and you are perfectly one. You are flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone. Once again I tell you that there is no separation between us. The part of you that is endlessly living inside of you is me. I put myself into you. Your life is hidden within me and my life is hidden within you. We are one Spirit. There is no division and the only division we have ever known has been in your mind.

    Soon you will understand that you are Spirit from Spirit and will no longer be bogged down beneath the elements of the world. If you remember my first born walked through walls, walked on water and disappeared through people and appeared on the other side. He was not limited by what you call the laws of physics. The higher laws supersede the laws of matter. All matter is just energy or spirit appearing as solid or liquid or gas. Yet at its core it is energy or spirit.

    I am the energy or spirit that all things are made of. In the beginning there was only me so all things are made by me, for me and of me. Soon you will understand all these things and will realize that you don’t have to be limited by anything.

    This is why my firstborn could tell you not to worry about what you will eat or drink or with what you will be clothed because you are not the created but are the creators. You will remember your beginning and know that your lives were fully supplied before you arrived on earth. All things are possible but you must choose which things you experience. You are one with me and are high above all things in what you call the physical realm.

    You have within you the most powerful of all things. You have the mind of Christ which is divine imagination. As it is written all things were created by him and through him and nothing exists that wasn’t created by him. He is the firstborn and the pattern of all things. This is why it is written that as a man thinks in his heart so is he. Your deepest thoughts soon become part of this experience you call life. If you think of sickness and disease then this is what you experience. If you think of health and wealth then this is what you experience.

    This is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The rich think about multiplying their wealth and the poor think about their wealth diminishing. It is also why it is written to him who has shall more be given and to him who has not shall even what he has be taken away. If you believe you are prosperous you will prosper and if you believe you have lack then the little that you have will be lost. It’s not because of evil or darkness but because I put within you the power of creating only by using thought. Once again: If you see yourselves as having then you have more. If you see yourself lacking then you lack more.

    This power is a great gift but you have been fooled into using it incorrectly. Think of it this way. A blind man came up to my first born and my Son asked him “what would you have me do for you? Most of you would say “duh, he was blind, what could he ever want more than sight?” But my Son didn’t see him as blind but saw him as whole so he restored him to health. This is also why he told the man with the withered arm to stretch forth that arm. He knew the arm was whole and not withered. He told the paralytic man that his sins were forgiven and to take up his bed and walk. He knew the man was whole but his guilt had crippled him. Once he knew he was forgiven he was freed from the condition. He saw all people as whole and they changed into the image that he saw in his heart. The same works within you. You will appear outwardly as you believe inwardly.

    What I am saying is as long as you see the world as evil you will experience an evil world. As long as you see people sick they will remain sick. As long as you see people lacking they will live in lack. This is why our beloved Paul said “we present every man perfect in Christ.” This is why the disciples saw a lad with a few fishes but my Son saw enough food to feed the multitude and have plenty left over.

    My loved ones, this is why once again I tell you that you must take your eyes off the world and look into the heavenly realm. What you think on becomes your reality even though it is an illusion. Illusions can be harmful. If you think you see a snake you may jump in front of traffic even though it wasn’t a snake but a broken limb. You can get a report from a doctor and see it as an illusion or see it as a death sentence. How you see it and think about it will become your reality. The only way to rise above is to live from above. To live from above is to live from the truth within and giving no power to what you see outwardly.

    My loved ones, this is why it is so absolutely important that you start seeing the truth that we are one. This is how you experience heaven on earth. Can you imagine me being sick? Can you imagine me being in lack? If you see the truth that you and I are one then you will understand that the things that you know to be true about me are also true about you. 

    As He is so are you in this world. The only division between us is your thoughts. You are just as beloved and just as much my child as my first born is. He knew we were one and proclaimed it to be so. You still are having doubts but soon those doubts will be destroyed and you will walk in the perfection of one.

    My children, I sanctified, justified and glorified you already. I gave you all things that pertain to life and godliness. My Son became poor to make you rich. You keep asking me to do what was already done and because of your unbelief you don’t enter in to the rest that was always available.

    In the beginning I created “the heavens” and the earth. I live in heaven. I live in you. You are the heavens I created.  The heaven was perfect but the earthly part of you was formless and void. I said “let us make man in our image.” This means let’s use our imaginations and see what man becomes. You were there in the beginning. You were with me. Look deep into your deepest heart and you will remember. You were chosen before the foundation of the world. Before Abraham was I am. You can say the same.

    My glorious ones it is time to know who you are and to use this power called your imagination to change your experience. You change the imaginations within you and you will experience what you imagine. Set your mind on things that are lovely and pure and of good report and this is what you will experience. As it is written the heavens belong to the Lord but the earth he has given into the hands of the sons of men. Before the world was created you were given authority over it because you helped me create it.

    If you see the world through the lens of good versus evil you will experience that reality. If you see the world through the lens of the tree of life you will experience that reality. If you see yourself as below and me as above you will experience that reality but if you will see the absolute truth that you and I are one then you will never be limited again. I am one, and you are the same one and you are perfectly one!

    This is the end of the words he gave me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

    For more information please click on the links below:

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Perfect Peace

     An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words. Here is what he said:

    My beautiful ones please don’t forget my goodness. I know right now it seems as if the world is in chaos and all is lost but this is not the time to forget that I love you and I am kind and I will never forsake you.

    I want you to remember the times past when you thought it was over and yet you made it. Take your eyes off the trouble and put them on the answer. You are changed from the glory you express now into the greater glory you will express not by staring at the problems of the world but by looking at my face. If you set your focus, which is your single eye, upon me, then your whole body will be full of light. Staring at the darkness will not let any light into any situation. You must remember that no matter what it seems like outside it is heavenly inside you. I dwell in you and I am not leaving. We are one and what I joined together no man can put asunder.

    My little ones my beloved one told you that you are the light of the world and you are the city set on a hill. If you surrender your light to the darkness then what chance do those who are blinded by the world have in finding their way? Remember dear loved ones that I am the one who made the light and there is none who can put it out. The darkest night does not put out the dimmest candle. You must stay focused on the light until the darkness is nowhere to be found.

    I know I have told you these things many times yet so many of you are still not listening. You are looking at the media and the news and believing what they are showing you is truth. It’s all lies. It is called programming for a reason. They know what they are doing but their time is short and their pretend kingdom is collapsing. They show you things as they wish they were not as they really are. They don’t wield any power at all and the only way they can hurt you is if you give them your power to do so. Don’t give into fear and empower a powerless enemy.

    Do you remember how my Son told the disciples to pray? He said of me “thine is THE KINGDOM, thine is THE POWER and thine is THE GLORY! How many kingdoms did he say there are? How many powers did he say there are? Did you forget that my Son destroyed all the power of what you call the devil? Did you forget that my son said “all authority was given unto me in heaven and in earth? So how many powers are there? There is one!

    You believe there is some evil power fighting against good and trying to destroy my kingdom but this is not so. The only thing you are fighting is wickedness in the hearts of greedy men who want to rule over you with fear and intimidation. The only thing you are truly fighting is ignorance of the fact that it was finished, it is finished and will always be finished.

    If you will hear there is a place of rest where all things are done. As it is written those who believe enter into rest. As long as you remain in this rest you are abiding in the secret place. If you think you have to come out of this rest and fight against some evil power you are no longer in rest.

    Remember where you are. You are in Christ and you are seated in heavenly places far above all things. You are above and you are not from below. You are in the world but you are not of the world system. You are a spiritual being, the children of God and not the lowly peasants you have been told you are.

    Those who would like to rule over you want to keep you divided by race and gender and religion and anything else that will keep you fighting and out of rest. Your power is in rest and your power is in the spiritual realm which creates the physical realm. This is why they want you to think you are a lowly human being and not a god from God. Knowing who you are gives you power over the lower realm because of the rank of your spirit. Knowing you are from above gives you power over all things below.

    So my powerful ones: Rest in me! Remember my goodness to you! Let go of the fear message and lock yourselves into the truth message. It is a message of love and peace and prosperity. It is a message of hope and encouragement. The gospel is the good news and there is no bad news in the good news. You are my glorious ones and you will not fail.

    We are entering the day when all things change. It will be heaven on earth just as my beloved one asked. He also asked that I not take you out of the world but protect you from it.
Think about these words written in scripture:

Those who fear the LORD are secure;
He will be a refuge for their children.

The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
My God is my rock, in whom I find protection.

He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.

I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.

    My children set your mind on things above where you dwell in me and I dwell in you. You are safe and secure in me and have no reason to fear. You are in my hands and no one can touch you! Remember my loved ones to encourage each other. The storm will soon be over and a new heavenly earth is waiting. Remember it is written: I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is set on me! Rest in my perfect peace!

    This is the end of the words he gave me to share with you today.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click the links below:

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Eternally Mine

An audio version of this message will soon be available at the link below:

michael's podcast

    As I was praying today Father spoke to me and asked me to listen and write and publish his words for the children he adores. So I was happy to do so and here are his words.

    To my beloved ones whom I adore: I have loved you for longer than there has been time. You were born of my Spirit before time began. You were with me before there was sun or moon or stars. You have always been with me but you don’t remember. I have loved, do love and will love you with all that I am forever and ever.

    My dearest ones I need you to refocus on what is true forever. What you see with your natural eyes is deceiving. You must focus on things above which means the things of the spirit of which you are a part of. These things are not a million miles away in some place called heaven for you are my temple and you are heaven. Heaven is where I dwell and I delightfully dwell in you.

    There are so many things I want to say to you but they can’t be heard with your natural ears and the things I want to show you cannot be seen with your natural eyes. As it is written “eyes cannot see and ears cannot hear what wonderful things I have for you but they are revealed by my Spirit directly into your heart.” This goes beyond any form of communication that you know of. Learning is good but knowing is much better. There are treasures within you that you have yet to unlock because you are looking and listening outside instead of inside.

    Do you remember that it is written that I was pleased to dwell fully in Christ? Well Christ dwells in you and I dwell in Christ and you dwell in Christ and Christ dwells in me. There is no separation. You are just as much a part of me as your face is part of you. Just as much a part of me as your own beating heart is a part of you. Put away any thinking that says you are separate from me. We are as one as one can be!

    My loved ones as you look inside you will see that I created all things from the beginning. I finished my works before the world began. I knew what time you would be on the earth and I finished all the work of supplying all that you would ever need while you are here. You are just as supplied on earth as you are in heaven but you have not believed it so you don’t experience it.

    I already gave “You” all things that pertain to life and godliness. I already blessed “you" with all blessings in the heavenly places and these places are within you. The reason faith doesn’t work most of the time is because you think you are waiting on me to do something or make something and all things were done and made before the world began. I entered into rest and all that I created has been put in your spirit. A good man out of the treasures of his own heart brings forth things new and old. Or in other words: priceless antique wisdom and new revelation. You don’t have to ask for anything but only have to believe that all I have was already given unto you. Asking is merely laying hold of what is already yours. As our beloved Paul told you to make your requests known with thanksgiving. This is true faith to believe that I already provided before you asked.

    Oh adorable ones if you only knew how my heart longs to see you be all you are in all dimensions. If you only knew of your glory which I bestowed upon you before the world began. You are not fallen beings, you are holy and blameless and perfect in my eyes. You have no fault or blemish. You are completely complete!

    You will have to let go of all the lying doctrines you have learned from so called religion. When I said “you are Gods” I meant it. You are one with me and seeing yourselves as anything less than me is error.

    Those of you with children: You don’t see yourselves as above and your children as below. Loving parents will guard their beloved children above their own lives. The moment your child is conceived you treasure them above all that you have and love and your only goal is to fill their lives with love and happiness and to think that I would do any less is blasphemy.

    You have to let go of the lies and believe the truth. You weren’t a lowly sinner that I plucked out of hell. You were and are my beloved children who forgot who you are and thought of yourselves as mere men. Nothing is farther from the truth. There is only one breath and you were born with my breath in your lungs to prove to you that you are mine. All is mine as it is written “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”

    So called religion twisted the scriptures because they didn’t understand the highest form of symbolic poetry and translated it as backstreet slang. My words are spirit and if you only read them with your mind and not your heart you will not understand them. The natural mind does not understand spiritual things. As is written in the letter you call Galatians: these things are allegories, so you must understand that all things written have deeper meaning that what you see on the surface. Never open your bible without first inviting your Holy Spirit teacher to show you the real meaning.

    I’ll give you an example. Peter and John were going to the temple when they saw the lame man on the street asking for alms. What did they tell him to do? They said look at us. Why? Did they think they were special? No they did so because the lame man had lost all his dignity and would no longer look people in the eye because he saw himself as a lower being than anyone who was not crippled. They restored his dignity by making them see the love they had for him in their eyes. Then it said Peter grabbed him by his right hand and lifted him up. Why the right hand? Because that is the hand two equals shake when doing a business deal. They showed the man that he was not just a lame man on the street but a beloved child of God. They showed him that he was their equal.

    These things are not written but Holy Spirit will show you all of these things in the scriptures. All of the law and prophets were physical events that pointed to spiritual truths. It’s the same all the way through the scriptures. Adam lost his wife in a garden and was not willing to live there without her so he entered into sin to be with her. Christ was in a garden and he became sin because he was not willing to live without his bride. Adam’s wife was born of a rib but Christ's bride was born when blood and water flowed from his side. He was not the second Adam. He is the last Adam.

    David killed the man of war and took his bride. Her husband would rather fight a war than be with her. His allegiance was to war and not to love. My beloved Son fulfilled the law and prophets ending the wrath of the law and took himself a bride for as Paul said she could not marry another while her husband was alive. Israel was married to the Law of Moses. Christ fulfilled the law and freed those who were slaves to it.

    Samson allowed himself to be taken and gave his life because of the one he loved. My son did the same. Look at every story in the scriptures and you will see a picture of the one who is in love giving all to be with the one he adores. This is why my Son told the Pharisees that they searched the scriptures to find life but the scriptures were written about him.

    Do you see what the monster calling itself religion has stolen from you? It’s time to understand who you are and how much you are loved and you will never feel forsaken or alone again. How can you be alone when the one who adores you lives within you?

    So, my beautiful, adorable children of my deepest heart; don’t accept anything less than who you are and how you are loved. Set your eyes upon me and my truth and you will know who you are and you will come to know that all you need is inside you. You lack nothing! You have an eternal well springing up within you that will never run dry. Drink from within and not from without. Live from with and not from without. I am within and not without. You are lacking nothing except the truth that you have all. From forever past and forever future you are eternally mine!

    This is the end of the words He asked me to share with you today.
I hope you are encouraged by these words.
Until next time,
Grow Rich in His Grace,
I love you all,

For more information please click the links below: